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Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

bushsuck said:
wow, china is torturing people in a faktitous country, did u even look at a map before making that thread?
is not called torturing, is called liberating their mind from the evil democrazist.. thats y is called People's Liberation Army!
lol, u gotta try better. at least liberation sounds better than bringing the democracy as the americans call it, of course the only difference is, americans are bringing democracy to "terrorists" for defending foriegn territory, the chinese are liberating terrorists for stopping stuff from being blow up.
China's Xinjiang hit by violence

Three people have been killed and more than 20 injured in violence in the city of Urumqi in China's restive Xinjiang region, state media says.

Xinhua news agency said police restored order after demonstrators attacked passers-by and set fire to vehicles.

Xinhua did not say how many people were involved or what their motive was.

But activists and eyewitnesses said that those involved in the unrest were minority Muslim Uighurs. An overnight curfew has been declared.

Xinjiang is home to about eight million Uighurs, some of whom want independence.

"It started as a few hundred, and then there were easily over 1,000 involved," one unidentified eyewitness told Reuters news agency.

Ethnic tensions

Adam Grode, an American national studying in Urumqi, said he has seen protesters knocking over police barriers and smashing bus windows.

Police responded with tear gas, hoses and batons, he told the Associated Press news agency, and once night fell more police and soldiers poured into the city.

Uighur activists in Japan and Germany said that they had received reports of multiple arrests.

Xinhua said that the three dead were Han Chinese.

It is not clear what triggered the unrest, but relations between the Han Chinese community and the Uighurs can be tense.

China enforces tight controls in Xinjiang and rejects calls from the Uighurs for self-rule.

The US state department accuses Beijing of human-rights abuses in the region.

In a report released earlier this year, it said that "severe cultural and religious repression" of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang had increased.

Uighur separatists, meanwhile, have waged a low-level campaign against Chinese rule for decades and there are sporadic outbreaks of violence.
China's Xinjiang hit by violence

Three people have been killed and more than 20 injured in violence in the city of Urumqi in China's restive Xinjiang region, state media says.

Xinhua news agency said police restored order after demonstrators attacked passers-by and set fire to vehicles.

Xinhua did not say how many people were involved or what their motive was.

But activists and eyewitnesses said that those involved in the unrest were minority Muslim Uighurs. An overnight curfew has been declared.

Xinjiang is home to about eight million Uighurs, some of whom want independence.

"It started as a few hundred, and then there were easily over 1,000 involved," one unidentified eyewitness told Reuters news agency.

Ethnic tensions

Adam Grode, an American national studying in Urumqi, said he has seen protesters knocking over police barriers and smashing bus windows.

Police responded with tear gas, hoses and batons, he told the Associated Press news agency, and once night fell more police and soldiers poured into the city.

Uighur activists in Japan and Germany said that they had received reports of multiple arrests.

Xinhua said that the three dead were Han Chinese.

It is not clear what triggered the unrest, but relations between the Han Chinese community and the Uighurs can be tense.

China enforces tight controls in Xinjiang and rejects calls from the Uighurs for self-rule.

The US state department accuses Beijing of human-rights abuses in the region.

In a report released earlier this year, it said that "severe cultural and religious repression" of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang had increased.

Uighur separatists, meanwhile, have waged a low-level campaign against Chinese rule for decades and there are sporadic outbreaks of violence.

:woot: a thread posted in 2006.....you really tried,i have to give you some credit for this not matter what you posted,indian is very very funny

Pakistanis love our Uighur brothers/sisters! Your persecution will not go unnoticed! Pakistan Zindabad! East Turkistan Zindabad!
indian here are more like the 50 cent poster,haha
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:woot: a thread posted in 2006.....you really tried,i have to give you some credit for this not matter what you posted,indian is very very funny

Thread might be old but it is new development in the same matter. If you want I will be more than happy to start new thread. I used search engice from this site to see if there was something already posted similar to this matter, So we dont have to make same arguments over and over again. Thank you for appriciating my sense of humor.:wave:
i think pakistan should not get involve in this china is our friend and we should not do foolish things by commenting on chinas internal situition pakistan stands by china and this is nothing but a propaganda mind games what we call it in diplomatic state to state circle as you can understand that it has the potiential to weaken sino pak ties we should avoid this kinds of discussions in the very first place
long live
sino-pakistan friendship

what happen to your human right arguments. same thing happens in kashmir, you call it human right violation and same done by china, its their internal matter. Hypocrisy at its best.
what happen to your human right arguments. same thing happens in kashmir, you call it human right violation and same done by china, its their internal matter. Hypocrisy at its best.

couldn't have been said better...:tup:
Where is our Chinese friend.. O let me guess the great fire wall of China blocked him...

Pakistanis love our Uighur brothers/sisters! Your persecution will not go unnoticed! Pakistan Zindabad! East Turkistan Zindabad!

For the first time, I totally agree with you.

Atleast you are not a hypocrite like many others here, for whom Kashmiri Muslims are brothers and Uhighers Muslims are not.

Thumbs up for your honesty. :tup:
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