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Large Iranian satellite will be placed on GEO orbit, next year: Ahmadinejad


Dec 9, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Today Ahmadinejad announced: Iranian large satellite that is being built by Iranian experts now, will be placed into GEO orbits next year.

احمدی*نژاد: ماهواره بزرگ ایرانی سال آینده در مدار زمین قرار می*گیرد

رئیس *جمهور کشورمان با بیان اینکه ماهواره بزرگ ایرانی که هم*اکنون در داخل کشور در حال ساخت است، در یک سال آینده در مدار زمین قرار می*گیرد.
به گزارش مشرق به نقل از فارس، محمود احمدی*نژاد دقایقی پیش در اجتماع پرشور مردم سمنان در ورزشگاه تختی این شهر اظهار داشت: ماهواره بزرگ ایرانی که هم*اکنون به دست متخصصان داخلی در حال ساخت است، تا یک سال آینده در مدار 36 هزار کیلومتری زمین قرار می*گیرد.

اجازه ندادند هدفمندی يارانه ها کامل اجرا شود/به شما چه ربطی دارد رهبری فرمودند که همه بيايند - مشرق نیوز | mashreghnews.ir
This is another similar statement by Ahmadinejad around two months ago :


And below report is a report with more information announced by commander of IRGC, Jafar Azizi, about a project for putting a satellite (more than 100 kg?) into 36000 km orbit in near future by a solid propellant rocket. This was the last project Shahid Tehrani Moghadam was working on it.
I think this is the same project that Ahmadinejad talks about it (and in fact it is an ICBM).

پروژه پرتاب ماهواره با سوخت جامد در مدار ژئو بزودي به نتيجه مي رسد
چهارشنبه ۲۴ آبان ۱۳۹۱ ساعت ۲۱:۴۱
سرلشكر محمدعلي جعفري اعلام كرد بزودي آخرين پروژه اي كه شهيد تهراني مقدم دنبال مي كرد به نتيجه خواهد رسيد.
فرمانده كل سپاه در حاشيه مراسم سالگرد شهيد حسن تهراني مقدم و يارانش درخصوص آخرين پروژه اين شهيد گفت: اين پروژه مربوط به پروژه موشكي پرتاب ماهواره اي با سوخت جامد در مدار ژئو است كه مدار بسيار بالايي است و جمهوري اسلامي تاكنون پرتاب ماهواره اي بالاي 100 كيلوگرم در چنين مداري نداشته است.
وي ادامه داد: انشاءالله در آينده نزديك پروژه به نتيجه خواهد رسيد و كساني كه از توقف پروژه هاي شهيد تهراني مقدم صحبت مي كنند از فلسفه خون شهيد مطلع نيستند.
جعفري تاكيد كرد: تعدادي از متخصصان و دانشجويان راه اين شهيد را ادامه مي دهند ولي چون كار بسيار بزرگي است، زمان خاص خود را مي طلبد.
فرمانده كل سپاه اظهار داشت: ما بايد پيشرفت هاي علمي خود را داشته باشيم و در هر زمينه كه مي توانيم جلو برويم و ممكن است با پيشرفت هاي ما دشمن احساس تهديد و خطر كند كه اين طبيعي است.
همچنين سردار جعفري در خصوص تعرض پهپاد آمريكايي به فضاي كشورمان، گفت: يكي از پهپادهاي دشمن به صورت اشتباه و يا عمدي وارد منطقه خليج فارس و منطقه FIR كه منطقه ممنوعه پروازي بود شد و سيستم هاي پدافند جمهوري اسلامي و جنگنده هاي سپاه كه وظيفه مقابله را داشتند، به وظيفه خود عمل كردند.
جعفري ادامه داد: اگر باز هم اين اتفاق بيافتد چنين حركتي از طرف ايران انجام مي شود.

پروژه پرتاب ماهواره با سوخت جامد در مدار ژئو بزودي به نتيجه مي رسد
Guys!!! This is not an SLV but an ICBM :)

This is project of moghadam :)

p.s, there is nothing large about a 100kg satellite! That 100 kg sat is just to test the ICBM.
They said last year they will use this solid fulled missile to launch a 100kg to GEO, could it be they will launch a heavier one?

That would be very important.
A member of a another forum calculated, if the missile launches a 100 kg sat into GEO then that mean it can work as a ICBM with 11,000 KM range and 1000 Kg warhead :coffee:
Guys!!! This is not an SLV but an ICBM :)

This is project of moghadam :)

p.s, there is nothing large about a 100kg satellite! That 100 kg sat is just to test the ICBM.
They said last year they will use this solid fulled missile to launch a 100kg to GEO, could it be they will launch a heavier one?

That would be very important.
A member of a another forum calculated, if the missile launches a 100 kg sat into GEO then that mean it can work as a ICBM with 11,000 KM range and 1000 Kg warhead :coffee:
well if it can carry a 1000 kg to GEO then it can carry more than 1 Ton into LEO
well if it can carry a 1000 kg to GEO then it can carry more than 1 Ton into LEO

You mean 100kg to GEO?
also, bro, don't forget after he died, moghadams brother gave an interview saying his brother was working on a advance ICBM :)
and jafari (militray officials) said Iran will show a strategic ICBM and that it was moghadams dream to make ICBM.

Those news were all removed quickly, however people like me and others on Iran military sites saw them. However, for security reason the forum's also deleted the news.

Iran is working on a SLV for GEO satellites, we are currently working on the engines and they will be ready by 2018.
but this solid fuelled missile is an ICBM :)
Im still sceptical about all these announcements. I think it could be an attempt for Ahmadinejad to rally people and gain more popularity (in order to promote his candidate Mashaei for June elections). Maybe a little farfetched, but who knows.
I have no doubt in my mind that we will see the launch of such a rocket and satellite. But next year? Only time will tell.
Im still sceptical about all these announcements. I think it could be an attempt for Ahmadinejad to rally people and gain more popularity (in order to promote his candidate Mashaei for June elections). Maybe a little farfetched, but who knows.
I have no doubt in my mind that we will see the launch of such a rocket and satellite. But next year? Only time will tell.

Bro, you will not see a proper GEO launch till 5 years. They said that.
but this is a ICBM test. they said 2 years ago, they will launch it so it's not due. next year seems good enough.
Congratulations friend....

It's almost could carry a nuclear warhead ...!:pakistan:
Long live the Iran & Iranian plateau= [iran. Pakistan. Afghanistan. Tajikistan}
Congratulations friend....

It's almost could carry a nuclear warhead ...!:pakistan:
Long live the Iran & Iranian plateau= [iran. Pakistan. Afghanistan. Tajikistan}

nuclear warhead :astagh:

which will be the launch vehicle??some specification please..
‘Iran to put satellite into orbit’​

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said the country is to put a satellite into orbit within a year.

Ahmadinejad made the comments, addressing people in the provincial capital of the Semnan province in the north of Iran, Fars News Agency reported on Thursday.

“The big Iranian satellite, which is currently being built by domestic experts, will be placed into the Earth’s 36,000-kilometer orbit within a year,” he said.

The Iranian president noted that “many [Iranian] universities are currently building satellites….”

Iran launched its first domestically-manufactured satellite, Omid (Hope), in 2009. The Islamic Republic sent its first bio-capsule containing living creatures into space in February 2010, using the domestically-manufactured Kavoshgar-3 (Explorer-3) carrier.

Iran is one of the 24 founding members of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, which was set up in 1959.

PressTV - ?Iran to put satellite into orbit?

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