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Pakistan’s Precipitous Decline

Sir Americans are also in South Korea and Japan. Haven't seen any fire burning there. Will Pakistanis also take some blame or is it that every one is to blame for Pakistan's condition except Pakistanis themselves.

You do need to study a little bit more. Last time i heard, S.Korea is on the brink of being nuked, Japan WAS nuked twice. If that isn't burning than i don't know what it is. Again i will recommend the same book to you too,i recommended to Third Eye above,to understand my line of thinking.
Americans set fire to a country and then go "hey,why there is a fire burning up there" ?
Partly agree! But you have to blame yourselves for being American lackeys since the day Pakistan was born. You willingly joined SEATO, CENTO and other alphabet clubs to serve American interests against the Soviet Union and your interests against India.

It is not about teaming up with the US of A post 9/11 that set you afire. You were already on America's bandwagon since 1947 and the embers have now become a raging inferno.

And the story will repeat with China too in the not too distant future when Pakistan would be discarded like a sack of potatoes when the geopolitical scenario changes. As the saying goes, in international relations there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests.

And the only interest china has with Pakistan is to keep India engaged on its Southern flank. It's therefore loading Pakistan with military hardware and nukes but doing little by way of boosting Pakistan's economy. (They even refused to give Pakistan any loans and asked them to approach international institutions like the IMF instead!! So much for friendship that is claimed to be higher than the mountains.......which only the Pakistanis have been heard shouting from the rooftops, not the Chinese!! :P ).

And the sad truth is, whichever party comes to power in Pakistan, defense and foreign policies will always be in the hands of the army generals - the reason why Pakistan is in turmoil today, since generals have little clue on how to run the affairs of the state as they are not trained for it. They should restrict themselves to formulating strategy and doctrines based on the policies of a democratically elected government where Parliament is supreme. But unfortunately that has not been the case since the birth of Pakistan when the generals thought they knew best - and still think so.

Unless and until this paradigm changes, Pakistan will continue to hobble from one crises to another. So the question everyone asks is: Who's in charge in Pakistan?
You do need to study a little bit more. Last time i heard, S.Korea is on the brink of being nuked, Japan WAS nuked twice. If that isn't burning than i don't know what it is. Again i will recommend the same book to you too,i recommended to Third Eye above,to understand my line of thinking.

Sir perhaps I didn't make my point more clear. What I am trying to say is that don't you think Pakistan could have used US better.

Considering US nuked Japan twice (as you rightly said) and then made them toothless with a pacifist constitution and stationed their troops on the mainland Japan something that never happened in the entire history of the Japanese. I mean can there be a bigger example of US exploitation than Japan. Yet Japanese were till a couple of years ago the second biggest economy on Earth.

There is not much difference between Pakistan and Japan as far as natural resources are concerned or human capital. Infact Pakistan is more blessed in a way. Also not to forget that Pakistan had a great start after independence for the first 10-15 years but then somehow you lost your way. Don't you think there is some responsibility Pakistanis themselves have for the state they are in?
Sir perhaps I didn't make my point more clear. What I am trying to say is that don't you think Pakistan could have used US better.

Considering US nuked Japan twice (as you rightly said) and then made them toothless with a pacifist constitution and stationed their troops on the mainland Japan something that never happened in the entire history of the Japanese. I mean can there be a bigger example of US exploitation than Japan. Yet Japanese were till a couple of years ago the second biggest economy on Earth.

There is not much difference between Pakistan and Japan as far as natural resources are concerned or human capital. Infact Pakistan is more blessed in a way. Also not to forget that Pakistan had a great start after independence for the first 10-15 years but then somehow you lost your way. Don't you think there is some responsibility Pakistanis themselves have for the state they are in?

Please read that book and then we will have a long debate over this.
Very easy to blame everything on the Americans. America has actually saved pakistan countless times
Our policy is "No overseas military bases".

So it really will be different.

For the present, I agree with that. As well as for the near-term future. Chinese foreign policy has not included foreign bases. Unlike the Americans.
The only unknown is the new PLA leadership, in fact more so than the CCP leadership. The PLA leadership will play its hand out over some time. We may need to re-visit this issue about 5 years down the road; let us see then.

Americans set fire to a countryand then go "hey,why there is a fire burning up there" ?

Yes, and the inhabitants of that country just sat on their backsides and said "Go on there, burn my country and my a$$"? Not even bothering to find out how or why it is burning; or to put out that fire!
This statement above only beggars belief in its incredible.........never mind.
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