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A Pakistani couple, abducted from Nepal, tortured in India :AHRC


Dec 18, 2006
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The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a newlywed Pakistani couple was abducted from Nepal by agents of the Indian intelligence agencies while they were leaving for Pakistan. They were quickly shifted to India where they were kept in a private torture cell for 17 days where they suffered severe torture before being transferred to Tihar Jail, New Delhi. They were charged for being spies from Pakistan, sent to assassinate Mr. Moodi, the chief minister of Gujrat where the police also claimed they were arrested from. The groom was severely tortured which resulted in the disability of one leg, signs of electrical shocks were still visible on his back and his genitalia had been burned with cigarettes. The bride was beaten for several days by the women police officials. The couple was forced to confess that they were from Pakistan's notorious intelligence agency, the ISI.

The couple has now been enlarged on bail but cannot leave India before the decision of the case. They have no funds with which to survive and most of the time remains outside different mosques in Ahmadabad, Gujrat following Friday prayers to beg but people refuse to help the couple as they have been accused of being Pakistan agents. The couple is surviving on charity from different philanthropist organizations and shrines but the amount they receive is insufficient for the whole day.

The Pakistan High Commission (PHC) has flatly refused to help the couple as it would be dangerous for the couple in reference to the continual strained relationship between the two countries.


The Delhi police crime branch claims to have foiled an alleged plan of a Pakistan spy agency, the ISI, to settle its spies in India. The police said they recently arrested two fresh recruits of the spy agency, including a woman, from the New Delhi railway station. This announcement came on 12 December 2011 but in the same announcement police said that the couple was arrested on 5 December when they arrived at New Delhi railway station with a plan to kill the chief minister of Gujrat. The Indian media was so biased that it has not enquired from the police as to when were they were arrested and why the police took one week time to produce them before the court? This act of police is against the Indian law according to the section 57 of Criminal Procedure Code (CrPc). The police is bound to produce an accused person within 24 hours of arrest. The Indian media has still not contacted the couple to get their side of the story but in its so called nationalism scandalized the couple as Pakistani agents.

According to the details received through the victims and legal documents Mr. Imran Yousaf Chippa, son of Mohammad Yousaf and Sofia Kanwal were married in October 2011 in Karachi, Pakistan. They went to Nepal for their honey moon on 17 November 2011 with the return ticket of 24 November. On the departure day as the couple were going to Katmandu air port in a taxi, a Suzuki gypsy jeep cut them off and four persons from the jeep asked their identity. As the police saw the Pakistani passports they were taken to a nearby police station. They were forcefully pushed into the jeep and their hands were chained and their eyes were blindfolded with the dopatta (a piece of cloth which generally women in south Asia use for covering the front portion of the body).

After 30 hours of the drive they were locked in a room and later on after several days of detention they came to know that it was a farm hours near the New Delhi airport. The officers sitting in the jeep were taking the names of each other in numbers like one two, three and whenever they were contacted to their center through the wireless they told that a Pakistani couple has been arrested from Nepal. The couple was kept there up to 12 December 2011 and were severely tortured to confess that they were working for the ISI and had planned to kill Mr. Moodi, the chief minister of Gujrat state.

Imran, the victim, was tortured continuously for all the days of his illegal captivity, his legs were tortured to the point where he cannot walk or sit properly. His right leg was injured with a knife and it is almost paralysed. His back still bears visible signs of electric shocks. His genitalia also has signs of cigarette burning. When he was hung upside down alcohol was poured into his anus. The nerves of the legs were damaged during the interrogation which was taken by many intelligence agencies including the notorious Indian agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). During the interrogation, it was told to the couple that they were arrested from Nepal by the agents of RAW. Sofia, the wife, was beaten with fists and kicked to confess. At many times she was threatened with raped if she did not confess.

On 12 December, early in the morning, the couple was told that they are going to release them as the agencies did not find any evidence of them being agents of the ISI. They were taken in a jeep to an unknown place and after a one hour long drive at 4 PM the couple found themselves before the Tis Hazari court at New Delhi. When they were taken out from the jeep a heavy contingent of media people arrived and was estimated to be not less than 200 persons. For further information, please read the report published in the Hindustan Times and an audiovisual report broadcast in News24 TV regarding this case.

The couple was produced before the court of Mr. Vinod Yadev, the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) who immediately sent them for judicial remand and couple was lodged in Tihar Jail. After court proceedings the police addressed the media and claimed that the couple was arrested from Delhi railway station and had the plan to assassinate the chief minister of Gujrat. The media have not asked to interview the couple. The media and journalists ran many concocted stories against the couple without listening to their side of the story when they were produced in the court. During the court proceeding through the evidences it was proved that they were arrested from Nepal but the media have never covered this fact and totally ignored it in an effort to spread sensationalism and hatred against the neighbouring country.

In the month of March 2012, Imran took off his clothes before the judge and revealed the torture marks on his body and asked the judge to listen to the actual facts from them. The judge finally agreed to do so. He took his statement in his chamber and for the next six days he continuously asked the couple to come and record statements with all evidence. On 20 March 2012, the judge granted interim bail to the couple for two days and it continued every two days for some time. Finally on April 13 the couple received bail and was released. The couple lives in Gujrat as it was Imran's place of birth place but his relatives and friends do not want to associate with him as he has been declared by the media as an agent of Pakistan. Please see the attachment of the court decision for their bail.

After release on interim bail, Imran has also written many letters to presidents, prime ministers and concerned ministries including the High Commission of Pakistan in New Delhi for help in the case which was totally false and cooked up by RAW. The couple has also written to international human rights organizations including Amnesty International and the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan but is still waiting for action from these organizations. He also approached the National Human Rights Commission of India who has written letters to the ministry for interior in the month of July 2012, but no reply has yet been received by the couple or NHRC.

The couple has also written and contacted the High Commission of Pakistan at New Delhi several times and it was told to them not to contact the commission because it would be said that Pakistan was involved in their case. The authorities have flatly refuse to help them and even asked the couple not make contact by telephone otherwise India would blame Pakistan.

PAKISTAN: A couple was abducted from Nepal, arrested and tortured in India to confess that they were agents of the ISI and were planning to assassinate chief minister of Gujrat

I am speechless .......
Why Pak Govt. and authorities not helping them if the whole story is true?

Hard to believe that Pak citizens were let off on bail inside India. It is not possible.

Of course from the lead article, it would make anybody angry - but lets all keep calm and try and learn more about this - why has media not highlighted this case?
Tell a fantastic tale and the gullible fools will lap it up! There are more holes in this propaganda shyte than swiss cheese.

The retard who wrote that piece for his brothers did not even use proper english. I quite see how this will get the usual suspects foaming at their mouths.
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