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Revenge by Pakistani Pashtuns: Private war breaks out on Pak-Afghan border

@Armstrong, what is this thread about, the discussion isn't really about tribal fighting is it, are you guys talking about familie or something.

They (the Afghans), allegedly, roughed up our boys & our boys in turn roughed them up in turn ! :D
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Back from your job already? How many streets did you clean?

:D :Rofl:

Dear sir i have never acted or tried too look Like a European and regarding pathans and India people looking the same, i believe you should get your eyes tested.

I can post pictures here of indic people and the pathans, you can clearly see they couldn't be anymore different.

I was not being racist, i was just telling luffy what his real heritage and not the one he claims.

Where have i used the word Muslim,please point it out.

i am still waiting for the evidence on so called broken pushto, that i never spoke.

Luffy has a serious problem of doubting everyone as a non-pashtun just because he disagrees with his views. He can say I am a wannabe but what about others. Furthermore he does not see the benefit of a non-pashtun adopting Pashtun identity, culture and traditions and learning the language and how it can help promote Pashtun ways.

He is a sad individual. As far as @Icewolf is concerned he does not understand how it is wrong to adopt an opinion about Pashtuns because of the treason of @Monkey D Luffy. In fact it is Luffy's purpose to create mistrust of Pashtuns. He is most likely an unwashed Northerner or a weak Pashtun from Afghanistan who feels the need to bash everyone else to feel like a Pashtun. He is insecure. @Icewolf, I request you not to fight with Ghilzai. You provoked him and now its just going to become a fun thread for terrorist like Luffy who blows up bridges in Pakhunkhwa like Najibuddin's spies to peddle his Pashtunistan rubbish.

If you have nothing relevant to say regarding thread, then keep your mouth shut.
I am fed up with you issueing me constant 'infractions' with reason "off-topic/no value. Even though it was i who reported the post for foul langauge.
Stop being biased and stop playing mohajir-pashtun card with me.

I have personally seen @Oscar's posts and he is against the Muhajirs. The break down of the Muhajir identity itself will take time and there will be a time when Muhajirs won't take offense when something is said about Muhajirs and understand how weak and false the term is. But it won't break down if you spend time insulting other peoples backgrounds.

And @haviZsultan, i am throwing bone at you , chew on it. Yes my family origin is from katwaz, a place in paktika province of Afghanistan. My grandfather was teacher of farsi while my father took farsi as subject in B.A and C.S.S, he has excellent grasp on dari/farsi. That surprises you?

Luffy, you do not need to copy me because it only shows a severe lack of ingenuity. I posted a post exactly like this on pashtunsforums and now you are posting the same thing. It goes on to show your mentality. An Afghan national has nothing better to do than insult people and abuse them for no real reason and all of them only fight over their ethnicity. You are doing the same thing.

You are like a child who is very much influenced by the most debauched and dirty acts. I am seriously worried about what you do with your spare time. If one so-called Farsi-ized Pashtun from Afghanistan jumps in a well you do not have to do it just to prove you are a Pashtun.

Oh come on dont act tough on internet. We pashtuns confront one another on "maidan" not on internet....
You are a sheep wearing skin of lion.

Luffy, I count this as one of your problems. You are a belligerent person who to prove he is a lion has to insult and provoke everyone else. You are also very ancient but that is a feature among Afghans who for the last 100 years got stuck in a vortex. Now they believe our territory is theirs. Where were they so many years?

Modern Pashtuns believe in justice and you can find intellectuals stating this even today. Muhammad Farooq Khan, the lion of Mardan and true Momin and patriotic Pakistani in an e-mail to us Nationalists stated very clearly that "violence" and calling people to a field to shoot them because they disagree among other things is not part of Pashtun culture which indirectly meant it is an Afghan (nation) influence as the people there aren't real Pashtuns. You will see constantly on Khyber tv debates about this and old concepts. Surely in 1700's

We modern Pashtuns are not barbarians which you are in an effort to prove so that emotional posters like @IceCold or others start insulting Pashtuns and you can feel gratified that you have started a fight.

We have the jirga and effective system like laskhars for trouble makers today which must be institionalized-lashkars should be word for the police and jirga's for assembly and government meetings and elders should go through a process of being elected by majority.

We do not fight over small things. That custom is adopted from Afghanistan. Instead of debating you are calling to fight me and you wonder why Oscar gives you warnings.

Mara, let me explain clearly as perhaps you think this is massive wannabe-ness. My forefathers are from Lucknow. They moved to Pakistan. The links we share with Pashtuns are limited and unproven. When they came they started considering themselves Muhajir. I initially did as well but then a number of things played a part in my trying to adopt Pashtun identity.

This was how it was supposed to be anyway as proven by the fact that those who settled in Pashtunkhwa, Balochistan and Punjab largely did integrate. I do not count myself as a Muhajir though I cannot escape the fact that I am indeed a migrant with heavy links to Lucknow and believe that the Muhajir identity is a false one and should break down. It means pilgrim and was only supposed to stay till the time we moved.

I call myself Pashtun openly, know history and culture fully and have adopted it, language I am learning though I understand and can speak albeit with several gramatical mistakes though I still maintain loyalty to the Ansari clan due to its links to the Muslim League. You can say this is an identity crisis as Luffy does too. It is a non-issue as in either case I am Pakistani first second and last. These identity was adopted when I realized that these ethnic identities weren't disappearing despite efforts and later that by doing so I was creating unity in my land.

As far as Luffy is concerned I saw him on another forum and there he insults Jinnah, every other ethnic group and expresses his loyalty to Afghanistan openly.

I am a Pashtun nationalist, but my nationalism doesnt thrive on insulting other communities , you might not admit it but reguler members here know that. But i attract lot of critcism from the so called patriots who give the meaning of separatism to my pashtun nationalism. I recieve insults, name calling, curses, personal basis on regular basis but either i ignore them or i dont respond to them in the way which violates forum rules. Tell me honestly would you honestly take action those provokations if i start reporting them?. The way i see it, i reported havi for saying, "ask your mother who exactly is your father", instead you gave me infraction for discussing caste system in indian muslims with reason "off-topic", it is noteworthy that it is your 5th consective infraction to me with reason "off-topic", for off-topic post usually issue mild warning while you are issueing me severe infractions. If you continued like this, i had to take the matter to webmaster, you are not here as representative of your mohajir community, extend your moderatorship to all pakistanis. From now on i would tag you wherever there is racist post against pashtuns and other non-mohajir communities and i would expect you to take action against it, this job is done very well by Aeronaut, a very neutral mod.

@Oscar is the most valuable member here. He knows when someone is posting rubbish. I honestly did not wish to insult you and that post was incomplete. "Also I said ask your father who you are" and I meant to add "you could have been from another ethnic group and have been adopted"... you have to stop taking potshots at me because you don't like me. Same goes for KS and others.

Lol... Pathan & Indics are almost look the same

You are not white at all. Be proud of your culture instead of trying to act & look like Europeans

What kind of arrogant comment is that. Pathans are whiter and we all know this. I am born to a family that call itself Muhajir and even I know this.

This is where issues start. Why are you diverting the discussion?@ghilzai is true Pashtun unlike luffy. He is challenging his rubbish and you are attacking him? Also this interest in being white is a regional phenomenon. Concentrate on luffy because you post stuff attacking an ethnicity and his elation hits the roof and so does his head as he starts jumping up and down with joy in the tiny one foot place he calls home.

We Pashtuns love our country. If you consider me a wannabe then consider the thoughts of many others. People like Luffy are traitors like the MQM supporters.
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:D :Rofl:

Luffy has a serious problem of doubting everyone as a non-pashtun just because he disagrees with his views. He can say I am a wannabe but what about others. Furthermore he does not see the benefit of a non-pashtun adopting Pashtun identity, culture and traditions and learning the language and how it can help promote Pashtun ways.

He is a sad individual. As far as @Icewolf is concerned he does not understand how it is wrong to adopt an opinion about Pashtuns because of the treason of @Monkey D Luffy. In fact it is Luffy's purpose to create mistrust of Pashtuns. He is most likely an unwashed Northerner or a weak Pashtun from Afghanistan who feels the need to bash everyone else to feel like a Pashtun. He is insecure. @Icewolf, I request you not to fight with Ghilzai. You provoked him and now its just going to become a fun thread for terrorist like Luffy who blows up bridges in Pakhunkhwa like Najibuddin's spies to peddle his Pashtunistan rubbish.

I have personally seen @Oscar's posts and he is against the Muhajirs. The break down of the Muhajir identity itself will take time and there will be a time when Muhajirs won't take offense when something is said about Muhajirs and understand how weak and false the term is. But it won't break down if you spend time insulting other peoples backgrounds.

Luffy, you do not need to copy me because it only shows a severe lack of ingenuity. I posted a post exactly like this on pashtunsforums and now you are posting the same thing. It goes on to show your mentality. An Afghan national has nothing better to do than insult people and abuse them for no real reason and all of them only fight over their ethnicity. You are doing the same thing.

You are like a child who is very much influenced by the most debauched and dirty acts. I am seriously worried about what you do with your spare time. If one so-called Farsi-ized Pashtun from Afghanistan jumps in a well you do not have to do it just to prove you are a Pashtun.

Luffy, I count this as one of your problems. You are a belligerent person who to prove he is a lion has to insult and provoke everyone else. You are also very ancient but that is a feature among Afghans who for the last 100 years got stuck in a vortex. Now they believe our territory is theirs. Where were they so many years?

Modern Pashtuns believe in justice and you can find intellectuals stating this even today. Muhammad Farooq Khan, the lion of Mardan and true Momin and patriotic Pakistani in an e-mail to us Nationalists stated very clearly that "violence" and calling people to a field to shoot them because they disagree among other things is not part of Pashtun culture which indirectly meant it is an Afghan (nation) influence as the people there aren't real Pashtuns. You will see constantly on Khyber tv debates about this and old concepts. Surely in 1700's

We modern Pashtuns are not barbarians which you are in an effort to prove so that emotional posters like @IceCold or others start insulting Pashtuns and you can feel gratified that you have started a fight.

We have the jirga and effective system like laskhars for trouble makers today which must be institionalized-lashkars should be word for the police and jirga's for assembly and government meetings and elders should go through a process of being elected by majority.

We do not fight over small things. That custom is adopted from Afghanistan. Instead of debating you are calling to fight me and you wonder why Oscar gives you warnings.

Mara, let me explain clearly as perhaps you think this is massive wannabe-ness. My forefathers are from Lucknow. They moved to Pakistan. The links we share with Pashtuns are limited and unproven. When they came they started considering themselves Muhajir. I initially did as well but then a number of things played a part in my trying to adopt Pashtun identity.

This was how it was supposed to be anyway as proven by the fact that those who settled in Pashtunkhwa, Balochistan and Punjab largely did integrate. I do not count myself as a Muhajir though I cannot escape the fact that I am indeed a migrant with heavy links to Lucknow and believe that the Muhajir identity is a false one and should break down. It means pilgrim and was only supposed to stay till the time we moved.

I call myself Pashtun openly, know history and culture fully and have adopted it, language I am learning though I understand and can speak albeit with several gramatical mistakes though I still maintain loyalty to the Ansari clan due to its links to the Muslim League. You can say this is an identity crisis as Luffy does too. It is a non-issue as in either case I am Pakistani first second and last. These identity was adopted when I realized that these ethnic identities weren't disappearing despite efforts and later that by doing so I was creating unity in my land.

As far as Luffy is concerned I saw him on another forum and there he insults Jinnah, every other ethnic group and expresses his loyalty to Afghanistan openly.

@Oscar is the most valuable member here. He knows when someone is posting rubbish. I honestly did not wish to insult you and that post was incomplete. "Also I said ask your father who you are" and I meant to add "you could have been from another ethnic group and have been adopted"... you have to stop taking potshots at me because you don't like me. Same goes for KS and others.

What kind of arrogant comment is that. Pathans are whiter and we all know this. I am born to a family that call itself Muhajir and even I know this.

This is where issues start. Why are you diverting the discussion?@ghilzai is true Pashtun unlike luffy. He is challenging his rubbish and you are attacking him? Also this interest in being white is a regional phenomenon. Concentrate on luffy because you post stuff attacking an ethnicity and his elation hits the roof and so does his head as he starts jumping up and down with joy in the tiny one foot place he calls home.

We Pashtuns love our country. If you consider me a wannabe then consider the thoughts of many others. People like Luffy are traitors like the MQM supporters.

Pathetic. I simply pity you.
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@haviZsultan : Veerappan is a TNLA member?? You rock mate!!

You deserve to be a Think Tank with all those in depth knowledge about India.. :cheers:

With your "knowledge" and way of addressing certain issues, sky is the limit for you :whistle:
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@haviZsultan : Veerappan is a TNLA member?? You rock mate!!

You deserve to be a Think Tank with all those in depth knowledge about India.. :cheers:

With your "knowledge" and way of addressing certain issues, sky is the limit for you :whistle:

KS provoked me and led the debate on to this. This thread has been derailed, gone to the dustbin, given life again by no one other than Indian trolls and here we go again. I doubt you will look at 2 posters comments one who called me an urdu word that starts with a g and ends with u and the second poster KS's comments which began all this.

I believe you ignored post 427. This is an article that appeared:

The extremist connection

On the ultra-Left outfits now believed to have established links with Veerappan.


THE abduction of Rajkumar has once again put the ultra-left Tamil National Liberation Army (TNLA) led by Maran alias Senguttuvan in the limelight, revealing the nexus between it and the Veerappan criminal gang.
Its striking power had earlier alarmed the Tamil Nadu government when it attacked a police station at Andimadam on July 13, 1997 and carted away arms and ammunition.

The Veerappan-TNLA nexus was evident in the brigand's list of ten demands. Besides the nature of the demands, what gave away the TNLA hand was the ninth demand for the release of five persons from Tamil Nadu prisons. These five are TNLA cadres: Ponnivala van, radio Venkatesan alias Srinivasan, Muthukumar, Rajendran and Nagaraj.
Instead of Rajendran and Nagaraj, two other names are also given: Satyamurthy and Manikandan.

Ponnivalavan was involved in the Andimadam attack. Venkatesan is in prison under the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act for his role in a TNLA attack on the Kullanchavadi police station in November 1993. Muthukumar was arrested in 1997 in connection with smuggling of supplies to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) at Manalmelgudi. When he was out on bail, he was reportedly involved in the attack on a police station at Vellitiruppur near Erode in 1998. Satyamurthy and Manikandan were also arrested in connection with this case. What is revealing is that Veerappan and his close associate Sethukuli Govindan have also been named as accused in this case of attack on the police station at Vellitiruppur. This shows that the nexus betw een Veerappan and TNLA is at least two years old. The police later detained him under the National Security Act.

Prior to its Andimadam assault, the TNLA murdered six persons belonging to two rival factions led by Ilavarasan and Koovagam Ramasamy in Perambalur and Cuddalore districts, which formed the nursery of TNLA activity. (The Maran faction is the third splint er group of the TNLA). Koovagam Ramasamy was murdered on June 8, 1997 by members of the Ilavarasan group near Vallam in Perambalur district. To avenge the murder, two members of the Ilavarasan faction, Sethu and Vikram alias Vikramadityan, were murdered by the Ramasamy group near Srimushnam village in Cuddalore district.

According to the police, Maran was a supporter of Ramasamy. Although it was initially suspected that the Ilavarasan group was behind the Andimadam attack, the police later concluded that Maran was behind it. The theory was that he would have wanted the b lame to lie at the door of Ilavarasan.

Tamilarasan was the TNLA's founder. Even police officers concede that he was a "genuine revolutionary" who wanted to end the inequities in society. A dropout from an engineering college in Coimbatore, he commanded the respect of villagers in Tiruchi and South Arcot districts for taking up the cause of landless peasants. A mob stoned him to death on September 1, 1987 after he robbed the State Bank of India branch at Ponparappi, 20 km from Ariyalur.

Four Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) groups are currently operating in Tamil Nadu: three rival factions of Ilavarasan, Koovagam Ramasamy and Maran; and the Tamil People's Liberation Army (TPLA) led by Ponparappi Rajendran.

The villages around Jayamkondan, Andimada, Perambalur, Srimushnam, Panrutti, Neyveli in the undivided Tiruchi and South Arcot districts form the area of these four groups' activities. Cashewnut groves here not only offer ideal cover to their activities b ut a source of income.

The TNLA not only believed in a revolution led by peasants and workers in Tamil Nadu but wanted to liberate the State from the Indian Union. It supported the Tamils' struggle in Sri Lanka for forming a separate Tamil Eelam. In the 1980s, Tamilarasan forg ed contacts with Nagarajan, a Sri Lankan Tamil who had been expelled from the LTTE, and they worked together for a while. Nagarajan was killed by the police in June 1993 near Dindigul, Tamil Nadu.

Tamilarasan also took an "adventurist" line: the TNLA started blasting railway tracks and robbing banks. It blasted the Marudayar bridge near Ariyalur, derailing the Rockfort Express on March 15, 1986. Twenty-five passengers were killed. The TNLA attempt ed to blast a bridge on the Coleroon river, near Tiruvaiyaru, in 1986 on the eve of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's visit. Its cadres robbed a branch of the Indian Overseas Bank at Ulkottai, Tiruchi district, on December 10, 1986.

After Tamilarasan was killed, Lenin alias Deivasigamani took over the leadership of the TNLA. The group grew rapidly under Lenin's leadership. Branches came up at Jayamkondan, Ariyalur, Vallam and other areas of the erstwhile Tiruchi and South Arcot dist ricts.

In order to acquire weapons, the TNLA led by Lenin attacked police stations at Puthur at Annamalai Nagar in 1992 and Kullanchavadi and Sethiathope in 1993 - all in South Arcot district. On March 29, 1994, while he was on his way to bomb a police station at Muthandikuppam in South Arcot district, Lenin was killed in a bomb blast.

After Lenin's death, the TNLA lay dormant for some months. Subsequently, Koovagam Ramasamy was elected its president and Ilavarasan its working president. The TNLA started conducting "panchayats" to settle disputes among the villagers, charging a fee for this. A part of this money was spent on the welfare of the villages, in the process of gaining the sympathy of the people.

The TNLA looted a cooperative bank at Vayalur, near Tiruchi, in 1995. When one of its members threatened to go to the police if he was not given one third of the booty, he was murdered. Such is the bloody history of the TNLA which is now acting in tandem with Veerappan.

That another Tamil extremist group, the Tamil National Retrieval Force (TNRF) has also linked up with Veerappan came to light when he came up with four demands in addition to the ten he had made earlier. The four demands were written on a piece of paper under Veerappan's signature, on behalf of "Veerappan group, TNLA and Tamil National Retrieval Force."

Informed sources said that the TNRF had linked up with the LTTE. P. Ravichandran, a TNRF operative, was an accused in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case. The Supreme Court sentenced him to life imprisonment in October 1999.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/afghan...s-out-pak-afghan-border-29.html#ixzz2IWi62xEJ


It was Dr Rajkumar's abduction in July 2000 which got him national attention. For the first time, it became known that Veerappan had included in his gang members of two dreaded Tamil extremist outfits, the Tamil Nadu Liberation Army and the Tamil National Retrieval Troops, both modeled on the LTTE.

The nexus came to police notice when Veerappan and members of these two gangs launched a joint attack on a police station near Sathyamangalam in December 1998.

But they kept it a closely guarded secret. The nexus came to light when Rajkumar was abducted. Of course Veerappan had to release Rajkumar eventually when it became apparent that the two Governments would resume combing operations. Two major demands put forward by Veerappan concerned the release of five TNLA and TNRT extremists in Tamil Nadu jails and 51 TADA detenus in Mysore jail. The extremists are still in jail. But the TADA detenus have since been released by the Mysore sessions court.

Do note times of India and other Indian newspapers reported all this so this is not really what I am saying.

Just because you disagree doesn't mean there is no alternative view on it. Another thing:

Veerappan on TNLA website hailed as a freedom fighter: Scroll down look left

So I would like to expressly state that just because you disagree with something it does not mean there is no alternative view on the subject matter. I was studying ethnic issues and how criminals can very quickly become heroes in certain peoples eyes so I researched the subject being talked about. You do not decide who is or is not a think tank.

It would be good if this thread now goes the way it is supposed to go. In the bin.
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Ok I was not willing to indulge this guy..but then somebody must check the idiocacy too...Veerappan was a sandalwood-ivory smuggler who acted as front for many politicians in Tamil Nadu and he basically became the fall guy when he was no longer useful. End of story.

And he was appreciated by the villagers in around the sathyamangalam forests because they are very poor and he used to pay them handsomely for tips on police movements.

TNLA my ***.

@haviZsultan : Veerappan is a TNLA member?? You rock mate!!

You deserve to be a Think Tank with all those in depth knowledge about India.. :cheers:

With your "knowledge" and way of addressing certain issues, sky is the limit for you :whistle:

We must learn to ignore some guys. That is the only way to end their idiocacy.
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in pak, afgs are very
decent if u wanna know them goto thier country,i personaly visited,they are not as same asliving in pakistan or if u told them i am punjabi then God bless u
Ok I was not willing to indulge this guy..but then somebody must check the idicacy too...Veerappan was a sandalwood-ivory smuggler who acted as front for many politicians in Tamil Nadu and he basically became the fall guy when he was no longer useful. End of story.

And he was appreciated by the villagers in around the sathyamangalam forests because they are very poor and he used to pay them handsomely for tips on police movements.

TNLA my ***.

We must learn to ignore some guys. That is the only way to end their idiocacy.

Be cool dude, I believe next he will even find links of Veerappan with Annunakkis and he will explain that proudly before us. :hitwall::rofl:
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