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China poses potential obstacle to reunification of Koreas: U.S. Congress re

At least North Vietnam did the right thing attacking the South after US left. Oh communist Vietnam must be a sh!thole the way you see it as it is very similar to Korea.
At least North Vietnam did the right thing attacking the South after US left. Oh communist Vietnam must be a sh!thole the way you see it as it is very similar to Korea.
Young pup, the unified Viet Nam was a sh!thole. You think that just because am Viet am afraid to say it? Hundreds of thousands Viets, including those of Chinese descent, who fled communist Viet Nam and with their feet they voted communist Viet Nam was a sh!thole.

And your understanding of the Vietnam War is outright sh!tty.
Young pup, the unified Viet Nam was a sh!thole. You think that just because am Viet am afraid to say it? Hundreds of thousands Viets, including those of Chinese descent, who fled communist Viet Nam and with their feet they voted communist Viet Nam was a sh!thole.

And your understanding of the Vietnam War is outright sh!tty.

No more sh!tty than yours old golden retriever :D
No more sh!tty than yours old golden retriever :D
Young pup, the fact that there are no North Korean members here to speak for their country and instead intellectually dishonest Chinese like you have to speak for North Korea is telling. Would YOU live in North Korea? That is a rhetorical question. We already know the answer: No. YOU are too much of a chickensh!t to live in North Korea while I have no problems saying I would live in South Korea.
Why would foreigners live in a united Communist Vietnam? Guess it's not so sh!tty afterall.
Read thru 5 pages.........I can't believe i have the strength to do so without laughing myself to death......

I found out on these 5 pages here, it's very easy to be a Chinese member in this Forum.

It's as easy as 3 step program.

1.) Blame everything on the American.
2.) Name calling
3.) Whatever other people say, illustrate your own point without regarding if your own point is a corresponding agurment on any incomings.

If you are to blame USA on the downfall and plain inhumane sitauition in North Korea. Then please bear in mind, US is not that big of a country to control who trade with who.

Let's use UN sanction to Iran for an example.

UN put up sanction probibit any country doing business with Iran, but as the matter of fact, over 50000 special license alone by the States department to bypass the sanction.

The core of US sanction to Iran is the ISA (Iranian Sanction Act), which prohibit any US funded US Company to trade or invest in Iran. But the act have no effect to any COmpany in US (notice the term is different) that either are not an US Company nor US Funded.

The same thing applied in the situation in North Korea. We can ban our own company to invest in North Korea, but we cannot ban any company from any country to invest in North Korea in any how.

So if you blame the US for North Korea doing poor, that either mean US have control to the economy of Whole world as to "Instruct" everyone NOT to trade with North Korea. Is that true? I think not. If US tell China not to trade with North Korea, will Chinese listen? No, they will tell the American to F'off

Or you are claiming US Investment is the only thing that sustain any civilization. WHich i don't think it's true either.

Without US Investment, North Korean could have requested Trade with country that's in the other camp. US Camp's country will not trade with NK is a given, there are not much to talk about. But when even Russian camp and Chinese camp refusing to trade with NK, that's a whole other problem. Nor does that mean NK cannot request help from any country. The only problem is, no one willing to pick up the phone and say i will help you, not US, not Russia, not even China.

Like doing business in any part of the world, if you can't sell or buy with one firm, you go to another. You cannot blame the first one that's rejected you if you end ended up bankrupted in the end. Do remember, trade is biliteral and multi-dimensional.

About North and South Reunited. I will say this is a far fetched story. The living standard is just too different with 2 countries. It's not all "we are northern Borthers" and you will be willing to foot the bill of any NKeans Medical, Educational, Living Cost. Hell i don't want to do it with my cousin, let alone some guy i never know.
Like I care...Not...


So yes, I can and have effectively refuted you.

you have to learn how to write brief concise and up to point messages instead of adopting the cheerleading indians' approach writing long long statements with no substance. It is so boring!

Have you gotten your credit card yet?
Banco Delta Asia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Although virtually every bank in Macao handled North Korean funds, U.S. regulators singled out BDA because the shutdown of a smaller bank would create less financial disruption.[6] North Korea was able to gain access to funds deposited at the bank by raising the issue with the United States at the Six Party Talks on nuclear weapons technology in Beijing. However, the bank remains under U.S. sanction and is therefore unable to conduct business in either U.S. dollars or in Hong Kong dollars.[2] The sanctions are said to have intimidated other banks from doing business with North Korea and disrupted the country's system for transferring foreign exchange.[5] Macau has responded by stepping up enforcement of anti money laundering laws.[6]
The bank has been accused of engaging in money laundering and distribution of superdollars for the government of North Korea. In September 2005, the impending imposition of sanctions by the United States was announced, which triggered a massive bank run. As a result, the Macao Government invoked a banking law to replace the bank's board by government appointees.[7][8] As a result of this, several North Korean companies in Macao which had accounts with the bank, including Zokwang Trading, had their accounts frozen.[9] Kim Jong Nam, the eldest son of North Korea's leader Kim Jong Il, has lived in Macao since 2004, when the United States imposed sanctions on a bank in Macao for allegedly helping Pyongyang launder money.[10] However, the United States agreed to resolve the issue of frozen North Korean bank accounts in Macau's Banco Delta Asia if North Korea disarms its atomic arsenal.[11]

An audit by Ernst & Young commissioned by the Macao government found no evidence that the bank had facilitated money laundering.[12]

On March 14, 2007, the U.S. Treasury Department ordered all U.S. banks and companies to sever ties with Banco Delta Asia, following an 18-month investigation. U.S. Treasury Under-Secretary Stuart Levey stated that the investigation confirmed the bank's "willingness to turn a blind eye to illicit activity, notably by its North Korean-related client".[13] A mini-bank run ensued, although only 10% of the bank's cash reserves was drawn out.

In September 2007, the Monetary Authority of Macao ended its intervention and the bank was returned to management by owner Stanley Au.[2] No criminal charges were ever filed in Macau. The bank remains blacklisted by the U.S. Treasury Department and is not authorized to conduct transactions in U.S. dollars.
Iran Deleted From the World's Banking Computers - Slashdot
"Iran is being deleted from the world banking system Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) computers as of Saturday at 1600 UTC. Once the SWIFT codes for Iranian banks are deleted, Iranian banks will no longer be able to transfer funds to and from other worldwide banks, turning Iranian international commerce into a barter operation. SWIFT is taking the action at the request of EU members to comply with international sanctions against Iran due to its program to develop nuclear weapons. The effect will be to drastically hinder Iran's ability to execute international business transactions."
North Korea: Witness to Transformation | The Iran Sanctions Experiment
President Obama signed the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act (CISADA) in July 2010, which was followed by the issuance of a detailed set of guidelines by Treasury in August 2010 (the Iranian Financial Sanctions Regulations [IFSR]; the Treasury sanctions page can be found here.). The IFSR prohibits entities owned or controlled by U.S. financial institutions from benefiting Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

But like the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996—which sanctioned foreign companies investing in the Iranian oil sector–the new sanctions also have a crucial extra-territorial component. Foreign financial institutions that engage in proscribed transactions also risk having correspondent banking relations in the US curtailed; given the continuing centrality of the US to world financial markets, this is a risk that most multinational banks are unlikely to take. In the wake of the November 2011 IAEA report– on which we commented in detail–the Administration issued an Executive Order under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) which further expanded secondary or extra-territorial sanctions on firms providing goods and services to the oil, gas and petrochemical sector. Again, for any major suppliers of relevant technologies the threat of such secondary sanctions poses a substantial risk.

Then on February 5 of this year came Executive Order 13599 “Blocking Property of the Government of Iran and Iranian Financial Institutions”; it is worth reading. Iranian banks—including the Iranian Central Bank—naturally tried to circumvent all of the sanctions outlined above by hiding proscribed transactions. The new executive order not only blocks transactions but actually freezes the assets of these institutions in the US.

But perhaps the body blow to the Iranian financial system is coming from the Europeans. Following an EU Council decision, it was clarified that the EU sanctions extend to the operations of the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication or SWIFT because it is incorporated in Belgium; SWIFT posted a short, almost stunned, announcement on its website in mid-March. This member-owned entity provides the technical platform for the exchange of financial information among over 10,000 banks and thus provides a crucial complement to the international clearing system. In effect, as of March 17, 30 major Iranian banks now face substantial—even debilitating—hurdles in conducting everyday business with their foreign counterparts.
Read thru 5 pages.........I can't believe i have the strength to do so without laughing myself to death......

I found out on these 5 pages here, it's very easy to be a Chinese member in this Forum.

It's as easy as 3 step program.

1.) Blame everything on the American.
2.) Name calling
3.) Whatever other people say, illustrate your own point without regarding if your own point is a corresponding agurment on any incomings.

If you are to blame USA on the downfall and plain inhumane sitauition in North Korea. Then please bear in mind, US is not that big of a country to control who trade with who.

Let's use UN sanction to Iran for an example.

UN put up sanction probibit any country doing business with Iran, but as the matter of fact, over 50000 special license alone by the States department to bypass the sanction.

The core of US sanction to Iran is the ISA (Iranian Sanction Act), which prohibit any US funded US Company to trade or invest in Iran. But the act have no effect to any COmpany in US (notice the term is different) that either are not an US Company nor US Funded.

The same thing applied in the situation in North Korea. We can ban our own company to invest in North Korea, but we cannot ban any company from any country to invest in North Korea in any how.

So if you blame the US for North Korea doing poor, that either mean US have control to the economy of Whole world as to "Instruct" everyone NOT to trade with North Korea. Is that true? I think not. If US tell China not to trade with North Korea, will Chinese listen? No, they will tell the American to F'off

Or you are claiming US Investment is the only thing that sustain any civilization. WHich i don't think it's true either.

Without US Investment, North Korean could have requested Trade with country that's in the other camp. US Camp's country will not trade with NK is a given, there are not much to talk about. But when even Russian camp and Chinese camp refusing to trade with NK, that's a whole other problem. Nor does that mean NK cannot request help from any country. The only problem is, no one willing to pick up the phone and say i will help you, not US, not Russia, not even China.

Like doing business in any part of the world, if you can't sell or buy with one firm, you go to another. You cannot blame the first one that's rejected you if you end ended up bankrupted in the end. Do remember, trade is biliteral and multi-dimensional.

About North and South Reunited. I will say this is a far fetched story. The living standard is just too different with 2 countries. It's not all "we are northern Borthers" and you will be willing to foot the bill of any NKeans Medical, Educational, Living Cost. Hell i don't want to do it with my cousin, let alone some guy i never know.
These yayhoos cannot understand the difference between an embargo and a blockade despite many explanations throughout these past few months. It is the result of a very good Chinese brainwashing regime.

you have to learn how to write brief concise and up to point messages instead of adopting the cheerleading indians' approach writing long long statements with no substance. It is so boring!

Have you gotten your credit card yet?
I guess that simple one liners are the only thing you are capable of understanding. So sad for you, really...
I guess that simple one liners are the only thing you are capable of understanding. So sad for you, really...

are you mad? there is nothing in me that you have to feel sad for! so you are still paying your bills through check writing? what a waste of paper from this backward stubborn old man!
are you mad? there is nothing in me that you have to feel sad for! so you are still paying your bills through check writing? what a waste of paper from this backward stubborn old man!
So tell us...

- Under what system would the united Korea live under?

- In any country with contestant governments, there is always a 'civil war'. Look at the ME today for example. Even with China's exceptional consideration for Hong Kong, the Chinese government can step in at any time and proscribe anything and no one can credibly challenge that authority. So which -- North or South -- Korea would be this Korean version of 'special administrative region' but ultimately subordinate to a superior?

- Who would represent Korea in the UN and elsewhere in the diplomatic fronts? Look at Great Britain, France, and the US for examples because these countries have territories that have high degrees of political autonomy but they ultimately are subordinates to their respective superior governments.

- Which economic model would be implemented?

- Which currency would be used to represent Korea in the financial world?

- Whose laws would have precedent? In legalism, a 'precedent' is usually a superior model for subsequent legal disputes. In this hypothetical unified Korea, there would be many conflicting laws because they came from different legal systems. Cases that have been settled under one system may be in contradiction with the other system. So which would settle the matter once and for all?

- Which educational system and standards would be superior?

Under your naive belief that both Koreas should be united, answer the above questions. Please feel free to consult with your 50-cent army shift stupidvisor because you obviously cannot answer them.
So tell us...

- Under what system would the united Korea live under?

- In any country with contestant governments, there is always a 'civil war'. Look at the ME today for example. Even with China's exceptional consideration for Hong Kong, the Chinese government can step in at any time and proscribe anything and no one can credibly challenge that authority. So which -- North or South -- Korea would be this Korean version of 'special administrative region' but ultimately subordinate to a superior?

- Who would represent Korea in the UN and elsewhere in the diplomatic fronts? Look at Great Britain, France, and the US for examples because these countries have territories that have high degrees of political autonomy but they ultimately are subordinates to their respective superior governments.

- Which economic model would be implemented?

- Which currency would be used to represent Korea in the financial world?

- Whose laws would have precedent? In legalism, a 'precedent' is usually a superior model for subsequent legal disputes. In this hypothetical unified Korea, there would be many conflicting laws because they came from different legal systems. Cases that have been settled under one system may be in contradiction with the other system. So which would settle the matter once and for all?

- Which educational system and standards would be superior?

Under your naive belief that both Koreas should be united, answer the above questions. Please feel free to consult with your 50-cent army shift stupidvisor because you obviously cannot answer them.

you wait here old man

I'll come back after a break for several hours with my family gathering!
You think our Pakistani brothers believe this? They are much more intelligent than you will ever be.

No wonder they ended up losing half their nation in 1971 , by supporting insurgents on behalf of Chinese and relying on Chinese assistance :lol:

You treat India as Mexico/Canada and China as US. This is not only a bad comparison but also nonsense.

Possibly the only logical part in your entire post.

I don't have to tell you

you don't have to

what the Americans did as they were invading properties of Mexican and as a result the Mexicans began the war against these white expansionists.

Chinese and their racial theories :lol: , technically since Mexicans at that time were Spanish settlers weren't they Caucasians then? :laugh:

Hawaii is another example how Americans annexed it. You can even look it up what they did to the Pinoys (> 1 million were killed) Philippine


Tell me something, China and India have been neighbors for a very very very long time. Did China ever invade India in ancient times? I believe our nations had a normal (trade)relation,

China wasn't in a position to invade India throught most of history , due to 2 facts.
1) Tibet being not under firm control of Chinese empires
2) Himalayas

When Tibet was under firm control invasion did happen, Qing dynasty's campaign towards Sikkim.

it was your weak India that allowed the British to rule over your people.

Same goes for the 8 nation alliance and Japanese rule as well, i guess
As a result the British used you Indians to launch this campaign British expedition to Tibet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia killing Tibetans.

Same British also used Indians to help China against Japan in WW2.

Then there's Nehru who started the mess and Mao just responded and drove your troops away.
Who built the roads into disputed Aksai chin first? Who had troops in Aksai China first.

China never had any intention to steal Indian land in ancient times and didn't want to occupy India

China never had the capability.

The last thing we want is to deal with another 1.3 bln Indian people as we have our own problems.

As a result you used Pakistan as a counterweight to India.

India shouldn't take sides, meddle with the SCS issue, stay neutral and our countries can enjoy a stable trade relationship.

SCS is international waters, India is on the UN side.

Never forget Uncle Sam doesn't like challengers hence the China pivot. If you guys claim to overtake China in the near future you think Americans are gonna allow that? Don't be so naive into thinking the Americans will make India surpass Japan and America to become the world's third, second or the first biggest economy. They are using Vietnam and Pinoys to slow us and they will do that to India too if they know you guys are replacing them.

Future potential case of conflict with USA isn't India's current priority, current realities are.
I believe our Malaysian friend JSCh here just proved our point with reliable articles regarding the effects of sanctions coming from US and EU and how this have effected Iran and North Korea. War veterans here are blind and think they know a lot about politics, oh i forgot there's one among these veterans who has a so called politics degree from US and still thinks these sanctions have no impact on these 2 "evil" countries. I'd like to see some reliable articles with facts coming from them how sanctions have no impact at all if they can find it that is.
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