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Christmas in Iran!!

Yes, they are Iranians, but often from the minority groups. There are also underground Iranian churches in Iran, and many people in Iran have a enormous love for Jesus, for some reasons I can't fully understand.
Doubt we have such churches , I had a christian friend , They were living like other Iranians and even have Representative in the Parliament however they're not allowed to Promote their religion here .
Doubt we have such churches , I had a christian friend , They were living like other Iranians and even have Representative in the Parliament however they're not allowed to allowed to Promote their religion here .

Even in the USA... you can't take a bible with you to some schools... or heck you can't even say Merry Christmas...
I see more freedom for Christians in Iran comparing to the USA
Doubt we have such churches , I had a christian friend , They were living like other Iranians and even have Representative in the Parliament however they're not allowed to allowed to Promote their religion here .

There is a difference between Armenian christians and Iranian 'muslims' who converted to christianity, like Nadarkhani. The latter are being oppressed, imprisoned and sometimes even hanged.
There is a difference between Armenian christians and Iranian 'muslims' who converted to christianity, like Nadarkhani. The latter are being oppressed, imprisoned and sometimes even hanged.

Okay.. but don't forget Iran is not the only one... at least there are Christians in Iran who can practice their religion freely.. I mean some countries ban Christians and Churches like some countries in GCC...
Okay.. but don't forget Iran is not the only one... at least there are Christians in Iran who can practice their religion freely.. I mean some countries ban Christians and Churches like some countries in GCC...

Yes, Iranian christians like Armenians, Georgians and Assyrians have far more freedoms in Iran than they would have in GGC-countries.
Another questions... are the Christians mainly located in Tehran... ?? Sorry for asking a lot of questions :D
About half of them live in Tehran.Also in Isfahan province,there are large groups.there are also large groups in western and northwestern parts of Iran, including Eastern and Western Azerbaijan provinces and mainly,city of Urmia. .They are mostly Assyrian Christians, not Armenians.
Nice to see people enjoying themselves.

To carrying on a little bit off topic here, Armenian are such beautiful people. People in and around that region, are just gorgeous!
I see more freedom for Christians in Iran comparing to the USA

Because you are a blind RETARD. Believe me, i've spent some time about how can i refrain from using that word. But what you are saying is just retarded.

I can send you hundreds and thousands similar picture from Turkey. About how Christians in Turkey are practicing their religion in peace and delude your brain, which is apparently very vulnerable even to the cheapest propaganda. But, the Christians or any other religious group other than Sunni Muslims, or non-religious people... Can they exercise their religion as they wish? Can they express their opinions freely about their beliefs? No they can't.

Is this your understanding of freedom?
MIDEAST - Iran bans flights during call to Islamic prayer
This was in todays papers :disagree:
I've question not related to the topic...

I met few Iranian families during my business travel. They are following Bahai religion. They fled Iran a decade back due to intolerance towards non Muslims. Now they do not want to go back fearing that they might prosecuted in Iran.

I tlold them I do not believe it and may ask some Iranian. Can am Iranian member shed some light on it?
I've question not related to the topic...

I met few Iranian families during my business travel. They are following Bahai religion. They fled Iran a decade back due to intolerance towards non Muslims. Now they do not want to go back fearing that they might prosecuted in Iran.

I tlold them I do not believe it and may ask some Iranian. Can am Iranian member shed some light on it?

Basically the constitution of the revolutionaries that came to power in 79 (I refuse to call it the constitution of Iran b/c it simply isn't) gives rights only to muslims, christians, Jews and Zoroastrians. These 4 groups are called people of the book. The mullahs say that Islam is the last religion (or some bs like that) and that any religion that comes after and any person that calls himself a prophet after muslim prophets is false. Therefore, the constitution of IR gives zero rights to bahaies and they get treated like scum. I don't care though. Bahais can do what other Iranians do and not practice their new religion openly. Do what Christian and Zoroastrian converts do and secretly practice. But they have to be open about it and when they get caught they refuse to say "I repent." Just say the god damn words. They're too religous for my taste. No different from the mullahs.

My aunt's house is literally smack bang in the middle of Jolfa in Isfahan, or at least it was in 07, don't know if she's moved or not. There were 10 churches in every block and w/in a walking distance there was this beauty. Unfortunatly never got a chance to go in.

It's insanely beautiful.




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