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three hero dies for chinese aviation industry in one month


Dec 29, 2010
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project 310 (J31) vice president Guo changchun dies at 2012.12.22
46 years old

2. 中国商飞项目质量处处长张建国同志不幸去世,年仅四十岁
Director of quality controll of Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China dies 2012.12.21

3. J15 project Director, CEO of SAC dies after first flight on liaoning ACC.

we should remember these three high ranked officer who died for our aviation industry in last month
人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。Salute to the heroes, people will never forget you.
1.guochangchun dies for J31 at 2012.12.22
2.zhangjianguo dies for C919 at 2012.12.21
3.Luoyang dies for J15 at 2012.11.25
I am highly suspicious of these deaths. China should do a detailed postmortem, and if there is any foul play from any other nation, pay them back with interest. :china:
I am highly suspicious of these deaths. China should do a detailed postmortem, and if there is any foul play from any other nation, pay them back with interest. :china:

It seems too much of a coincidence for all 3 to die within such a short space of time.

Add in the fact that they are all relatively young and it seems a little suspicious.

China needs to make sure that it's "assets" are very well protected as the future of the country depends on them.
3 key engineers on 3 key projects died of heart attack in one month?
That's called assassination. This can only be the work of foreign intelligence agencies. I think we can all guess which country might go to this length to do such a thing.
Everything, everyone related to military are bond to die young or their family members die sudden death.... DRDO has highest such deaths.... Just because you are creating a weapon or defending nation on border doesnt mean you can get away with the bad karma.... Majority of deaths are murder and few by accidents while few by disease.... Karma spares no one.... Only extremely lucky person lives long even after bad karma due to his previous life good karma.... The 3 chinese who died must be a murder as china found out they might had leaking vital info.... In DRDO many scientists been murdered but later declared they did suicide.... Most of them were scientists working on nuclear weapons.... Its very sad that 3 chinese dead.... Lets pray for their soul....

project 310 (J31) vice president Guo changchun dies at 2012.12.22
46 years old

2. 中国商飞项目质量处处长张建国同志不幸去世,年仅四十岁
Director of quality controll of Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China dies 2012.12.21

3. J15 project Director, CEO of SAC dies after first flight on liaoning ACC.

we should remember these three high ranked officer who died for our aviation industry in last month


Ans they all die of aheart attack!

All on the most important mil projects China is engaging!

And all within one month!

What's the odd of that, one wonders.

Ans they all die of aheart attack!

All on the most important mil projects China is engaging!

And all within one month!

What's the odd of that, one wonders.
all of them are under big pressure.
sometime I think that we should tolerant delay.
RIP to the dead...

Sounds rather fishy, for 3 key project leaders to breath their last, within a week of each other

Now the conspiracy theorists would be in full attendance today...!!!

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