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How PAF Prevented an Israeli Attack on Pakistan's Nuclear Assets

If you bother to read posts or some senior members and Mods on this thread, this all might be something new for you.

Just because people in your country haven't heard about attempts by IAF that doesn't change any facts. Isreal attempted a strike on Pakistani Nuclear sites at least 3 three times in late80s and in 1998, that is fact. Pakistani govt. never officially released information on these events, but messages to Isreal through proper channel were transmitted.
No, its just silly conspiracy theory.
No, its just silly conspiracy theory.
One reason that comes to mind not going public with the news is the "emotional backlash" from Pakistani public. I think they are keeping it under wraps so that maybe one day, we can have bilateral relations with Israel.

The psychology in Pakistan works like this: They tried to attack Pakistan 20 years ago, they hate us, and then you'll have a whole generation who will hate your guts for the next 4 decades. And no, at the moment majority doesn't care much about the Arabs, or plight of Palestinians vis-à-vis Israel, they are more focussed on their own local problems.
How PAF Prevented an Israeli Attack on Pakistan's Nuclear Assets

How ,yes , say how?? You mean to say enemy saw PAF in the sky and ran away leaving their mission. Great.
No, Its not. I have heard this from multiple sources, some of those pilots were deployed in Nuclear ADA of 98...perhaps @Sir MuradK, an ex-PAF officer can shed some light on that.


Leave others alone. Regardless of how hard we try, they aren't going to believe in this because their hands are found dirty. After the intercepts, KRL (Kahuta Research Labs) was raided by SSG overnight and they took control of the Labs in 15 mins and disarmed their security (that makes you guess the type of security alert Kahuta had, they weren't ready). After SSG took control of Kahuta, they set up AAA guns near the labs and outskirts of the city. Every Squadron, every aircraft unit, every AAA gun and SAM battery was mobilized. You already know much of it and I don't need to present more, just post what you know (which is not sensitive in nature ofcourse) and move on, no need to engage into 'Sari raat rhonday gaye subhay uth k pochya hoya ki si?'
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By the way, in 80-es Israel and India did not have even diplomatic relationships. Also how could Israeli jets fly to India without notice? This story is silly on so many levels.
You tend to have a lot of these stories where every this or That country was planning something and Pakistani army or Pakistani airforce mobilized to save the day for Pakistan again...becoming heroes Ofcourse.

A couple of the literally dozens of stories may or maynot be true but one thing is sure..that Pakistani armed forces come up with many such 'incidents' to make people keep thinking that they are under siege and Pakistan military is their only savior.
my father's AAK AAK unit was deployed in Kahuta mountains. during that time and he himself has said few times that they were alerted about the Israeli/Indian air raid at least on 3 occasions and at one time it seemed that the attack had already commenced and all anti Aircraft batteries and SAM systems were cleared to open fire.

the air raid sirens will sound the moment fighter jets were detected taking off from Indian side and approaching Pakistani airs space. the war was imminent for sure and on one of those near war situations when it was learnt that Satwant Singh had saved the subcontinent from yet another Indo-Pak war.

the military personal deployed to defend our nuclear sites know very well what happened back then and they dont need any "links" to prove the story right. they were pretty much part of the whole scene.

Leave others alone. Regardless of how hard we try, they aren't going to believe in this because their hands are found dirty. After the intercepts, KRL (Kahuta Research Labs) was raided by SSG overnight and they took control of the Labs in 15 mins and disarmed their security (that makes you guess the type of security alert Kahuta had, they weren't ready). After SSG took control of Kahuta, they set up AAA guns near the labs and outskirts of the city. Every Squadron, every aircraft unit, every AAA gun and SAM battery was mobilized. You already know much of it and I don't need to present more, just post what you know (which is not sensitive in nature ofcourse) and move on, no need to engage into 'Sari raat rhonday gaye subhay uth k pochya hoya ki si?'

my father is a gunner and he has told me the same story. exactly.. how SSG used the cotton bags to throw over the sides of the walls to cushion their fall and they took over the premises. he was a battery commander then and experienced the red alerts himself.
See Pakistan as usual were getting paranoid that something might happen to nukes and made preparation red alert etc ... , when nothing as nothing was supposed to happen , they claimed victory .:victory:
See Pakistan as usual were getting paranoid that something might happen to nukes and made preparation red alert etc ... , when nothing as nothing was supposed to happen , they claimed victory .:victory:
prevention is better than cure
See Pakistan as usual were getting paranoid that something might happen to nukes and made preparation red alert etc ... , when nothing as nothing was supposed to happen , they claimed victory .:victory:
True or not trure. may be it was true..but from all such incidents/stories onne thing i like about israel's way of james bond 007 like style of "ghar main ghush ke marna".It has done it many times in different countries on different continents.

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