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Imran vows to disengage Pak from US war on terrorism


Apr 25, 2012
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Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman has said that after coming into power he the first thing he would do is to disengage Pakistan from the American war on terrorism; adding that such disengagement would make the “Jihad syndrome” go away.
As far as his post-election strategy; Khan said that the first thing he would do is to disengage Pakistan from the American war on terrorism; adding that such disengagement would make the “Jihad syndrome” go away.
Khan is known to be an outspoken critic of the use of American drones in Pakistan; describing them as a “violation of all humanitarian laws; he has also criticized the Obama administration for its handling of the situation in the region.
“We will be friend of the U.S. but we’re not going to be slaves of the U.S.,” he said.
“They are losing the war, because they are losing the hearts and minds of the people,” he told Dubai-based Al Arabiya News Channel in an exclusive interview.
Khan believes that while Obama and Biden had their heart in the right place; they are surrounded by generals and military advisors, who he believes didn’t give them correct guidance.
“They are losing the war, because they are losing the hearts and minds of the people,” he said, adding that today there is more anti-Americanism and more hatred due to the Obama administration’s handling of the situation.
After tens of thousands of people were killed, with no end to the war as of yet, Khan stresses that it is time the U.S. had friends, not lackeys.
With just a few months to go until the upcoming Pakistani elections; Imran Khan – Chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) seems more confident than ever that he will emerge a winner this time around.
The former Pakistani cricket star described his PTI party, which now boasts an unprecedented 7 million members as the “only party that could bring change” to his country.
“People are sick of the old political leadership, who have all been in power in the last five years and have led Pakistan to destruction,” he told Al Arabiya’s English’s Editor-in-Chief, Faisal J. Abbas.
As for the electoral alliance proposal which former President General Pervez Musharaf offered Khan; the PTI Chairman commented that allying with him (Musharaf) would be political suicide.
“There is more terrorism and extremism in Pakistan than ever in our history thanks to him (Musharaf),” he said.
As such, Khan has declined the offer and described it as “political suicide.”
He gives three reasons as to why he would never ally himself with Musharaf; firstly, because of what he described as immunity guarantees that the former president brokered to bring in his successor Asif Zardari - the current President of Pakistan.
Second, Khan says Musharaf is responsible for the killing of Nawab Akbar (the head of the Bugti tribe of Baloch) in Baluchistan and the Baluchistan insurgencies which came after that.
Finally, Khan argues it was wrong for Musharaf to send Pakistan’s troops under American pressure to fight internally, a conflict which left 50,000 Pakistanis dead.
Khan also describes the situation in Syria as a mess, adding that he “can’t understand any head of state killing his own people”.
As for the situation in Syria, Imran Khan describes the deadly conflict as “a mess.”
“I believe in democracy, I do not believe in these dictatorships but the problem is there’s a different stake when it comes to pro-U.S. dictators and … anyone who's perceived not to be pro-U.S. like Libya or Syria. It’s the double standards that are causing problems,” he said.
However, some observers have said that Khan is unwilling to criticize Syrian President Bashar Assad publically. “I cannot understand any head of state killing his own people,” Khan said in response.
As for relations with India, Khan said his country and its neighbour came very close to resolving their issues, particularly Kashmir. He considers that both countries should follow in the footsteps of the Europeans, in opening their borders and allowing free economic flow.
“The answer lies in politically solving the issue," said Khan.
As for cricket, he pledges to fix the sport’s structure in Pakistan, by tapping local talent so the nation will be “unbeatable,” he said
Unlike most of Pakistan’s other leaders, Khan isn’t a military man nor does he hail from a family of politicians such as the Bhuttos or the Sharifs, the Al-Arabiya report said.
As such, many observers are sceptical as to whether or not his surging popularity will hit a glass ceiling formed by the country’s geopolitical realities when the time arrives for the general elections.
The interview, which was recorded in London, is available on Al Arabiya’s English language website: English.AlArabiya.Net from today (Sunday) while the Arabic-dubbed version will appear on the newscaster’s main television channel tomorrow (Monday) at 16 GMT.

Imran vows to disengage Pak from US war on terrorism | The Nation
What exactly will he do?

What does he mean by disengaging... are there Pakistani soldiers in Afghanistan?

Another PPP in making... PLEASE some one tell him... we need tangible growth and development!

Not what PPP has been doing... since last 5 years.
What exactly will he do?

What does he mean by disengaging... are there Pakistani soldiers in Afghanistan?

Another PPP in making... PLEASE some one tell him... we need tangible growth and development!

Not what PPP has been doing... since last 5 years.

he keeps talking, like a PM ?
all what he is parcticly doing is , agli bari phir zardari or nawaz sharif!
This guy is a idiot. We need full scale military operations in FATA. No more time to chicken out. We need to flatten FATA make it sure that no rule other than Pakistani rule... Imran Khan is basically inviting the terrorists in
The ****** syndrome doesnt go away, it just finds another excuse there will always be one more kafir to fight.

After the americans there are Christians and Hindus and Ahmadi and Shias those whos beards are too short thier trousers too long and their music too loud.

Its not Americas war its Pakistans Kayani knows it i wonder when your politicians will work it out, or do they already but realise the truth doesnt get you votes.
What exactly will he do?
What does he mean by disengaging... are there Pakistani soldiers in Afghanistan?
Another PPP in making... PLEASE some one tell him... we need tangible growth and development!
Not what PPP has been doing... since last 5 years.

I'm sure you're mature enough to comprehend the complexity of this issue. PPP alone may be responsible for quite a few things, but a F'in war's not one of 'em. 125 seats in NA don't get ya far.

As for Imran, Well, he means we'd sign YET ANOTHER peace agreement with Mullahs, only to be violated in a little while of course.
Imran, as a Pakistani, doesn't own this war while your Army Chief's on record with whether or not it's our war.
The more I think about it, I think Imran Khan policy might just work. This is how
(1) Dis-engage from US alliance
(2) Talk with Taliban and Tribal people
(3) Seperate the one who wants peace from the one who do not want peace
(4) Engage the tribal on Pakistan's side and then go after TTP who do not want to put their weapons down

Inshallah Imran Khan will be the next prime minister of Pakistan!
Not only do we need to disengage ourselves from this war on terror but we also need to address the issue of drone strikes. Imran is the only person who highlighted this and received a major response not only from within but abroad too. Imran is the only hope left in Pakistan, let us hope people start thinking from their heads rather they back side and do whats necessary to make this man successful.
Not only do we need to disengage ourselves from this war on terror but we also need to address the issue of drone strikes. Imran is the only person who highlighted this and received a major response not only from within but abroad too. Imran is the only hope left in Pakistan, let us hope people start thinking from their heads rather they back side and do whats necessary to make this man successful.

Agreed don't like all of his positions but he is certainly a far better option.
The more I think about it, I think Imran Khan policy might just work. This is how
(1) Dis-engage from US alliance
(2) Talk with Taliban and Tribal people
(3) Seperate the one who wants peace from the one who do not want peace
(4) Engage the tribal on Pakistan's side and then go after TTP who do not want to put their weapons down

Inshallah Imran Khan will be the next prime minister of Pakistan!

Non of it is tangible good!

What is he going to do about building dams and solving violation of water treaties, with his new masters in India?

Another security risk party...in making PPP.. season 2.
Not only do we need to disengage ourselves from this war on terror but we also need to address the issue of drone strikes. Imran is the only person who highlighted this and received a major response not only from within but abroad too. Imran is the only hope left in Pakistan, let us hope people start thinking from their heads rather they back side and do whats necessary to make this man successful.

Cancellation of anti-drone protest infront of UN & stopped at english,US imigrations you call it huge sucsess? Lol
Cancellation of anti-drone protest infront of UN & stopped at english,US imigrations you call it huge sucsess? Lol

I never called it a huge success, but its a start specially considering how your government and the military is in bed with the US over drone strikes.

Musharraf also think this after 09/11. US gives him two option
You are either with us or with terrorism.
Musharraf chose 1st.
Imran Khan will also do that..

You're either with us, or with the 'terrorists': U.S. detention of Imran Khan part of trend to harass anti-drone advocates -- Puppet Masters -- Sott.net

Go troll someplace else Indian

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