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China's new Poliburo


Feb 22, 2012
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China's ruling Communist Party unveiled an older, conservative leadership line-up on Thursday that appears unlikely to take the drastic action needed to tackle pressing issues like social unrest, environmental degradation and corruption.

The Politburo Standing Committee, the top decision making body of China, is expected to reduce the number of members from 9 to 7 for quicker decision makings and efficiencies. This is the lineup to run China for the next 10 years:

* Xi Jinping 习近平 59- General Secretary of CPC, expect to takeover the Presidency of China and most likely the Chairman of Central Military Commission as well in March next year.


Xi Jinping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Li Keqiang 李克强 57- Premier of China by 3/2013


Li Keqiang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Wang Qishan 王岐山 63 expected to takeover the new position of anti-corruption Czar


Wang Qishan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Zhang Dejiang 张德江 66- Head of the Parliment


Zhang Dejiang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Yu Zhengsheng 俞正声 67- Head of Parliament Advisory body


Yu Zhengsheng - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Zhang Gaoli 张高丽 65- executive Vice Premier



* Liu Yunshan 刘云山 65- chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference


Liu Yunshan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China names conservative, older leadership | Reuters
China's new top Party leaders make debut


Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), led the other newly-elected members of the Standing Committee of the 18th CPC Central Committee Political Bureau to meet the press Thursday morning at the Great Hall of the People.


Profiles of members of the Politburo:

I only have a question: are they all friendly to Vietnam? :D
or who is the hawk, who the deaf?
The way we debate with Vietcongs on PDF should answer that question.
:D indeed, Vietnam should always remember Deng's sincere advice

I think this team is a group of professionals that represent different political cliques and should work together well enough. On the surface there won't be much political changes but with a new addition of the anti corruption czar, Wang Qishan 王岐山, we see which way China is heading. There's no doubt corruption is the biggest hindrance for any country to move ahead and if China can somewhat control it, nothing will stop her from becoming one of best if not the best run country in the world.
It's all geopolitics and Deng said it aptly when 小朋友不乖 some punishments are called for. :smokin:

LOL... 他们真的不乖。 :P

As for those who are interested in the foreign policy of the new Politburo, the word here is "continuity". It's a collective leadership, there aren't going to be any sudden policy shifts.
Are we Indians going to experience any change in foreign policy towards us.
Are we Indians going to experience any change in foreign policy towards us.

Probably not.

Same as before, if your actions are against our interests, we will respond negatively... if your actions help our interests, we'll respond positively.

Standard geopolitics.
I only have a question: are they all friendly to Vietnam? :D
or who is the hawk, who the deaf?

Why would or how could anybody be friendly to the untrustworthy ones?

On a serious note, if Vietnam and China were enemy, it would be bad for both, and it would be worse for VN than for China due to many aspects. So the two countries should strive to be friends.
Are we Indians going to experience any change in foreign policy towards us.

Probably not, the line-up just says - "Business as Usual". A few economic reforms here and there, but nothing revolutionary.

Everywhere I read is just disappointment that the reformers are being sidelined by Jiang Zemin's group.

Probably because all the Western press were secretly hoping for radical political reforms, turning China into a perfect democracy, freeing Tibet and filling the land with rainbows and unicorns.




BEIJING, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) -- The following is the biographical sketch of Liu Yunshan:

Liu Yunshan, male, ethnic Han, native of Xinzhou, Shanxi Province, born in July 1947. Joined the CPC in April 1971 and began working in September 1966. Graduated from the Party School of the CPC Central Committee. With a university education.

Member of the Political Bureau and the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee and head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee.

1964-1968 Student at Jining Normal School, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

1968-1969 Teacher of Bashi School of Tumd Left Banner and sent to do manual labor in Sobugai People's Commune of Tumd Right Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

1969-1975 Clerk of the Publicity Department of the CPC Tumd Right Banner Committee, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

1975-1982 Reporter, deputy section chief and member of the Leading Party Members' Group of Inner Mongolia Bureau of Xinhua News Agency (studied at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee from March to August 1981)

1982-1984 Deputy secretary of the Communist Youth League Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Committee and its Leading Party Members' Group

1984-1986 Deputy head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Committee

1986-1987 Member of the Standing Committee and head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Committee

1987-1991 Member of the Standing Committee and secretary general of the CPC Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Committee and concurrently secretary of Working Committee of the Organs Under CPC Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Committee

1991-1992 Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Committee and secretary of the CPC Chifeng Municipal Committee

1992-1993 Deputy secretary of the CPC Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Committee and concurrently secretary of the CPC Chifeng Municipal Committee (1989-1992: took a correspondence course of the Central Party School, majoring in Party and government administration)

1993-1997 Deputy head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee

1997-2002 Deputy head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee (confirmed as ministerial-level official in October 1997), head of the Office of the Spiritual Civilization Steering Committee of the CPC Central Committee

2002- Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee and head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee Alternate member of the Twelfth and Fourteenth CPC Central Committees, and member of the Fifteenth through Seventeenth CPC Central Committees. Member of the Political Bureau and the Secretariat of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth CPC Central Committees.

Editor: An Lu

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