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Anti-Islam propaganda sites on the internet


Dec 29, 2008
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I was just searching for some references on a topic i was studying regarding Quran and the holy Prophet (PBUH).

These two absolutely rubbish sites have caught my eye which are full of lies and deceit about Islam.

What has prompted these accursed morons to come up with such purely hate based and utterly biased and false point of views regarding Quran and the holy Prophet's life is beyond me.
What is even more revolting is the fact that they are propagating their ignorance and hate via the internet and claiming their websites as ones about Islam while in actuality they are just a collection of abusive material with deliberate misquotations and false historical references.

I was disgusted and thought that i should share these links with you to see for yourselves what is being thrown at Islam out there without any basis.

For all the non Muslim members here... please note that these sites are absolutely in contradiction to the teachings of Quran and the life of Muhammad (PBUH).
If anyone of you needs to study Islam and its true values in an objective manner then please PM me and i can send you a few links.

Below is the link of these pathetic and bigoted attempts to distort the message of Islam.

Answering Islam, A Christian-Muslim Dialog and Apologetic
I was having a discussion with a colleague and he mentioned something rather offensive about the prayer offered when slaughtering an animal for Halal.

I dont think the mentioning those remarks/translation would be of anyone's benefit and I do not beleive that it was true.

It would be great if someone can enlighten me with exact prayer and its translation. I tried google but did not come up with correct answer.

These are jewish made website

if you want to research and know about islam go to Islam and Muslims:

Thanks Luftwaffe, actually i am just highlighting these sites as nonsense.
I have a good collection of books and refer to some good websites from time to time to get additional perspective.

There is another site which is excellent.
Monthly Renaissance - Home
I was having a discussion with a colleague and he mentioned something rather offensive about the prayer offered when slaughtering an animal for Halal.

I dont think the mentioning those remarks/translation would be of anyone's benefit and I do not beleive that it was true.

It would be great if someone can enlighten me with exact prayer and its translation. I tried google but did not come up with correct answer.



Purpose of the prayer is to thank the lord for his bounty and to use His name in sacrificing the creatures which He has bestowed upon us for our sustenance.

The words go like this.
“Bismillah, Allah u Akbar”
(In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest)

Hope it clarifies.
Today there is a million propaganda made against Islam and another million propaganda made against Pakistan. People should really think before reading something on the internet and search for numerous sources when researching a topic. There are many enemies of Islam and Pakistan hiding behind the computer these days.
the problem is the MEDIA WAR has started and currently muslims are losing it and the war is completely one sided.... we are portrayed as BARBARIANS....the same propoganda was done by the POPE just before the crusades......
the problem is the MEDIA WAR has started and currently muslims are losing it and the war is completely one sided.... we are portrayed as BARBARIANS....the same propoganda was done by the POPE just before the crusades......

The computer has one eye (Dajaal).
You guys should not be offended by these sites..Internet is meant to be free and anybody can setup site.
You guys should not be offended by these sites..Internet is meant to be free and anybody can setup site.

Rightly said. However, I have also seen sites which are Anti Hindu and Anti Jews.. Just search "I hate Jews" and what you get.

But having said that the Anti Islam sites will defeinetly out number all.
The best a muslim can do and who has resources like the owners of this forum , should be setting up a site that separates Islam from Taliban Islam.

Rest of the world sees pictures of Women been beaten up, 12 years old bys with Rocket launchers and Girl schools being destryed.

And not to forget what they did to Bhudha statue in Bamyan AF.
You guys should not be offended by these sites..Internet is meant to be free and anybody can setup site.


Only thing is that in this current age one cannot deny the fact that many people do get information from the internet.

Freedom of speech does not give one the right to propagate nonsense without having any proof and trying to pass it as fact whereas the actual historical references,practices and knowledge base dictates otherwise.
I would not write something which i have no idea about with a deliberate attempt to malign someone or their faith, this is a truly negative thing.
The presence of such individuals and organizations necessitates that someone counters them as well.

My purpose in starting this thread was that at least some people will know that these particular sites are based on nonsense and will try to look at some other sources as well before forming a half cooked opinion on Islam.
A-G and others, what you could do is not to visit these sites (unless they're debate forums and you're prepared for it), since each access increases their popularity with search engines.
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