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India - A sacred geography bound by Dharma

Incidentally, the advent of Islam was predicted in both Hindu and Buddhist religious scriptures,

:blink: there is not even a single mention of the word islam or muhammad in any of our religious scriptures
:blink: there is not even a single mention of the word islam or muhammad in any of our religious scriptures

Actually there is... I don remember where i read it before... It is said, they will destroy monuments and pose a challenge in kali yuga....
Actually there is... I don remember where i read it before... It is said, they will destroy monuments and pose a challenge in kali yuga....

ok yes i think i read it somewhere too after that to destroy adharma and establish dharma the supreme lord will arrive in the form of Kalki which will mark the end of dark age (kali yuga) am i right
If its was shared religion as a uniting factor, then Nepal should have been part of India.

Historic facts as per CCP-certified Red book? :lol:

Indian culture started by British? :woot:

I though Chinese members said caste system was particular t Indian culture, you are blaming UK now for caste system. :woot:

What next Taiwanese culture, Nanking culture attributed to Japan?

Concept of nationalism was from Europe

Do not twist my words around, I'm speaking of India as a ,nation not as a culture or civilization. In Europe, England, France, Italy, Spain and Germany share the same European culture and civilizations. From there, the civilization spread to Americas and Australia. These are different nations of the same civilization. If India is split into many nation states, these little nations would still share the same civilization and religion and similar caste system.
So you agree India is tied because of Hindu nationalism?

I beg to differ, i think you are showing brazen anti-Christian sentiments like your fellow Chinese.

I know Taiping rebellion has been very hard on Chinese mindset.

But stating Christianity incapable of creating unity if wrong.

I'm sure if events during Taiping rebellion had gone the other way, and entire Chinese would have converted to Christianity, China would have been united long ago and done so with out say: ethnic dilutions etc.

See the light in the Lord Path!

Amen! :)

If the above is true then Indian Govt should passed a law against onversion to Christianity and ban Christianity .

Last i recall our Defence minister was Christian.

Religious extremism is same as Religious nationalism?

So , by extension of your logic, Pakistani religious extremists are Pakistanis nationalists? So if terror groups like TTP whom brave Pakistani forces fights against, is actually against Pakistanis nationalists. You should have some shame.

What I'm saying is that Hinduism is what bound the nation of India together today. India was ruled for 800 years by various Muslim empires and then 200 by the Brits. Once India achieve independence, what hold the nation is the religion. That is why some Muslim majority areas were split off to form another country. In this regard, India is similar to Israel for Jews. India is for Hindus. Now, if a country exists because of a religious belief, loss of the religious belief could spell an end for the country. My use of Christianity is just an example, I'm a Christian so don't misunderstand my points.
What I'm saying is that Hinduism is what bound the nation of India together today. India was ruled for 800 years by various Muslim empires and then 200 by the Brits. Once India achieve independence, what hold the nation is the religion. That is why some Muslim majority areas were split off to form another country. In this regard, India is similar to Israel for Jews. India is for Hindus. Now, if a country exists because of a religious belief, loss of the religious belief could spell an end for the country. My use of Christianity is just an example, I'm a Christian so don't misunderstand my points.
India is just not for Hindus. Muslims, Jains, Buddhists, Christians, Sikhs, this country belongs to them too. Many of my friends are from different religion and they believe in India as much as I do.
India is just not for Hindus. Muslims, Jains, Buddhists, Christians, Sikhs, this country belongs to them too. Many of my friends are from different religion and they believe in India as much as I do.

Agree. But the force that tie India together is Hinduism. Without Hinduism, various language and groups would seek its own nation.
What I'm saying is that Hinduism is what bound the nation of India together today. India was ruled for 800 years by various Muslim empires and then 200 by the Brits. Once India achieve independence, what hold the nation is the religion. That is why some Muslim majority areas were split off to form another country. In this regard, India is similar to Israel for Jews. India is for Hindus. Now, if a country exists because of a religious belief, loss of the religious belief could spell an end for the country. My use of Christianity is just an example, I'm a Christian so don't misunderstand my points.

Completely untrue, India is a secular country religion has nothing to do with India. Culturally Indian people have similarities right from Kashmir to Kanyakumari.
India is India because it is predominantly Hindu.

It colors each one of us, regardless of our faith.

It is what is part of our legacy and our heritage.

It is tolerant and inclusive and assimilative without being overpowering.

I laugh at others trying to teach us secularism or what their version of the definition should be.

When all along, it was India which embodied secularism to the ancient world.

I despise equally the pseudo-secularists as well as the fanatics who take a stand and make Hindutva a bad word.

When in fact it is what has held us together and kept us together and helped us retain our roots for millenia as well as these past 65 years.
We are not Arabized as you Indians famously pronounce us to be. We are Muslims because our religion is Islam. Which ancient faith you are talking about. The religion of Indus Valley Civilization is not known as yet, neither their language has been deciphered so far.

The people of this ancient land were Hindus, were Buddhists and now are Muslims. For you religion is the basis of being Indian, being Dharmic or Indic. It is the people of the land who identify their identity, and thankfully the Pakistanis are proud Muslims now.

Incidentally, the advent of Islam was predicted in both Hindu and Buddhist religious scriptures, thousands of years before its advent. Therefore for me, Islam is also part of India as was predicted thousands of years ago by Hindu and Buddhist religious scriptures. Yes they did not have good words for Islam as they predicted the advent of this new religion, but this is understood as the advent of new religions have been scoffed at by earlier faiths.

You are nothing but a Gung-Tok from Sick-im. Tin Horn.

Hinduism has roots in IVC religion and it was proved with the seals of Pasupathi. The advent of Islam was never predicted in Hinduism or Buddhism you can claim it for your self we have no problem.

You are just a confused Pakistani who has deep feeling of Identity crisis.

Sikkimese are a part of Indian culture these people are part of epics like MahaBharata.
Really sad watching indians not going in deep details.... Its like a male who has smartphone but doesnt know how to use it hence cant take benefits.... 3 Gods among 33 billion indian Gods were main gods.... They were lord vishnu, lord brahma and lord shiva.... Lord Brahma was Anu.... Lord Vishnu was Enki the chief engineer and Lord shiva was ENLIL the destroyer.... Ever wonder was vishnu always resting under 7 hooded snake? He was reptilian God the chief engineer Enki who believed in creation (hybrids).... While shiva hated hybrids and became destroyer of it.... Learn everything and expand the knowledge.... Must visit this link to know the whole truth that humans forgot and get ready to welcome them soon in Golden age....
Were the Anunnaki alien race, the same hindu gods???, page 1
Really sad watching indians not going in deep details.... Its like a male who has smartphone but doesnt know how to use it hence cant take benefits.... 3 Gods among 33 billion indian Gods were main gods.... They were lord vishnu, lord brahma and lord shiva.... Lord Brahma was Anu.... Lord Vishnu was Enki the chief engineer and Lord shiva was ENLIL the destroyer.... Ever wonder was vishnu always resting under 7 hooded snake? He was reptilian God the chief engineer Enki who believed in creation (hybrids).... While shiva hated hybrids and became destroyer of it.... Learn everything and expand the knowledge.... Must visit this link to know the whole truth that humans forgot and get ready to welcome them soon in Golden age....
Were the Anunnaki alien race, the same hindu gods???, page 1

Indians depiction of Gods is completely different from other regions of world.
Indians, your mask is falling. Your hegemonic plans are clear to us now
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