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India - A sacred geography bound by Dharma

Guru Rinpoche


Is that a Trishul in the background of the Guru....??
When we talk about history, we do not o by feelings, but by facts. The fact is they India was created by Britain. Without them, evidence base on hitrick facts indicate that India would not be united

Sir I have to say that your understanding of India and its history is very very poor. If you are really interested (and i am supposing you are not trolling) the following book will be a good start.

The name of the India was suggested by Great Jinnah as Hindustan and rightly so. We Muslim knew it long before the Hindus themselves.

Jai Hind.

Is that a Trishul in the background of the Guru....??

Its a angry buddah, pissed off seeing India turned Hindustan. ;)

Here is God showing Arjuna his supreme form (viraat swaroop) at kurukshetra battle feild while revealing bhagvadgeeta to him


Lord buddha attaining enlightenment under pipal tree at bodhgaya

Guru Nanak emerging from vain nadi
The name of the India was suggested by Great Jinnah as Hindustan and rightly so. We Muslim knew it long before the Hindus themselves.

Jai Hind.

Its a angry buddah, pissed off seeing India turned Hindustan. ;)

lolz.... the word hindustan is mentioned in our vedas which were written milleniums before any thing called islam muslims even existed
Himalyam Samarabhya
Tam Deonirmitam Desham
Hindusthanam Prachakshate
Translation: "The country which starts from Himalayas and the borders of which reach till the Indian Ocean (Indu Sarovaram), has been created by devas and its name is Hindusthan.
Ignoring some trolls i request all indian members belonging to dharmic faiths to post their religious pics i would have done that but i dont know much about non hindu dharmic faiths like buddhism, sikhism etc

Here is God showing Arjuna his supreme form (viraat swaroop)


Lord buddha attaining enlightenment under pipal tree at bodhgaya
Its not Viraat swaroop its Vishwa Roopa... the Photo ur posted happened while Lord Krishna was revealing Supreme knowledge The Geeta to Arjuna... this particular incident happened while Lord Krishna was Explaining the 11th chapter of Geeta to be exact...

in total the Lord has shown His Vishwa Roopam 7 times in Mahabharata...

1. To Duryodhana when Lord Sri Krishna goes as the messenger from Yudishtira ...

2.To Vidhura when Lord Sri Krishna visits him at his house...

3.To Arjuna when he was unwilling to fight against his own cousins the photo which u have posted above...

4.To Bhishma when he was on his death bed lying upon a bed of arrows...

5.To Karna just before he was killed, Lord Sri Krishna took all the fruits of penance accumulated by Karna before he was killed by Arjuna... & said this important Sloka “Dharma eva hato hanti, Dharmo rakshati rakshitah”

6.To Drithrashtra just after Gandhari Cursed Lord krishna for he being the reason for death of his 100 children while Lord krishna accepted this curse humbly...she cursed a death to the Lord Krishna along with a death to all the Yadavas clan which became ture ...

7.Last time to a Brahmin when he was about to curse Lord krishna when he knows that there was war between Kauravas & pandavas & all the Kauravas were killed in this... to evade the Curse he shown his Vishwaroopa to the Brahmin ...
Some negative energy users spoiling this thread.... the problem is with indians who replying to those who desperate to derail the thread.... ignore it and smile.... It will frustate them and they will leave.... Peace is everything. Replying back will derail thread further and it will create negative energy....
Its not Viraat swaroop its Vishwa Roopa... the Photo ur posted happened while Lord Krishna was revealing Supreme knowledge The Geeta to Arjuna... this particular incident happened while Lord Krishna was Explaining the 11th chapter of Geeta to be exact...

in total the Lord has shown His Vishwa Roopam 7 times in Mahabharata...

1. To Duryodhana when Lord Sri Krishna goes as the messenger from Yudishtira ...

2.To Vidhura when Lord Sri Krishna visits him at his house...

3.To Arjuna when he was unwilling to fight against his own cousins the photo which u have posted above...

4.To Bhishma when he was on his death bed lying upon a bed of arrows...

5.To Karna just before he was killed, Lord Sri Krishna took all the fruits of penance accumulated by Karna before he was killed by Arjuna... & said this important Sloka ¡°Dharma eva hato hanti, Dharmo rakshati rakshitah¡±

6.To Drithrashtra just after Gandhari Cursed Lord krishna for he being the reason for death of his 100 children while Lord krishna accepted this curse humbly...she cursed a death to the Lord Krishna along with a death to all the Yadavas clan which became ture ...

7.Last time to a Brahmin when he was about to curse Lord krishna when he knows that there was war between Kauravas & pandavas & all the Kauravas were killed in this... to evade the Curse he shown his Vishwaroopa to the Brahmin ...

it is also known as virat swaroop just google it and you forgot to mention it was first shown to Yashodha during lord krishna's childhood when she caught him eating clay which after lord declined she told him to open his mouth when he did inside his mouth yashodha saw entire universe, planets, stars, gods, lord brahma sitting on lotus, lord shiva meditating at kailash etc etc etc
it is also known as virat swaroop just google it and you forgot to mention it was first shown to Yashodha during lord krishna's childhood when she caught him eating clay which after lord declined she told him to open his mouth when he did inside his mouth yashodha saw entire universe, planets, stars, gods, lord brahma sitting on lotus, lord shiva meditating at kailash etc etc etc
That was not Vishwaroopa ... Vishwaroopa must have vishu standing having a body with18 other heads... Each head showing the Tatva which balances the universe...
the thing is that some idiots want to import American Culture here (athough thats not wrong or there is any fault in it) but they present our Culture as backward & western as better ... its the comparison which is bad... they show that our values r pretty medieval... while they r quite modern with adopted western culture... we have generation who thinks going Temple is backwardness while going churches is cool... Naming themselves with some western name is cool ... Keeping Choti or wearing Yojnapavitam is a joke or Discussing Mahabharata or Ramayana is radicalness ...

This is solely a stereotype. This originates mostly in the western world where people dont understand Indian culture. I do agree that we need some aspects of western perspectives in our culture, just because no culture is perfect. But this is not to say that if we discuss any of the Hindu scriptures it is extremism. It also does not mean that wearing traditional clothing is backward. Modernity exists in thought. Not in the clothes you wear or the way you speak. Of course Hinduism has certain superstitious and backward aspects to it, but so does every religion. Infact if you compare, the Abrahamic faiths are more backward than Hinduism in the amount of violence and bigotry they espouse. So I would definitely improve upon Hindu culture according to 21st century needs, but I wouldnt take idiots that think Indian culture is backward seriously. India cannot become the US and develop, it needs its own culture and its own identity. But people should also be united and not stand divided by religion.

So Hindu extremism is the same Hindu nationalism.

I am not a nationalist, let alone a Hindu nationalist, I am just a patriot.

There are indeed Hindu nationalists who are nothing but Hindu extremists. But this doesnt mean Hindu nationalism is extremism and all those who are nationalists are religious extremists. Hindu nationalism just seeks to unite all religions that originated in this land, which is India. Although, they should expand that to include Christians and Muslims as well so that their nationalism is all inclusive instead of leaving a few out. But as usual, this form of nationalism is very dangerous as it is almost always misused by people who are nationalists without knowing why they are nationalists. They tend to espouse unity because of their shared bigotry than their sense of unity amongst religions. This is solely the fault of a few people, not the principle itself.
All Gods are one.... They just took different faces for different role.... Try to remember what Lord shiva said.... He said anyone who tries to find whos most powerful god among Lord shiva, Lord brahma and Lord vishnu wont enjoy life.... Lord brahma is creation, lord vishnu is maintainer and Lord shiva is for destruction.... All Gods are one.... He just came on Earth in different faces....
The broad classification of Vedic literature tends to underline two different facets; Rig Veda based early Vedic literature and Atharva Veda, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishadas based later Vedic literature. However, it also reveals a protracted cultural growth which can be identified through use of Sanskrit, societal varna system, monotheistic and polytheistic rituals including yajnas, animal sacrifices and cremation of the dead etc.

From the archeological evidence it becomes clearly evident that Vedic literature based cultural traditions are better identified with Post Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) cultural traditions. Let me highlight some of the more pronounced facts in this regard:

  • The formation of IVC’s cultural entities can be identified between 3000-1300 BC. Contrarily, the Historians identify formulation of Vedic traditions between 1500-600 BC.
  • The IVC’s culture was identified in the Indus Valley, Ghaggar-Hakra basin and in the Doab. These cultural moorings however do not find an extension into central and lower Gangese Valley in eastern and central Indian plains. Contrarily, the traditions abound in Vedic culture extends all over Pakistan and northern India.
  • The decline of IVC traditions started declining after 2000BC and little of it was identified around 1300 BC. However, the Vedic traditions sustained its development even to the early historic era (Joe’s pre, proto and history duly accounted) and shaped into a state-based urban civilization period.
  • The Vedic cultural tradition do gel with the chiefdom -based Post-Indus cultures as they also use rice, horse and iron etc. However, it also displays a distinct difference with the IVC for the absence of fortified cities, town planning and drainage, monumental art and architecture of burnt bricks, advanced specialization and sea trade, use of seals, weights, measures and script and the custom of burying the dead in cemeteries.
  • An attempt aimed at presenting a distorted version of history through identification of fire places as fire -altars, waste pits as sacrificial pits in Harappan era sites and the imaginary reading of Sanskrit legends on Indus seals is nothing but clear fabrication of historical and archeological evidence. Such falsehood was presented in the manner because the presenters believed that India is a Hindu nation and has Hindu culture in continuity from Vedic Aryans and they themselves wanted to see it that way, which however is not supported by evidence.

Based on the above clearly identifiable differences, I have stated earlier and claim that Pakistan is the scion of and holder of the cradle of Indus Valley Civilization and not India.
The broad classification of Vedic literature tends to underline two different facets; Rig Veda based early Vedic literature and Atharva Veda, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishadas based later Vedic literature. However, it also reveals a protracted cultural growth which can be identified through use of Sanskrit, societal varna system, monotheistic and polytheistic rituals including yajnas, animal sacrifices and cremation of the dead etc.

From the archeological evidence it becomes clearly evident that Vedic literature based cultural traditions are better identified with Post Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) cultural traditions. Let me highlight some of the more pronounced facts in this regard:

  • The formation of IVC’s cultural entities can be identified between 3000-1300 BC. Contrarily, the Historians identify formulation of Vedic traditions between 1500-600 BC.
  • The IVC’s culture was identified in the Indus Valley, Ghaggar-Hakra basin and in the Doab. These cultural moorings however do not find an extension into central and lower Gangese Valley in eastern and central Indian plains. Contrarily, the traditions abound in Vedic culture extends all over Pakistan and northern India.
  • The decline of IVC traditions started declining after 2000BC and little of it was identified around 1300 BC. However, the Vedic traditions sustained its development even to the early historic era (Joe’s pre, proto and history duly accounted) and shaped into a state-based urban civilization period.
  • The Vedic cultural tradition do gel with the chiefdom -based Post-Indus cultures as they also use rice, horse and iron etc. However, it also displays a distinct difference with the IVC for the absence of fortified cities, town planning and drainage, monumental art and architecture of burnt bricks, advanced specialization and sea trade, use of seals, weights, measures and script and the custom of burying the dead in cemeteries.
  • An attempt aimed at presenting a distorted version of history through identification of fire places as fire -altars, waste pits as sacrificial pits in Harappan era sites and the imaginary reading of Sanskrit legends on Indus seals is nothing but clear fabrication of historical and archeological evidence. Such falsehood was presented in the manner because the presenters believed that India is a Hindu nation and has Hindu culture in continuity from Vedic Aryans and they themselves wanted to see it that way, which however is not supported by evidence.

Based on the above clearly identifiable differences, I have stated earlier and claim that Pakistan is the scion of and holder of the cradle of Indus Valley Civilization and not India.

All Pak has got is some ruins of a great ancient civilization n nothing more...

If they were ur ancestors then they were our ancestors too. Its not like IVC was finished in Pak territory itself there r ancient city ruins available from Rajasthan to Gujarat.

Its just that Harappa n Moenjedaro were discovered earlier n got most famous of them all

Everything from city structure to drinage system to toys n artificats is available in India as well.

India even has the ruins of Ancient city Dawarika which predates even IVC n shows development of a full fledged developed Port city in India.

Besides it wasn't like there was no migration present date Pak to India n vice versa.
There was a lot migration due to drying of Ancient river Saraswati to Gangetic plains in pre islamic era.

N half of ur current population is decendants of Indo-Persian mixing or displaced people from India during partition

So stop ranting that IVC is all about Pakistan....:hitwall:

N just for ur info Rig Vedas were composed as early as 1700-1100 BC n the Vedic civilization much older than u think...:angry:
The name of the India was suggested by Great Jinnah as Hindustan and rightly so. We Muslim knew it long before the Hindus themselves.

Jai Hind.

Its a angry buddah, pissed off seeing India turned Hindustan. ;)

Oh yea, I read in Greek old scriptures that Alexander the Great actually tried to invade Bangladesh in BC.
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