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The U.S. Has To Be Ejected From Afghanistan By Force

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Dec 21, 2008
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By entertaining visits of Americans like Holbrooke and Mullen, the children in New Delhi are acquiescing in the U.S. assuming the role of overlord of the subcontinent which has the responsibility to ‘stabilise’ it, etc. and seek India’s ‘cooperation’. “Common threat” to India and the United States in Afghanistan? The U.S. has no role in the subcontinent and has to be ejected from Afghanistan by military force. Like Manmohan Singh being ordered by C.I.A.-RAW at the G-20 summit (click on the link at the bottom of post # 1 of the following thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/india-defence/16042-raw-indias-external-intelligence-agency.html ), children like Mukherjee, Shiv Shankar Menon and M. K. Narayanan that these Americans meet do not speak for India.
By entertaining visits of Americans like Holbrooke and Mullen, the children in New Delhi are acquiescing in the U.S. assuming the role of overlord of the subcontinent which has the responsibility to ‘stabilise’ it, etc. and seek India’s ‘cooperation’. “Common threat” to India and the United States in Afghanistan? The U.S. has no role in the subcontinent and has to be ejected from Afghanistan by military force. Like Manmohan Singh being ordered by C.I.A.-RAW at the G-20 summit, children like Mukherjee, Shiv Shankar Menon and M. K. Narayanan that these Americans meet do not speak for India.

And Which military force will forcefully eject the Americans? :woot:

I bet you with your conspiracy brain, it will be these firangi's from outer space, right!!!:rofl:
Aside from the fact that this is all BS, funny BS but still BS, the so called 'article' does not even say how India could get this 'nuclear superiority' over the US.

And yes before you ask I am in the evil grips of CIA-RAW, we have nice discussions on how to bring India under US control and then we pop over to the zionists so we can plot taking over the world. Oh, did I mention that I am an invincible alien who only came here to replace the Royal family with lizards?
The person who posted above has to learn to read. My post above said " to see how India can quickly attain nuclear supremacy over the United States, click on the link at the bottom of post # 1 of the following thread: ....". The LINK at the bottom of post # 1 of that thread says how India can quickly attain nuclear supremacy over the United States, not the "article" which is post # 1 of that thread. Clicking on the link in my post above takes one to the thread; then clicking on the LINK at the bottom of post # 1 of that thread takes one to hundreds of pages of material which shows, among other things, how India can attain nuclear supremacy over the United States. The level of literacy of this person seems about par for this forum.
By entertaining visits of Americans like Holbrooke and Mullen, the children in New Delhi are acquiescing in the U.S. assuming the role of overlord of the subcontinent which has the responsibility to ‘stabilise’ it, etc. and seeks India’s ‘cooperation’. “Common threat” to India and the United States in Afghanistan? The U.S. has no role in the subcontinent and has to be ejected from Afghanistan by military force. Like Manmohan Singh being ordered by C.I.A.-RAW at the G-20 summit (see the link referred to above), children like Mukherjee, Shiv Shankar Menon and M. K. Narayanan that these Americans meet do not speak for India.

A PTI report says Varun Gandhi has said he will not campaign against his family members, Sonia and Rahul. The fact that his loyalty to his family exceeds his loyalty to the country makes him totally unfit to be a Member of Parliament, from any party or as an Independent. Such loyalty is appropriate to a child, not to a Member of Parliament. It is also highly injurious to India since his aunt and cousin are at best traitors to India but in fact are enemies of India; one is a foreign white enemy, the other a half-white enemy.

Since all Congress party candidates running to be Members of Parliament are similarly loyal to the Family, like children, not to the country, they are similarly unfit to be Members of Parliament.

All others running to be Members of Parliament from various parties or as Independents are loyal, like children, to the white man and are unfit to be Members of Parliament. Since they are also participating in the white man’s crimes against the only Indian who is an adult, their candidacy is also highly injurious to India.

The people of India, who elect such children, are also children and are all unfit to vote.

I have said that Indians’ child-like behavior toward the white man is due to the terrorization and subjugation they have undergone at the hands of the British in the holocaust I have described (see the link referred to above). Its effects cannot be reversed without imposing a greater holocaust on the white man. Those effects have to be reversed first. These elections are a hindrance to doing that.
The person who posted above has to learn to read. My post above said " to see how India can quickly attain nuclear supremacy over the United States, click on the link at the bottom of post # 1 of the following thread: ....". The LINK at the bottom of post # 1 of that thread says how India can quickly attain nuclear supremacy over the United States, not the "article" which is post # 1 of that thread. Clicking on the link in my post above takes one to the thread; then clicking on the LINK at the bottom of post # 1 of that thread takes one to hundreds of pages of material which shows, among other things, how India can attain nuclear supremacy over the United States. The level of literacy of this person seems about par for this forum.

Where does it say how to achieve nuclear superiority? All it is is the ravings of a racist madman (I challenge you to disprove this) over how the CIA controls RAW and the Indian Government and how India should try and achieve nuclear superiority. So as to control the world (he wants military supremacy over the rest of the world) and destroy the white man (he actually says he wants the 'extermination of the white race').
Not to mention all the other ravings including how he wants to nuke his own country.

Yes I can read by the way, even if I preferably don't like reading such incoherent rants (I only usually do so as to understand my real/potential enemies so I can better defeat them, I don't even consider this as in that class as this person is only a threat to the staff at the psychiatric facility he is probably a resident of).
By entertaining visits of Americans like Holbrooke and Mullen, the children in New Delhi are acquiescing in the U.S. assuming the role of overlord of the subcontinent which has the responsibility to ‘stabilise’ it, etc. and seeks India’s ‘cooperation’. “Common threat” to India and the United States in Afghanistan? The U.S. has no role in the subcontinent and has to be ejected from Afghanistan by military force. Like Manmohan Singh being ordered by C.I.A.-RAW at the G-20 summit (see the link referred to above), children like Mukherjee, Shiv Shankar Menon and M. K. Narayanan that these Americans meet do not speak for India.

A PTI report says Varun Gandhi has said he will not campaign against his family members, Sonia and Rahul. The fact that his loyalty to his family exceeds his loyalty to the country makes him totally unfit to be a Member of Parliament, from any party or as an Independent. Such loyalty is appropriate to a child, not to a Member of Parliament. It is also highly injurious to India since his aunt and cousin are at best traitors to India but in fact are enemies of India; one is a foreign white enemy, the other a half-white enemy.

Since all Congress party candidates running to be Members of Parliament are similarly loyal to the Family, like children, not to the country, they are similarly unfit to be Members of Parliament.

All others running to be Members of Parliament from various parties or as Independents are loyal, like children, to the white man and are unfit to be Members of Parliament. Since they are also participating in the white man’s crimes against the only Indian who is an adult, their candidacy is also highly injurious to India.

The people of India, who elect such children, are also children and are all unfit to vote.

I have said that Indians’ child-like behavior toward the white man is due to the terrorization and subjugation they have undergone at the hands of the British in the holocaust I have described (see the link referred to above). Its effects cannot be reversed without imposing a greater holocaust on the white man. Those effects have to be reversed first. These elections are a hindrance to doing that.

So do you also support genocide of white people?

Actually here is a question, where do your loyalties lie? You obviously hate the Government of India (all parties) and think the people are 'children unfit to vote', so where do your loyalties lie?
Mr kaal2009, when was the last time you had a CAT scan. I think its high time you sought an appointment with your radiologist.
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This has to be one of the childish and full fantasies thread. Kaal must be living in imaginary world, no offence intended.

"Darwaze ke halat sai he ghar ke halat ka pata chal jata hai". You dont even need to read the artile, you can judge by just the topic.

Military action against USA.......After all India has done to get close to USA...hahahahah :lol:
The following is not for the illiterates and C.I.A.-RAW agents posting abuse above. It is for educable people who can read:-

I) What Is Nuclear Supremacy?

I have been advocating nuclear supremacy for India over the United States. First I will explain what is meant by nuclear supremacy.
During the Cold War, the US and the Soviet Union were said to be in a relationship of ’Mutual Assured Destruction’ (MAD), meaning if either side launched a first nuclear strike on the other to destroy the other’s nuclear weapons, cities, etc, the other side will have enough nuclear weapons to survive the first strike to obliterate the side which launched the first strike. The purpose of the anti-ballistic missile treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union was to preserve this state of mutual assured destruction, so that neither side will have an incentive to launch a first strike on the other.
A few years ago, the US unilaterally got out of the anti-ballistic missile treaty and started developing systems to shoot down incoming ballistic missiles. An article in Foreign Affairs magazine about a year ago said that America is now close to nuclear supremacy over Russia, or already has nuclear supremacy, because it can now launch a first strike against Russia and destroy all its nuclear weapons or its ability to launch them because of a severe degradation in the number and readiness of Russia’s nuclear weapons after the disintegration of the Soviet Union and thus destroy Russia with a first strike without being destroyed in return.
India’s Defence Reseach and Development Organisation (DRDO) scientists have said that the systems to shoot down incoming ballistic missiles (of short and medium range), which they recently tested, are superior to the US and within three years they will have systems to shoot down ballistic missiles of intercontinental range (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, or ICBMs) such as the ICBMs posessed by the US (the United States does not and will not have the ability to destroy large numbers of incoming ICBMs).
By saying that India will have nuclear supremacy over the United States, I am saying that India will be able to launch a first strike against the United States and destroy it without being destroyed in return.
For the financial side regarding India’s ability to attain nuclear supremacy over the United States, see my articles ’Technological and Economic Emancipation of India’ and ‘How India’s Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year’.
For the US, striving for nuclear supremacy over all nations of the world is an axiom of its foreign policy. An example of its determination to prevent India from emerging out of slavery is in the following report from ’The Guardian’, dated January 22, 2008 where a former chairman of the United States’ joint chiefs of staff and others talk of a nuclear strike on India (without actually naming it) to keep it in a state of slavery:-

"The West must be ready to resort to a pre-emptive nuclear attack to try to halt the imminent spread of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, according to a radical manifesto for a new North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO0 by five of the West’s most senior military officers and strategists.

"Calling for root-and-branch reform of NATO and a new pact drawing the US, NATO and the European Union together in a grand strategy to tackle the challenges of an increasingly brutal world, the former armed forces chiefs from the US, Britain, Germany, France and the Netherlands insist that a first strike nuclear option remains an indispensable instrument since there is simply no realistic prospect of a nuclear-free world.
"The manifesto has been written following discussions with active commanders and policymakers, many of whom are unable or unwilling to publicly air their views. It has been presented to the Pentagon in Washington and to NATO’s secretary general, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer.
"The risk of further (nuclear) proliferation is imminent and, with it, the danger of a nuclear war, albeit limited in scope, might become possible," the authors argued in the 150-page blueprint for urgent reform of Western military strategy and structures. "The first use of nuclear weapons must remain in the quiver of escalation as the ultimate instrument to prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction.
"The authors -General John Shalikashvili, the former chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff and NATO’s ex-supreme commander in Europe, General Klaus Naumann, Germany’s former top soldier and ex-chairman of NATO’s military committee,General Henk van den Breemen, a former Dutch chief of staff, Admiral Jacques Lanxade, a former French chief of staff, and Lord Inge, field marshal and ex-chief of the general staff and the defence staff in the United Kingdom (UK) - paint an alarming picture of the threats and challenges confronting the West in the post-9/11 world and deliver a withering verdict on the ability to cope."

What if the US makes the first nuclear strike on India well before India has developed a first strike capability against it - such as making a nuclear strike on India this year? Such ’counter-proliferation’ nuclear strikes have been part of the US policy for many years and there is nothing really new in the above recommendation. For many years now, India has had nuclear-armed submarines capable of obliterating the United States’ largest cities on its coasts within striking range of its coastal cities at all times, so the US can make a ’counter-proliferation’ strike on India only at the cost of losing its largest cities.
I have said that India can win an arms race with the United States - India produces about half a million engineering graduates per year against the US’ seventy thousand and has an unlimited amount of investment capital for the necessary research, development and production, which will also greatly benefit its economy as a whole. India has no alternative but to attain nuclear supremacy over the United States and eliminate this threat. All that is needed is a clear cut national commitment to this objective.

II) Why Nuclear Supremacy?

I have explained the concept of nuclear supremacy in the article titled “What is nuclear supremacy?”. In this connection, some basic facts have to be understood:
1) The law of the jungle still prevails in international relations. Striving for military supremacy -- which in this age means nuclear supremacy -- over all nations needs no explanation; its necessity is as obvious as the fact that water flows downwards. Only a country such as India with a thousand year history of slavery to various foreign invaders is unable to see the obvious.
2) Geopolitics, so far as it concerns India and the West, is all about white vs. non-white. The same behavior can have more than one possible explanations; my assertion of the role of race (white/non-white) in determining the United States' behavior toward Indians and India is based on observations made as a behavior scientist in the United States where I have lived for 42 years [see the biography of Satish Chandra -- that's me -- in Marquis' Who's Who In America, 2009 and earlier editions and Who's Who In The World, 2009]. What is often referred to as beneficial American 'aid' is actually poison; it is neither needed nor desirable and keeps India from developing its own capabilities. In the nuclear deal, it is not even aid but slavery. The aggressiveness of the United States toward non-white countries is such that there is no option for India but to attain nuclear supremacy over it and put this mad dog to sleep (meaning death). This is the reality and there is nothing very surprising about it. There is no need for India to be another Iran; India has four times the population of the United States and produces 7 times the number of engineers per year that the United States does. It is the effect of a thousand years of slavery and the British rule because of which Indians think of India as an Iran which needs to be afraid of the United States.
3) How did this slavery to the white man come about? An answer is in The Guardian (August 24, 2007, Internet, report by Randeep Ramesh): "India's secret history: 'A holocaust, one where millions disappeared...': Author says British reprisals involved the killing of 10 m, spread over 10 years:..." Present day Indians’ behaviour is profoundly affected by the terrorization and subjugation inflicted on them by the British. This came on top of the terrorization and subjugation inflicted by Muslim invaders in the preceding 800 years. Since Muslims are no longer strong, Indians are coming out of fear of the Muslims but the fear of the white man keeps getting deeper and deeper as the white man’s power in relation to Indians keeps increasing. India is faced with an even deeper slavery to the Americans with the nuclear deal and all the other prongs it comes with. Attaining strategic nuclear parity, then supremacy and using this supremacy to eliminate this incomparably greater threat, will be India's real War of Independence. One does not need to refer to the holocaust beginning 1857 to know the incomparably greater American threat and its consequences, which I know directly but which remains a secret from the Indian people.
There is a simple way to bring India out of its slavery and identify collaborators in India's slavery to American imperialism. Start with India's Army Chief and ask "Are you in favour of strategic nuclear parity with, or supremacy over, the United States as a national objective?" If the answer is not 'Yes', he should be shot on the spot. The same for all other generals and admirals, etc. The same for Manmohan Singh and members of his Cabinet. The same for leaders of political parties. The same for journalists writing on the nuclear deal. The same for 'strategic analysts', etc.
4) India has no shortage of manpower and my proposal about money (see, for example, my articles ‘How India‘s economy can grow 30% per year’ and ‘India’s technological and economic emancipation’ ) can be used to make India both militarily and economically number 1 in the world but military supremacy -- that is, nuclear supremacy -- is even more important than economic supremacy because, without it, it can be subjugated and enslaved (let's leave out who does the subjugation and enslavement). All of the invaders who conquered and enslaved India came from much poorer countries than 'the Golden Hind'.
5) Aiming for nuclear parity with the United States, instead of nuclear supremacy over it, is not an option because the United States, by its nature, will always be striving for nuclear supremacy. This threat -- the United States -- must die for India to live.
The following is what I said, in a release to the press some time ago, about strategic nuclear parity with the United States:
The root cause of the national suicide being committed through the nuclear deal is a failure of political parties to demand at least strategic parity with the United States-- parity with the United States requires at least ten thousand nuclear warheads and the missiles to deliver them to continental United States territory-- as an objective and criterion. While the demand for a Constitutional amendment requiring Parliament's ratification of such agreements in the BJP's statement of August 4 '07 is a long-overdue step, a national objective of strategic parity, at a minimum, with all countries of the world, including the United States, is essential to guide such decisions. This is not something optional but essential. I have said "Justice can only be delivered by your weapons" and showed "the supremacy of weapons in matters of justice" (this includes justice as between nations) and said that "The nonsense about 'minimal nuclear deterrence' is seen in the recolonisation of Pakistan, which has a 'minimal nuclear deterrent', by the United States". Just recently, a United States presidential candidate (Clinton) was "refusing to rule out the use of nuclear weapons against Osama bin Laden or other terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan" ( Washingtonpost.com, August 2 '07) and another U.S. presidential candidate (Obama) said he will undertake an "invasion" of Pakistan, which-- if Pakistan, which has nuclear weapons, defends itself-- will inevitably involve the use of nuclear weapons. India is constantly under the same threat, whether spoken or not, in all dealings with the United States. The BJP should look at its own statement dated December 27, 2005 on foreign policy at its National Executive Meeting which says Pakistan "strives for strategic parity" with India and, about "Indo-US relations", says "What must be at the core of our understanding is that 'strategic partnership' is ordinarily between two equals... accepting an asymmetrical relationship is not 'strategic partnership', it would be capitulation... Which is why the UPA's lack of understanding in dealing with the US is so worrying. With the UPA government's obsequious policies [and] a subservient relationship with the United States". The BJP must clearly understand that the "two equals" must, above all, be equal in nuclear weapons. By that I mean equal in nuclear strength, not just in protocol; even the puppet presidents of Iraq and Afghanistan are given guards of honour and treated as equal in protocol by the United States. I have shown that India has the means to quickly and easily not just attain strategic (nuclear) parity with the United States but surpass it in economic prosperity and well-being (see, for example, my article ‘How India’s economy can grow 30% per year’). These objectives must be clearly stated in policy statements. Article 51 of the Constitution, which says "The State shall endeavour to--... (b) maintain just and honorable relations between nations;", must be amended to "The State shall endeavour to--... (b) maintain just and honorable relations between nations by attaining and maintaining strategic parity, at a minimum, with all nations of the world in its weapons and by assisting victims of imperialism acquire necessary weapons, including nuclear weapons;".
This Article (Article 51) of the Constitution, even as it exists now, provides a basis for Constitutional challenges, in court, to foreign policy acts that constitute "obsequious policies" toward and "subservient relationship" with the United States or that make India's foreign policy serve the United States' imperialist policies toward Iraq and Iran, etc. Recently the Supreme Court rejected a PIL seeking direction to the Central Government to seek Parliament's approval for the nuclear deal on the grounds that it would be interference in the government's treaty-making powers (a Constitutional amendment will be needed for that), but my PIL dated July 20, 2007 seeks "action against the Prime Minister, such as dismissal from office and prosecution for treason, for violating his oath of office to uphold the sovereignty of India by making joint statements, agreements and negotiations with the United States, in connection with said nuclear deal, that are highly injurious to such sovereignty ....", as indeed is clear even without the Hyde Act but particularly if, for example, the 123 agreement is read in conjunction with the Hyde Act. I have not heard anything from the Supreme Court regarding my PIL but if more such PILs are filed, seeking action against the Prime Minister on the grounds of violating his oath of office (which is in the Third Schedule of the Constitution) to uphold India's sovereignty, it will get the Supreme Court's attention-- and no Constitutional amendment is needed for PILs on these grounds.
You cannot uphold the country's sovereignty without the weapons to defend and uphold its sovereignty, which requires strategic (nuclear) parity with the United States. The nuclear deal, in all its aspects and processes-- joint statements, agreements, negotiations, etc.-- injures India's ability to attain strategic (nuclear) parity with the United States and, thus, injures India's ability to defend and uphold its sovereignty and, thus, injures India's sovereignty and constitutes failure to uphold India's sovereignty. This is so even if there were no Hyde Act, no 123 agreement, etc. or no deal is finally signed or executed.
Article 51 of the Constitution also requires India's government to endeavour to eliminate threats to just and honorable relations between nations and, since the United States is the principal transgressor of and threat to such relations between nations, endeavour to attain strategic nuclear supremacy over the United States and take measures, military and non-military, to eliminate this threat.
For other countries of the world, this means getting out of the United States-sponsored denial regimes such as the Nuclear Suppliers Group, International Atomic Energy Agency, etc. and helping each other acquire nuclear weapons to cope with this threat to just and honorable relations between nations.

As I have shown above, even India’s Constitution requires striving to attain nuclear supremacy over the United States.
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There were no more than about 80,000 British, women and children included, in India at any time. This tiny nation, from half way around the world, ruled India for centuries. With a thousand year history of slavery to various foreign invaders, it is not surprising that Indians are extremely stupid in defence matters (see my article 'India's technological and economic emancipation'). It is my task to educate them. Those who would like to be educated should go to my blog titled "Nuclear Supremacy For India Over US". But traitors, of whom there are plenty in India, cannot be educated, only shot. A nuclear detonation in New Delhi is an efficient way to get rid of the traitors. When the Soviet Union fought Hitler's armies in World War II, it took steps that resulted in the deaths of millions of its own countrymen but those steps were necessary to save the country as a whole. The destruction of New Delhi is similarly necessary to save India as a whole. As for the abusive comments about the author: he is as far above you as you may be above cockroaches (see his blog).

Some of the comments here are examples of the ignorant and enslaved 'inferior Indian ******* who are the rule rather the exception in India and in my blog I have written about how India can attain nuclear supremacy over the United States despite such people.
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There were no more than about 80,000 British, women and children included, in India at any time. This tiny nation, from half way around the world, ruled India for centuries. With a thousand year history of slavery to various foreign invaders, it is not surprising that Indians are extremely stupid in defence matters (see my article 'India's technological and economic emancipation'). It is my task to educate them. Those who would like to be educated should go to my blog titled "Nuclear Supremacy For India Over US". But traitors, of whom there are plenty in India, cannot be educated, only shot. A nuclear detonation in New Delhi is an efficient way to get rid of the traitors. When the Soviet Union fought Hitler's armies in World War II, it took steps that resulted in the deaths of millions of its own countrymen but those steps were necessary to save the country as a whole. The destruction of New Delhi is similarly necessary to save India as a whole. As for the abusive comments about the author: he is as far above you as you may be above cockroaches (see his blog).

Some of the comments here are examples of the ignorant and enslaved 'inferior Indian ******** who are the rule rather the exception in India and in my blog I have written about how India can attain nuclear supremacy over the United States despite such people.

You sir, are a ******* moron. Look at the mirror, you aren't exactly a Blonde Haired Blue Eyed testament to man to invoke the N-Word. Anyways, this is the last I address this senile old coot with delusions of grandeur.
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The abusive C.I.A. operative posting above shows his ignorance when he relates the right to be free rather than enslaved to being blue-eyed and blonde. Since the United States' claim of having a right to be in places like Afghanistan to teach them how to live and be governed, etc. is a continuation of the 'White Man's Burden' claim that Kipling wrote about, a few words about who is superior and the right to be free rather than enslaved are appropriate. Again, the following is meant for educable people, not for the C.I.A.-RAW operatives posting abuse.

Thirty five years ago, living in upstate New York, I used to tell other Indians (in 1967, in a graduate dorm at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a white American called me “Brown man’s burden”; for those unfamiliar with it, Kipling‘s phrase “the white man‘s burden“ to refer to British colonial rule over India has been used ever since to justify the white man‘s claim of superiority and dominion over non-white people):-

i) “The only place on Earth where the classical culture, of which Greece was one branch, still exists, is rural North India.”

ii) “At the height of its Golden Age, the standard of living in Greece was that of a typical Indian village.”

iii) [I also used to emphasise that] “The barbarians of Europe were the enemies of the Greeks”.

That classical culture no longer exists in Greece. With the advent of television, it is about to be wiped out from India also. But India is going to wipe out the barbarians. So long as vegetarianism exists in India, that culture has not been wiped out.

Negroid or Aryan, features of brown-skinned people are no guide to their behaviour because of the complex way genetics works; all brown people of the Indian subcontinent have both Aryan and Dravidian genes. Many Indian traitor slaves of the white man have sharp features. The very concept of 'genes' as it exists is highly problematic. Psychologist Carl Jung pointed out that Europeans who moved to North America have within very few generations and with no admixture of blood acquired some physical features of native Americans. I would add behavioral characteristics as well; the 'soul' which enters a child's body with the first breath is from among the souls that are around locally and brings with it its entire history, including behavioral characteristics and behavior can change genes as genes can change behavior. The anatomy and physical characteristics of an organism are not separate from its behaviour and both are affected by both heredity and environment. This is also the foundation of American insistence that only a U.S.-born citizen can be president of their country.

A few years ago in a statement to the press saying how Yoga should be the central part of Indian educational curricula and the degree of proficiency in it should be the criterion for hiring and promotion in government jobs for example, how the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the production of food, clothing, etc., are irrelevant for India “because advanced Yoga practitioners who control their breath live on a handful of rice a day and have the bodies of perfect athletes at a very advanced age“, I said ‘Nothing said above frees India from the obligation to dominate, rather than be dominated by, the intellectually and morally inferior ‘mlecchas’ of the West and do whatever is necessary to enslave and, if necessary, exterminate them. And it WILL be necessary’.

This is what India’s nuclear supremacy over the United States is about for which New Delhi/ Delhi has to be destroyed with a nuclear explosion.

Do not for a moment believe the propaganda about equality in the United States. If India is to emerge from slavery, it has to have nuclear supremacy over the United States.

The first time Holbrooke came to see India's traitor Foreign Minister, Mukherjee, the latter issued a statement about how the Taliban are the greatest threat to India and must be fought by India as its number one priority, etc. This is what I have said about the Taliban:-

This is what I said in a letter to the press in 2001 (see The Current )

“If ever there was a case for a United
Nations' military intervention, the destruction
of ancient statues in Afghanistan is one. India's
government ought to drop paratroops where the
destruction is occurring or threatened and send
in planes and tanks, as planes and tanks are
being used for the destruction. But the United
Nations should move whether or not the Indian
government does.
I have shown elsewhere that India's
government and people can accurately be described
as "Criminal Blackie Slaves". India's armed
forces are among the largest in the world but
what are the chances that they have a contingency
plan to take control of Afghanistan--a part of
traditional India--if necessary (the United
States' armed forces have a plan for every
contingency)? India's lazy and stupid generals
spend their time saluting Criminal Blackie Slaves
such as India's prime ministers & each other;
hence the necessity of UN intervention. (A news
item in the Indian press today says China has
said it will not press India and Pakistan to hold
talks--because of my reference, below, to the
Indian government killing tens of thousands of
its own people in self-staged terrorist incidents
to be able to say to the White Master it will not
hold talks till such incidents stop. Note that
the people of Afghanistan & Pakistan as well as
Kashmir are Indians forcibly converted by
handfuls of invaders--just as Indians were ruled
for centuries by a handful of the British from
across the seven seas--and now hate Indians for
not protecting them. The Taliban's behavior is a
variation on the theme of the 'Stockholm
Syndrome', like Patty Hearst embracing the cause
of the Symbionese Liberation Army. As to what
turned India into a land of Patty Hearsts--that
has to do with the 175 foot tall statue of Buddha
the Taliban is destroying).”

More recently, after the American invasion of Afghanistan, I have said:-

The loathing, contempt and hostility the Muslims of the Subcontinent may feel for India is fully understandable considering they were Hindus forcibly converted by foreign invaders in a country that has a thousand year history of being over-run by successive waves of invaders from various countries without doing anything effective about it. Conversion is preferable to having your head chopped off and being used to build a tower of heads. It was the pacifism of Buddhism and Jainism that was partly responsible for it and so it is understandable that the Taliban demolished those nearly 200 foot tall statues of Buddha. As for their suppression of women, practically all societies throughout history have suppressed women, denied them education, the right to participate in public life or even go into the public, whether it was Victorian England or the United States where women got the vote only recently after a long struggle. Someone who I knew well lived in a town about 20 miles from Delhi in a very traditional Hindu zamindar family in the heart of India's heartland and had seven sisters. Their father had a science degree from Benares Hindu University. There was a junior high school for girls in town and there was no question of girls being allowed by their grandfather to go out of town to study beyond junior high school (though they could do further studies at home with tutors)whereas the boys could go anywhere and study to whatever level they wanted. Only after the grandfather died were the remaining unmarried girls able to go out of town and get bachelor's and master's degrees as did those already married to a lawyer and a professor. When an uncle, an amateur photographer, of the girls took a marriage photograph of one of the girls and coloured her lips red in the prints, the grandfather was very angry. Purdah has been just as strict in mainstream Hindu society as among Muslims. True, purdah among Hindus is due to the Muslim conquest of India but the point is the Taliban are not doing anything radically different from what Hindus in the Hindu/Hindi heartland have been doing for a thousand years or so. I don't think the Taliban women commit Sati on the funeral pyres of husbands as Hindu women did till recently, as the ultimate expression of female virtue, to be forever worshipped by the public afterwards; nor do their women jump into huge bonfires to kill themselves when the men go out to fight the American or NATO invaders as Hindu women regularly and frequently did to save their honour while their men in Rajasthan tied saffron bands on their heads and went out to fight and die to the last man against the Muslim invaders. This is the stuff of Hindu pride and they were infinitely more glorious than the cowardly slaves in New Delhi of Americans and the white man who dare not arrest and deport American officials who arrived uninvited after the Mumbai attacks and claimed they did not need papers to come and exercise jurisdiction over India. I have shown elsewhere ( in my blog ) how those ten sons of India, outnumbered a thousand to one in Mumbai, deserve India's highest civilian award -- Bharat Ratna -- for exemplary self-sacrifice and the highest award for valor -- the Param Vir Chakra.

"Taliban" is plural for Talib which means "student". What can one have against students? Character-wise, they are infinitely superior to the cowardly, degenerate slaves of the white man who constitute the Indian government in New Delhi.

As for the intercepted communications between those ten men who, I have said, were targeting India’s enemies and their handlers, there is an inscription in Greece saying “Go tell to Sparta thou that passest by that here obedient to their word we lie” (see Nehru’s ‘Glimpses of World History’).

When I say India will have nuclear supremacy over the United States, it is partly because Indians' intellect is genetically superior to that of Americans. Those who would like to know the basis for this statement about the genetic superiority of the Indian intellect, ask and I will be happy to oblige.
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A PTI report in the Times of India a couple days ago was headed "Thanks to Obama, India will have a say in Afghanistan". This headline says it all about the slaves that Indians are of the white master; they need permission of the white master to be involved in a part of traditional India. I have said it is India's responsibility to militarily eject the United States from Afghanistan.
The Times of India is a RAW mouthpiece and RAW, which functions as a branch of the C.I.A. (see post # 1 of this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/india-defence/16042-raw-indias-external-intelligence-agency.html ) has brought the Indian media under profound control. It shapes the behavior and thinking of Indians toward such a slavish relationship to the United States. Its control over India is comparable to the control of the KGB over the Soviet Union. That is why RAW has to be destroyed first and foremost and the only practical way to do it is by means of a nuclear bomb centered on its headquarters.
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