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The Race to Bring Quantum Teleportation to Your World


Jun 28, 2012
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By Adam MannEmail Author

October 3, 2012


There is an international quantum teleportation space race heating up. Around the world, countries are investing time and millions of dollars into the technology, which uses satellites to beam bits of quantum information down from the sky and and could profoundly change worldwide communication.

This is not a maybe-sort-of-one-day quantum technology. Quantum teleportation has been proven experimentally many times over and researchers are now eyeing the heavens as their next big leap forward. Most of what remains are the nuts and bolts engineering challenges (and some more money) before it becomes a thing of the present.

Though it may be disappointing to hear, quantum teleportation is not about instantly sending a person or object between two places – this is no “Beam me up, Scotty,” or “Bampf!” Instead, the technique involves the perhaps even freakier task of separating a subatomic particle from its quantum state.

“Once you disembody the state of one of particle, you can then recreate the particle in remote copy,” said physicist and computer scientist Charles Bennett of IBM, who co-authored the first paper on quantum teleportation in 1993.

Though the team’s paper was purely theoretical at the time, scientists since then have done many experiments teleporting particles over longer and longer distances. In the past year, a team from China and another in Austria set new records for quantum teleportation, using a laser to beam photons through the open air over 60 and 89 miles, respectively. This is many times farther than the previous record of 10 miles, set in 2010 by the same Chinese team. With scientists extending quantum teleportation to such distances, many are already considering the next step: zapping particles and information from an orbiting satellite to a relay station on Earth.

If developed, quantum teleportation satellites could allow spies to pass large amounts of information back and forth or create unhackable codes. Should we ever build quantum computers – which would be smaller and exponentially more powerful than modern computers, able to model complex phenomenon, rapidly crunch numbers, and render modern encryption keys useless – they would need quantum teleporters in order to be networked together in a quantum version of the internet.

China plans to launch a satellite with a quantum teleportation experiment payload in 2016 and the European, Japanese, and Canadian space agencies are hoping to fund their own quantum teleportation satellite projects in the coming years. Conspicuously, the U.S. is far behind the pack because of a bureaucratic reshuffling that left quantum communication research experiments without government support in 2008. Whoever loses this new competition could fail to capitalize on the promise of quantum communication altogether.


How It works

The trick to teleportation comes from a quirk of quantum mechanics that allows you to create two particles that are completely in tune with one another, which are known as an entangled pair.

Let’s say you have two entangled photons and you are measuring their polarization, or the direction in which they are oscillating. If one photon has a vertical polarization, you know the other one is going to be exactly the same. The trouble is that quantum mechanics works on probability – before you measure a particle’s polarization it is equally likely to be horizontal or vertical. According to the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics, particles exist in some strange simultaneous vertical/horizontal state until you make a measurement. With an entangled pair, you can just measure one particle, and no matter how far away the other one is from the first, it will instantly gain whatever property you measured.

“It’s like two people play dice and they always get the same result; it’s always random but they always get the same result,” said physicist Rupert Ursin of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, who works with one team that set the recent distance record.

Of course, even with such dice, there’s no way to compose a signal or transfer information. You could give your friend one die and tell him to stand in another room, agreeing beforehand on a binary system where rolling an even number means 0 and an odd number means 1. But because the outcome of each roll is random, all your friend would end up doing is sending you a haphazard string of zeroes and ones.

To send a controllable signal, you need quantum teleportation. This requires three subatomic particles, say photons. Two of the photons are entangled with one another, and the third contains the bit of information you want to send. For a simple example of how this works, let’s say you place one photon from the entangled pair in L.A. and the other in New York.

In L.A., a scientist measures one of the entangled photons and the third particle at the same time. She doesn’t find out their exact properties but just their relative ones – if they are the same or opposite one another – and the particles get destroyed during this measurement. Let’s say she discovers that the particles are opposites and relays this information to her New York colleague. He then measures his entangled photon and knows that the opposite of that measurement is the bit of information he was meant to receive.

Another way to explain it involves a CIA-interrogation analogy that Charles Bennett, co-author of the first quantum teleportation study, likes to use. Imagine that a woman named Alice who lives in Seattle has uncovered information that the CIA desperately needs to thwart an attack. The CIA wants to interrogate her and they need to be able to do it at their headquarters in Washington D.C. Trouble is, Alice doesn’t want to come to D.C. and nothing will persuade her to do so. But the CIA happens to have a pair of magical twin agents named Romulus and Remus who always answer yes or no questions exactly the same way.

So the CIA sends agent Remus to Seattle, not to interrogate Alice, but just to learn if she gets along with Remus. The two meet and get to know each other. Alice discovers that she hates Remus. Every question that she would have answered yes to in life, he answers no. So now all Remus has to do is tell his boss back at headquarters that his and Alice’s answers are opposite. Now the CIA can simply question Romulus to get the information they need.

But just as Romulus and Remus started out together in D.C., quantum teleportation scientists usually don’t have entangled particle pairs just sitting around in two different locations. During an experiment, researchers will often generate an entangled pair in one place. They measure the state of one of the entangled particles and compare that to a third particle containing the bit of data to be sent. They then use a laser beam to send the information about the particles’ relative states, along with the second entangled particle, to another location.

Because subatomic particles are sensitive and small, they’re liable to get lost, meaning that experimenters have to be careful about their protocols. The first quantum teleportation experiments involved sending particles across small spaces, on the order of inches. Eventually, researchers figured out how to shoot a particle several feet, and then hundreds of feet.

“Now we want to show that this kind of communication might be useful on a global scale,” said physicist Anton Zeilinger of the University of Vienna, who led the Austrian quantum-distance team. “The method of choice is to use quantum communication via satellite,” he added, since photons can’t travel very far in glass fiber without getting absorbed.


The Race to Space

Being able to do this quantum satellite teleportation would provide many new advantages, in particular the ability to create cryptographic keys for sensitive information that would be stored in subatomic particles. If anyone were to measure the particle, they would change its properties so spy agencies would always know if they’ve been hacked. Someday in the future, James Bond and MI6 could be passing secret codes back and forth on a teleported light beam through space.

With this in mind, “there are now a couple of research groups considering how to build a quantum payload suitable for a satellite,” said physicist Thomas Jennewein of the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. “There’s basically a race going on to get into space first with a quantum satellite.”

Though Japanese researchers are planning a small quantum experiment on a laser-communication satellite named Socrates that will launch in 2014, the only group with a scheduled satellite devoted to quantum communication is from China.

The Chinese satellite would show the feasibility of several technologies, including quantum key distribution, entanglement distribution, and quantum teleportation, said physicist Yu-Ao Chen of the University of Science and Technology of China in Shanghai, who worked with the Chinese team led by Jian-Wei Pan that set the recent distance record. The main obstacle is how to shrink down the large equipment used in their previous record-breaking teleportation experiment, he said.

The Chinese space agency has put $554 million toward funding five scientific satellites over the coming years, one of which will be used for quantum communication. This is a new direction for China, which has in the past launched more than 100 satellites, but until now only one for dedicated scientific experiments. While the exact figure for the quantum communication project is unknown, it could be on the order of $50 to 100 million, estimated Zeilinger. This stands in contrast to Europe and Canada, which have invested an order of magnitude less for their projects.

This has put China in an enviable position. Other teams are lining up for the chance to collaborate and use their satellite for quantum teleportation experiments. “We already have a deal with Austria to use it when it passes over Vienna,” said Chen. “Germany, Canada, Italy, and many other groups also want to be involved in this project.”

Absent from this tussle is the U.S., whose quantum communication programs have floundered in recent years. Much of this can be traced back to a programmatic reorganization that occurred when the newly created Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) – aka DARPA for spies – took over quantum computing research funding from the National Security Agency and National Institute of Standards and Technology in 2008. IARPA said that it would no longer be providing money to the various quantum communications projects because it didn’t want to fund other agencies’ research.

“One of the first things that happened was the quantum communication research program was put into a good deal of chaos, and largely ended,” said physicist Richard Hughes of Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. Many quantum communication researchers were upset, prompting them to write an open letter to John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology policy.

While in 2012 U.S. government agencies have shown renewed interest in such research, “there’s been a four-year gap and the world doesn’t stand still,” said Hughes. “It’s interesting how strong China has become in the last four or five years in the international science scene — they’ve really come along fast.”

In order to gain the high ground, all interested countries are racing forward with their technology development. In addition to shrinking the machines used for quantum teleportation to get them aboard satellites, engineers will have to make them usable during all hours. Currently, quantum teleportation experiments only happen at night, because during the day the sun’s light washes out whatever signal researchers are trying to send.

“The greatest challenge in making long-range quantum communication and quantum computing is getting good storage of quantum information,” said Bennett. Since photons are readily absorbed in most materials, it’s difficult to keep them around for much longer than a fraction of a second.

In the meantime, everyone is making sure they stay abreast of the latest developments going on around the world.

“We’re not anxious but definitely keeping our eyes open and talking to the various groups,” said Jennewein. “We have the sense that we have to keep moving if we want to be part of the early game.”

Ursin said that if his Austrian team had the funding, they could develop new experiments in about four or five years. Still, there is a ways to go before people are using quantum teleportation and communication routinely, said Hughes. The technology may feasibly be ready in as little as a decade, but not all new developments are immediately adopted. Cellphones were technically available 40 years ago, but only as unwieldy and relatively powerless devices – it was only in recent times that they became ubiquitous. But others in the field are ready for the next breakthrough.

“For us it’s not a question if these technologies will be used, it’s a matter of when, how, and where will we really use them in everyday life,” said Jennewien.

Images: 1) Schematic of quantum teleportation beaming particles from a satellite to two ground stations. 2) and 3) The Austrian team’s laser beam teleports photons between the Canary Islands of Tenerife and La Palma. IQOQI Wien

The Race to Bring Quantum Teleportation to Your World | Wired Science | Wired.com
Thu, 4 October, 2012

China Plans 2013 Release for 2 New Telecom Satellite Options

By Peter B. de Selding

NAPLES, Italy — The Chinese Academy of Space Technology plans to introduce its two new versions of China’s DFH-4 telecommunications satellite platform starting next year, both featuring lithium-ion batteries and the option of ion-electric propulsion, an academy official said Oct. 4.

Both versions are intended to strengthen China’s position in the global market for telecommunications platforms.

In a presentation here to the 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Yongxuan Xiao said that “with great support from [China’s] native satellite operator,” the first small-class version of DFH-4, called the 4S, will make its qualification flight as part of a commercial mission operated by China Satellite Communications Co. Ltd.

The DFH-4S is designed to be small enough to fit onto a Chinese Long March 3C rocket, which is less expensive than the Long March 3B vehicle that currently orbits China’s telecommunications satellites.

At 3.2 meters tall and with a maximum launch weight of 3,800 kilograms, the DHF-4S is smaller than the standard-version DFH-4 now being flown, and considerably smaller than the DFH-4E, which is also scheduled to be ready for flight in the next two years.

DFH-4E will weigh up to 6,000 kilograms at launch and deliver between 9 and 11 kilowatts of power to its payload. Xiao said qualification tests of the satellite’s principal subsystems will be completed in late 2012, and that it will be ready for sale to the market in 2013.

DFH-4 was introduced in 2006. After solar-array drive mechanism issues sharply reduced the life and functionality of two early versions, seven most recently launched models have worked well, with Venezuela’s Venesat-1 having accumulated more than three years of in-orbit service life.

Xiao said the ion-electric thrusters, which at the customer’s option may be used to replace conventional propellant to assure the satellite’s in-orbit stability, have accumulated more than 3,700 hours of lifetime tests. Electric propulsion offers substantial weight savings over conventional propulsion, which can be used to purchase a less-expensive rocket or to add more payload capacity.

Xiao said that for the moment, the electric propulsion designs for DFH-4S and the larger DFH-4E call for electric propulsion to be used only for station-keeping, and not in “full electric” mode to power the satellite from its transfer orbit after separation from its launch vehicle to final geostationary position.

Up to now, China has sold telecommunications satellites mainly as part of package deals that include a launch aboard a Chinese Long March rocket and insurance coverage. Xiao said the Chinese Academy of Space Technology’s goal is to break into export markets for the satellites themselves, with or without a Chinese rocket.

China Plans 2013 Release for 2 New Telecom Satellite Options | SpaceNews.com
China is making great strides in this interesting and advanced field. Looking forward to more applications.
I hope china government can spend more money on Basic Science Research, Especially the strategic field, I know they are doing this, but they should do more, and don't know why, I still think something are lacked.
No only government do it alone, should need to corporate with commercial company, and the achivement to be converted into commercial, and the commercial company also will be encouraged to sponsor the Basic Science Research or do it by theirself, that's a real virtuous circle!
Interesting, I wonder if we can use these techniques to go to the moon, mars, or w/e is out there, in the future.
Interesting, I wonder if we can use these techniques to go to the moon, mars, or w/e is out there, in the future.
Buddy ion-propulsion is already been developed by top space agencies. China too is working on it as far as I remember. moon and Mars mission are considered with Ion-propulsion. Lets hope we see it after a decade.

Quantum computing is been a hot topic for recent years. Quantum teleportation's commercial usage will atleast take more than a decade, safe bet is 2 decade.

But we don't know the growth curve. It may not be linear. So there may be many surprises too se.

I am counting on US, Russia, China and Europe. India has long way to go and way much to learn. Hope we collaborate to get the know-how and don't get left behind more than we already are.
Buddy ion-propulsion is already been developed by top space agencies. China too is working on it as far as I remember. moon and Mars mission are considered with Ion-propulsion. Lets hope we see it after a decade.

Quantum computing is been a hot topic for recent years. Quantum teleportation's commercial usage will atleast take more than a decade, safe bet is 2 decade.

But we don't know the growth curve. It may not be linear. So there may be many surprises too se.

I am counting on US, Russia, China and Europe. India has long way to go and way much to learn. Hope we collaborate to get the know-how and don't get left behind more than we already are.

Unlike India, China never faced attacks from terrible Arabs and euro barb invasions. Im sure if india had more independence then it would have faced more properity in science an tech. I hope apl asians nations leave the disputes behind and work for progress.
Unlike India, China never faced attacks from terrible Arabs and euro barb invasions. Im sure if india had more independence then it would have faced more properity in science an tech. I hope apl asians nations leave the disputes behind and work for progress.

True, Arabs happened to devested India in the long run (Separation, introduction of new ideologies etc)
Buddy ion-propulsion is already been developed by top space agencies. China too is working on it as far as I remember. moon and Mars mission are considered with Ion-propulsion. Lets hope we see it after a decade.

Quantum computing is been a hot topic for recent years. Quantum teleportation's commercial usage will atleast take more than a decade, safe bet is 2 decade.

But we don't know the growth curve. It may not be linear. So there may be many surprises too se.

I am counting on US, Russia, China and Europe. India has long way to go and way much to learn. Hope we collaborate to get the know-how and don't get left behind more than we already are.

if u think India wont be already researching on these things, you are just basing your opinion on bias. In-fact if there is one thing you can safely bet on, it is that the world in future will look up-to India for the latest advances in science. it is already happening - the transformation.

True, Arabs happened to devested India in the long run (Separation, introduction of new ideologies etc)

Unlike India, China never faced attacks from terrible Arabs and euro barb invasions. Im sure if india had more independence then it would have faced more properity in science an tech. I hope apl asians nations leave the disputes behind and work for progress.

India can absorb many such things. There was a critical point. now its surpassed. Now there is no looking back for India. Let India touch 5 trillion then short of a global catastrophe India is not looking back for next 5-6 centuries.
Yaar what problem you have ? I said India has to work a lot as many nations are ahead us in various fields. We have lot to learn and then implement or research independently.

The best way to learn is work in collaboration. My Thesis advisor is ex-NASA scientist, he taught me how to learn from the people who are master at something. He says collaborating with many people will not only increase your vision but also help in applying same research in various fields.

We all know what India is doing, no doubt about that, but we are still behind.

I talk about practicality. That's what I have been taught in doing Research. Look at Indian publications and the gap in between.
My post is based on facts not emotions.

So buddy, don't take me in wrong way, rather read about the evolution of Indian research.
lol ....ok i always ask this whenever some dude theorizes teleportation and supposedly it works on humans.

once disintegrated would u consider the reintegrated & teleported human on he other side the same person?

no BS ,sensible answered would be appreciated.
Unlike India, China never faced attacks from terrible Arabs and euro barb invasions. Im sure if india had more independence then it would have faced more properity in science an tech. I hope apl asians nations leave the disputes behind and work for progress.
When we started after independence, our major goal was to eradicate poverty, which we are still doing, provide basic facilities which we still lack. we don't have enough money for research and development. We started late and nations have huge lead over us. Look at India and China, there is great gap in many fields.

Nehru did one fine job was foundation of IITs.

Still we lack in funding and advanced research facilities. Chinese researchers get more pay than a\indian researchers on an average in their own country.

You guys have more sophisticated equipments, more powerful Super computers, advanced tech and knowledge you got by reverse engineering, which I think is an art, doesn't matter if people call it copying.

If we go reverse engineering like you guys do, we can fill certain gaps.

Being a researcher myself, I know the hardships we go through. Most of the people don't want to remain in India if he wants to do advanced research.
if u think India wont be already researching on these things, you are just basing your opinion on bias. In-fact if there is one thing you can safely bet on, it is that the world in future will look up-to India for the latest advances in science. it is already happening - the transformation.

India can absorb many such things. There was a critical point. now its surpassed. Now there is no looking back for India. Let India touch 5 trillion then short of a global catastrophe India is not looking back for next 5-6 centuries.

what are these that the world has " to look up-to India for the latest advances in science. it is already happening - the transformation." - or is it just indian cheerleading shining?
We pioneered the project in the 80s:

Quantum Information Science

In the 80s, researchers in the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) pioneered studies of quantum optics and quantum information in China. In 1997 and 1998, they proposed the principles of quantum error avoiding codes and probabilistic quantum cloning. In the last decade, they have accomplished a series of leading research projects in the field of quantum information science and quantum communication technology. They first realized open destination quantum teleportation, composite system teleportation, and teleportation between optical and atomic qubits. They hold the world record of long distance free space teleportation, and realized 5, 6 and 10 photon entangled states. They first demonstrated decoy state based quantum key distribution with an absolute security distance greater than 100 and 200 kilometers in 2006 and 2009, respectively. They constructed the world's first all-pass-type quantum communication network, and the world's first quantum repeater with storage and readout. They realized quantum memory that can store information for as long as micro-seconds, and demonstrated multi-photon loss tolerant codes. They simulated the fractional statistics of anyons in the spin lattice model, and greatly improved the coherence times of electron spins by using optimal dynamic coupling. They made breakthrough in quantum technology innovation and its commercialization, and successfully developed key devices and equipments for quantum communication such as single photon detector, integrated quantum key receiver and sender, quantum switches and control stations. Presently, with support from Anhui and Shandong provinces, they are constructing the "north-south backbone" large scale optical fiber quantum communication network. Once finished, it will become the world's first large scale quantum communication testing bed, and play an important role in the national strategic effort to secure a leading position in this emerging industry.

University of Science and Technology of China

and since then records have been smashed and set in May 2010 China-teleports-photons-10-miles-surpasses-u-s-european-record and again in May this year: Chinese-researchers-quantum-teleport-photons-over-60-miles

and now the reporting by the OP puts China on much bolder attempts in forthcoming missions in space!

Go China! :china:
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