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LoL: Watch the Video how "Educated" Pakistani Articulate themselves

Lol Tell me about it - Pakistani People have no brains whatsoever. Pakistanis (majority of them) are just stupid f@cks who think being tall and fair is much better then being smart and hard working.I mean we've seen on this forum so much ignorance about skin color and stuff like that.The logic they present is just mind boggling. For example: TTP is American Product and foreign agents but When Pakistan Army says it is launching operation against TTP these idiots say they sold out and they are doing it for American and other BS.Anyways, Musharraf is a very very decent guy - He should not be talking to such people.I think he should talk about Pakistani at all - Pakistani People deserve Nawaz Sharif, Zardari, Chaudhary Nisar etc.I won't even start about Lal Masjid...if these people want thugs to create havoc in Capital of Pakistan then i think they better move to FATA.
Lol Tell me about it - Pakistani People have no brains whatsoever. Pakistanis (majority of them) are just stupid f@cks who think being tall and fair is much better then being smart and hard working.I mean we've seen on this forum so much ignorance about skin color and stuff like that.The logic they present is just mind boggling. For example: TTP is American Product and foreign agents but When Pakistan Army says it is launching operation against TTP these idiots say they sold out and they are doing it for American and other BS.Anyways, Musharraf is a very very decent guy - He should not be talking to such people.I think he should talk about Pakistani at all - Pakistani People deserve Nawaz Sharif, Zardari, Chaudhary Nisar etc.

Most of the kids that showed up are not intellectuals of their respective universities, just political activists. And everyone knows politics in Pakistan is based on anything but facts and figures. :lol:

These idiots should realize they are addressing a former COAS, and a senior Army general. Even General Musharraf is not angry at them, just dumbfounded that these are university students. They allowed a bad and botched crowd sample onto this show.
Most of the kids that showed up are not intellectuals of their respective universities, just political activists. And everyone knows politics in Pakistan is based on anything but facts and figures. :lol:

These idiots should realize they are addressing a former COAS, and a senior Army general. Even General Musharraf is not angry at them, just dumbfounded that these are university students. They allowed a bad and botched crowd sample onto this show.
Of course General Musharraf is not angry - He is after all a true gentleman who debates like a human unlike these ******* retarded animals.Let's face it Razpak Pakistanis are intellectually bankrupt that's why the majority of the nation is corrupt and believe in conspiracy theories.There are only few intellectuals in Pakistan and they are not popular.People give far more respect to a conspiracy theorist like Zaid Hamid instead of respecting someone like Hassan Nisar who is a intellectual in every sense of the word.You live in US so you probably have rosy memories of Pakistan but trust me Pakistani People are rotten to the core specially this young generation.I know this because i am part of it.These are the same people who would stare at girls and later on talk about Islam.Same people who would be taking part in Anti American demonstrations and later having a meal at KFC and listening to American Music.Pakistan does not really have an intellectual club when it comes to matter of strategic interest.When head of PCSIR literally says that Agha Waqar Invention is not fraud then you can only imagine what kind of intellectual class has.These people think Musharraf is stupid for siding with American after 9/11.Perhaps special seminars should be held in Universities and Baghdad Aerial Bombing Videos should be shown to these people so they understand what it means to fight America - They want PAkistan to become the next vietnam forgetting that while some 50k American Soldiers died more then half a million Vietnamese were killed.- Army understands the consequences.
what I mean to point out is the pathetic comprehension of these "students"
all they have managed is emotional ranting and long winded insults. a sweeper or a driver would have done a better job if insulting Mushy was the mean object.

I dont care about criticism. he should face as much as he deserves but these students actually shamed themselves by failing to question anything meaningful.

most of the questions were just cynical remarks like

selling mothers and sisters for dollars to CIA
making Atomic bomb in Lal Hawaili
beating up Dr Qadir Khan
and dying like Benazir after coming to Pakistan
The host of the show or the producers of the show had an agenda. I'm surprised most of you didn't pick up on it.

Why are only Musharraf bashers asking questions?


Come one guys..

They made this chutiyaa mela for ratings.

The funny part is that even semi-literate people realize the questions that were being asked were based off of fallacies and that even political activists there came with an agenda.

@ Patriot, I visit Pakistan quite often. I am not very old, in my mid twenties. I know what is going on. I am very loyal to my country and our army.

I want to touch on the fact that there was a period in Pakistan that no matter who you spoke with there is always a standard of etiquette. Pakistanis are generally very polite.

IB said that these kids are are rickshawalas ect. I disagree wholeheartedly with him. These kids are the middle class scum that gets indoctrinated by political parties for a chance for a quick buck.

If you brought even a mochi(shoe repairer) to speak with Musharraf he would never have had such horrendous manners.

The shocking thing about this clip is that A) They brought Mudslinging Jahil awam as the crowd sample, and B) They couldn't even get their facts right, but just laugh at their own shitty jokes.

And @ Patriot: Hasan Nisar is a drunk idiot. Sorry If you like the man, but he is a moron. Zaid Hamid is a hundred times better than him.
The host of the show or the producers of the show had an agenda. I'm surprised most of you didn't pick up on it.

Why are only Musharraf bashers asking questions?


Come one guys..

They made this chutiyaa mela for ratings.

The funny part is that even semi-literate people realize the questions that were being asked were based off of fallacies and that even political activists there came with an agenda.

@ Patriot, I visit Pakistan quite often. I am not very old, in my mid twenties. I know what is going on. I am very loyal to my country and our army.

I want to touch on the fact that there was a period in Pakistan that no matter who you spoke with there is always a standard of etiquette. Pakistanis are generally very polite.

IB said that these kids are are rickshawalas ect. I disagree wholeheartedly with him. These kids are the middle class scum that gets indoctrinated by political parties for a chance for a quick buck.

If you brought even a mochi(shoe repairer) to speak with Musharraf he would never have had such horrendous manners.

The shocking thing about this clip is that A) They brought Mudslinging Jahil awam as the crowd sample, and B) They couldn't even get their facts right, but just laugh at their own shitty jokes.

And @ Patriot: Hasan Nisar is a drunk idiot. Sorry If you like the man, but he is a moron. Zaid Hamid is a hundred times better than him.
Yes - These are not poor people.You will get this type of audience if you go to most of the universities in Pakistan.Re Hassan let's agree to disagree.I like how you debate man.Very civilized.I usually end up ranting lol.
Yes - These are not poor people.You will get this type of audience if you go to most of the universities in Pakistan.Re Hassan let's agree to disagree.I like how you debate man.Very civilized.I usually end up ranting lol.

Nobody takes me serious on the forum, so what does it matter. I come and put in my two cents.
About Nisar, yeah we can have a discussion about him some other time on a relevant thread. Other than that you are also on point. I hope the rest of our nation gets on track.
Pakistani Youth does not like to read, so lack of knowledge is there and their total knowledge about current affairs comes from these idiotic current affair shows and they like behave like a guest on these shows. I am not fan of musharaf but this is no way to talk to a man who ran your country (good or bad) for 5 years. heck this is no way to talk to anyone all it does is shows your own class. This is why i said in one of the posts that Imran is counting on "this youth", our youth doesn't know the walk and doesnt know the talk.
On The Front - Gen.Pervez Musharraf - 7 Sep 2012 - YouTube

watch this video and :hitwall:
see how these youth articulate themselves
they are meant to question but all they manage is emotional rant

I mean no disrespect to labourers and taxi drivers but what these students manage is pathetic and no better than illiterate people

:rofl: for a moment i thought im watching stage show with my dad...
btw the only students who sound intelligent are those who are quite.
Irfan what Questions would you have asked the former dictator cum president?
What universities/colleges are these students from?
Irfan what Questions would you have asked the former dictator cum president?

most of the valid questions are asked already in previous interviews that involve his past that cant be undone.

I will ask about the future.

for every following questions, I will demand definite answers with figures and names nothing subjective and half arsed

how does he plan to get us out of WoT
how would he address the trust deficit Pakistan has with enemies & friends
what will he do differently to avoid the clash with other institutions of the state
how would he address the law and order situation
how would he address the unemployment, mismanagement & power shortage
how does he plan to protect the shia minority from the scum of taliban & LeJ
what kind of team he plans to recruit to full-fill above

What universities/colleges are these students from?

if they were in UK then these must be the ones that have recently lost the licence to teach foreign students.
such a waste of their parents money.

bar one of two students who managed to utter few questions without cheap rhetoric and street language mostly sounded like scum of red light district.

I felt depressed and sad to see that this is the level of our "educated" future. this video is an open invitation to our enemies and critics to take a joint p1ss at our future.
Nothing wrong with Zaid Hamid if you want to learn about poetry etc. He's got some good show called "Iqbal ka Pakistan",regarding His defence and political analysism, all should be alert.
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