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TTP Punjab rehearsed attack on nuclear site: Report


Aug 26, 2007
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LAHORE: The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)’s Punjab faction has already held rehearsals to target a nuclear site in DG Khan, revealed an intelligence report.
The faction was identified as the key culprit in the report. The report also dispelled the notion that terrorists have completed reconnaissance and have succeeded in getting a video footage of the installation in DG Khan.

Most of the reconnaissance was carried out by a Punjabi Taliban group led by Asmatullah Moavia.
Moavia’s group will be abetted by TTP commanders Ghulam Rabbani and Qari Kamran for the attack.

The report also revealed that terrorists had already rehearsed the attack by having frequented their planned route to the nuclear facility.

Circular issued

On the basis of this intelligence report, a circular had been issued by the National Crisis Management Cell (NCMC) and the interior ministry, which was then forwarded to all provincial law enforcement agencies.

Using a code word to refer to the nuclear installation, the circular directed close coordination between all law enforcement agencies and foolproof security measures to thwart the nefarious terror scheme.

Suicide bombers have been earmarked in this regard, stated the circular.
DPO DG Khan Chaudhry Muhammad Saleem, while talking to The Express Tribune, confirmed the intelligence report as well as the circulars issued by the federal and provincial governments.

Security of sensitive sites was already beefed up after the Kamra airbase attack but on receiving this new threat alert, the security of the DG Khan nuclear facility has been further enhanced, Saleem said.

About eight police pickets have been established around the nuclear sites, besides inner security cardons.

TTP Punjab rehearsed attack on nuclear site: Report – The Express Tribune
This should make is clear RAW has no hand in this !!

Is punjabi taliban that infulential ?? ......I thought punjib was least affected by extremism
Even if they had gone for it, they wouldn't have succeed in a well protected site for e.g Kamra base attack which was foiled, and what do they want to achieve by attacking a nuclear site?, it will just be a suicide mission. Do they intend to blow up a nuclear base and risk a nuclear fallout? if so their objectives are not which they keep stating that is to see a radical state of Pakistan - it is more on the lines of causing harm to the state. Even a foiled attempt will again bring Pk into the spotlight and this could be the goal.

So, Express Tribune and Express Tribune ONLY has detailed knowledge of what the terrorirsts have been planning and rehearsing ?

It's three days now, and every day ET is spewing some thing new ...

If the news is not true - which I doubt that it is true, wouldn't any other media taken umbrage to false reporting or even the authorities would have objected, was there such an opposition to the news in Pakistan?
Like I said earlier, there is no shame in being safe than sorry.
This is a thread from yesterday... and ET has spewed their venom, and to cover the story, they are even spewing more venom. No other media has reported this incident, and if that was the case, GEO news in Pakistan, BBC and Fox, CNN, NDTV would have broke sky lose by now. ET is not a trustworthy news source anymore. Watch these replies in that specific thread.


So far by ET

We lost AWACs

Mirage rebuild burned into ashes

and now Nuclear site is cordoned off :D :D :D

...and Jamat-e-Islami to make Hijab compulsory in Constitution.

if you look at the links of Express Tribune with international media, you would see that it is associated with International Herald Tribune, Which is owned by John Hay Whitney family, who was the former ambassador of U.S!

International Herald Tribune is jointly owned by “The Washington Post” and “New York Times” and both these newspapers are considered to be the right hand of U.S government in Print media. I mean that Express Tribune is directly controlled by U.S government!!

Express Tribune also publishes ****** material which is infiltrating the minds of our youth with modernism which has nothing to do with Islam.

For example:

Poonam's bare not for all, only Team India
Poonam’s bare not for all, only Team India – The Express Tribune
What does Express Tribune wants to prove with this news?

Hating Terry Jones is bad for Muslims
Hating Terry Jones is bad for Muslims – The Express Tribune Blog
By the very title, spreading hopelessness.

Family planning: Use the rod, spare the child with new contraceptive.
Family planning: Use the rod, spare the child with new contraceptive – The Express Tribune
Encouraging Adultery!

To veil or not to veil
To veil or not to veil – The Express Tribune Blog
Defaming Veil...?

Islam and secularism: imagining new realities
Islam and secularism: imagining new realities – The Express Tribune Blog
Comparing Secularism with Islam!

Banning opinion: What would Gandhi do?
Banning opinion: What would Gandhi do? – The Express Tribune Blog
Ok , now see the hypocrisy, They are against the banning of a book of Gandhi, but they themselves Banned Miss Shireen Mazari when she objected on U.S!! Can you smell the PRo-Indian and Pro-U.S lobby in Express Tribune, any sensible person would do!

...and the list could go endlessly long... In a nutshell, ET is not a trustworthy source - not at all.

MODs... Please either close or merge the two threads. Thanks

No where in the article it said, the attack was foiled... and there is always a threat to these sensitive locations, and most probably a drill by Pakistan security agencies is being painted with the threats from Taliban...

Even if they had gone for it, they wouldn't have succeed in a well protected site for e.g Kamra base attack which was foiled, and what do they want to achieve by attacking a nuclear site?, it will just be a suicide mission. Do they intend to blow up a nuclear base and risk a nuclear fallout? if so their objectives are not which they keep stating that is to see a radical state of Pakistan - it is more on the lines of causing harm to the state. Even a foiled attempt will again bring Pk into the spotlight and this could be the goal.

If the news is not true - which I doubt that it is true, wouldn't any other media taken umbrage to false reporting or even the authorities would have objected, was there such an opposition to the news in Pakistan?

Why should we even give justifications and explanations to an Indian?
I dont understand one thing how the fish in this world Express tribune get intelligence reports.

Whats the point of intelligence report if it is getting published in damn newspaper.

Hell these idiots are nothing but fear and war mongers .They should be completely shut down and kicked out of Pakistan as they are nothing but people who can sell their mothers for money.

I am so much angry abotu this media situation it is hurting Pakistan and its image all around the world. I just wonder Y all these editors get ivited by the Americans embassy and consulates for dance parties................. Hippocrates spreading lies and propoganda.
I dont understand one thing how the fish in this world Express tribune get intelligence reports.

Whats the point of intelligence report if it is getting published in damn newspaper.

Hell these idiots are nothing but fear and war mongers .They should be completely shut down and kicked out of Pakistan as they are nothing but people who can sell their mothers for money.

I am so much angry abotu this media situation it is hurting Pakistan and its image all around the world. I just wonder Y all these editors get ivited by the Americans embassy and consulates for dance parties................. Hippocrates spreading lies and propoganda.

you are as stupid as a pigeon who closes eyes thinking the cat wont be able to see him ....worthless piece of rubbish what your post is ....

The intelligence report was also published in many newspapers before kamra attack including express tribune so was that just an act of spreading false propaganda ? come out of this heroic stuff and face the reality which is not very pretty by the way for people like you

Is most ppl here addicted to mangas ??

Media is always sensationalist in nature.........either you can govt sponsored propaganda media like in Iran, or tightly controlled with periodic venting form of China or complete free.....extra spicy sensationalist media like ours..................Each have its own advantage and weakness

Iran media....spread patriotism and over exploit itto the limit of faking glory

Chinese media ...periodic venting of corruption and other such news...otherwise total blackout of anything showing the party in badlight.......the numbe of riots in guangdong...or the Anhui CPC member scandals are all being covered up........the milk fiacso.............Advantage...spreads patriotism....encourages order over chaos.but ....like a pressure cooker vents once in a while.......

Sensationalist media .......................keep the public on teh verge of paranoia , conspiraciries are commong.........unless you learn to digest it with lot and lot of salt ....this media will screw your thoughts up..................But often they help in bringng the government in tow ,reduce corruption and hempl reform movements
I read somewhere that Hakim Mehsud also rehearsed jumping off the sofa ...... I guess he must be prepared for his jump from the top most peak of Mount Everest! The two situations are comparable anyway.
Whatever they do, ISI is two-step ahead of them.

Pakistan fought against direct attack from Indo-Israel Air Force, twice, once in 1980s on Kahuta Labs and second in 1998 on Chagai. Pakistan also battled against international pressure from media and economical pressures. In the end, we survived and had the bomb.

Today, we are still fighting from external elements trying to de-nuke Pakistan. Strategic Forces and ISI are prepared for whatever comes. If military of two countries couldn't stop the tests from happening, what would a few gunmen with external supports do?

Any news on security of Pakistan's nukes must be consumed with humor.
you are as stupid as a pigeon who closes eyes thinking the cat wont be able to see him ....worthless piece of rubbish what your post is ....

The intelligence report was also published in many newspapers before kamra attack including express tribune so was that just an act of spreading false propaganda ? come out of this heroic stuff and face the reality which is not very pretty by the way for people like you

Oh what happened y r u acting like a 10 year old kiddo....... Have some self respect and dont tell on this forum that you dont have any atticates to talk to other person who have opinion other than what you think.

I have opened my eye to all this sensational news being published by this so called BS express tribune . DO want me you tell u every news they printed which never happened.

Kamra Attack so what if they get one news out of 100s other, true. They are nothing bu propaganda machine hired to spread lies, fear among masses which i think need to be put to stop before it is to late.

PS: We have heard in the past about all this sensation BS from many other news sources nothing came true. Even if it is true what can you do , Armed forces have intelligence and they know how to manage the threat .
again i can see stupidity of Pakistani security forces here DGkhan site is sraunded by jungle and again small homes villages around site :hitwall: can be seen watch towers 300 meters away from each other and BS wall of site is covered with trees again here.no buffer zone no visibility and here we are ready to be banged again :tdown:
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