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The Golden Age of Islam under Khilafah

I only wish I could have had the chance to visit Al Andulus. So many contributions to the world we must rectify our mistakes and return to our prominence.

All i know is that we are the most pathetic breed of muslims in our history , our ancestors must be spitting on us.

Agreed, they probably roll over in their graves looking at how we have fallen.
3 eid manae waale mullah ko khalifa banado??
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3331250 said:
3 eid manae waale mullah ko khalifa banado??

Al-Ghazali (R.A.) on the desired character traits for administration

Al Ghazali wrote the "Nasihat al-Muluk" or "Advice for Kings" to a Seljuq Sultan in which he gave ten different ethics of royal administration:

The ruler should understand the importance and danger of the authority entrusted to him. In authority there is great blessing, since he who exercises it righteously obtained unsurpassed happiness but if any ruler fails to do so he incurs torment surpassed only by the torment for unbelief.

The ruler should always be thirsting to meet devout religious scholars and ask them for advice.

The ruler should understand that he must not covet the wives of other men and be content with personally refraining from injustice, but must discipline his slave-troops, servants, and officers and never tolerate unjust conduct by them; for he will be interrogated not only about his own unjust deeds but also about those of his staff.

The ruler should not be dominated by pride; for pride gives rise to the dominance of anger, and will impel him to revenge. Anger is the evil genius and blight of the intellect. If anger is becoming dominant it will be necessary for the ruler in all his affairs to bend his inclinations in the direction of forgiveness and make a habit of generosity and forbearance unless he is to be like the wild beasts.

In every situation that arises, the ruler should figure that he is the subject and the other person is the holder of authority. He should not sanction for others anything that he would not sanction for himself. For if he would do so he would be making fraudulent and treasonable use of the authority entrusted to him.

The ruler should not disregard the attendance of petitioners at his court and should beware of the danger of so doing. He should solve the grievances of the Muslims.

The ruler should not form a habit of indulging the passions. Although he might dress more finely or eat more sumptuously, he should be content with all that he has; for without contentment, just conduct will not be possible.

The ruler should make the utmost effort to behave gently and avoid governing harshly.

The ruler should endeavor to keep all the subjects pleased with him. The ruler should not let himself be so deluded by the praise he gets from any who approach him as to believe that all the subjects are pleased with him. On the contrary, such praise is entirely due to fear. He must therefore appoint trustworthy persons to carry on espionage and inquire about his standing among the people, so that he may be able to learn his faults from men's tongues.

The ruler should not give satisfaction to any person if a contravention of God's law would be required to please him for no harm will come from such a person's displeasure.



When we will have golden characters, Golden Age would come again :)

All i know is that we are the most pathetic breed of muslims in our history , our ancestors must be spitting on us.

Don't be sad my brother, have a faith on Allah! :)
I lolled at "paper money". So many videos by Muslims calling Paper money illegitimate advocating gold as currency and Islamic banking in there ideal Islamic world..

Stupid the concept of gold may be, but i never expected Muslims to be the front runners in introducing paper money.
I lolled at "paper money". So many videos by Muslims calling Paper money illegitimate advocating gold as currency and Islamic banking in there ideal Islamic world..

Stupid the concept of gold may be, but i never expected Muslims to be the front runners in introducing paper money.

That is generated out of free of interest economic model. Very reason which lead Muslim traders in 1400 years ago to invent and use Trade bonds [checks] to do business with China.
That is generated out of free of interest economic model. Very reason which lead Muslim traders in 1400 years ago to invent and use Trade bonds [checks] to do business with China.

There is no free of interest economic model,there are runarounds and avoiding technicalities.. Scratching ur back right away or scratching it by drawing ur hand frm between the legs the outcome is the same.

Anyways , The Arabs were busy plundering from the rest of the part of the world in the time when much was not recorded.. whose to say where they got the rest of it from.

But nevertheless my point here is tht Even then Muslims were open to new concepts and self improvement. The current practices paint a different picture.
Al-Ghazali (R.A.) on the desired character traits for administration

Al Ghazali wrote the "Nasihat al-Muluk" or "Advice for Kings" to a Seljuq Sultan in which he gave ten different ethics of royal administration:


When we will have golden characters, Golden Age would come again :)

Don't be sad my brother, have a faith on Allah! :)

Feel the spit on our face , we by far are the worst muslims in history.
Cool video, the people of Spain should be proud of their land's Islamic past. This golden age can be restored, it will take time obviously, rebuilding a civilization always does. Good leaders, education, tolerance, ambition, et cetera is all that is necessary to restore the golden age. I am not too concerned about forming a caliphate, but I pray Pakistan has a renaissance of its own.
Cool video, the people of Spain should be proud of their land's Islamic past. This golden age can be restored, it will take time obviously, rebuilding a civilization always does. Good leaders, education, tolerance, ambition, et cetera is all that is necessary to restore the golden age. I am not too concerned about forming a caliphate, but I pray Pakistan has a renaissance of its own.

Everybody ask when the Caliphate would be back again?
And I say when we will have people like Abu Bakr (RA), Umer (RA), Usman (RA) & Ali (RA), caliphate would be back again.
Everybody ask when the Caliphate would be back again?
And I say when we will have people like Abu Bakr (RA), Umer (RA), Usman (RA) & Ali (RA), caliphate would be back again.

I never asked about when the caliphate would return. Besides, according to Islamic prophecies, Muslims are going to have to wait for the arrival of Messiah. It's going to be really tough to establish a caliphate today. Anyone that desires to establish a caliphate better get ready to conquer the 2 holy cities in Arabia, without them, the precious caliphate would be illegitimate. The lack of command over the holy cities means that the ruler of the 2 cities can easily proclaim the caliphate for himself, thereby directly challenging the authority of the established caliph.

All countries including Pakistan are more than capable of progress, & bringing about a sense of glory to their citizens. There are a multitude of issues that hamper our success. The few important ones to be dealt with immediately are; corruption, illiteracy, immorality, feudalism, intolerance, & tribalism to an extent. Get rid of these issues, & we will be able to set a foundation for building a great nation. All civilizations initially learnt & borrowed from others, we too have a lot to learn from others. The Arab caliphates initially learnt & borrowed from the Greco-Roman civilizations & others, later on during the renaissance, the Europeans learnt from the vast amount of knowledge present in the Muslim world.

There are some people that say that the crusades were essential to ignite the flame of the renaissance, that ultimately led to Europe's escape from the barbaric hands of the Catholic Church. Some of our people need to escape from these deluded scholars, & study on their own or at least from reliable sources.
like the video very much ...:smitten:

[:::~Spartacus~:::];3331250 said:
3 eid manae waale mullah ko khalifa banado??

mullah kabi bhi khalifa naee banta......khalifa aam logon mein se chuna jata he jinko duniya aur religion ki education hoty he ....khalifa doesnot mean mullan ..........mind it

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There is no free of interest economic model,there are runarounds and avoiding technicalities.. Scratching ur back right away or scratching it by drawing ur hand frm between the legs the outcome is the same.

" Robert Tuttle, the former U.S. Ambassador to London who is now a millionaire businessman, warned in a cable to his bosses at the U.S. Treasury that Britain was getting the jump on the United States at a crucial time.
"Should London successfully position itself as a leading Islamic finance center, it could gain an edge on New York, when the global financial markets recover," Tuttle said in a 2009 cable obtained by the Wikileaks website and published in The Telegraph this month."

The American Muslim (TAM)
What the West Can Learn From Islamic Banking | Economy Watch
London gets jump on New York in Islamic finance - BusinessWeek
Islamic Finance: Is the U.S. Missing Out? | Wall Street Oasis

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