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‘Ya Know Who’s Messianic? Netanyahu.’

Don't act like you know anything about twelver belief based on your assumptions of one man.

This is the behaviour of typical American scum. They dont' care about the truth, they will knowingly lie to create a atmosphere of war. They will lie to you, when they themselves are aware that they are lying. This is the same thing they did when exterminating the original inhabitants of North America. They cast themselves as "victims" of the evil "Injuns".

Typical scum, liars, traitors, betrayers, murderers. This is what they have been doing since the creation of their country, and this is what their mission in life is to do - Kill and destroy.
funny part is he don't even knew whats Shia belief on the situation and condition of the time that our twelveth imam show himself.

Evangelic christian need an Armagedon for jesus christ come back and so they believe any other religion needs an armabedon for the messiah to show himself.
funny part is he don't even knew whats Shia belief on the situation and condition of the time that our twelveth imam show himself...

It's not what I believe, numbnutz. It's what your wacky little prez believes. And, in short, he believes the mahdi is going to jump out of the well he's been hiding in and kick all the un-believers @sses. But, of course, he needs to 'jump-start' the @ss-kicking himself.:rofl:
It's not what I believe, numbnutz. It's what your wacky little prez believes. And, in short, he believes the mahdi is going to jump out of the well he's been hiding in and kick all the un-believers @sses. But, of course, he needs to 'jump-start' the @ss-kicking himself.:rofl:
no , he don't believe that , he believe he won't come until the world don't be filled with injustice and cruelty and ..... .And then the majority of the people of the world ask god for the messiah . And then he kick the a... Of the people who did those injustice and cruelty around the world.

And unlike evangelical christians beliefes there is no need for an Armagedon and destruction of the Israel and jews for jesus christ to show itself we believe he and mahdi come at the same time and if our twelveth imam jumps out of the well then also jesus christ will jump out of the same well.

By the way we believe Imam mahdi begin its revolution against injustice and ... From Mecca .in fact he begin it from Ca'aba

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