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Iran's Space Program

Tabriz Azari

Jun 18, 2012
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Iran's space program. (Someone from Turkey wrote Iran can't build drones, however, as you will see Iran is one of the few countries to have placed domestically built satellites into space on domestically built delivery vehicles, which is much harder than building a drone. Iran intends to cooperate with friendly regional countries so we are less dependent on the misbehaviors of foreign colonial powers in the region.)

Iran is also the only country that has been able to hack a US drone (the stealth RQ 170), land it, and take possession of it.

More than 10 years ago Iran was already watching US ships in the region using drones.

Iran's Karar remote controlled long-range jet that can scan and drop bombs or shoot missiles.

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That is called trolling. there are too many of them on PDF.
But this thread is good for everyone to contribute with any public knowledge.

Iran is the ninth country to put domestically-built satellites into orbit, and the sixth to send animals into space. It has sent three domestically-made satellites into orbit over the past three years, and the speed its space program has surprised many international observers.

Why Iran is sending a monkey to space in the face of tough sanctions

MAHDASHT, Iran (AP) — Iran opened a key space facility to visiting journalists for the first time Wednesday in an apparent effort to show its willingness to allow glimpses at sensitive technology even as Tehran and U.N. inspectors trade accusations about access to nuclear sites and experts.

The press tour of the Alborz Space Center, about 40 miles (70 kilometers) west of Tehran, also sought to showcase Iran's advances in aerospace sciences less than a month after it announced another satellite was launched into orbit.

Iran's ambitious space program has raised concerns in the West because of possible military applications. The same rocket technology used to send satellites into orbit — including the Feb. 3 launch of the domestically made Navid, or Gospel — can also be retooled to create intercontinental warheads.

Iran says Navid was designed to collect data on weather conditions and monitor natural disasters.

The space center visit — by nearly 50 journalists for international media in two separate groups — comes as Iran and the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency are locked in disputes over access to officials and key sites in the Islamic Republic's atomic program.

The West and allies fear Iran's uranium enrichment labs could eventually produce weapons-grade material. Iran says it only seek nuclear power for energy and medical research.

Allowing journalists into the space facility could be an attempt to discredit U.N. claims that Iran is keeping a tight lid on its technological capabilities. Officials said the space center has no military role, and is used to control and collect data from various satellites, including Navid.

The facility is on a sprawling tract at the base of hills. Inside are huge satellite dishes, buildings housing the control rooms monitoring satellites, including display panels nearly three feet (a meter) across.

"We are the control station for Navid satellite, which has been designed to take pictures from the earth's orbit," director of project, Mojtaba Saradeghi, told the visiting journalists, who were shown a model of the Navid satellite.

Saradeghi said sanctions prevented Iran from buying some of the key equipment needed to build Navid, but Iranian space experts were able to design and produce the equipment.

"We needed various equipment, including sun sensors, for Navid. We could not buy them because of sanctions. So we designed and produced sun sensors ourselves," Saradeghi said.

Kamal Yazdani, another official at the site, said experts here monitor Terra, a multinational NASA scientific research satellite, and other satellites available to the international scientific community.

"We receive data from these satellites and provide the pictures to research and scientific centers including student projects," he said.

Iran is intent on highlighting technological successes as signs Iran can advance despite Western sanctions over its disputed nuclear program.

Iran sent its first domestically made satellite, called Omid, or Hope, into orbit in February 2009. Iran's space plans are wide-ranging and even hold out the goal of putting a man in orbit within a decade, though it appears Iran is still far from that capability.

In 2005, Iran launched its first commercial satellite on a Russian rocket in a joint project with Moscow, which is a partner in transferring space technology to Iran along with North Korea and China. That same year, the government said it allocated $500 million for space projects in the next five years.

Iran has said it wants to put its own satellites into orbit to monitor natural disasters in the earthquake-prone nation and improve its telecommunications. Iranian officials also point to America's use of satellites to monitor Afghanistan and Iraq and say they need similar abilities for security.

Iran Space Program Opens With Alborz Space Center
Iran's Drones


The Great Chinese-Iranian Stealth Reconnaissance Drone Theft Caper


Iran and Venezuela are jointly producing a drone which has "only a camera"


Indigenous drones to be dispatched to all regions in Iran

The Great Chinese-Iranian Stealth Reconnaissance Drone Theft Caper

What is this? can u provide more info?

By the way any plans to make PSLV - GSLV??
Can Iran send probes to asteroids or other planets in the Solar System like Japan? I am asking because Japan is one of those countries that do not carry out much propaganda about their achievements unlike Indians, who publicize more than whatever little they have achieved, or unlike Americans, whose media alone is probably its strongest weapons in influencing the public of the world.

JAXA | Asteroid Explorer "HAYABUSA" (MUSES-C)
The Great Chinese-Iranian Stealth Reconnaissance Drone Theft Caper

What is this? can u provide more info?

By the way any plans to make PSLV - GSLV??

That is the 'Karar' - remote controlled long range drone with a jet engine. It's like a small jet fighter that delivers bombs or missiles. Instead of sending a plane up, you can send one of these within 1,000 km.

For example, imagine the Karar carrying a precision guided bomb like the one below (2000-pound (900 kg) laser-guided smart bomb.):

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Can Iran send probes to asteroids or other planets in the Solar System like Japan? I am asking because Japan is one of those countries that do not carry out much propaganda about their achievements unlike Indians, who publicize more than whatever little they have achieved, or unlike Americans, whose media alone is probably its strongest weapons in influencing the public of the world.

JAXA | Asteroid Explorer "HAYABUSA" (MUSES-C)
You had to bring India, didn't you......why shouldn't we publicize, we have to tell the public as everyone has to answer where their tax money is going...... And you don't know what we have done....just ranting.....first do something then raise the finger....Chinese, Americans, japanese, Russians can mock us, but you can't.

Come on topic....don't bash India on Iran related thread.
The Great Chinese-Iranian Stealth Reconnaissance Drone Theft Caper

What is this? can u provide more info?

By the way any plans to make PSLV - GSLV??

It seems that China has gotten its hands on the American drone downed by Iran, and both are having a feast over it.
The picture shows the most advanced American unmanned combat aircraft witch shares a lot of its technology with the drone.
So, at least Iran (China might already have something like that) can advance/complement its aerospace research industry with these technologies and come up with some similar manned or unmanned Combat/ fighter aircraft.

Can Iran send probes to asteroids or other planets in the Solar System like Japan? I am asking because Japan is one of those countries that do not carry out much propaganda about their achievements unlike Indians, who publicize more than whatever little they have achieved, or unlike Americans, whose media alone is probably its strongest weapons in influencing the public of the world.

JAXA | Asteroid Explorer "HAYABUSA" (MUSES-C)

Japan went so very far into research that it found itself in the retro era, it is like back to the future movie.
In other words they are stuck!!!

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