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Which is the most Aesthetic 4th Gen Fighter Plane in your opinion?

talk about Badass... The Foxbat... Islamabad loves this plane...;)

Oh yeah another Badass Max Max speed Mach 3.2 reached an altitude of over 100,000 feet yeah :D
SU37terminator,MKI,Rafale,F18 E/F,F16 block 70,Eurofighter,Gripen,J10.
i wish if u werent an indian ,then may god save ur A$$
no offence :lol:


Right from the cockpit to the engines, it has this frog like cylindrical-trunk. And the front aspect too looks ugly.

Rafale isn't known for its looks but for its omni-role capability.
I was talking about the f-16, that idiot was saying the f-16 was crap and it has done its job well.

Lol.....kid before calling others idiot u should first think of ur's

"""F-16 huh........this fighter were a easy
target for Bosnians even in 1995"""""

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

lol......In 1995 bosnians shot down a US F-16 with a SA-6 SAM............i have provided link........u should better proof ur's before babbling
f-16s smashed russian jets continously in many wars , syrian jets etc by israel and other examples aswell.
Can we all just agree that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, and is purely a matter of subjective personal opinion? Before this thread delves into another "my jet has shot down your jet when both were operated by other countries in obscure wars far away from our places" kind of thread? Because it is already going in that direction.

Never start comparison threads, even for beauty. Especially for beauty, since it is a matter of opinion.
Alright take it easy everyone. The greatest 4th generation fighters without a doubt are the classics, the F-16 and MiG-29. There's no doubt that these fighters were the birth of a newer, more advance air warfare. So before you go ahead and smash the F-16 on how bad it is, think about this, there's a reason why there's over 4,000 produced, and It's still in production or somewhat after 30 years. MiG-29 was just a great plane, no need to elaborate on that.
The super hornet always makes me super horny, by its looks:



more migs = trash shot down , plus this aint how good they are its looks.

Russian jets all look rubbish except PAKFA

Maybe old Migs flown by Arabs. You surley have not heard of Soviet aces. In any case you're Turkish, you guys can't make anything.

f-16s smashed russian jets continously in many wars , syrian jets etc by israel and other examples aswell.

And how many of those Russian jets were modern? And how good was the pilots? Most modern Russian aircraft flown by good pilots are on equal footing. The Indians and Germans proved that. In one exercise an F-16 took 18 archers from a German Mig-29.
Lol.....kid before calling others idiot u should first think of ur's

"""F-16 huh........this fighter were a easy
target for Bosnians even in 1995"""""

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

lol......In 1995 bosnians shot down a US F-16 with a SA-6 SAM............i have provided link........u should better proof ur's before babbling
Listen boy, the f-16 shot down a Mig-29 or 27 in Serbia (I think) you are thinking that the f-16 is crap well should we take out India's aircraft history, anyways the f-16 got shot down some times I know that like in Serbia, anyways I was saying that the f-16 has done its job well, Why do you think that over 20 operate it if it was such a piece of crap? One last thing go on f-16.net and say that to the guys who worked on the f-16.Most of all argue with Gambit and see if it is crap! Anyways all I was trying to say was that the f-16 has done its job well and I don't care (and so do the other PDF members don't) care what you say the f-16 is a great jet.
Maybe old Migs flown by Arabs. You surley have not heard of Soviet aces. In any case you're Turkish, you guys can't make anything.

And how many of those Russian jets were modern? And how good was the pilots? Most modern Russian aircraft flown by good pilots are on equal footing. The Indians and Germans proved that. In one exercise an F-16 took 18 archers from a German Mig-29.

atleast when we make it will be better quality than your junk tanks and equipment , slow to progress but quality .

Please tell me why russians are buying french ships? where is russian industry? Russian general himself said turkey is ahead of us in UAV . Tell me why most russian equipment are bought by poor african countries while other countries is bought by stronger and more developed nations? Plus i never said anything about pilots just from experience in past conflicts.

Lol.....kid before calling others idiot u should first think of ur's

"""F-16 huh........this fighter were a easy
target for Bosnians even in 1995"""""

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

lol......In 1995 bosnians shot down a US F-16 with a SA-6 SAM............i have provided link........u should better proof ur's before babbling

what about indias terrible crash record with russian jets?
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