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Jehadi takeover can prompt Indo-US attack on Pakistan: Book

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Can we nuke each other with tactical nukes.....better idea is why not kill few million of our own people all by ourselves by conventional weapons, why take chance with deep effect of nuclear dust and radioactivity. Atleast world will recognize us responsible nations in context of environment and most stupid nations in context of political and strategic scenario.

Which retard wrote this book?
An American, isn't it obvious. They sold weapons to both our nations, now they want to create another war to strengthen their defense industry.
That may well be.

But a militia against a modern Army is going to be a turkey shoot.

The Taliban are a militia and they stood their ground against NATO and ISAF, the TTP gave us a lot of trouble as well.
A militia that is commanded by an able commander can give a modern army a run for it's money, it cannot defeat them but it can upset them and force them to lose morale.
Can we nuke each other with tactical nukes.....better idea is why not kill few million of our own people all by ourselves by conventional weapons, why take chance with deep effect of nuclear dust and radioactivity. Atleast world will recognize us responsible nations in context of environment and most stupid nations in context of political and strategic scenario.
wait wait.let me get my families out from both sides of the border fir chahe maro ya maro.
An American, isn't it obvious. They sold weapons to both our nations, now they want to create another war to strengthen their defense industry.
americans and chinese are real monkey using the fights of two cats india and pak for their own interests.
All three options are mere impossible but I personally liked the 3rd one.

States controlled by Taliban? You sure that's the best option? I'd like to see you complain about cross-border terrorism to them!

They Have a Pakistani Bruce Lee too... he is called a LAAL TOPI sorry Zaid Hamid.

We all should be scared as we will die laughing if they attack

You guys have Bharta Verma, he's the same thing minus the beret.
See that's why Hollywood is way ahead. Their creativity and fiction are way ahead of us. If we become good friends with China, thy will say same thing about us and taking over of nukes in the hands of hindu extremists and trying to attack middle east.

that is true

its in the mindset thats how they play it. although they say America is an exception which can be true but every nation has a bogeyman.

in all their Sifi , fantasy or alternate reality fiction be it games, cartoons, movies or dramas and novels they portray the Russians, Chinese, Arabs etc as pure evil, devoid of compassion and emotions and ruthless and then the group of Americans against all odds win the day.

for "now" Indians and Hindus are too cute and adorable like teddy bears so that wont be that convincing.
people would have to forget the

Heray Rama heray Krisna
Bollywood music and dances
the Yuga and kamasutra
and Indian food

before a hardarsed and brutal cold murdering image can be constructed.
New Delhi: A jehadi takeover of Pakistan

The author of this moronic book is still living in 1971. He has no idea that it is not even 9/11 but 2012. He'll have a heart attack when the real situations are going to unravel.
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