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‘Turkey’s Syria stance aggravates plight of Iran’s Turks’


May 11, 2012
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United States
The Iranian regime has increased its decades-old pressure on the South Azerbaijani Turkish population after Turkey adopted an unequivocally critical stance on President Bashar al-Assad’s deadly offensive in Syria, a member of the newly founded International South Azerbaijani Turks’ National Council has said.

The Assad regime in Syria has significant military and intelligence support from Iran to continue to its offensive against opponents.

Azerbaijani-speaking Turks in Iran, who define themselves as South Azerbaijani Turks, highlighted the fact that Iran is continuing its decades-old oppression on Turks with full force, depriving them of important cultural rights, during a press meeting at the Azerbaijani Cultural Association in Ankara on Friday.

Cemal Mehmethanoğlu, spokesperson for the council gave details about the council’s planned activities over the coming three-month period during the conference, which includes forums and seminars on the situation of South Azerbaijani Turks to be held in Sweden and Russia, in August and September, respectively. Furthermore, on Sept. 22, the council will hold a public rally in Taksim Square in İstanbul, under the title “Solidarity with South Azerbaijani Turks.” A similar rally is also planned for Baku on Sept. 27.

Having no right to press and education in their mother tongue, the Azerbaijani speaking population have taught their children Turkish in their houses and at some Turkish associations. “But recently, Iran has started to run a campaign against Turkish teachers, arresting them. This is inextricably linked to an increasing anti-Turkish stance in Iran due to Turkey’s very clear negative stance regarding the Syrian administration,” Hosrov Emiri, a member of the council has said.

There are a total of 35 million Azeri Turks living in Iran, which has a population of 79 million, said Hadi Musevi, but this fact is covered up by the Iranian administration and Azeri Turks have always been suppressed in the Islamic Republic of Iran. “Some 200,000 Armenians enjoys comprehensive cultural rights in Iran as opposed to Turks. Iran has proved that it is not a disingenuous Islamic republic, conducting a clear fascist policy,” Musevi added.

Members of the council also requested more support from Turkey. “The existence of South Azerbaijanis is not very well-known in Turkey. However, 35 million is a significant number and could have a lot of potential. Turkey should realize that potential, which is right next-door,” said Zaur Bayramlı, another council member noted.

Addressing the speculations that have appeared in Iran-linked media claiming that the movement organized by South Azerbaijani Turks is a joint US and Turkish plot to divide Iran, Mehmethanoğlu highlighted that their movement is purely civil oriented and free of links with any state. “Our council is a national, modern, democratic one, established on a civil society based movement. Our first principle is to increase the recognition of the South Azerbaijani population around the world in public opinion and to draw attention to the exposure of this population to clear human rights violations at the hands of the Iranian authorities,” Mehmethanoğlu said.

Claiming that they are closer to Ankara and Baku than they are to Tehran, Mehmethanoğlu maintained that the Turkish population aspires for independence in the long term, reviving the Azerbaijan People’s Government which was formed in 1945 and ended in 1946 under the leadership of Sayyed Jafar Pishevari, taking Tabriz as its capital.

Iranian regime is being dealt with by GCC and the west. Their economy took a stiff hit by the recent embargo on Iranian Products and Oil. KSA vowed to make up any shortage in oil market, which brought down oil prices from $140 to $100 a barrel. Turkey is not alone on this. Her noble stance on Syrian issue shall never be forgotten.
Idiots are risking their own homogenousness (not sure if i used the word right)

They are poking the bee hive
It's not only with Azeris but other ethnicities as well.

European Parliament condemns Iran’s violation of minorities’ rights
Friday, 15 June 2012

The European Parliament has condemned Iran’s “current disrespect of minority rights” and urged the authorities in Tehran to allow minorities “to exercise all rights granted by the Iranian Constitution and international law.”

Following a recent report by Amnesty International condemning the pending execution of five members of Iran’s Ahwazi Arab minority, the EU parliament called on Iran to eliminate “all forms of discrimination based on religious or ethnic grounds or against persons belonging to minorities, such as Arabs, Bahaí'is, Azeri, Baluchi, Kurds and Turkmen.”

A copy of the EU resolution called on “the Iranian authorities to ensure that the arrested members of Iran´s Ahwazi Arab minority - Mohammad Ali Amouri, Rahman Asakereh, Hashem Shaabni Amouri, Hadi Rashidi, Sayed Jaber Alboshoka and Sayed Mokhtar Alboshoka are tried according to international fair trial standards and without recourse to the death penalty.”

The five Ahwazi men were arrested last year during the demonstrations and were charged of killing a security and intelligence officer and wounding another. They were sentenced to death on March 15.

The Iranian constitution formally provides for the fair treatment of ethnic minorities, including their rights to use their language, but in practice ethnic groups, such as Azeris, Arabs, Kurds and Balochs are reportedly discriminated against, especially in political rights and freedom of expression.

The EU parliament urged the Iranian government to uphold “the equal treatment and non-discrimination provisions contained in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran in all spheres of public life and services, and to protect the freedoms of ethnic minorities to freely associate and express themselves.”

But the violations of human and civil rights of persons belonging to ethnic minorities, according to the EU resolution “must be seen within the broader context of widespread human rights violations in Iran.”

In a previous interview with Al Arabiya, Kazem Mojaddam, member of the Center against Anti-Arab Racism in Iran, said, “The government of Iran does not allow the Ahwazi people to practice their cultural activities although the Iranian constitution gives this right to all the people of Iran.”

Mojaddam added that the Ahwazi people were being threatened by the Iranian government, “which tries to undermine the Arab identity and culture through imprisonment and killing of Arab artists and writers.”

“The government also does not allow Arab-speaking Iranians to name their children after non-Shiite Arab names,” Mojaddam added.

Khuzestan is the source of 90 percent of Iran’s oil production, but people in the province complain of marginalization, poverty and the lack of adequate social services.

Besides, the province often takes the lion’s share of executions in the country. In 2007, Iranian authorities executed 22 activists in Ahwaz after they were accused to supporting the secession of the region from Iran.

( Written by: Ikram al-Yacoub )
a wahabi and pan turkists talking about racism.

I disagree with Iranian laws, but there are two ironies to be observed here:

1) the very azari speaking minority of Iran in discussion right now was "turkified" by the sword when the region fell under ottoman and turkish rule.

2) Turks are famous for their ultra-nationalism.
"My nationalism is good, yours is bad"

at least 80 percent of the CRAP you hear on Turkish media about Azari plight in Iran is utte bull ****. We don't have Azari schools in Iran and IMO THAT MUST be the case. It's their right. However the things being claimed, such as "azari is banned" and the number of Azaris in Iran or the numbers of Persian speakers in Iran etc... are all made up "facts" for the "hooah 11111 turkish strong" crowd.

Go to any Azari dominated part of Iran and you NEVER hear Persian being spoken. Even in Tehran you will hear Azari if you're in the right place. There are Turkish media. Turkish cities have better living conditions then the rest of Iran. This year Tiraxtur FC (football club based in Tabriz) is getting the largest govt budget. They're getting 7 million dollars, which is higher than both Tehrani clubs, both of which have a bigger fan base. Their stadium is also made BY the govt.

we have two azaris here. Go talk to them. One of them is IRtab or smtg, sorry forgot your username.

@ the wahabi
I love how you're trying to fish out of muddy waters and bring in your secterian bull ****. If the couple of hundred thousand arabs don't like living with the 80 million Parsi, Azari, Kurdish... Iranians, they can pack it up and go to the 199999 arab countries in close vicinity of Iran. Bu unfortunately for you, they don't.
Is this really their moto?

ah go away Ray. I'm surprised you didn't have a juicier troll line.

yeah that's their moto. There is a post history button, click it and read the **** they throw around the forum. One of them is calling Kurdish people "goat fuckers" and mountain apes. Another one is calling Armenias something else. Turks in general, whether good people or bad, are very nationalistic. I will leave it there. Of course, you rarely ever care about the truth, you're just here to argue with me b/c of our history.
ah go away Ray. I'm surprised you didn't have a juicier troll line.

yeah that's their moto. There is a post history button, click it and read the **** they throw around the forum. One of them is calling Kurdish people "goat fuckers" and mountain apes. Another one is calling Armenias something else. Turks in general, whether good people or bad, are very nationalistic. I will leave it there. Of course, you're rarely ever care about the truth, you're just here to argue with me b/c of our history.

If you are willing to make generalizations over individuals, first, you should have read PGK's posts, then compare the thanks it earned with the racist Turk's posts. (who was from Azarbaijan if i'm not mistaken)

And that racist Turk has warned by us, but which one of you warned PGK? let alone warning, you guys encouraged him further by thanking him.

However you are right by saying Turks in general are very nationalistic, but i recommend you to check its definition. Because, apperantly you are confusing it with racism.
1) the very azari speaking minority of Iran in discussion right now was "turkified" by the sword when the region fell under ottoman and turkish rule.

Wow, just wow.

Ottomans did never control Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan was center of Safavid state, the greatest rival of Ottoman Empire, it was where the Safavid Empire was created, and where the Safavid capital was from it's creation to over a century.

Azerbaijani is a branch of it's own among Oghuz Turkic group, and fairly different from Turkish spoken in Turkey. We have poets, thinkers who created countless works in Azerbaijani language during medieval era, like Nasimi, Fuzuli and even Shah of Safavid Empire, Shah Ismail Khatai.

So why don't you just stop making a fool out of yourself.

As I have said before, denying the idenity of Azerbaijani Turks will only do you negative, you will not achieve anything by such funny stories to make it look like that Azerbaijani Turks apparently has no reason to demand any rights.

They do, to the fullest extent. A different nation, language, culture...Better if your government understands it sooner than later.
If you are willing to make generalizations over individuals, first, you should have read PGK's posts, then compare the thanks it earned with the racist Turk's posts. (who was from Azarbaijan if i'm not mistaken)

And that racist Turk has warned by us, but which one of you warned PGK? let alone warning, you guys encouraged him further by thanking him.

However you are right by saying Turks in general are very nationalistic, but i recommend you to check its definition. Because, apperantly you are confusing it with racism.
IR Tab and Soheil are bother Iranian Azaris. Not sure about Soheil but I IR tab converses with Turkish members in Turkish so I guess he's Azari. Go back to that thread and ask him.

I'm also not just talking about that thread. You think ASQ is the only case? I've seen you guys say "mountain ape" to Kurds and Armenians a million times in both real life and here.

If you are willing to make generalizations over individuals, first, you should have read PGK's posts, then compare the thanks it earned with the racist Turk's posts. (who was from Azarbaijan if i'm not mistaken)

And that racist Turk has warned by us, but which one of you warned PGK? let alone warning, you guys encouraged him further by thanking him.

However you are right by saying Turks in general are very nationalistic, but i recommend you to check its definition. Because, apperantly you are confusing it with racism.
IR Tab and Soheil are bother Iranian Azaris. Not sure about Soheil but I IR tab converses with Turkish members in Turkish so I guess he's Azari. Go back to that thread and ask him.

I'm also not just talking about that thread. You think ASQ is the only case? I've seen you guys say "mountain ape" to Kurds and Armenians a million times in both real life and here.
Is this really their moto?

Not at all.

As every country, we also have ultra-nationalists and those people can be very extreme. But, this applies for all nation`s ultra-nationalists. I have Iranian and Chinese students here in the US. What I heard from them was that Iran makes her own propaganda (Persia nationalism and Shaisim) to her people while China makes her own propaganda (communism) (You can give other examples from different country including Turkiye). And I can understand why every country makes their own propaganda. They must do that in order to continue their regime and existence (btw, no regime accepts she is doing wrong). However, this does not change the fact and justify whatever they do. If a country violates her people`s right, discriminates because of their belief, race etc., and assimilates them, this is just WRONG in terms of human right.

When we post something about the Azeri Turks this makes the Persia ultra-nationalist very angry. Instead of discussing like human beings they starts insulting and charging whoever are opposed them. Some of the members including me posted several videos and articles about the assimilation against Azeri Turks (I post them because whatever Iran does against Azeri Turks is just wrong). But what we saw was only insulting. They repeat same things all the time. Please read this thread I posted and see what it says about the assimilation and then ask yourself "Is Iran right about the Azeri Turks".

Btw, I am not saying my country is perfect. But my country made and makes good progress on human rights. If my country does something wrong and someone posts it I do not mind accepting that post. What I believe is "ACCEPTING YOUR MISTAKE IS A VIRTUE".

What does that even mean? And I was not really insulting anyone here, but if you know the Kurdish society, you know what I'm talking about. Now how come these people enjoy such rights in Turkey, and Azeri Turks in Iran are deprived of basic rights?

By the way, my reaction was caused by countless trollings of PGK, he is eventully banned for good reason.
Wow, just wow.

Ottomans did never control Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan was center of Safavid state, the greatest rival of Ottoman Empire, it was where the Safavid Empire was created, and where the Safavid capital was from it's creation to over a century.

Azerbaijani is a branch of it's own among Oghuz Turkic group, and fairly different from Turkish spoken in Turkey. We have poets, thinkers who created countless works in Azerbaijani language during medieval era, like Nasimi, Fuzuli and even Shah of Safavid Empire, Shah Ismail Khatai.

So why don't you just stop making an arse out of yourself.

As I have said before, denying the idenity of Azerbaijani Turks will only do you negative, you will not achieve anything by such funny stories to make it look like that Azerbaijani Turks apparently has no reason to demand any rights.

They do, to the fullest extent. A different nation, language, culture...Better if your government understands it sooner than later.
ASQ calling another person a clown. Even your Turkish bros are throwing you under the bus. You're like that weird kid in the school bus that nobody wants to sit beside.

Anyway, the Iranian govt is actually seeing success with their "persianification" agenda. But I'm 100 percent against it. I actually think we Shirazi people, the center of Persian Iran is in Shiraz for ppl that don't know, are the biggest supporters of Azari schooling etc... where is the power in Iran? South or north? Mostly north, where there is a lrg Azari presence, along with Kurdish etc... The only people pushing the Persian agenda are your own Azari brethren sitting in Qom who want to make Iran a shia saudi arabia. Azaris are famous for their shia ferver and are more religious than Parsi Iranians. There are countless high ranking azari clerics who would chop the heads off of any Azari that asked for their rights. I guess they're like the ultra orthodox Jews who are against Israel.

Anyway, as I said their 'persianification' is working. Wish they wouldn't do all this ****. I've said it many times here, I don't agree with their agenda.

Here's the proof. Azari speakers have decreased as a percentage by a great margin since the 60s and so have other minority languages (look on the right hand panel)
Hey, do you actually look at that map? You see Azerbaijani Turkic tribes even in South of Iran.

It's legacy of our past nomadic life style, and answers to all your questions about our roots. And don't forget Qashqais (our relatives) which moved to that region from Azerbaijan.
IR Tab and Soheil are bother Iranian Azaris. Not sure about Soheil but I IR tab converses with Turkish members in Turkish so I guess he's Azari. Go back to that thread and ask him.

I'm also not just talking about that thread. You think ASQ is the only case? I've seen you guys say "mountain ape" to Kurds and Armenians a million times in both real life and here.

Yeah, and i witnessed similar treatment by Iranians towards Arabs both real life and here, yet i'm not generalizing the whole Iranian nation as racists.

Let's not go off-topic any further since this is the third attempt for this thread.

ASQ calling another person a clown. Even your Turkish bros are throwing you under the bus. You're like that weird kid in the school bus that nobody wants to sit beside.

People like him are not my brothers.
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