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India steps into Philippines-China spat over South China Sea

Imperial Japan had nothing to do with the PRC, but had very much to do with the ROC, now on Taiwan. Just in case you forgot: PRC was established in 1949, WW2 ended 1945.

Filipinos are NOT the best of East and West combined. Even today, Filipinos in the Gulf are treated the same way Africans and Indians are, while Chinese are treated much nicer. That's why Dubai is building a Chinatown for the 120,000 Chinese businessmen there, and not building a Little Manila for the 1 million cheap Filipino labor for the Arab masters.

Chinese are Forced to Convert to Islam. :lol:


Look What a Saudi Says:

Actually these guys converted not due to pressure for money. These guys converted by being around Saudi folk. Someone I know is close to the project said that the Chinese chairman is going nuts over the conversions that are spreading like wild fire among the Chinese and them demanding Prayer time for rest which is a worker's right in KSA.

This is coming from an Indian news source who is famous to hating both China and Islam so they made a double troll. :lol:

the other difference is that Chinese are working for Chinese companies which give much higher benefits. Even Indians in India hired by Chinese companies complain of discrimination, because Chinese employees get air conditioned houses with Chinese TV, cooks and ping pong, while Indians must sleep in shanties, and Indian workers are paid 1/6th the wage of Chinese.
the other difference is that Chinese are working for Chinese companies which give much higher benefits. Even Indians in India hired by Chinese companies complain of discrimination, because Chinese employees get air conditioned houses with Chinese TV, cooks and ping pong, while Indians must sleep in shanties, and Indian workers are paid 1/6th the wage of Chinese.

Indians Own Companies in Gulf with Billions of Dollars in Revenue.

While Chinese Convert to Islam and According to Chinese Company Managers are Less Productive Due to Attending Madrassas. :lol:
Yeah, no matter how hard you paint to make Phil more pretty, it is still known for maids in the world. this is the reputation of ur country and this is the destiny of your people.

Filipinos are not known for maids, but known for their educated population. In the United States , alone, there is a considerable amount of Filipinos who make up the medical work force; a plethora of Filipino RNs (Registered Nurses) as well as M.Ds.

Thai people, on the other hand, are known for their prolific prostitution.

So, i suggest you do some reading before you speak. :azn:

So what? so what if we have Chinese blood were still more human than you ever be why? because have freedom and we never belittle people and we respect people. or sure will dirt on my statement who cares i speaking about majority of Filipinos not the evil minority which every country has and fyi we only hit people when they hit us come in the Philippines to experience first hand if you have the balls to! ! Unlike you your so called workers paradise is a joke you have more rich bastards than us you belittle your fellow chinks and others your just like your Imperial ancestors and more recent history Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany which like or not your country seems to follow and man if you know history i think i know your country's ending.

So again who care about blood! We Filipinos i am proud to say are the best of East and West combine in a people but we are still young we can do better because unlike you scum we are more human we constantly build ourselves to better ourselves and help others which you do only for profit not for the sake of helping. So suck it you scum........:guns::china::sick:

The Philippines shouldn't have to worry. The United States has made it perfectly clear we're in the region and are watching the situation closely. As we speak one of our nuclear attack submarines, the SSN North Carolina is back in port in Subic Bay.



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