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China sends 3rd ship in standoff with Philippines

China sends 3rd ship in standoff with Philippines *| ajc.com

We are rapidly moving our fleet into attack position around Manila. Seizing control of Scarborough Shoal was just the beginning. The decapitation attack on the Filipino civilian and military leadership can come at anytime, just waiting for the Philippines to open fire on our ships.


We will be using our H-6K and CJ-10 cruise missiles.


See the look of panic on their faces like a thief caught by the police!



And USA does absolutely nothing to help Philippines even though they are supposed to do war games right now! War Games Begin Amid China-Philippines Tension

China is offering tourist packages to Scarborough Shoals already! China Plans Tourist Visits to Disputed Islands

looking at the map, it seems the drilling point is far closer to phillipines compared to china.
This is a good exercise because Philippines and Vietnam for that matter can see US will only using them as tool for its strategic agenda. At critical moment US is nowhere to be found. And indians who were threatening with "Tiffin carrier group" went mute.
This is a good exercise because Philippines and Vietnam for that matter can see US will only using them as tool for its strategic agenda. At critical moment US is nowhere to be found. And indians who were threatening with "Tiffin carrier group" went mute.

you must be joking...you want to deploy our CBG in SCS because of simple tiff between China and Philippines???those are costly toys..not to use to scare fisherman...dont be so ridiculous..
Chinese aggression in SCS and now against Philippines is a blessing in disguise for India, US, Russia , Japan,Vietnam ,SKorea,Australia and rest of the world ... they are just turning out to be sore bullies left with very few friends like Pakistan and N korea...

Chinese bullying is a self destructive move which will eventually turn ASEAN also against them ,! :what:
The Falklands are alot closer to Argentina than Britain, but they are 100% British.

A horrible example.
The Falklands population want to be part of the UK. Like 100%, noone wants to be a part of Argentina.
The Spratleys have population?
A horrible example.
The Falklands population want to be part of the UK. Like 100%, noone wants to a be part of Argentina.
The Spratleys have population?

Don't worry, if we can make the Brits to concede HK, then we can surely make those weaklings to concede the islands. :coffee:
Here we can see the frustration of the British PM after conceding HK to China, and i just wonder what will be the reaction of Aquino III when he is going to concede those islands back to China. :coffee:

lol, at 0:06: she isn't looking at the stairs and as a result falls? Maybe you know, there's a reasonable explanation after all? :enjoy:
Well, the Iron Lady thought that she can be tough with China just like she did with Argentina.

That is a perfect reaction she was hitting against the wall that she didn't expect to have it.

Even the 1980s China was really weak compared to the modern China, yet we were no pushover.
Our CJ-10K with a megaton nuke launches from our own airspace, having fun with that Mr. Pinoy. :wave:

overkill and under perform. It just can level one city . instead I rather twenty 50kilo ton bomb , sure they cant level the city but they shut down all activity in those cities for several months and also sending help and supporting those cities farther strain the supply chain of the enemy ,it would be double win.
overkill and under perform. It just can level one city . instead I rather twenty 50kilo ton bomb , sure they cant level the city but they shut down all activity in those cities for several months and also sending help and supporting those cities farther strain the supply chain of the enemy ,it would be double win.

You are right, the purpose of our megaton nukes is to destroy enemy's silos and underground nuclear facilities/bunkers.

Those third world cities can be easily lifted with a single 100kt warhead.

However, we are only using it to intimidate them, even with our conventional force, we can carpet bomb them back into the stone age.
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