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Professional analysis of future Sino-India War

Recently read an article that explains why some Chinese fanboys try to behave like bullies on forums.

They have been bullied for centuries and are even now held in contempt. They try to take it out on anonymous forums but being emotionally illiterate, they don't know it only generates even more contempt for their pathetic bravado.

We know what they are capable of and we are not impressed. We know how 20000 of them would line up for a single Mongol.

These trolls would today do the same.

We have nothing against the ordinary Chinese and nothing but contempt for these small time trolls. Even if they are just making a living from the cubes, doing their full time job, they are pathetic at that job.
Why don't we let Tawang's South Tibetans make their choice. They want to join a country like.............. or the #1 superpower of East Asia :azn:

We already did. The state is absolutely free to visit for anyone to go and conduct any survey there. Join a superpower that gets eggs smeared all over its face in international arena and doesn't even have a shred of influence for its size in countries other than A few basket cases.
Sorry for being off topic but am I the only one who can't access page 3 of this thread?
if war breaks out between China and India. our economy is several times bigger than India's,we have superb world class infrastructure,we have the world biggest manufacturing industry,we have much bigger army,navy and airforce,we have a way better system in terms of mass mobilization and mass coordiation,we have a geographical advantage....basically we get everything what it needs to win a war.what India has?

we have 1.3 Billion free people ... and worlds LARGEST voluntary military ... we will butcher every single foreign invader with our bare hands...
there is nothing to gain..........all are losers if there is a war...............it is difficult for a country to afford such wars..........and the govt of both the countries knws it well.........more than a war we need good trade to develop the countries economy and gain more profits........hence there wouldnt be any wars......:tup:
The H-6K bombers armed with CJ-10K are not tactical weapons, they are for deep strikes on enemy national political and military command. This means China will be launching dozens if not hundreds of cruise missiles at Red Fort and other parts of New Delhi.



When New Delhi is pounded by dozens or hundreds of cruise missiles, the entire city and the entire country will go into chaos. All the poor and wretched in the slums will rebel against the corrupt ruling caste babus. That will be the end of republic of india, and the birth of many independent states.

First one is a copy of Soviet Tu-16


second one is a copy of Soviet Kh-55 missile


Lmao these Chinis with their replicas of Soviet weapons are gonna end Republic of India :lol:
is that a joke?

haha,you missiles and nuclear bombs are tiny tiny comparing to China's.and we can use our world biggest industry to mass produce them in weeks.so speaking of raining down them on the enemy,no country in the world can do it better than China.

with 99% of your slave manufacturing units(basically run by western masters) situated in few big cities on Eastern coast ... we wont be needing much missiles ... rest we will just keep on firing for fun.. :)
if you want others respect,you do something to show them,either in the Olympics,infrastructure,overall economy...but you showed nothing to impress others.you are what you are.nothing more ,nothing less.we all can see it.
The H-6K bombers armed with CJ-10K are not tactical weapons, they are for deep strikes on enemy national political and military command. This means China will be launching dozens if not hundreds of cruise missiles at Red Fort and other parts of New Delhi.



When New Delhi is pounded by dozens or hundreds of cruise missiles, the entire city and the entire country will go into chaos. All the poor and wretched in the slums will rebel against the corrupt ruling caste babus. That will be the end of republic of india, and the birth of many independent states.
you hit at RedFort.. all you will hit is a historic monument.. it will be good because Zaid Hamid will have no place to fly te Pakistan flag after ghazwa e hind and he will be confused and return back to pakistan on his white horse :)
if you want others respect,you do something to show them,either in the Olympics,infrastructure,overall economy...but you showed nothing to impress others.you are what you are.nothing more ,nothing less.we all can see it.

coming from a citizen of a nation ... which runs the biggest slave manufacturing units to serve the western masters ... and the same nation where just 40 years back millions died of hunger under thr GREAT GREAT leader mao...haha
if war breaks out between China and India. our economy is several times bigger than India's,we have superb world class infrastructure,we have the world biggest manufacturing industry,we have much bigger army,navy and airforce,we have a way better system in terms of mass mobilization and mass coordiation,we have a geographical advantage....basically we get everything what it needs to win a war.what India has?

Just attack us and see what India has. Quit whining.
with 99% of your slave manufacturing units(basically run by western masters) situated in few big cities on Eastern coast ... we wont be needing much missiles ... rest we will just keep on firing for fun.. :)

haha,do you believe it yourself,China diversified military industry to the mountains and has the biggest underground base since the 1960s Sino-Russia tension.we've way more perpared for a full scale war than India cause we started doing that half a century ago and we are 3 times the size of India and has most cities in the world.and India is small and those limited targets can be locked easily.
coming from a citizen of a nation ... which runs the biggest slave manufacturing units to serve the western masters ... and the same nation where just 40 years back millions died of hunger under thr GREAT GREAT leader mao...haha

oh, let me educate you then, as you're badly out of date (btw, 40 years ago was 1972, when China launched our first nuclear submarine. Where's Arihant?)

Capitalism: A Ghost Story | Arundhati Roy

After three years of “low-intensity conflict” that has not managed to “flush” the rebels out of the forest, the central government has declared that it will deploy the Indian army and air force. In India, we don’t call this war. We call it “creating a good investment climate”. Thousands of soldiers have already moved in. A brigade headquarters and air bases are being readied. One of the biggest armies in the world is now preparing its Terms of Engagement to “defend” itself against the poorest, hungriest, most malnourished people in the world. We only await the declaration of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), which will give the army legal immunity and the right to kill “on suspicion”. Going by the tens of thousands of unmarked graves and anonymous cremation pyres in Kashmir, Manipur and Nagaland, it has shown itself to be a very suspicious army indeed.

Recently, Soni Sori, an adivasi school-teacher from Bastar, was arrested and tortured in police custody. Stones were pushed up her vagina to get her to “confess” that she was a Maoist courier. The stones were removed from her body at a hospital in Calcutta, where, after a public outcry, she was sent for a medical check-up. At a recent Supreme Court hearing, activists presented the judges with the stones in a plastic bag. The only outcome of their efforts has been that Soni Sori remains in jail while Ankit Garg, the Superintendent of Police who conducted the interrogation, was conferred with the President’s Police Medal for Gallantry on Republic Day.
coming from a citizen of a nation ... which runs the biggest slave manufacturing units to serve the western masters ... and the same nation where just 40 years back millions died of hunger under thr GREAT GREAT leader mao...haha

China 40 years back is like today's India.more poverty striken than Africa.
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