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Norouz at the tomb of Cyrus the Great

I dont get what you mean bro?

are you saing you actually like persian culture??
I though you hated Iran.

Sir i dont have much knowlegde of Persian culture ...what is Norouz /nine days when is it clebrated , whats its significance cause just owt of curiosity from today we Hindus also celebarate Navratra's/Nine days kindly do elaborate...Thanks
Sir i dont have much knowlegde of Persian culture ...what is Norouz /nine days when is it clebrated , whats its significance cause just owt of curiosity from today we Hindus also celebarate Navratra's/Nine days kindly do elaborate...Thanks

Its just the persian new year. lots of other countries also celebrate it.

its been celebrated by Zoroastrians for thousands of years.

Nowruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You should ask yourself why did you gave them up?Because they were not good enough?Because they were against Islam?why?

The main languages of Pakistan, Punjabi and Sindhi, are Sanskrit based languages, like Bengali, Marathi or Assamese.

If Pakistan had retained its pre-Islamic culture they would not have been able to create a separate identity.

The main thrust of Jinnah's two nation theory is that by changing their religion, Pakistanis became a part of a different civilization, which was in conflict with their pre-conversion civilization. On this basis, he demanded and obtained Pakistan from the departing British.

The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, litterateurs ... and, indeed, they belong to two different civilizations which are based mainly on conflicting ideas and conceptions.

Two-Nation Theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Naturally, the British had their own strategic reasons to encourage Jinnah. Post-independence, the British role was taken over by the Americans.
First of all, happy new year to all the Iranians & others who celebrate Norouz. :)

The main languages of Pakistan, Punjabi and Sindhi, are Sanskrit based languages, like Bengali, Marathi or Assamese.

Isn't Sanskrit the language of the Aryans? Even though many languages of the northern portion of the sub-continent originate from Sanskrit, its mostly due to Aryan cultural influence that led to other nations adopting Sanskrit. Thus with the evolution of time all the various speakers of Sanskrit developed a unique dialect that in turn became a distinctly unique language.

The point is that just because people speak languages with a common origin it does not mean that they share genetic similarities. I should know, I am the descendant of the Vedic Aryans. ;)

If Pakistan had retained its pre-Islamic culture they would not have been able to create a separate identity.

The main thrust of Jinnah's two nation theory is that by changing their religion, Pakistanis became a part of a different civilization, which was in conflict with their pre-conversion civilization. On this basis, he demanded and obtained Pakistan from the departing British.

Its true that the 2 nation theory focused on the difference of religion, but what do you think would have happened if a separate nation was demanded on the basis of these civilizations below? I am not implying that a demand for a separate nation would have succeeded on the basis of these civilizations, but I would still like the opinion of other members on this.

Isn't Sanskrit the language of the Aryans? Even though many languages of the northern portion of the sub-continent originate from Sanskrit, its mostly due to Aryan cultural influence that led to other nations adopting Sanskrit. Thus with the evolution of time all the various speakers of Sanskrit developed a unique dialect that in turn became a distinctly unique language.

Yes, Sanskrit is the language of those who called themselves Aryans, but they were not migrants from Central Asia, but expanding from the Ganga & Saraswati river valleys.

In ancient Persia, there were two languages - old Persian, which was the native language, and Avestan, which came from the Balkh region of Northern Afghanistan, the birthplace of Zoroastrianism. The northern Afghans were in turn influenced by the Vedic culture of the Indian subcontinent. Old Persian and Avestan are quite different from each other. Avestan is very similar to Vedic Sanskrit, but not old Persian.

See Koenraad Elst: A great book about the Great Book
two different aspects really.
the Muslim conquest wasn't against the culture and unique Identity

it actually encouraged that and took that to next levels. see the architecture and contribution to science and arts in Europe and central Asia.

point to note is Alexander was the one who burnt down the great city of Persepolis, not the Muslim conquers. they embraced its stunning features of its architecture and its feel good festivals in addition to introducing its own Eid festival.

this is why when you and I were watching and reading the news about the Destruction of Budha statues in Afghanistan, the Iranians are queitly restoring their ancient cities and building under the current regime.

one of the many examples for you. Iranians are willing to go as far as the parts in Iraq to help restore the buildings of their ancient past.

I think you are only reiterating my point that Iranians absorbed Islam and redefined it to blend in their culture rather than getting absorbed by the idealogy with no connection of their past or ashamed of their pre-Islamic past, say for example Egyptians or even many subcontinentals. Even though the Muslim conquest may not have been against unique culture and identity, it did destroy the native culture and identity with vicious agenda in many a place. Glad that Iran did not have that misfortune.
Only a question -In the first picture something is kept on the Farsi flag and the flag is placed on the ground.Wouldn't it be disrespectful?
The most important reason I respect Iran for.

They did not let a foreign idealogy brought upon them by sword completely redefine their life,culture and instead redefined the religion to blend it with their ancient culture. :tup:

The following two quotes are remarks made by Bhairava on another thread on the Iranian government.
I dont trust the Mullahs to have that much common sense as the US-USSR leaders....

Religion - the opium that can make you do crazy stuff. And religion is what the Mullahs have in abundance.

Here is the thread url:

Some Indians always try to exploit the differences between us Muslims in favor of their propaganda campaign to divide and rule. You will see this plenty on this forum as well as in real life where it is usually more covert.
The following two quotes are remarks made by Bhairava on another thread on the Iranian government.

Here is the thread url:

Some Indians always try to exploit the differences between us Muslims in favor of their propaganda campaign to divide and rule. You will see this plenty on this forum as well as in real life where it is usually more covert.

What is the contradiction here ?

Read properly to understand and fyi those statements dont contradict each other.
What is the contradiction here ?

Read properly to understand and fyi those statements dont contradict each other.

Your 'respect' for the nation and your disrespect for their government- the backbone of the nation & symbol of the peoples' will. Here is the contradiction.

The usual strategy of a propagandist: we love you, we respect you, but we only hate your hated government (after all, isn't it a general knowledge that your government is just accidentally founded on a criminal ideology and don't we all know that its activities don't represent your will???)
I think you are only reiterating my point that Iranians absorbed Islam and redefined it to blend in their culture rather than getting absorbed by the idealogy with no connection of their past or ashamed of their pre-Islamic past, say for example Egyptians or even many subcontinentals. Even though the Muslim conquest may not have been against unique culture and identity, it did destroy the native culture and identity with vicious agenda in many a place. Glad that Iran did not have that misfortune.
I don't want to change the subject, but why would any Egyptian be ashamed of their pre-Islamic past ? Even till today we celebrate Sham-El-Neseem which marked the begining of the spring season in ancient Egypt. Egyptian culture till right now is very diff. than other Muslim countries, Islam didn't destroy any culture that existed before it. If anything, the Greeks in Egypt followed by the Romans are the reason for the loss of the ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic lang. It was long gone when Arabs entered Egypt. Also, Coptic Egyptian was spoken in Egypt untill the 17th-18th centuries, and still spoken in every Egyptian church.
Iranian people, I admire your rich heritage. Persian civilization heavily enriched the Muslim civilization and maybe it's safe to say that it, in fact, didn't end with the fall of Sassanid empire, rather, discarding anti-Islamic elements, merged into Islam.

not meant to interfere in iranian matters, its their own life, but should i ask, we in pakistan, bangladesh turkey etc etc gave up all our non muslim celebrations etc but its only 'islamic republic of iran' who celebrates this? isnt it hypocrisy?? and forgive me if some iranian feels offense

This 'darkinsky' guy is another miserable chap, here he is pretending to be Islam incarnate, there spreading racist venom in some other threads, while all the time displaying Mexican flags, as if he's ashamed of his national identity, and taking sides according to convenience.
I don't want to change the subject, but why would any Egyptian be ashamed of their pre-Islamic past ? Even till today we celebrate Sham-El-Neseem which marked the begining of the spring season in ancient Egypt. Egyptian culture till right now is very diff. than other Muslim countries, Islam didn't destroy any culture that existed before it. If anything, the Greeks in Egypt followed by the Romans are the reason for the loss of the ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic lang. It was long gone when Arabs entered Egypt. Also, Coptic Egyptian was spoken in Egypt untill the 17th-18th centuries, and still spoken in every Egyptian church.

Really. How many Egyptians are proud of their great pre-Islamic heritage today? How many even know the names of the Pharaoh who built the great Pyramid?

There is no question whatsoever that the Arabs did indeed destroy much of the heritage of Classical civilization, including many - or even the great majority - of the works of the ancient authors. This is proved beyond doubt by the rapid severing of links with the past which followed the Muslim conquest. Within a very short time indeed no one in Egypt had any idea of the name of the pharaoh who built the Great Pyramid - though this knowledge had earlier been readily available in the works of Greek writers such as Herodotus and Diodorus, as well as native Egyptian writers working in Greek, such as Manetho. And the same severing of links with the past is found throughout the Muslim world. By the eleventh century the Persian poet and mathematician Omar Khayyam could not name the builders of the great palaces at Persepolis and Susa. These structures, he imagined, had been raised by a genie-king named Jamshid.
Really. How many Egyptians are proud of their great pre-Islamic heritage today? How many even know the names of the Pharaoh who built the great Pyramid?
You gotta be kidding me ? I hope you are not serious. Have you met an Egyptian before ? Have you ever been to Egypt ? Anyway, i find it really rude to change the subject of the thread, and i would hate to do that, especially to my Iranian friends. I understand you got some issues with Islam, but you really don't sound like you know what you talking about, peace!

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