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Pakistan’s Fourth Nuclear Reactor Has India Worried

seriously guys,pakistan already has enough to bomb india ten times again and again,what needs to make electricity, or close those facilities, abdul qadeer is right we built and acquired such technology but doing nothing good out of it

75% of france's energy comes from nuclear plants
Pakistan really need neutron bombs to target Indian Militias


Pakistan already has the Neutron bomb, it is easy to make ounce you have the other bombs.
But India can prosper at cost of China, Pakistan and Afghanistan, that not fair thinking.
talking about league, India is hanging on china and Pakistan is hanging on India, just fair game.

nop wrong again. india is not hanging on china. we r following our own way of development and they their own. both countries working hard in every field progressing at rapid paces. pakistan is on the hook of China 24/7. pakistan is no where even close to the india in space,nuclear tech, scintific research, r&d, multi national companies, ship building capabilities. if you want i can put forward the numbers then u will be embarased. you guys are not even at the beginning stage of development while countries like iran and turkey have already made their first fighter jets.
Energy profile of Pakistan


The PAEC is now currently preparing reports and planning to set up small but more commercial nuclear power plants ingeniously.

Pakistan has the know how of making nuclear reactors:
PARR-II Reactor

The PARR-II Reactor is an indigenously designed and constructed reactor owned by the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. The PARR-II Reactor's design is similar to Miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR) and SLOWPOKE reactor. The reactor was indigenously designed by the PAEC as the Atomic Energy Agency's chairman Mr. Munir Ahmad Khan and his team of engineers and scientists also led the construction of the reactor. The PARR-II Reactor had gone critical and began operating on January 21, 1974.[6] The PARR-II Reactor is a type-in-pool reactor with a rated power of 27-30 Kw. Same as the first reactor, the reactor is design to utilize the High Enrich Uranium (HEU) fuel. The HEU fuel utilize the ~90% 235U at a power level of 30 kW.[7] The demineralized light water is used as a coolant moderator and the reactor core is reflected by metallic Be4.

A PARR-II consists of a core reactor, control rod, and nuclear reflectors, and it is enclosed in a water-tight cylindrical Al13 alloy vessel. The nuclear reactor core is an under-moderated aray with 1H to 235U ratio of temperature of 20°C and provides a strong Negative temperature coefficient and thermal volume coefficients of reactivity.[8] The PAEC scientists and engineers also built and constructed the nuclear accelerator on April 9, 1989. The particle accelerator is heavily used to conduct research in nuclear technology.
Energy profile of Pakistan


The PAEC is now currently preparing reports and planning to set up small but more commercial nuclear power plants ingeniously.

PARR-II Reactor

The PARR-II Reactor is an indigenously designed and constructed reactor owned by the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. The PARR-II Reactor's design is similar to Miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR) and SLOWPOKE reactor. The reactor was indigenously designed by the PAEC as the Atomic Energy Agency's chairman Mr. Munir Ahmad Khan and his team of engineers and scientists also led the construction of the reactor. The PARR-II Reactor had gone critical and began operating on January 21, 1974.[6] The PARR-II Reactor is a type-in-pool reactor with a rated power of 27-30 Kw. Same as the first reactor, the reactor is design to utilize the High Enrich Uranium (HEU) fuel. The HEU fuel utilize the ~90% 235U at a power level of 30 kW.[7] The demineralized light water is used as a coolant moderator and the reactor core is reflected by metallic Be4.

A PARR-II consists of a core reactor, control rod, and nuclear reflectors, and it is enclosed in a water-tight cylindrical Al13 alloy vessel. The nuclear reactor core is an under-moderated aray with 1H to 235U ratio of temperature of 20°C and provides a strong Negative temperature coefficient and thermal volume coefficients of reactivity.[8] The PAEC scientists and engineers also built and constructed the nuclear accelerator on April 9, 1989. The particle accelerator is heavily used to conduct research in nuclear technology.

the nuclear reactors u guys are building are small and incapable to meet energy requirements of pak. pak only builds nuke reactors for weapons use unfortunately. they are only in planning stage, when they get built and operate safely come back and tell me.
the nuclear reactors u guys are building are small and incapable to meet energy requirements of pak. pak only builds nuke reactors for weapons use unfortunately. they are only in planning stage, when they get built and operate safely come back and tell me.

Indian Reactors are not proven safe yet, and not in use or on the market. I am back to tell you!
What I wanted to tell you is that Pakistan has the know how of reactor building and management for along time.
but then again,it depends on the level of technology pakistan has at itz disposal to undertake any construction of nuclear reactors
,though pakistan can always ask china to install their 300mw class nuclear reactors,and may be,their 1000mw class(once china is done with itz development),but what is important is,pakistan's indigenous effort in producing viable reactor designs like the russian VVVER-1000 or indian 700mw PHWR,this will surely reduce their dependency on foreign players...

---------- Post added at 02:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:04 AM ----------


design and construction of nuclear power reactor has never been a priority of Pakistan nuclear policy makers. For nuclear power reactors Pakistan is following the simple policy "install nuclear reactor on turn key basis".

No NSG country sells nuclear power reactors to Pakistan except China, whereas no country buy Chinese Nuclear Power reactor except Pakistan.

Whereas when it comes to nuclear reactors for military purpose. Pakistan is doing most of the work and R&D itself with support from China.
the reactors being built in chashma. i read on them. they r financed and designed by snerdi. congratulations you u have nothing to with them.
Whats wrong in that, contracts for Chasma and other nuclear power Plants are on turn key basis. Pakistan is a very small energy market. And the percentage of nuclear Power in National grid is just 6% which makes it even more costlier to invest in the R&D for nuclear power reactor designing.

Nuclear power in Pakistan is only to meet the energy crisis whereas the nuclear weapon program is for defence, prestige and honor.
K-15 test fired
After many postponements, the DRDO finally test-fired the most sophisticated submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), code named K-15. The weapon system was reportedly tested from an underwater launching platform off Visakhapatnam coast on Sunday.
Sources said the missile was launched from a Pontoon (replica of a submarine) positioned nearly 20 feet deep in the Bay of Bengal and 10 km off the AP coast. The DRDO has scheduled the second test for March 14.
Sources confirmed that the test was successful and the missile travelled nearly 700 km before zeroing in on the target. The missile test was earlier deferred on several occasions. “A rectified system was put into trial, this time, which delivered the desired results,” he said, adding that the final evaluation from the warships (makeshift control room) stationed in the sea is awaited.
Developed by DRDO, K-15 can carry a conventional payload of about 500 kg and be fitted with tactical nuclear warhead.
This missile is an advanced clone of Naval version of Prithvi and designed to be exclusively launched from a submarine. Close to the Tomahawk missile of the US, it is India’s answer to Pakistan’s Babur missile. Though the DRDO has unveiled its land variant - Shourya, it has been denying the test of K-15 or B-05 since beginning. “We tested a scientific concept which is under development. We are evaluating its parameters,” Programme director A K Chakrabarti said.
Indian Reactors are not proven safe yet, and not in use or on the market. I am back to tell you!
What I wanted to tell you is that Pakistan has the know how of reactor building and management for along time.

india has designed built and maintained 220, 540, 700 mw phwr without any assistance under sanctions. currently 9 700mw phwr are under construction. do u think we will construct them if they were not safe.

india has also mastered fast breeder reactor tech and can construct 500,700 mw fastbreeder reactors. 2 are uc in kalpakkam. many mor starting this year.

ahwr is another reactor under development in india. the most advanced thorium reactor ever specially built for indian needs and thorium rich countries like india, australia.
design and construction of nuclear power reactor has never been a priority of Pakistan nuclear policy makers. For nuclear power reactors Pakistan is following the simple policy "install nuclear reactor on turn key basis".

No NSG country sells nuclear power reactors to Pakistan except China, whereas no country buy Chinese Nuclear Power reactor except Pakistan.

Whereas when it comes to nuclear reactors for military purpose. Pakistan is doing most of the work and R&D itself with support from China.
Sir, if you see indian history, it too was under sanctions from 1974-2005, so there is no question of foreign assistance during this period, this was the sole reason which forced indian scientists and engineer to harness thorium based FBR, AND in fact india has emerged as a leader in fast breeder technology, I would rather you read about FBRs from international journals and then you will come to know, what india is upto in this field
Then we have a robust series of indigenous PWRS ranging from 220 to 700MWe...and NPCIL can even export these to countries like gulf, africa, and hopefully pakistan

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