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The Indian Air Force - A Force To Reckon With

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Why use a sledge hammer when you can use a knife ?

because you cant break concrete with a knife.

and i am just curious as to what the intention behind militarizing is. it wont be able to use it anyways, weather its the old mig 21s or the newer planes. I dont get what "enemy" it is preparing for.
because you cant break concrete with a knife.

and i am just curious as to what the intention behind militarizing is. it wont be able to use it anyways, weather its the old mig 21s or the newer planes. I dont get what "enemy" it is preparing for.

Its for not you to understand!! Relax and enjoy the upcoming shows!:rofl::rofl:
Its for not you to understand!! Relax and enjoy the upcoming shows!:rofl::rofl:

thats what i am saying though. India has never been able to beat PAF despite having more equipment, and they sure as hell cant beat China. so they are preparing for SriLanka I guess.
air domination of what though??

Despite always having a larger force it has never been able to dominate PAF, it will NEVER be able to dominate China.

I often wonder, what are Indians buying these planes for? Sri Lanka?

The quality and training of the Indian airforce has improved drastically, in the past Pakistani pilots received substantial flying hours and now it has decreased, Indian pilots, on the other hand, have only been getting better, MKI pilots receive about 300 hours anually which is about what US and Israeli pilots average. Compairing the India airfoce of past generations to today's Indian airforce is naive.

and i am just curious as to what the intention behind militarizing is. it wont be able to use it anyways, weather its the old mig 21s or the newer planes. I dont get what "enemy" it is preparing for.

It's a deterrent, and considering India's past wars with China and Pakistan it is a very necessary deterrent.

thats what i am saying though. India has never been able to beat PAF despite having more equipment, and they sure as hell cant beat China. so they are preparing for SriLanka I guess.

Again, the past is gone the present in now. The Indian airforce is equiped with a large and ever growing fleet of MKI's, Mig-29, including the latest Mig-29K, Mirrages, Mig-21's, which F-15 pilots were impressed with, and awacs. In the very near future the Indian airforce will receive the MRCA and not long after the pak-fa. Fancy aircraft alone won't guarantee air supremacy but good tactics and training will, which the Indian airforce receives, not only do Indian pilots receive more than adequate flight hours but they have also trained against various airforces including and not limited to the US airforce and the Brittish airforce, in these exorcises the Indians have faced modern US F-15's and F-16, and even Typoons, these exercises arn't about chest thumping but to learn and home in individual pilots skills as well as collective pilots skills and tactics. I have already mentioned that the Indian airforce has practiced against F-16, which the paf uses, obviously, but the Indians have also had the opportunity to fly the F-16's including the MRCA contender F-16 Viper which is superior to anything in the current paf inventory. The Indian airforce consists of quality aircraft which are flown by very experienced pilots that have practiced against F-15, F-16, and Typhoons, do you really think that old paf F-16's are going to have air supremacy over the iaf, let alone Chinese pilots who receive about 40 hours anually?
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thats what i am saying though. India has never been able to beat PAF despite having more equipment, and they sure as hell cant beat China. so they are preparing for SriLanka I guess.

I think you are forgetting the fact that in almost all the wars except 1999, Pakistan had better, more advance equipment and A/Cs provided by US, its a Fact for example Saber etc etc. And as per your notion, we could never beat you up (including air warfare), you know it better I need know tell you all the dates!:P
Upto now nuclear strike role has been reserved for medieval ground attack fighters like SEPECAT Jaguar. I think India should try giving that responsibility to the newly confirmed rafales or even HAL Tejas (however it is not practical considering it's small payload).
do IAF pilots receive 300 hours against PLAAF which receive 40 hours??????

is it true can any1 confirm it
why in god name do you resurrect a two year old thread?:undecided:
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