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Kashmir Solidarity Day: 5 February !!

You should be well advised that if you are going to charge some one with being ignorant, a good start would be correct spelling.

As for not caring what India thinks, that is really great. A Pakistani idea to solve Kashmir without involving India? Going to limit your solution to Pakistani controlled Kashmir, are you? Wonderful !

Good, now you jump to personal attacks.
Read those posts again & see why i call you ignorant.

And BTW i think it is thread for Pakistanis solidarity with Kashmiris, i don't understand why would an indian enter this thread until he have his troll mode on.

You really have no clue, I couldn't care less what you thought of me. As for your second point, you were the one suggesting some "solutions", were you suggesting it to fellow Pakistanis? Did you think that they could offer you a "yes" from the Indian viewpoint? No point whining when you get your just desserts after having started the fire.
Whole world, that's why it is still considered as disputed territory.

the thing is, the truth cant be bought out. t will never change no matter how important India becomes for the Western Govts.
plain and simple, there are many examples that the Kashmiris never wanted to be part of India and they never will.
its this right of freedom that they will continue to express no matter how many million soldiers are sent on them to silence them.

this forced occupation wont last forver and the Kashmiris will have their freedom and the jokers will eat their words.

Quaid-i-Azam: Kashmir The “Jugular Vein of Pakistan.”


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The plight of Kashmir

By Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan

Published: February 5, 2012


It is tragic to see that residents of this unrivalled paradise are shackled in chains of slavery for over a century.

The valley of Kashmir is a beautiful geographical entity on earth and its ravishing landscape has impressed visitors for centuries. When Mughal Emperor Jehangir came to Kashmir, he was so spell-bound by its calmness that he exclaimed “If there is a paradise on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here.”

It is tragic to see that residents of this unrivalled paradise are shackled in chains of slavery for over a century. The yearning and movement for the independence of Kashmir has continued unabated all along.

When the movement for Pakistan was launched, the people of Kashmir actively participated in it. A son of Kashmir from Sialkot, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, first dreamt about a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent.

His dream and contemplation about Pakistan caught every Muslims’ attention throughout the subcontinent and shone like a bright morning star for them.

The movement for independence spread exponentially and the dream became a reality under the indomitable leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Unfortunately, the fate of Kashmir became a casualty of machinations.

At the time of independence, it was agreed that the destiny of Kashmir will be decided through a plebiscite, but that promise remains elusive even after the lapse of 65 years.

A year after independence, the youth of Kashmir liberated a part of it, which is now known as Azad Kashmir, through their valiant struggle. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, in his address to the UN Security Council, had voiced the sentiments of Kashmiris and made the world believe that Kashmir and Pakistan were inseparable.

Bhutto had convened the Islamic summit in Lahore in February 1974 and highlighted the issues of Kashmir and Palestine. He won strong and unqualified support for the cause.

When the Kashmir independence movement was launched during the first government of Benazir Bhutto, as a mark of solidarity with the people of Kashmir, the government commemorated February 5th as the ‘Day of Solidarity with Kashmiris’. Since then, Solidarity Day is observed every year with full devotion and commitment.

The PPP has always emphasised the need for mutual links between Kashmiris on both sides of the border and even proposed opening the Line of Control, so that people can meet their relatives.

(The writer is the federal minister for information and broadcasting)

Published in The Express Tribune, February 5th, 2012

The plight of Kashmir – The Express Tribune
Christians of Pakistan endorse the Kashmir cause

LAHORE: “It is India’s turn to ‘show flexibility’ and resolve the Kashmir issue,” said Reverend (R) Dr Alexander John Malik, the Bishop of Lahore in a statement issued on Saturday, as the Christian community of Pakistan endorsed the Kashmiri cause.

The Bishop condemned the continuous violation of human rights of the 13 million Kashmiris in Indian Kashmir by the military, adding that the issue could only be resolved in accordance with the United Nations resolutions.

Malik further said that the issue was not just a ‘territorial question’ but the fate of the Kashmiri people depended on it. He also acknowledged Pakistan’s role for maintaining peace in the region with regards to Kashmir.

Talking to The Express Tribune, the Bishop’s Chaplain and the Reverend of Lahore Cathedral, Shahid P Mehraj, said that a special prayer would be offered on Kashmir Day for peace in Kashmir, Palestine and in other parts of the world where people are fighting for their freedom.

The Reverend added that the struggle for independence in Indian Kashmir was legitimate and the Christian community of Pakistan supported it.

Christians of Pakistan endorse the Kashmir cause – The Express Tribune
Kashmir Solidarity Day: The colour of suffering and pain


The paintings depict the Kashmiri society at the helm of conflict and resilience, with bold colours and themes to highlight their plight. PHOTOS: MUHAMMAD JAVAID


The paintings depict the Kashmiri society at the helm of conflict and resilience, with bold colours and themes to highlight their plight. PHOTOS: MUHAMMAD JAVAID

The idyllic valley of Kashmir is maimed with a painful past. Around 25 noted artists came together to unveil the scarred faces of the conflict-hit territory at an exhibition organised in connection with the Kashmir Solidarity Day at the Pakistan National Council of the Arts here on Tuesday.

While some artists portrayed all-out scenes of blood and gore in the aftermath of bomb blasts, others took a subtle approach on the subject. Paintings by Abdul Rehman represented people sifting through rubble, looking for bodies. Distorted faces, soaked in blood represented the work of Abbas Shah.

However, the work of other artists like Mansoor Rahi, Shehbaz Malik and Raja Changez Sultan depicted abstract silhouettes doused in dark hues of blue and black.

Mussarat Nahid’s work was perhaps the most descriptive and simultaneously disturbing with red paint and real pictures of people suffering and tortured, pasted onto the canvas. Paintings by Humera Ijaz, Ghulam Abbas, Sardar Mohammad, Aftab Zafar, Masood Hameed and Quddus Mirza were also exhibited. Almost all paintings used the medium of oil on canvas with red paint, symbolising blood.

Morose in its essence, the exhibition was unable to attract a significant turnout of visitors despite showcasing some of the country’s celebrated artists.

The empty gallery reflected mismanagement on the part of organisers and a general lack of interest by the public.

The exhibition, organised by the Ministry of National Heritage and Integration in collaboration with the Ministry of Kashmir Affairs, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu Kashmir Council, and continues till February 10.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 2nd, 2012

Kashmir Solidarity Day: The colour of suffering and pain – The Express Tribune
Display of harmony: Little angels express solidarity with Kashmiris


Students perform a tableau at Pakistan National Council of the Arts on Friday in connection with Kashmir Day. PHOTO: MUHAMMAD JAVAID


Students perform a tableau at Pakistan National Council of the Arts on Friday in connection with Kashmir Day. PHOTO: MUHAMMAD JAVAID

ISLAMABAD: Garbed and styled as Kashmiris with colourful traditional clothes and jewellery, children from different schools of twin cities presented a lively performance in connection to Kashmir Day on Friday.

The event was held by the Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA) in collaboration with the Ministry of National Heritage and Integration, Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council to express solidarity with Kashmiri people.

Adorned with traditional jewellery with braided hair and matching dupattas, each school lined up to do their best to represent the disputed territory.

The children, mostly from schools in Rawalpindi, filled the auditorium with claps and cheers as each school made its way onto the stage to present songs and tableaus.

Some students who braved the stage included Sufyan Mir from Islamabad Model College for Boys (IMCB), who performed a traditional song on the region’s beautiful landscape.

In addition to that, children also presented colourful tableaus complete with props painted to look like trees and hills in the background.

The highlight of the event was a tableau by Divisional Public School Shamsabad on Hadiqa Kiani’s famous song Man di Mauj that successfully captured the scenes of daily village life of Kashmir.

Other schools such as Bright Land School and Jinnah Public School also performed tableaus on songs such as Zulm rahay aur aman bhi ho by Noor Jahan.

At the end of the event, children were given prizes and a special note of thanks was given to teachers for dressing the students in a beautiful manner.

Even though most of the children seemed to be too young to understand the significance of Kashmir issue, some of them expressed pretty mature views on the subject.

“Its been so long since the issue has been going on. It is about time Kashmir issue be resolved,” said a student of IMCB.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 4th, 2012

Display of harmony: Little angels express solidarity with Kashmiris – The Express Tribune
Kashmiris form human chain on solidarity day

MUZAFFARABAD, Pakistan — At least 1,000 people formed a human chain in Pakistan-administered Kashmir as rallies were held across Pakistan Sunday to denounce Indian rule in the disputed Himalayan state.

A Pakistani public holiday, Kashmir Solidarity Day supports the region's right to self-determination in line with UN resolutions that call for a plebiscite in Kashmir on whether it should be ruled by India or Pakistan.

"At least 1,000 people formed a human chain at the Kohala bridge near the regional capital, Muzaffarabad", said an AFP reporter at the scene.

They also later held a rally and chanted, "We will fight until Kashmir is free of Indian clutches. We want freedom."

Banners calling for Kashmir's freedom from Indian rule were put up by main roads and intersections across Pakistan and thousands of people in the country held protest rallies.

In the morning, Pakistan observed a one-minute silence as a mark of respect to the more than 47,000 people killed since an insurgency broke out in mainly Muslim Indian Kashmir in 1989.

Rallies were held in the northwestern city Peshawar and eastern city Lahore where people expressed solidarity with Kashmiris and chanted, "Kashmir will become part of Pakistan and Kashmir is Pakistan's jugular vein."

Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari, in a special message, reiterated his country's "fullest moral, political and diplomatic support to Kashmiris in their just cause".

"It is indeed imperative that the noble principles and values that underpin the just Kashmiri cause are upheld and supported by all justice and freedom loving peoples across the world," Zardari said.

In his message, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said "a peaceful settlement of the dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people is a must to ensure peace and prosperity in the region".

Kashmir was split in two in the aftermath of independence on the subcontinent when British rule ended in 1947. Both India and Pakistan claim the whole territory, which is divided by a heavily militarised Line of Control.

India accuses Pakistan of sponsoring an Islamist insurgency in Kashmir. Pakistan denies the claim but has often spoken in support of the fighters.

AFP: Kashmiris form human chain on solidarity day
Kashmir Solidarity Day observed in Tokyo

ISLAMABAD, Feb 5 (APP): Pakistan’s Ambassador to Japan Noor Muhammad Jadmani on Sunday said the right to self-determination is a fundamental right of the Kashmiris and no power can deprive them of their just right. He was addressing a seminar on the “right of self-determination to Kashmiris” organized by the Embassy of Pakistan on Kashmir Solidarity Day in Tokyo on Sunday. According to a message received here from Tokyo, the Ambassador said that Kashmiri people have rendered countless sacrifices for achieving their basic right of self-determination and upholding their dignity and freedom as envisaged in the U.N. resolutions.

He called upon the world community to take notice of the Indian atrocities and human rights violations in the Indian held Kashmir and support Kashmiris’ struggle to attain their right to self determination.

The Ambassador appealed to the world community to extend every possible assistance to the just cause of Kashmiri people and put pressure on India to stop killing of innocent Kashmiri Muslims.

He said that during the last 65 years more than 100,000 Kashmiris have been killed by Indian security forces to suppress their indigenous freedom movement but it has failed to weaken their strong determination.

Kashmiris have lost their homes, friends and families in the Indian occupied Kashmir, yet they have not lost their hope and have remained steadfast in their quest to achieve their right to self-determination, he added.

Besides others, President of Kashmir Council Japan Mirza Khalil Baig also addressed the seminar. All speakers were unanimously of the view that Pakistan must continue its strong political, moral and diplomatic support to the just cause of Kashmiris.

Earlier, the Ambassador also read out the special messages of President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on the Kashmir Solidarity Day.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Kashmir Solidarity Day observed in Tokyo
Pakistan to continue political, moral, diplomatic support to Kashmiris: President

ISLAMABAD, Feb 5 (APP): President Asif Ali Zardari has said that Pakistan will continue to express its complete solidarity with the Kashmiris and extend fullest political, moral and diplomatic support to their just cause.The President, in a message on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day to be observed on February 5, said the Government and the people of Pakistan observe the Kashmir Solidarity Day by renewing their unswerving support for the just struggle of the Kashmiri people for the realization of their fundamental and inalienable rights.

He said Pakistan seeks a peaceful settlement of Jammu and Kashmir dispute.

President Zardari said for over six decades the Kashmiri people have rendered countless sacrifices for upholding their dignity and freedom, pleading for equity and justice and for fulfillment of the promise for the effective exercise of their right to self-determination, as envisaged in the relevant UN resolutions.

He said, "It is indeed imperative that the noble principles and values, that underpin the just Kashmiri cause, are upheld and
supported by all justice and freedom loving peoples across the world."

He said it is also important that the fundamental human rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir are respected and promoted.

In recent years, he said, the peaceful struggle of the people of Jammu and Kashmir has gained strength and intensity.

He said a new generation of the Kashmiris, including men, women and children, continue to wage a heroic struggle for the
realization of their fundamental rights.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Pakistan to continue political, moral, diplomatic support to Kashmiris: President
Kashmir Solidarity Day observed in befitting manner


ISLAMABAD: The whole nation observed the Kashmir Solidarity day in befitting manner to pay homage to Kashmiri martyrs and express unity with people of Occupied Kashmir in their fight against Indian subjugation.

Pakistan is marking the day since 1990 to highlight the plight of people of Kashmir for their birth right to self determination promised to them by the international community under the resolutions of United Nations Security Council.

It is obligation of the world community to ensure a United Nations sponsored plebiscite in Kashmir according to wishes of the people of Kashmir.

All activities and transport came to standstill when one minute's silence was observed throughout the country at 10 a.m. by blowing sirens.

President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani, President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan and AJK Prime Minister Chaudhry Abdul Majid have issued special messages in connection with Kashmir day, expressing solidarity with people of Occupied Kashmir.

President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani will address the joint session of the AJK Legislative Assembly and the Council.

A Kashmir convention will be held in Islamabad in which tribute will be paid to martyrs, who sacrificed their lives to get their birth right to self-determination.

The prime minister will host a dinner in honour of prominent Kashmir leaders in Islamabad.

A briefing will be arranged for all foreign mission in Islamabad on the latest situation in Occupied Kashmir, while all major mission abroad will arrange receptions for Pakistanis and Kashmiris.

Rallies, processions, seminars and photo exhibitions have been arranged by Pakistani mission abroad.

Packets containing ration will be given to each family living in refugee camps across the country.

A "Kashmiri Handicraft Exhibition" will be held at Lok Virsa where Kashmiri songs will be played and photos will be displayed.

Pakistan National Council of Arts will arrange a painting exhibition on Kashmir Culture besides setting up an Art Bazar on Kashmir and holding a puppet show. Posters and badges will be distributed among people in connection with the Kashmir Solidarity day.

Rallies, demonstrations, human chains by men, women and children will be held at various cities of the country, Azad Kashmir and the connecting points between Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir including at Kohala to express solidarity with the struggling Kashmiris of Indian Held Kashmir for their just cause for freedom from Indian yoke.

International Community's attention will be drawn towards Indian atrocities and barbarities, stressing it to play role in resolution of the Kashmir issue.

Special functions will be held in educational institutions to apprise the new generation with the Kashmir issue and heroic struggle of the Kashmiri nation for their right to self determination.

Television channels and Radio will air special programmes to highlight the different aspects of the Kashmir issue particularly Indian atrocities against innocent Kashmiris fighting for their freedom from Indian yoke.

Kashmir Solidarity Day observed in befitting manner

---------- Post added at 05:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:31 PM ----------

Kashmir solidarity day observed in Riyadh

RIYADH: Kashmir is the core dispute between India and Pakistan and unless it is resolved, durable peace in South Asia would remain elusive.

This was the central theme of the speeches delivered by a number of officials and Pakistani community leaders including Prince Abdulaziz bin Bandar M. Al-Saud and Pakistani Ambassador Mohammed Naeem Khan, who addressed a meeting convened here at the Pakistan Embassy auditorium Saturday to mark Kashmir Solidarity Day (KSD).

Prince Abdulaziz, chief guest, pledged support to the cause of Kashmiri people. Pakistan has been marking the day since 1990 to highlight the plight of people of Kashmir.

Speaking on this occasion, Ambassador Khan said, “It is the obligation of the world community to ensure a United Nations sponsored plebiscite in Kashmir according to the wishes of the people of Kashmir.” He said that the people of Kashmir must get their right to self-determination.

A cross-section of Pakistani and Kashmiri community of Riyadh and officials from the embassy attended the event.

Prominent speakers in the event were Ahmad Nawaz Baksh, a Saudi journalist; Abdul Malik Mujahid, chief of the Darrusalam Publishing House; Asghar Qureshi, a Pakistani businessman; Asif Qureshi, academician, and important community leaders Rana Khadim Hussain, Khalid Akram Rana and Reyaz Rathore.

Khan said, “Kashmir is an integral part of Pakistan.”

He thanked the Saudi government and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for their support on the issue of Kashmir.

“It is our firm belief that when (the Kashmiri) people are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for their cause, then nothing can stop them ... and we Pakistanis are also ready to join this freedom struggle with our brothers,” he said.

The envoy recalled the genesis of Kashmir problem and said that the UN resolution, which calls for a referendum on Kashmir, is some 60 years old now.

He criticized the Public Safety Act enforced by India in occupied Kashmir, saying that this draconian law has been promulgated to torture and kill innocent Kashmiri people.

“The gross and systematic abuse of human rights ... in Kashmir must end,” said the envoy.

Saudi journalist Baksh said, “we have taken serious note of the deteriorating situation in Jammu and Kashmir.” He said, “more than 100,000 Kashmiris had been killed by Indian troops in Indian-held Kashmir so far.”

Mujahid called to step up pressure on the government of Pakistan and other Islamic countries to take up the situation in Jammu and Kashmir seriously with the international community.

He also proposed to set up a network of Saudi and Pakistani NGOs, which are active in the Kingdom on the issue of Kashmir.

Meanwhile, Rathore said that 800,000 Indian soldiers remain stationed throughout the year in Kashmir alone to kill the innocent protesters.

Qureshi appealed to the international community to help Kashmiris in their struggle for freedom.

The meeting concluded with adoption of a resolution whereby the Pakistani and Kashmiri Diaspora undertook to make every effort to project the need for an early just settlement of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people and relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

A resolution was adopted to call on multilateral and UN organizations including OIC to exert pressure on India to solve Kashmir problem.

Kashmir solidarity day observed in Riyadh - Arab News
Kashmir solidarity day observed in Hague

Date: 5 Feb 2012


Hague: Kashmir Council EU and Kashmir Centre Holland jointly organised a demonstration on the solidarity day of 5th February in The Hague, Netherlands.

Like other parts of the world including Pakistan, the solidarity Day was also observed in Europe to renew commitment to continue supporting the Kashmiris brethren for their right to self-determination.

The demonstration in Hague was headed by Chairman Kashmir Council EU, Ali Raza Syed and Executive Director Kashmir Centre Holland Dr.Zeb Khan.

Addressing the rally, Chairman Kashmir Council EU, Ali Raza Syed said, we express complete solidarity with the Kashmiri bothers and sisters in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK). The Kashmiris are struggling for their right to self-determination for more than 60 years.

He said, the voices of cries from the Kashmir are being reached in all over the world. We in Europe are trying to obtain further European sympathy and friendship with the Kashmiris.

It is clear fact that grave atrocities are being committed against the people of Jammu and Kashmir and every day is witnessed of killings of innocent Kashmiris including women and children. Youth particularly girls and even children are being disappeared and killed and large scale unnamed graves have been discovered in the valley but no one of the world powers supports the Kashmiris and neither any international organisation pays serious attention on the human cries.

He said, about 800,000 Indian forces are deployed in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) and they are involved in the atrocities against the innocent people of the held territory.

The participant of the demonstration called upon the United Nations and the international community to help Kashmiri people in getting their fundamental rights to self-determination by implementing its various resolutions in letter and spirit.

KashmirWatch - Latest News & In-depth Coverage on Kashmir Conflict
Divided Kashmiri families seek world attention

Muzaffarabad - As the Pakistani nation and people of Azad Jammu and Kashmir observe Kashmir Solidarity Day today (Sunday), the divided families on both side of the Line of Control seek the world’s attention to help them reunite.

More than 5,000 families, who migrated from different areas of Indian held Kashmir in 1989 due to insurgency there, were anxiously waiting for the settlement of the issue to return to their homes.

Manzoor Shaikh, a resident of Mahajer Colony No 2 in Muzaffarabad migrated from Karna area of Kapwara district in 1993. He said he was alone here and missing his loved ones a lot.

The 45-year-old said he was a school teacher there and living happily with his family when he was terrified by the consecutive Indian army raids on his house and was forced to leave to save his life as was advised by his elders.

He said he had migrated to AJK alone leaving behind his family as he was quite young at that time and his family wanted to save him from the cruel army that might have taken his life if he had stayed there. He said there had been more than 500 raids in his village during which the army picked up dozens of youth including some of his best friends and none of them came back alive after which his family suggested him to save his life. Shaikh said he and his friends fled from their homes with the hope that they would return soon after the settlement of the Kashmir issue and withdrawal of the Indian army, as they were confident that international community would intervene but were disappointed and were now only praying to meet their loved ones.

Another immigrant from the same district living in Rara Mahajer camp in the outskirts of Muzaffarabad, Hadayatullah Shaikh said he fled with his wife and five children in 1993 but had left the rest of his relatives behind. “I am a labourer here and hardly manage food for my children while my land is going uncultivated,” he said in a painful manner, adding that he had never lost hope of returning during his lifetime.

Shaikh said however, it was painful for him that he could not even attend the funerals of many of his friends and relatives. He said people in IHK never accepted Indian rule nor would they do so in the future and one day they would surely get freedom as their fourth generation was struggling for freedom.

He said there had been a search operation every night in his village near LoC, which forced him to escape to save the honor of his daughters and wife.

However, they were unhappy with the recent measures of travel and trade on the LoC, as they said India had complicated the process of clearance for traveling across the LoC, and did not allow those who crossed in 1989 and onwards to travel through this bus services.

“This facility is useless for people like us to travel and meet our relatives there as Indian authorities considered militant those who migrated during this recent movement of 1989 to get rid of Indian atrocities,” they said.

They said there should be free movement on the LoC by producing state subject certificate of either side so that families divided since decades could reunite. A member of the All Parties Hurriat Conference (APHC), Syed Yousaf Naseem said the international community should at least focus the human tragedy of this issue. He said the Kashmiri leadership had accepted the so-called confidence building measures (CBMs) of General Mushraf only for addressing this aspect of the issue but went in vain, as India created hurdles by imposing unnecessary conditions on travel.

Divided Kashmiri families seek world attention | Pakistan Today | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia

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