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TRT airs Holocaust documentary;first time aired in a majorty Muslim country


Sep 4, 2011
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Turkish TV airs Holocaust documentary; first time publicly aired in a majority-Muslim country

ANKARA, Turkey — An epic French documentary about the mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime has appeared on Turkish television to mark international Holocaust Remembrance Day — the first time the film has been aired on public television in a majority-Muslim country.

State television TRT’s documentary channel showed the first episode of filmmaker Claude Lanzmann’s “Shoah” late Thursday — the eve of the day of remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust.

The film has been subtitled into Arabic, Farsi and Turkish by the Paris-based Aladdin Project as part of its campaign to promote understanding between Jews and Muslims and to fight Holocaust denial.

“Shoah,” the Hebrew word for Holocaust, includes testimony from concentration camp survivors and employees about the slaughter of millions of Jews in Europe by the Nazis during World War II. Lanzmann worked for 11 years on the film, which was released in 1985.

Last year, a Los Angeles-based Farsi satellite channel broadcast the 9-plus-hour documentary in Iran, where President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has questioned historical accounts of the Holocaust and called for Israel’s destruction.

The film is not the first Holocaust film to be shown on television in Turkey, a secular country that is seeking membership in the European Union. Turkey also has its own Holocaust film: “The Turkish Passport,” which was released last year and tells the true story of Turkish diplomats who saved thousands of Jews by issuing them Turkish passports.

“Shoah” has also been shown to a limited audience at a Turkish film festival.

Nevertheless, it was the first showing of “Shoah” on a public television channel in a Muslim country. The director said he hoped more Muslim countries would follow suit.

“It is a historical event,” Lanzmann, 87, said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press from his home in Paris. “It is extremely important that it is being shown in a Muslim country.”

“The Turks are engaged in a pioneering work and I am sure it (the showing) will be followed by other Muslim countries,” he said.

Extremists in some Muslim countries deny that the Holocaust ever happened, accusing Jews of inventing it in an attempt to gain sympathy and advance interests. In Iran, Ahmadinejad has frequently questioned whether the Holocaust was a true historical fact, arguing that it was used by Jews to trick the West into backing the creation of Israel.

The documentary’s airing comes at a time when some Jewish groups have warned of growing anti-Semitism in Turkey, following the country’s frayed relations with Israel.

Turkey was outraged by the killing of hundreds of Palestinian civilians during Israel’s war in the Gaza Strip three years ago aimed at stopping daily rocket barrages from the coastal territory.

Ties worsened in 2010 after Israeli naval commandos killed nine Turks in a botched raid on a flotilla that was trying to breach Israel’s Gaza blockade. Israel’s refusal to apologize for the flotilla killings sent relations deteriorating even further. Both sides claimed they acted in self-defense.

The documentary was also aired amid an escalating dispute between Turkey and France over French legislation that would make it a crime to deny that the mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks amounted to genocide.

Most historians contend that the 1915 killings of 1.5 million Armenians as the Ottoman Empire broke up was the 20th century’s first genocide, and several European countries recognize the massacres as such.

But Turkey rejects the term genocide, saying there was no systematic campaign to kill Armenians and that many Turks also died during the chaotic disintegration of the empire. It also says that death toll is inflated.

Turkish TV airs Holocaust documentary; first time publicly aired in a majority-Muslim country - The Washington Post
Did the Holocaust really take place?

A Must watch Documentary: David Cole (a Jew) in Auschwitz

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Did the Holocaust really take place?

A Must watch Documentary: David Cole (a Jew) in Auschwitz

Holocaust did take place but numbers are wrong. Propoganda says that around 6 million Jewsih people were killed but that number is the whole genocide killings done by Nazi Germany. There were around 2.5 million Polish people were killed in Nazi Germany's genocide. There were Ukrainians and gypsies too.

Real number is around 3 million. But 3 million is very big number nevertheless. Saying there was no genocide is bit thoughtless.

Extereme zionists used and still use holocaust as some sort of shield and that lessened its value of its memory but I think denying the genocide is rude at best...
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A Jewish Professor and Doctor defends Hitler:

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Holocaust did take place but numbers are wrong. Propoganda says that around 6 million Jewsih people were killed but that number is the whole genocide killings done by Nazi Germany. There were around 2.5 million Polish people were killed in Nazi Germany's genocide. There were Ukrainians and gypsies too.

Real number is around 3 million. But 3 million is very big number nevertheless. Saying there was no genocide is bit thoughtless.

Extereme zionists used and still use holocaust as some sort of shield and that lessened its value of its memory but I think denying the genocide is rude at best...

Not true, watch the videos i posted, including the one with the French Jewish Professor who fought against Germany in WW2. The old French Jewish professor interviewed in the video participated in the French Underground resistance against the German occupational forces and later on study the Genocide claim, he will tell you how much truth that Holocaust claim holds.
Holohoax to justify the creation of neo fascist Zionist entity. Why not create Israel in the middle of Europe? Damn Europeans...
Everywhere we have crackpots like this such as in india we have arundhati roy

So he's a crackpot? Height of immature childish behavior, the old Jewish Professor in the video fought against Germany during WW2, i suggest you read a little more about him.

Labeling someone a crackpot, and that too a French Jewish professor who was alive during WW2 and lived under German occupation, is very immature on your part.
Holocaust did take place but numbers are wrong. Propoganda says that around 6 million Jewsih people were killed but that number is the whole genocide killings done by Nazi Germany. There were around 2.5 million Polish people were killed in Nazi Germany's genocide. There were Ukrainians and gypsies too.

Real number is around 3 million. But 3 million is very big number nevertheless. Saying there was no genocide is bit thoughtless.

Extereme zionists used and still use holocaust as some sort of shield and that lessened its value of its memory but I think denying the genocide is rude at best...
Number 6 million is not any "propaganda" but very well based on official census numbers.

Estimated Number of Jews Killed in The Final Solution

Holohoax to justify the creation of neo fascist Zionist entity. Why not create Israel in the middle of Europe? Damn Europeans...
Without the Holocaust Israel would be much bigger and stronger than today. And Jews lived in Middle East 2,5 thousand years before the Turks.
A Jewish Professor and Doctor defends Hitler:

Just out of boredom decided to check. Stopped watching right in the beginning of the interview when he claimed there were 3 million Jews in Europe, so 6 million could not be killed. Yet another sad clown.
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Just out of boredom decided to check. Stopped watching right in the beginning of the interview when he claimed there were 3 million Jews in Europe, so 6 million could not be killed. Yet another sad clown.

In Germany alone there were not more than 2-300,000 Jews, the 6 million figure is only sensationalist yellow journalism propaganda.

And just watching a few seconds of the video while purposely ignoring the rest just goes to show how you make up silly excuses in order to overlook facts.
How does 3 million( a conservative estimate) is any less.
People will be as sympathetic to jews even if the numbers were what you want it to be. It dos not matter much.
How does 3 million( a conservative estimate) is any less.
People will be as sympathetic to jews even if the numbers were what you want it to be. It dos not matter much.

Did I say less? did you read my post...
In Germany alone there were not more than 2-300,000 Jews, the 6 million figure is only sensationalist yellow journalism propaganda.

And just watching a few seconds of the video while purposely ignoring the rest just goes to show how you make up silly excuses in order to overlook facts.
Its undisputable fact that in the beginning of WW2 Europe lived nearly 9 million Jews. So if some guy claims there were 3 millions he is nothing but sad clown. Why should I waste my time listening him?

In Germany itself number of Jews was not high, but in East europe numbers were much bigger: according to 1921 census there were 2,845,400 Jews in Poland and acording to 1931 census - 3,113,900. In Romania accoridng to 1930 census were 756,930 Jews. By 1939 these numbers grew even more. In USSR according to 1939 census were 3.02 million Jews... Large numbers of Jews were in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Baltic countries, Holland, France. Decent numbers in Greece, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Belgium...

Sorry my bad. Numbers on my book was records about Nazi Germany's genocide in Poland only. Again, I am sorry if I offended you.
No problem.

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