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There is intentional hate speech and insult and there is criticism. What we are doing here is not intentional insult/curse, but criticism. Democracy means you are entitled to rights such as belief and certain viewpoints. In other words, democracy accepts, it doesn't restrict. You guys try to restrict criticism of Kemal because you see him above humanity or similar. You think all of his policies were perfect and cannot be more perfect. Wake up from that illusion, Ataturk was just a guy who tried to implement European mentality and politics into Ottoman. Because the Ottoman had flaws (i accept that). But his methods and the policies he implemented had countless of mistakes lookign with today's eyes.
The funniest thing is this person died of alcohol overconsumption.

again another entertaning comment from ........

"his methods and the policies he implemented had countless of mistakes lookign with today's eyes."

care to eloborate......for instance.....? :lol: with your todays eyes!

"this person died of alcohol overconsumption" so this is the best critics you can come up with! dont forget he also had a weak spot against woman! womanizer :lol:
again another entertaning comment from ........ :lol:

"this person died of alcohol overconsumption" so this is the best critics you can come up with! dont forget he also had a weak spot against woman! womanizer :lol:

I can't come down to your level, sorry.
Kemalist is taught in Turkish public schools many children are taught Mustafa Kemal's philosophy and practically idolize him. This is from what I understand I could be wrong. Also I have heard and read every public school classroom in Tr has a painting of Mustafa Kemal on the wall.

In the US that would be equivalent to painting of George Washington in every public school classroom. Or in Pakistan M.A Jinnah's painting.
There is intentional hate speech and insult and there is criticism. What we are doing here is not intentional insult/curse, but criticism. Democracy means you are entitled to rights such as belief and certain viewpoints. In other words, democracy accepts, it doesn't restrict. You guys try to restrict criticism of (1) Kemal because (2)you see him above humanity or similar. You (3)think all of his policies were perfect and cannot be more perfect. Wake up from that illusion, (4)Ataturk was just a guy who tried to implement European mentality and politics into Ottoman. Because the Ottoman had flaws (i accept that). But his (5) methods and the policies he implemented had countless of mistakes lookign with today's eyes.
The (6) funniest thing is this person died of alcohol overconsumption.

Zulky, shame on you babe, still Hypocrisy and Taqiyya;

Lets check so called "criticism" and not intentional insult/curse/hate speeches

1) If you call a political leader, founding father of Turkish Republic and Military leader of Turkish Independence War ATATURK or even just someone with his first name in anopen forum, it is insult. Let me make you understan better , just like saying Recep to PM , got it.

2) and 3) Acting as a fortune teller and saying lies and slanders about others is wrong. LIES are not CRITICISM.

4) Ataturk was just a guy....., c'mon what is this? Try to say someone out in the street, "You are just a GUY, walkin in the street" and make us happy while he'll punch you in the face. LOL

5) Always judge historical events with their time and era's values. This is the first and basic rule of HISTORY.

Zeitgeist (German pronunciation: [ˈtsaɪtɡaɪst] ( listen)) is "the spirit of the times" or "the spirit of the age." [1] Zeitgeist is the general cultural, intellectual, ethical, spiritual, or political climate within a nation or even specific groups, along with the general ambiance, morals, sociocultural direction, and mood associated with an era.

Zeitgeist is not just a movie, LOL.

6) What is the funny part of a death?
Besides you are lieing, Ataturk died because of Cirrhosis. Are you a doctor and had a chance to checkup Ataturk?

You claim that Cirrhosis is caused by alcholism, really coulnd't there be any other reasons?

What about these;

Kidney Inflammation, several times
Myocardial infarction
Diphtheria, several times
Ear Eczema causing inflammation, beginning from his 20's
Pneumonia, several times
Malaria, several times
Pyelonephritis, beginning from his 20's

Thanks to a life passed in battlefields.

Shame on you Zulky, why is your hatred?

thanks for entertaning me! so it seems you have nothing meaningful to write about the subject in hand but some nasty generalizations about people including me!

next one please!
Zulky, shame on you babe, still Hypocrisy and Taqiyya;

Lets check so called "criticism" and not intentional insult/curse/hate speeches

1) If you call a political leader, founding father of Turkish Republic and Military leader of Turkish Independence War ATATURK or even just someone with his first name in anopen forum, it is insult. Let me make you understan better , just like saying Recep to PM , got it.

2) and 3) Acting as a fortune teller and saying lies and slanders about others is wrong. LIES are not CRITICISM.

4) Ataturk was just a guy....., c'mon what is this? Try to say someone out in the street, "You are just a GUY, walkin in the street" and make us happy while he'll punch you in the face. LOL

5) Always judge historical events with their time and era's values. This is the first and basic rule of HISTORY.

Zeitgeist (German pronunciation: [ˈtsaɪtɡaɪst] ( listen)) is "the spirit of the times" or "the spirit of the age." [1] Zeitgeist is the general cultural, intellectual, ethical, spiritual, or political climate within a nation or even specific groups, along with the general ambiance, morals, sociocultural direction, and mood associated with an era.

Zeitgeist is not just a movie, LOL.

6) What is the funny part of a death?
Besides you are lieing, Ataturk died because of Cirrhosis. Are you a doctor and had a chance to checkup Ataturk?

You claim that Cirrhosis is caused by alcholism, really coulnd't there be any other reasons?

What about these;

Kidney Inflammation, several times
Myocardial infarction
Diphtheria, several times
Ear Eczema causing inflammation, beginning from his 20's
Pneumonia, several times
Malaria, several times
Pyelonephritis, beginning from his 20's

Thanks to a life passed in battlefields.

Shame on you Zulky, why is your hatred?

You guys are really something.

1) His name is Kemal, and you think calling him by his first name is insulting him? Seriously are you joking?

2) Fortune teller? Have i told you something about the future? I haven't lied, i asked you a couple of questions regarding him. And you started flaming. Is it a lie that he wanted to implement a European model? Is it a lie that he was a secularist? Is it a lie that he wanted to have nothing to do with our past ancestors (the Ottomans)?

4) Was ataturk not just a human being? Was he something above humanity?

5) And is it not true that he died of alcohol over consumption? Cirrhosis main cause is alcohol, and it is widely known that he was a fan of alcohol.

And lastly just a quote from his public speech "For nearly five hundred years, these rules and theories of an Arab Shaikh and the interpretations of generations of lazy and good-for-nothing priests have decided the civil and criminal law of Turkey. They have decided the form of the Constitution, the details of the lives of each Turk, his food, his hours of rising and sleeping the shape of his clothes, the routine of the midwife who produced his children, what he learned in his schools, his customs, his thoughts-even his most intimate habits. This theology of an immoral Arab [presented as Islam] is a dead thing. Possibly it might have suited tribes in the desert. It is no good for modern, progressive state. God's revelation! There is no God! These are only the chains by which the priests and bad rulers bound the people down. A ruler who needs religion is a weaklings. No weaklings should rule!" Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's personal life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you lied

when you wrote he banned Azan!

he was a jew! a mason!

and you are still lying without any shame!

Islam, is between an individual and God

I know you hate to hear about the truth

Atatürk'ün Peygamber Efendimize Duyduğu Hayranlık
Atatürk'ün Kuran-ı Kerim'e duyduğu derin sevgi ve saygısı, İslam dininin en saf şekliyle yaşanmasına olan inancı onun dindar yönünü her dönemde ortaya çıkarmıştır. Her zaman gerçek din ile batıl inançlarla dolu gericiliği net biçimde ayıran Atatürk, birçok konuşmasında, samimi ve içten bir şekilde Allah'tan, İslam'dan, Kuran'dan saygı ve bağlılıkla bahsetmiştir. Hz. Peygamberimizi övmüş ve Türk Milleti'ne, gerçek dine sarılmayı ve daha dindar olmayı tavsiye etmiş. Allah'a yönelmede Hz. Muhammed'i rehber göstermiştir:

"Bütün dünyanın Müslümanları Allah'ın son peygamberi Hz. Muhammed'in gösterdiği yolu takip etmeli ve verdiği talimatları tam olarak tatbik etmeli. Tüm Müslümanlar Hz. Muhammed'i örnek almalı ve kendisi gibi hareket etmeli; İslamiyet'in hükümlerini olduğu gibi yerine getirmeli. Zira ancak bu şekilde insanlar kurtulabilir ve kalkınabilirler." (Atatürk, Nedim Senbai, A.Ü. Dil, Tarih, Coğrafya Yay., s. 102, 1979)

Hz. Muhammed'i överek O'nu kendisine örnek alan Atatürk, Hz. Muhammed'in peygamberliğine kesin olarak iman etmişti. Hz. Muhammed'e duyduğu hayranlığı ve O'nun peygamberliğini heyecanla anlattığı bir sırada yanında bulunan M. Şemseddin Günaltay, Ata'nın o anki halini şöyle anlatmıştır:

"... Atatürk'ün denizlerden renk alıp renk veren gözleri, masanın üzerinde serili haritaya dikildi ve beni kolumdan tutarak masanın başına çekip parmağını bir noktaya dikti. Bu, kendi elleriyle çizdikleri bir askeri harita idi ve Hz. Muhammed'in büyük Bedir Cengi'ni adım adım gösteriyordu. Hz. Muhammed'e ve O'nun peygamberliğine kadar, büyük askeri dehasına hayran olan eşsiz Sakarya Galibi, Bedir Galibi'ni göklere çıkarırken, "O'nun Hak Peygamber olduğundan şüphe edenler, şu haritaya baksınlar ve Bedir destanını okusunlar" diye heyecanlandı.

Ata'nın son sözü şu olmuştu:

- Hz. Muhammed'in bir avuç imanlı Müslümanla mahşer gibi kalabalık ve alabildiğine zengin Kureyş ordusuna karşı Bedir meydan muharebesinde kazandığı zafer, fani insanların karı değildir, O'nun Peygamberliğinin en kuvvetli delili işte bu savaştır. (Atatürk ve Din Eğitimi, Ahmet Gürbaş, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları, s.28)

Atatürk"ün Hz. Muhammed'e duyulacak sevgiyi tarif ettiği sözleri ise şöyledir:

"Büyük bir inkılap yaratan Hazreti Muhammed'e karşı beslenilen sevgi, ancak onun ortaya koyduğu fikirleri, esasları korumakla tecelli edebilir
these (my sources) are from first hand witnesses

and yours are wiki :lol:

and this is boring! belive whatever you want!
I accused him of being jew?

He didn't work on making the Azan Turkish. Think again. Turkish ezan was introduced when Kemal was the head of CHP in 1932 Türkçe ezan - Vikipedi

He introduced the Latin Alphabet.

He made Aya Sophia a Museum in 1934. "Ayasofya Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurucusu Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün isteği üzerine, Bakanlar Kurulu’nun 24 Kasım 1934[32] tarih ve 7/1589 sayılı kararıyla müzeye çevrilmiştir."

And lastly, he said himself he didn't believe in God "I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the teachings of science.... Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him act against the liberty of his fellow man."Ruşen Eşref Ünaydin, 1954, "Atatürk -Tarih ve Dil Kurumları Hatıraları" Türk Tarih Kurumu. page 28-31.

Don't you think it is strange that he makes so many rulings against islam? Are the above untrue? And isn't it strange that in some sources he says positive things about Islam while in others he directly insults our religion?

First hand witnesses? what a joke. You can lie directly to chldren and make them believe you, but this site http://www.atamizindeyiz.com/01/ata12.htm is directly the same as what you have written. Yes first hand witnesses indeed....
Hep ayni masallar, her Kemalist ayni sözleri yazip duruyor. Atatürkün iki yüzlülügünü ben daha önce göstermedimmi?
Adam iki yüzlüydü, halk arasinda müslüman, mecliste dinsiz gibiydi. Dinsizlige cok önem veriyordu, her zaman avrupa, hele fransa ve ingiltereyi örnek olarak gösteriyordu, sapka kurali bile getirdi. Türkiyemde hala gecerli sapka kurali, ama okadar sacmaki, Kemalistler bile takmiyor.

Yinemi sen Sahte Selim ÜÇ, yumuşakçalık yapma. Lütfen aç bak kitapları Selim ÜÇ neresinin yumuşaklığı ile meşhur, lolipop.

Translation: Again you fake Selim 3rd, don be boneless. Please read some books and learn how boneless was Selim 3rd, candy.
When kemalists run out of answers they start changing subject to personal insults. All the above is pure insults and stupid comments that has no relevance to this thread. If you have no qualified answer, then don't flame with your nonsense posts that is directed at me. People only witness how low you people can get when you are desperate.

Edit: I'm done feeding trolls

just so people can witness your insults, threats and flames before you edit them,

Yavrucum sen ne bokumsunki ben senin zırvana dedelerinden sana miras göt acına dayalı yalanlarına cevap verecem. Ama dayak istersen zevkle atarım lolipop,(mecazen korkma) yok başka sert bişey istersen olmaz benim ilgimi kızlar çeker kusura bakma...

---------- Post added at 12:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 AM ----------

Belli yavrucum Danimarkada doğduğun bi boktan haberin yok, orada ikinci sınıf muameleyle büyüdüğün için şakülün kaymış sapıtmışsın, kudurmuşsun saldırıp duruyosun da anadolu çoçuğu yemez adamın ağzını burnunu kırar, korkma mecazen, seni gidi çift kişilikli yavşak

Sahtekar, adam ol önce yalancılık yapma bu arada sana hakaret ediyorum top, senin gibi haini yetiştirenler içinde güzel bir iki çift lafım varda onları soylemeye terbiyem musait değil bebe anladın sen onu. Neden kactiniz yavrum siz Danimarka'ya madem ülkenizi seviyosunuz gelsenize burayada sabhtan aksama kadar sizi bi dövsem.Korkma canım benim mecazen :)

Lan yinemi sen Sahte Selim ÜÇ, yumuşakça. Aç bak kitapları Selim ÜÇ neresinin yumuşaklığı ile meşhur, lolipop.

Zulky you are again bellydancing. What we are going to do with you? I am tired of owning you but you seem to enjoy to be owned. My hands are aching regarding the slaps I smashed in your face but, as there is a sayin in Turkish "Yenilen pehlivan gurese doymazmıs" (Translation : Losing wrestler never satisfies of wrestling, always wants more)

But I am tired Zulk, I have to rest my hands, and also you can rest your face too.

See you later alligator.

Vay göthoşafı vay, riyakar takiyeci seni gidi münafık, Atatürk'e küfür etmek serbest, gay olduğu herkesçe bilinen 3.Selim ironisi yapmak yasak he. Lan gerzek senin yanında deli İbrahim desek sen o nada bozulursun hımbıl.
When kemalists run out of answers they start changing subject to personal insults. All the above is pure insults and stupid comments that has no relevance to this thread. If you have no qualified answer, then don't flame with your nonsense posts that is directed at me. People only witness how low you people can get when you are desperate.

Edit: I'm done feeding trolls

just so people can witness your insults, threats and flames before you edit them,

Zulky I see that you love to collect my posts, but first 3 of them were for Selim I, your fake charecter which you use to curse me, yes last is for you.
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