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Captured CST Terrorist

New Delhi: Pakistan on Wednesday claimed that it had not received any letter from Mohammad Ajmal Amir, the lone terrorist arrested for the Mumbai attacks, seeking legal aid. It also persisted in its denial mode on his Pakistani nationality, saying it needed “incontrovertible” evidence.

“Please don’t give too much importance to newspaper reports. No letter has been delivered to me or to the [Pakistan] High Commission,” Pakistan High Commissioner to India Shahid Malik told Karan Thapar in the ‘India Tonight’ programme of CNBC TV-18. The High Commissioner was asked about Ajmal’s father admitting, after seeing photographs in newspapers and television, that the terrorist is his son. “Not when it comes to dealing with such individuals. We need something which is incontrovertible which cannot be challenged in a court of law,” Mr. Malik said.

Pakistan was not contemplating giving Zaki-ur-Rahman Lakhvi, the alleged mastermind of the Mumbai attacks, access to the FBI for investigation. – PTI
All terror roads lead to Pakistan, says Rushdie

NEW YORK: Terming Pakistan as the centre of world terrorism, noted author Salman Rushdie has said the fact is that terrorist organisations are all based in that country.

Mr. Rushdie slammed Pakistan for its “cynical denial” that the terrorists involved in Mumbai strikes were not its nationals.

“The fact is the world’s terrorist organisations are all based in Pakistan. Taliban are there, Al-Qaeda are there, LeT is there. They are all there with the active support of the Pakistani intelligence,” he said while participating in a panel discussion at the Asia Society.

Referring to the remarks of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown that three-fourths of terror plots had links to Pakistan and Al-Qaeda, Mr. Rushdie said Islamabad “can’t go on pretending that there is no evidence. That’s all garbage.”

He said “when the President of Pakistan pretends that there is no evidence against somebody, he is also complicit in that. It is time to say to Pakistan this has to stop. You can’t be a member of the free group of nations, if you are among the world’s sponsor of terrorism, which is what now they have been.”

The Mumbai strikes, he said, were marked by brutality by the attackers and incompetence of government and security agencies in responding to them.

Expressing scepticism that Islamabad would dismantle the terror groups, the panelists, during the discussion, said the world community should send a clear message to Pakistan that terrorists were becoming a liability to that country and it was in its own interest to dismantle them. The U.S. too came in for strong criticism for considering the former President, Pervez Musharraf, an “ally in fighting terrorism” and giving billions of dollars to him without any condition that the money should be used to fight terrorists.

The panelists recalled that Mr. Musharraf was responsible for aiding Lashkar-e-Taiba to fight in Kashmir during his years in the Army and Mr. Rushdie said he put up a western face to the Westerns but was mullah to extremists.

The participants strongly attacked Booker Prize winner Arundhiti Roy for linking the Mumbai terrorist attacks to Kashmir, Gujarat riots and demolition of Babri Masjid.

The panellists included former Bernard Schwartz Fellow Mira Kamdar, who lost her cousin and her cousin’s husband in the Mumbai attacks, and author of ‘Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found’ Suketu Mehta. — PTI

The Hindu : International : All terror roads lead to Pakistan, says Rushdie

More than 20 serious terrorist plots against Britain are being planned in Pakistan

By James Kirkup, Political Correspondent, in Islamabad
Last Updated: 8:56AM GMT 15 Dec 2008

The Prime Minister described the region as a haven for those plotting terror in the UK, saying that around three-quarters of the most advanced conspiracies currently monitored by MI5 have Pakistani links.

Officials confirmed that the Security Service was aware of around 30 serious plots at any given moment, while suggesting that at least 21 of them are tied to Pakistani groups.

On a visit to Islamabad, Gordon Brown delivered a blunt demand to President Ali Asif Zardari to break the "chain of terror" by improving his government's work to prevent al-Qaeda and other groups operating in the lawless area that borders Afghanistan. "The time has come for action not words," he told Mr Zardari.

Earlier, during the Indian leg of his two-day trip to the region, Mr Brown revealed that British intelligence agents and police officers wanted to interview the only surviving suspect from the Mumbai terrorist attacks about potential threats to the UK.

"We all have an interest in finding out what lay being the Mumbai outrages," he said.

Many Islamic fanatics including Mohammed Siddique Khan, ringleader of the London 7/7 bombings, are known to have trained at al-Qaeda-inspired camps in the Pakistani border areas.

In a private meeting between the two leaders, Mr Brown demanded that Mr Zardari do more to close those camps.

He said afterwards: "We must break the chain of terrorism that links the mountains of Afghanistan to the streets of Britain."

Mr Brown also announced increased British support for Pakistani counter-terrorism work, including more funds for local police to detect and defuse bombs.

The UK will provide more scanning equipment at Pakistani airports, while British police will work with their Pakistani counterparts providing help with forensic science and contingency planning for major terrorist incidents.

There will also be a £6 million British fund to help Pakistan counter the radicalisation of young Muslims.

The Prime Minister said that his aim was to form ``the most comprehensive anti-terror programme Britain has with any country.''

He added: "I want to help Pakistan root out terrorism. It is right that we help Pakistan root out terrorism.

"People know that what can happen in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan can affect directly what happens on the streets of our towns. I want to remove the chain of terror."

Mr Brown also demanded Pakistan do more to stop militants moving over the border into Afghanistan to attack British troops. He said: "We have talked about how we can do more to ensure there is more security at the border.

"It is in all our interests to root out the problem where there are people who practice terror who are moving with ease."

At the meeting in Dehli with Manmohan Singh, the Indian prime minister, Mr Brown asked for British officials to be given access to Ajmal Amir Kasab, the only surviving terrorist involved in the Mumbai attacks.

Government sources confirmed that a team of Scotland Yard experts and officers from MI5 and MI6 are in the city studying the atrocity, which left 185 people dead including one British national and two dual Indian-UK nationals.

There is no realistic prospect of Kasab being prosecuted in a British court for his actions in Mumbai, so any interview with British officers would be aimed at gathering intelligence about his group.

More than 20 serious terrorist plots against Britain are being planned in Pakistan - Telegraph
Delhi to launch diplomatic blitzkrieg against Pak
Aasha Khosa / New Delhi December 19, 2008, 0:59 IST

ManmohansinghThe heads of Indian missions abroad have been asked to come to New Delhi next week to get a briefing on the government’s strategy for tackling terror in view of the last month’s terror strike in Mumbai.

According to sources, some 156 heads of the missions are coming to attend a two-day briefing beginning December 22. The diplomats would be briefed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee.

Sources in the MEA said the briefing would be held in-camera.

The diplomatic community has been summoned to Delhi as the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government is preparing to launch a major diplomatic offensive to expose Pakistan’s hand in terrorist-related incidents across India and also to counter the adverse fallout of Mumbai attack on tourism and foreign investments in the country.

Pranab MukherjeeDuring the two-day meeting, Singh and Mukherjee are likely to brief the diplomats on India’s stand against Pakistan on the issue of its lack of action in dismantling the support system of terrorist organisations based on its soil. The government may also disclose to the diplomats the progress in the Mumbai attack investigations.

After the Mumbai attack, several countries had issued advisories to their citizens against traveling to India. Keen to do the damage control on this front, the government will ask the diplomats to work towards briefing the authorities in their respective countries about the anti-terrorism steps taken by New Delhi.

“It is for the first time that Pakistan is under tremendous pressure from the international community to act against terrorist nurseries on its soil,” a senior government functionary said. “It is now for us (New Delhi) to maintain the pressure and to keep reminding the rest of the world of its commitment to check Pakistan’s rouge elements,” an official said.

Delhi to launch diplomatic blitzkrieg against Pak
Oman for Pakistan dismantling terror infrastructure

Sandeep Dikshit

Foreign Minister of Oman on visit to India

NEW DELHI: Foreign Minister of Oman Yusuf Bin Alawai Bin Abdullah, on the first high level visit from a Gulf countrafty er the Mumbai terror strikes, was informed by New Delhi the need for Pakistan to move beyond assurances to firm action against the perpetrators of the attack.

India enjoys a very comfortable relationship with Oman, which has a large Indian expatriate population. The two countries match views on several international issues; Oman readily offers berthing facilities for Indian warships visiting the region; and the two have a multi-million dollar joint venture. This was the reason why Indian was looking forward to this visit while discouraging offers by senior government members from at least two Gulf countries whose views, India believes, are not completely in synchronisation with New Delhi’s conviction that Pakistan must start cracking down on masterminds of terrorist attacks as a prelude to improving bilateral ties.

Mr. Bin-Abdullah, during his interaction with External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee, expressed condolences at the loss of lives in the Mumbai terror attacks and noted that there could be no excuse for not dismantling the infrastructure of terrorism across the Indian border.

Mr. Mukherjee recalled with appreciation the telephonic call made by Mr. Bin-Abdullah soon after the Mumbai attacks and apprised him of the results of the ongoing investigation, which, he said, clearly pointed to the complicity of elements in Pakistan. Referring to the demarche made to Pakistan on December 1, asking Islamabad to honour the commitments made on several occasions of not allowing Pakistani territory to be used for terrorist attacks against India, Mr. Mukherjee stressed that it was time for action, not words by Islamabad.

Both leaders reviewed bilateral relations, noting that trade had increased to $1.8 billion last year and continued to maintain buoyancy. They agreed to strengthen ties further, especially in energy, petrochemicals, IT and joint investments. Mr. Bin-Abdullah also met Minister of State for External Affairs E. Ahamed and National Security Advisor M.K. Narayanan.

The Hindu : National : Oman for Pakistan dismantling terror infrastructure
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Dawood directly involved in Mumbai attack: Russia intelligence
18 Dec 2008, 1346 hrs IST, Times Now

NEW DELHI: The Russian government has issued a statement saying that it believes that underworld don Dawood Ibrahim was directly involved in the Mumbai terror attacks and his network was used by the terrorists to carry out the multiple attacks. ( Watch )

Moscow, which has been sharing intelligence with India, further believes that Dawood's drug network, which runs through Afghanistan, was used to finance the terror attack.

Russia has also gone public with its intelligence inputs that point to the involvement of Dawood Ibrahim, who is believed to be operating his vast network from Karachi, in the Mumbai terror attacks.

“The gathered inputs testify that regional drug baron Dawood Ibrahim had provided his logistics network for preparing and carrying out the Mumbai terror attacks,” Russia’s federal anti-narcotics service director Viktor Ivanov said in an interview to Russian government daily Rossiskaya Gazeta. He had further said that the Mumbai attacks were a ‘burning example’ of how the illegal drug trafficking network was used for carrying out terror activities.

Special representative of the Russian president for international co-operation in the fight against terrorism, Anatoly Safonov, who led the Russian delegation at the meeting of the joint working group, has said that the drug network, which finances the terror network, was a joint problem for India and Russia and that the two countries co-operate more closely in the area.

This was reflected in a joint statement released after the talks. The two sides have agreed to work together to track terror funds. “The two sides noted that curbing financing of terrorism is a key component of the counter-terrorism strategy and agreed to strengthen bilateral interaction in this field,” the joint statement said.

Safonov has said that Russia is willing to work with India to “inject new dynamism” in the convention that has been held up over the definition of terrorism. The Russian side had also offered to explain to Indian officials the steps taken by Russia after the Beslan school terrorist attack.

Dawood directly involved in Mumbai attack: Russia intelligence-India-The Times of India
All terror roads lead to Pakistan, says Rushdie

NEW YORK: Terming Pakistan as the centre of world terrorism, noted author Salman Rushdie has said the fact is that terrorist organisations are all based in that country.

Mr. Rushdie slammed Pakistan for its “cynical denial” that the terrorists involved in Mumbai strikes were not its nationals.

“The fact is the world’s terrorist organisations are all based in Pakistan. Taliban are there, Al-Qaeda are there, LeT is there. They are all there with the active support of the Pakistani intelligence,” he said while participating in a panel discussion at the Asia Society.

Referring to the remarks of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown that three-fourths of terror plots had links to Pakistan and Al-Qaeda, Mr. Rushdie said Islamabad “can’t go on pretending that there is no evidence. That’s all garbage.”

He said “when the President of Pakistan pretends that there is no evidence against somebody, he is also complicit in that. It is time to say to Pakistan this has to stop. You can’t be a member of the free group of nations, if you are among the world’s sponsor of terrorism, which is what now they have been.”

The Mumbai strikes, he said, were marked by brutality by the attackers and incompetence of government and security agencies in responding to them.

Expressing scepticism that Islamabad would dismantle the terror groups, the panelists, during the discussion, said the world community should send a clear message to Pakistan that terrorists were becoming a liability to that country and it was in its own interest to dismantle them. The U.S. too came in for strong criticism for considering the former President, Pervez Musharraf, an “ally in fighting terrorism” and giving billions of dollars to him without any condition that the money should be used to fight terrorists.

The panelists recalled that Mr. Musharraf was responsible for aiding Lashkar-e-Taiba to fight in Kashmir during his years in the Army and Mr. Rushdie said he put up a western face to the Westerns but was mullah to extremists.

The participants strongly attacked Booker Prize winner Arundhiti Roy for linking the Mumbai terrorist attacks to Kashmir, Gujarat riots and demolition of Babri Masjid.

The panellists included former Bernard Schwartz Fellow Mira Kamdar, who lost her cousin and her cousin’s husband in the Mumbai attacks, and author of ‘Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found’ Suketu Mehta. — PTI

The Hindu : International : All terror roads lead to Pakistan, says Rushdie

Well Salman Rushdie. That's highly credible evidence :cheesy:
Its not evidence. No need to use red herrings.

His opinion counts - like any other influential voice.

It's not influential. It's only influential to those anti Muslim elements, since he is a provacateur. If you consider him influential, then you and he must have identical pov. Which makes you creditless.
After India, Sharif slams Zardari, says Kasab from Pak

Posted: Dec 19, 2008 at 1550 hrs IST
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Islamabad Challenging President Asif Ali Zardari's assertion that there was no proof that the arrested Mumbai attacker hailed from Pakistan's Punjab province, former premier Nawaz Sharif has said that the suspect's village was cordoned off and his parents were not allowed to meet anyone.

"I have checked myself. His (Ajmal Amir Iman alias Ajmal Kasab) house and village has been cordoned off by the security agencies. His parents are not allowed to meet anybody. I don't undertand why it has been done," Shraif, who hails from Punjab, said in an interview to ‘Geo News’ channel.

"The people and media should be allowed to meet Iman's parents so that the truth could come out in the open," he said, adding that "We need some kind of introspection."

Zardari, who earlier acknowledged that the perpetrators of the Mumbai carnage could be 'non-state' actors from Pakistan, has now said there is still no "real evidence" that the terrorists who attacked Mumbai came from Pakistan.

"Have you seen any evidence to that effect. I have definitely not seen any real evidence to that effect," Zardari told BBC in an interview earlier this week.

Pakistani security agencies and local officials in Faridkot have launched a cover-up since India made it public that Kasab belonged to the village in Punjab province and his father acknowledged to a Pakistani newspaper that the gunman captured in India was his son.

Sharif also slammed President Zardari's rule, saying the functioning of the current Pakistan People's Party-led government is making Pakistan look like a "failed state". Pakistan presents the picture of a failed and ungovernable state due to the absence of the government's writ and the country urgently needs a new roadmap to pull it out of the problems it is currently facing, he said.

Kasab has told Indian investigators that he belongs to Faridkot village of Okara district in Pakistan's Punjab province and that he was trained by the Lashker-e-Taiba to carry out the attacks. Iman's father Amir Kasab too had admitted that the gunman in pictures beamed by the world media is his son.

Sharif said if Iman was not involved in the Mumbai attacks, why was Faridkot village being cordoned off by security agencies and the media prevented from going there.

If Iman was "involved in any way, despite that his parents should be allowed to speak out and say the boy has been (away from home) for three or four months or one or two years and we are also very worried about him", Sharif said.

He also asked why people and journalists were being barred from meeting Iman's parents and other residents of Faridkot.

Pakistani security agencies and local officials in Faridkot have launched an apparent cover-up operation since Indian investigators revealed he belonged to the village.

Iman's parents have reportedly been shifted from the village and local officials have claimed no youth named Ajmal Kasab had lived in Faridkot.

After India, Sharif slams Zardari, says Kasab from Pak - Express India
Well Salman Rushdie. That's highly credible evidence :cheesy:

better than Zaid Hamid ;)

and RR, What happened to your endorsement of the Red Kalava thing. Does it still hold true or have you made up your mind that he is a Pakistani nabbed in Nepal ;)

"I have checked myself. His (Ajmal Amir Iman alias Ajmal Kasab) house and village has been cordoned off by the security agencies. His parents are not allowed to meet anybody. I don't undertand why it has been done," Shraif, who hails from Punjab, said in an interview to ‘Geo News’ channel.

We all know the fat buffalo is no friend of Pakistan. He'll say anything to get in power and score points against his opponent, including sell his country down the drain.

Why is it that the buffalo can see a cordoned off house, and international reporters cannot?

This reporter, and many others have had free access to Faridkot. They have been unrestricted in their movement.

Pakistani Town Roiled by Alleged Link to Mumbai Suspect

Why is it they cannot find this cordoned off house, yet Jabba the Hut, can?
better than Zaid Hamid ;)

and RR, What happened to your endorsement of the Red Kalava thing. Does it still hold true or have you made up your mind that he is a Pakistani nabbed in Nepal ;)

It's not just me pointing out the Kalava thing. It's the whole world media, mainstream and blogspots that have pointed it out.

You want my theory? here goes.

There was an Ajmal Qasab from Pakistan. He went to Nepal on business. Indian authorities arrested him, and are holding him or have killed him. He was some poor, stupid man, a villager, perhaps not even registered on the electoral roll.

The Hindu terrorist they're currently holding and is currently spilling the beans, was given the identity of Ajmal Qasab, and the whoel thing was a false flag to blame on Pakistan.

That would explain why he was wearing the Kalava - for faith that he would get through the risk that he was taking, and it would explain why he was speaking Hindi.

A perfectly plausible false flag scenario. I await your rebuttal of it.
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