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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

Pakistan and the US need each other as allies

I can't believe people still believe this.

US interests in the region are 100% opposed to Pakistan; weakening Pakistan is a core American interest in this region.

which means that sooner or later the borders will re-open.

No, they don't. Permanent means permanent.

Pakistan Army and the GoP MUST take every day Pakistanis on board before resuming ties.

In order to satisfy the nation, some major CBMs will be required from Pakistan and the US. Here is my list:

1. A statement by the UN Security Council condemning this act of aggression against Pakistan.
2. An official apology from the US.
3. A written assurance from the US that such an action will never take place again.
4. Proper recognition of the shaheeds and injured by the GoP and Pakistan Army.
5. Financial compensation to the families of shaheeds and injured by the GoP and Pakistan Army.
6. Recognition of the international border by the Afghan regime. This will close the Durand Line issue for good.
7. FULL Payment of money owed by the US for WoT. This is not aid but the expenses of Pakistan which are due on the US govt.

So far the GoP is doing well with support from Pakistan Army and if they continue to withstand the US pressure then the above mentioned goals are attainable.

May Allah bless Pakistan, ameen.


Your 'demands' essentially boil down to some silly consolation 'apology', a meaningless 'guarantee' that no one can give, and a bunch of $$$ to sweeten the deal.

Awww! No Fried Chicken For US Soldiers In Afghanistan?
It is sad to see that Pakistan have failed to seal its borders completely... otherwise such posters would have been all over Kabul.
It is sad to see that Pakistan have failed to seal its borders completely... otherwise such posters would have been all over Kabul.

we are not servent of Nato, this is not our responcebility to protect your army in afghanistan, why not you protect your side ? War is not so easy mate, expect a rocket from your apponent if you fire a bulet on them... i can't be surprise if yesterday pant gone will come up with logic that pak army should block the wind because it contain oxigen for the taliban side....lol

Your 'demands' essentially boil down to some silly consolation 'apology', a meaningless 'guarantee' that no one can give, and a bunch of $$$ to sweeten the deal.

....................... and yet all of that will likely be portrayed as a great "moral" win after all of those are accepted gradually.
....................... and yet all of that will likely be portrayed as a great "moral" win after all of those are accepted gradually.

Yes, it's a mess. There's no good way out of this. No winners on any side.
Yes, it's a mess. There's no good way out of this. No winners on any side.

A grand review of pakistani strategy towards the Afghan war and its sincere implementation would be a grand victory for Pakistan.For one thing it might reduce the number of suicide attacks within the country. The other off shoot may be calm in the society(but then i ask too much!!!)which hopefully might give the government a chance to solve the more pressing issues such as water electricity and economy.
from: Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - US says it understands Pakistan’s concerns on 26/11 tragedy, pledges credible probe

US says it understands Pakistan’s concerns on 26/11 tragedy, pledges credible probe

WASHINGTON, Dec 16 (APP): While acknowledging Pakistan’s concerns following the loss of 24 soldiers in November 26 NATO strikes on Mohmand border posts, a senior Obama Administration official pledged a “transparent and credible” investigation into the incident to determine exactly what happened. “We have been in constant and intense dialogue with our Pakistani counterparts. We understand the concern. Frankly, there is plenty of concern on the American side as well,” State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said at the daily briefing. The spokesperson was asked if Washington understood the profound sense of anger in Pakistan over the attacks.

Nuland was responding to a series of questions from jounralists in the light of an off-camera briefing held by the Pakistani Embassy in Washington on the Mohmand border incident, which threw the U.S.-Pakistan relationship into a crisis.

The Pakistani officials constructed a timeline of the incident in the briefing and presented their perspective of the events that took place, during the NATO strikes about three weeks ago. They also pointed out that the strikes continued despite their communication to NATO that it were the Pakistani soldiers and not militants who were being targeted.

At the State Department briefing, the spokesperson said she would not get ahead of the CENTCOM investigation, currently under way, to determine what exactly happened on the night of November 26, when two Pakistani posts in Mohmand tribal area along the Afghan border, came under NATO attacks, which according to Pakistani officials continued for about two hours.

“When this tragic incident happened, you know that every senior American called every senior Pakistani, from the President to the Secretary on down, to express our condolences and to pledge a full, transparent investigation. So we are doing that investigation now.”

In the aftermath of the incident, Pakistan - considered key to successful outcome of the decade-old Afghan war- closed two NATO supplies routes that course into landlocked Afghanistan and declined to take part in the investigation, saying the incident was a repeat of such attacks on the country’s sovereignty in the past. Nuland said the U.S. still remains open to Pakistani participation in the investigation.

“We also are very firmly committed to understanding what happened here because - you were right - we have had, in the past, similar difficulties coordinating and communicating on the border. And we’ve got to get to the bottom of what happened, we’ve got to learn lessons, because, frankly, we need to continue to cooperate here.

“We can’t either of us - Pakistan, the United States,or Afghanistan, frankly - allow these areas to remain safe havens for terrorists or for Taliban. So we’ve got to work this out, and that’s what we’re committed to doing.” The spokesperson said she is not going to prejudge this report “until it is out and until we’ve had a chance to talk to the Pakistanis about it, work with them on it, and learn lessons from it, and improve procedures as a result of it.”

Questioned if the U.S. would hold people accountable for the incident, which never should have happened, the spokesperson replied: “You’re asking me to get ahead of an investigation report, which has not been released. But the idea is to investigate this fully, investigate it transparently, investigate it credibly, and then work with Afghanistan, Pakistan, ISAF to ensure that we learn the lessons and take it from there. So I don’t want to prejudge either what’s in the report or what the recommendations will be for improving the situation in any of the ways that you discussed until the report is out.”
I can't believe people still believe this.
US interests in the region are 100% opposed to Pakistan; weakening Pakistan is a core American interest in this region.

US and Pakistan need each other despite the fact that majority, not all, of interests are in opposite directions. China or Russia will not import our goods. They can't influence the donoir agencies like the US either. Now don't start with our coal reserves etc because they are no good until we have the infrastructure.

No, they don't. Permanent means permanent.

May be on Mars, in global diplomacy nothing is permanent. Pakistan will open it's border.

Your 'demands' essentially boil down to some silly consolation 'apology', a meaningless 'guarantee' that no one can give, and a bunch of $$$ to sweeten the deal.

Read my comments again 'Pakistan Army and the GoP MUST take every day Pakistanis on board before resuming ties.

In order to satisfy the nation, some major CBMs will be required from Pakistan and the US.'
Let me break it down for you:

Pakistan will have to resume ties, therefore, take Pakistanis on board before resuming ties. In order to have the nation accept such decissions, some CBMs will need to take place so that some sense of achievement and some real gain can take place.
A grand review of pakistani strategy towards the Afghan war and its sincere implementation would be a grand victory for Pakistan.

American policy of late is run by people who view Pakistan as the enemy in their great game. The mission in Afghanistan has nothing to do with WOT except in name; it is now a cover for US policy to install India as the regional hegemon and to weaken Pakistan.

The only question is how long Pakistani leaders will continue to help America destroy Pakistan's long term interests in exchange for short term bribes like a few dollars here and and a few F-16s there.

The other off shoot may be calm in the society(but then i ask too much!!!)

This is a failure of civil governance. Karachi's politico-gang wars have little to do with the WOT.

which hopefully might give the government a chance to solve the more pressing issues such as water electricity and economy.

If I was a betting man, I would put my money on Obama delivering a personal apology before any of this happens.
US and Pakistan need each other despite the fact that majority, not all, of interests are in opposite directions. China or Russia will not import our goods. They can't influence the donoir agencies like the US either. Now don't start with our coal reserves etc because they are no good until we have the infrastructure.

Yes, America is the dominant power. But, as I wrote above, we have to accept the reality that their policy is being guided by people who view Pakistan squarely as the enemy.

All these economic realities will still be true even if the US launches another attack. At what point do you say enough is enough?

What do you do when the reigning hyperpower is dead set against you? Do you just keep taking the punishment?

May be on Mars, in global diplomacy nothing is permanent. Pakistan will open it's border.

By 'border', we are talking about NATO supplies. As I wrote earlier, the US operation in Afghanistan has nothing to do with WOT; it's part of their great game. On 26/11, a handful of racist cowboys have given Pakistan a perfect excuse to exit this charade. And, the best part is, the government can hide behind 'democracy'.

The US exited Vietnam because of 'democratic' pressures; Pakistan can do likewise in the Afghan conflict.

Read my comments again 'Pakistan Army and the GoP MUST take every day Pakistanis on board before resuming ties.

In order to satisfy the nation, some major CBMs will be required from Pakistan and the US.'
Let me break it down for you:

Pakistan will have to resume ties, therefore, take Pakistanis on board before resuming ties. In order to have the nation accept such decissions, some CBMs will need to take place so that some sense of achievement and some real gain can take place.

The 'guarantees' are not worth the paper they will be written on. American officials themselves said nothing can be guaranteed in a war zone.

Bottom line: I agree with your assessment that we can't antagonize the US openly, hence there is no active declaration of war on the US. But a passive gesture like withdrawing from the WOT is doable, especially when backed by broad democratic support.
If I was a betting man, I would put my money on Obama delivering a personal apology before any of this happens.

You would lose..Obama cannot afford to apologize to anyone..especially Pakistan in an election year. On the contrary I would expect a hardening of attitude next year in the lead up to the presidential election.

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