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China's police join the microblogging masses


Nov 18, 2010
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So officially China has accepted that it paying bloggers on forums to praise china :rofl:

China's police join the microblogging masses - CNN.com

China's police have long played a game of cat and mouse with China's millions of microbloggers, plowing through terabytes of celebrity gossip and other electronic drivel to drill down to anything that may constitute an anti-state opinion.

But with the hydra of Chinese microblogs proving to be strongly crackdown resistant, the Chinese government is now taking an if-you-can't-beat-them-join-them approach by taking the propaganda war to the blogosphere.

At last month's annual policy meeting, the Communist party announced it was launching a campaign to establish a microblog beachhead on Sina Weibo, an internet portal with an estimated 250 million users, reclaiming the microblogs for the party

Social media to curb 'rumors' in China

Since Sina Weibo launched the government edition, some 19,000 government officials have started tweeting, according to a report from Jiao Tong University in Shanghai.

The police, normally the scourge of China's pro-democracy netizens, have been the most enthusiastic adopter with more than 5,000 accounts.

Increased censorship might dampen the conversations significantly

Jeremy GoldkornUnder the tag "Peaceful Beijing," a team of microblogging police has been giving a glowing account of the force. According to a report in the Financial Times, one post recounted how officer Ma, from a south Beijing police station, stopped and checked nine buses over an 18-mile (30 km) stretch in search of a child left behind by its scatterbrained grandmother.

Microblogs have recently come in for special attention from the government amid fears that a slowing economy may stoke social unrest.

While much of what appears is harmless fare, microblogs offer forums reporting unrest or official abuses and Beijing is worried about their potential to erode the party's authority.

The police presence is unlikely, however, to stall China's twittering masses.

"I don't think increased government activity on Sina Weibo will affect the lively discussions on Weibo, but increased censorship might dampen the conversations significantly," said Jeremy Goldkorn, founder of the popular China media website Danwei.org

"Various government organs have been attacking 'rumors' and 'malicious statements' on Weibo and it seems the pressure is on for Sina to censor certain kinds of postings -- this is the type of government activity that will affect the atmosphere on Weibo.

"Government and police organizations (central, provincial and local) have been using Weibo, and previously blogs and websites for many years already," he added. "They do serve some useful services aside from propaganda."

Meanwhile, for many of China's microbloggers, getting around the censors, often no more than bots programmed to seize on keywords, has become an art.

During the Arab spring uprisings -- events likely to have made the Chinese authorities nervous -- search bots were programmed to highlight seemingly anodyne words such as Egypt or Jasmine.

Words such as "Tiananmen" or "June 4, 1989" -- the date of the Tiananmen crackdown -- have always come in for special treatment. However, typing in "8x8" -- shorthand for 64, in turn shorthand for 6/4 or June 4 -- allowed the reader to tune into some surprisingly open exchanges on the social networking sites.

References to "the Pharaoh nation" instead of Egypt, misspelling democracy as "democrasy" or "democrazy" or even scanning written comment and posting it as an image are just some of the ways microbloggers cheat the bots on social networking sites such as Renren and Sina Weibo.

Others use a mixture of street slang or dip in and out of one or more of China's 45 regional dialects to disguise comment. Others, still, are either past caring or simply like to test their nerves and those of the censors.
So officially China has accepted that it paying bloggers on forums to praise china.

This shows real understanding of how the interweb works.

Anyway welcome to e-Government in Web 2.0, and here's a little comparison between American and Chinese police.

Beijing Police's Weibo account with 2,117,130 followers
平安北京的微博 新浪微博-随时随地分享身边的新鲜事儿


NYPD's twitter account with 24,725 followers
This shows real understanding of how the interweb works.

Anyway welcome to e-Government in Web 2.0, and here's a little comparison between American and Chinese police.

Beijing Police's Weibo account with 2,117,130 followers
平安北京的微博 新浪微博-随时随地分享身边的新鲜事儿


NYPD's twitter account with 24,725 followers

China Pays Bloggers: The "Five Cent Party
China Pays Bloggers: The "Five Cent Party" | Asia | Deutsche Welle | 25.01.2010

Did you even read the article you quoted? Here's a quote for you.

The members of the 5 Cent Party are contradicting the character of “social networks”. No one recognises their IDs, and they don’t write very much. It takes time and a network of friends to become well-known on blogs or Twitter. If they don’t have any followers on Twitter, for example, then their voices will go unheard. It might work sometimes, but in the long-term, the 5 Cent Party will not be effective.

Read thoroughly and reflect on the topic of this little thread, especially the fact BJ Police has a massive Weibo following.
The propaganda is the center of the survival of cpc govt. in china if chinese people comes to know the reality they will do more then what Libyan have done to the Gaddafi.
Don’t understand why this causes an imbecile Indian to whine.

In fact, this is an eye-opener for the Indians that vilify one-party China. This is that Chinese democracy that is in display: each side has the rights to voice their opinion. This will never happen in a country where 40% population is illiterate, more semi-illiterate.

Funny! If CIA and its lapdog/stooge RAW can pay people, including some China-hater Indians, to attack China, why can’t China pay its people to defend itself?
Did you even read the article you quoted? Here's a quote for you.

Read thoroughly and reflect on the topic of this little thread, especially the fact BJ Police has a massive Weibo following.

I guess our focus is on two different things. you are arguing the pro and con of this taking place- while I 'm focusing on that it is even setup and running in the first place. you have operational concerns , I have amazement to the extent of how far china will go in trying it's brain washing of its own people..

Many Chinese internet users have heard of the ”Five Cent Party (”Wu-Mao-Dang“). This is a term used to describe a group of internet commentators who create government-friendly posts in numerous forums and blogs. Apparently, each comment is rewarded with a payment of 0.5 RMB, which is about 5 cents in Europe.

Researcher: China pays 280K people to boost its Web image
Researcher: China pays 280K people to boost its Web image - CNN

---------- Post added at 11:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 AM ----------

Don’t understand why this causes an imbecile Indian to whine.

In fact, this is an eye-opener for the Indians that vilify one-party China. This is that Chinese democracy that is in display: each side has the rights to voice their opinion. This will never happen in a country where 40% population is illiterate, more semi-illiterate.

Funny! If CIA and its lapdog/stooge RAW can pay people, including some China-hater Indians, to attack China, why can’t China pay its people to defend itself?

such emotional outbursts by seditious immigrants.. tsk tsk.

such emotional outbursts by seditious immigrants.. tsk tsk.

Rightly said. We are emotional human beings, unlike your cold-blooded beasts emotionless when starving to death 120,000,000+ your own children in 60 years.

To illiterate IndiaCrab, 60*2,000,000=120,000,000. Got your math right? :lol:

An educated, literate and emotional citizen must be seditious against callous-hearted false democracy such as Indian democracy.
Rightly said. We are emotional human beings, unlike your cold-blooded beasts emotionless when starving to death 120,000,000+ your own children in 60 years.

To illiterate IndiaCrab, 60*2,000,000=120,000,000. Got your math right? :lol:

An educated, literate and emotional citizen must be seditious against callous-hearted false democracy such as Indian democracy.

no no! there is a difference between emotions and emotional tanturms and outbursts...dear seditious immigrant :P. You remember now China Town USA is not China's town...

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