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Why I wear a Burqa: Burqa gives protection and respect

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I was taking about schools where there is a Uniform ..... The hemlines are rising

Most schools in America, especially in public schools here, do not have any kind of uniform. You are allowed to wear whatever you want, & countless young Muslim girls wear the Hijab in Middle School & High School, & live regular lives. There are certain private schools (& these include Catholic schools) that have a uniform assigned for girls/guys, but those are not 'slutty' clothes by any definition.
Ummm this is kind of an insult to Muslims rather than anything to be proud of. It basically says we're such big horny dogs that we'd rape women if they aren't covered from head to toe.

Islam is being defined by the example of such twisted people... RAPISTS! This entire story really had no moral... Its just an incident that happened while she was confined with humans with little humanity.
Mr some secular cartoons are insult to Islam Burqa is the order of Islam and women has to fulfill it at any cost
For ignorants: What does burqa have to do with Islam? It is a cultural dress. Hijab is the preferred dress for women in Islam. Some of you guys have a lot of reading to do.

Burqa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is evidence that this type of dress was worn by some Arab and Persian women long before Islam. For example, the Roman African Christian Tertullian, writing in Chapter 17 of The Veiling of Virgins around 200 AD, praises the modesty of those "pagan women of Arabia" who "not only cover their head, but their whole face...preferring to enjoy half the light with one eye rather than prostituting their whole face."[1] Strabo, writing in the first century AD, also refers to covering the face as a practice of some Persian women (Geography 11.13. 9–10).
Many Muslims believe that the Islamic holy book, the Qur'an, and the collected traditions of the life of Muhammed, or hadith, require both men and women to dress and behave modestly in public. However, this requirement, called hijab, has been interpreted in many different ways by Islamic scholars (ulema) and Muslim communities (see Women and Islam).
The Quran has been translated as stating:
For ignorants: What does burqa have to do with Islam? It is a cultural dress. Hijab is the preferred dress for women in Islam. Some of you guys have a lot of reading to do.

Burqa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mr don't quote this wikki from burqa we mean covering of face and that is order of Islam not of any culture you need to read Islam and Islamic history no women before Islam is Arabia used to cover themselves properly:):)
Are you serious? For a woman to be muslim, she must cover her face? Can you produce evidence to your claim?
Are you serious? For a woman to be muslim, she must cover her face? Can you produce evidence to your claim?
Read Surah Al Ahzab and first learn Arabic
Read Surah Al Ahzab and first learn Arabic
Brother, Are you from stone age or what? so as per your statements, no Muslim Girl should leave the house with out wearing the Burqa, if that is the case. There are prominent Muslim Girls in every Cinema Industry who dress glamorously. What are the punishments that you are about to give them.
Issue fatwa?
come on man. dress is a individuals choise. unless the dress is not a 2 piece or a bickney there is no need for a panic.
Most Girls today look more elagant in Salwars.
Brother, Are you from stone age or what? so as per your statements, no Muslim Girl should leave the house with out wearing the Burqa, if that is the case. There are prominent Muslim Girls in every Cinema Industry who dress glamorously. What are the punishments that you are about to give them.
Issue fatwa?
come on man. dress is a individuals choise. unless the dress is not a 2 piece or a bickney there is no need for a panic.
Most Girls today look more elagant in Salwars.
Mr how to dress up is not an individual choice in Islam ALLAH has told us how to dress up and which body parts we have to cover covering face is must for girls in Islam and those who work in films are doing the great sin and Islamic government should stop them and Sania Mirza can't play in front of men and can't wear those skirts that is haram in Islam
Mr how to dress up is not an individual choice in Islam ALLAH has told us how to dress up and which body parts we have to cover covering face is must for girls in Islam and those who work in films are doing the great sin and Islamic government should stop them and Sania Mirza can't play in front of men and can't wear those skirts that is haram in Islam

This logic is simply frightening. Why would God, who is perfect, make the human forms, both male and female, and then require one of them to be covered from head to toe like a bee hive? Did God make a mistake with them? Why didn't He either A) Reduce the sex drive; or, B) make the female form butt-ugly? It's like saying God made a mistake.

I have a better idea. How about men keep their pants zipped up and respect their sisters, and treat them as God intended, as partners in life?
This logic is simply frightening. Why would God, who is perfect, make the human forms, both male and female, and then require one of them to be covered from head to toe like a bee hive? Did God make a mistake with them? Why didn't He either A) Reduce the sex drive; or, B) make the female form butt-ugly? It's like saying God made a mistake.

I have a better idea. How about men keep their pants zipped up and respect their sisters, and treat them as God intended, as partners in life?

Lately on this forum we have taken all the Mullahs to task to point out a single ayat (a line in the Quran). Others have pointed to ayats that don't ever mention the word burkha (or the requirement to cover the way the Burkha covers - The only thing the Quran specificies to cover is the breasts for women and asks both men and female to remain modest).

Zarvan is totally clueless, his answer to everything is "Read entire Quran and entire Hadith the order to wear Burkha is there". It's somewhere where only Zarvan saw it, he won't point to it, because its a big secret between him and Allah.

Khurasaan1 who I banned yesterday threw a fit and said the only alternative is for us to parade our women (he was pointed out there is no such thing as MY women or YOUR women) naked so he can touch them.

So the only conclusion is, its this specific breed of rapist men that call themselves Mullahs who have found some sort of self-help therapy to prevent themselves from raping women by advocating the Burkha.
I think this thread, and the other one on the Burqa, are now more comedy than serious discussion.
ooh- i just read the wikipedia link, ignorant that I am. Seems our burqa-clad women have inspired others:

"Middle East [edit]Israel
Some years ago, a group of Haredi Jews in Jerusalem began donning the Burqa as a symbol of piety. The garment is now worn by hundreds, one woman explaining: "I follow these rules of modesty to save men from themselves. A man who sees a woman's body parts is sexually aroused, and this might cause him to commit sin. Even if he doesn't actually sin physically, his impure thoughts are sin in themselves."[9] However, apparently at the insistence of some of their husbands, a leading rabbinical authority issued an edict declaring burka-wearing a sexual fetish, that is as promiscuous as wearing too little.[10] "There is a real danger that by exaggerating, you are doing the opposite of what is intended [resulting in] severe transgressions in sexual matters,” explains Shlomo Pappenheim, a member of the rabbinical authority."

I like the last quote - sums it up well: "There is a real danger that by exaggerating, you are doing the opposite of what is intended [resulting in] severe transgressions in sexual matters."

Pfft - too bad it's not one of our Mullahs.

---------- Post added at 07:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 PM ----------

I think this thread, and the other one on the Burqa, are now more comedy than serious discussion.

Absolutely. The proponents of the burqa see a vagina all over a woman's body - except it already lies covered with the labia and not so big.

Pervs - absolute pervs.

Do you know of fetishes?

These mullah suffer from eyes, cheeks, lips, boobs, waist, back, thighs, feet - you name it and they have a fetish for it.
Lately on this forum we have taken all the Mullahs to task to point out a single ayat (a line in the Quran). Others have pointed to ayats that don't ever mention the word burkha (or the requirement to cover the way the Burkha covers - The only thing the Quran specificies to cover is the breasts for women and asks both men and female to remain modest).

Zarvan is totally clueless, his answer to everything is "Read entire Quran and entire Hadith the order to wear Burkha is there". It's somewhere where only Zarvan saw it, he won't point to it, because its a big secret between him and Allah.

Khurasaan1 who I banned yesterday threw a fit and said the only alternative is for us to parade our women (he was pointed out there is no such thing as MY women or YOUR women) naked so he can touch them.

So the only conclusion is, its this specific breed of rapist men that call themselves Mullahs who have found some sort of self-help therapy to prevent themselves from raping women by advocating the Burkha.
Mr Asim Aquil first learn Arabic than read Surah Ahzab and secondly go read books of Hadees mainly hadees on clothing and every hadees books have whole section on clothing Mr you will find it their I am not clueless your problem is you want to deny Quran and don't want to follow it
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