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US scientist predicts China's actual nuclear stockpile is 3600


Jan 27, 2010
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The impending sea trials of China’s first aircraft carrier set commentators abuzz in the West and Asia over the past couple of months. I weighed in myself. And for good reason. The cruise of the yet-to-be-officially-named flattop, which finally took place last week, heralded a decisive break with the People’s Liberation Army Navy’s Maoist past as a coastal defense force. This is a development worth exploring in detail. As it happened, the Naval War College also convened its first Asian Strategic Studies Conference in Newport last week, in conjunction with the American Enterprise Institute and the Journal of Strategic Studies. My assigned topic was to determine whether there exists a common Asian culture of sea power (no, say I) and how influential the Western canon of maritime theory is among seafaring Asian nations (very, mainly by default).

To me, though, the most provocative presentation delivered at our conference related not to the sea but to the future of China’s land-based nuclear arsenal. In March 2008, China’s state-run CCTV network broke the news about a 5,000-kilometre-long network of hardened tunnels built to house the Chinese Second Artillery Corps’s increasingly modern force of nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles. Tunnelling evidently commenced in 1995. Located in, or rather under, mountainous districts of Hebei Province, in northern China, the facility is reportedly hundreds of meters deep. That makes it an exceptionally hard target against conventional or nuclear counterstrikes.China Defense Daily, a publication of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), confirmed the CCTV account in December 2009.

What should have been a blockbuster story occasioned barely a peep in the Western press, and elicited little response even in Asia. For lack of a catchier metaphor, call it the dragon that never roared. The most prominent outlet to report on what Chinese pundits dubbed the ‘underground Great Wall’ was Chosun Ilbo, in South Korea. The Washington-based Jamestown Foundation’s China Brief covered the story shortly afterward. That was basically it for original reporting. The story isn’t so much that Beijing has constructed hardened sites to safeguard its missile force. An invulnerable second-strike capability has been the gold standard of nuclear deterrence since the early Cold War. In theory, a military able to ride out an enemy first strike with a substantial portion of its missile force intact can deter such an attack. No sane adversary would launch a first strike if it knew its actions would summon forth a cataclysmic reply.

A more survivable nuclear deterrent, then, should bolster strategic stability between China and the United States. China has long contented itself with a ‘minimalist’ deterrent posture, fielding a small, rudimentary force of intercontinental ballistic missiles. The logic of minimalism—sound in my view—is that so long as even a single missile survives to retaliate against an enemy’s homeland, that adversary will desist from actions China deems unacceptable. Estimates of the total number of Chinese warheads even today, well into Beijing’s nuclear modernization effort, generally range from 150 to 400 devices. Even in this age of renewed US-Russian arms control, this remains a modest force. But minimal deterrence could employ a more robust force than the People’s Liberation Army fielded in past decades. ‘Minimal’ is a squishy term. Furthermore, Chinese officials and pundits have taken to debating adopting a ‘limited deterrent’ strategy. ‘Limited’ too remains hazily defined.

The very scale of the underground network opens up new vistas for Chinese nuclear strategy. The presenter at our conference reported piecing together various bits of data, and concluding that China may have constructed a far larger warhead inventory than most estimates hold. He projected an upper limit of 3,600 doomsday devices and delivery platforms, namely ballistic missiles of various types. The underground Great Wall could presumably accommodate such a force with ease. At a minimum, it presents Beijing new options. Think about it. The ‘New START’ accord inked by US President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev last year limits US and Russian nuclear forces to 1,550 deployed warheads apiece. Because of the fudge factor often built into international treaties, notes the Federation of American Scientists, the actual numbers permitted under New START come to over 2,000 warheads for each side.

Even so, if the PLA has covertly departed from minimal deterrence—secreting hundreds of new weapons in the Hebei tunnel complex—then it could upend the strategic balance overnight, achieving parity or near-parity with the United States and Russia in deployed weaponry. I’m not sure how much of this to credit, and the presenter freely admitted that there was a significant guesswork quotient in his figures. But then there was a significant guesswork quotient to the long-running speculation surrounding the Chinese aircraft carrier project, a project of far smaller consequence than a clandestine Chinese nuclear build-up. At a minimum it would be worthwhile to inquire into the veracity of Chinese reporting on the underground Great Wall, and to ponder the implications if reports are accurate. Let the debate begin—at last.

The US did not report on the underground complex for an easy reason:

It is prepared to go to nuclear war with China in order to preserve the power of the Wall Street-Pentagon military regime. And it is willing to sacrifice hundreds of millions of Americans for the profit of the few who hide in nuclear bomb shelters at Camp David.

In order to do this it must trick Americans into thinking they're safe from nuclear annihilation. They must convince Americans that it is strategically acceptable to lose "a few million here and there" in order to "contain" China.
i don't think they would be ready to spend that much of money to maintain them !!
i don't think they would be ready to spend that much of money to maintain them !!

They're held in storage, not active. You can't launch from 100 m below the surface. But they can be saved, along with separately stored launch vehicles, for a 2nd strike after the first, after raising them to the surface.
The US did not report on the underground complex for an easy reason:

It is prepared to go to nuclear war with China in order to preserve the power of the Wall Street-Pentagon military regime. And it is willing to sacrifice hundreds of millions of Americans for the profit of the few who hide in nuclear bomb shelters at Camp David.

In order to do this it must trick Americans into thinking they're safe from nuclear annihilation. They must convince Americans that it is strategically acceptable to lose "a few million here and there" in order to "contain" China.

According to General Daokou, China is also prepared to be the last survivor in the possible coming nuclear winter.
original link?

i also believe this. if there is a WW3, China must emerge victorious, or we will perish as a race.


original link?

i also believe this. if there is a WW3, China must emerge victorious, or we will perish as a race.

Emerging victorious in WWIII is one thing but surviving a nuclear winter is a whole new set of challenges one which human civilization has never truly experienced, the closest thing was the ice age. If such a catastrophic nuclear winter ever happens the earths atmosphere and environment would change for hundreds of years. No electricity, agriculture destroyed, infrastructure would erode or freeze or become ruined. Not to mention radiation rampant. Of course all this depends of level of nuclear war. No scientist has devised a plan on how a country could survive a nuclear winter considering it would take the Earth hundreds of years to returnto normal.

Most likely humans that do survive would have to live deep underground, of course oxygen is a challenge...
original link?

i also believe this. if there is a WW3, China must emerge victorious, or we will perish as a race.

How you intend to do that? when America has bunker busting bombs there is no where to hide for that
If nuclear war happens, US government, or should i say Illuminati, won't care about deaths of 80% of USA population, since they are selfish bastards who care only about themselves and they will live in Deep Underground Military Bunkers(DUMB) where they will be safe from Chinese nuclear missiles.

---------- Post added at 08:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 AM ----------


See how thick these blast doors are must be made from titanium or some kinda composites
How you intend to do that? when America has bunker busting bombs there is no where to hide for that

“Bunker busters” penetrate about 4-5 meters of solid rock, maximum. Our nuclear storage is in the range of high tens of meters, possible up to 100 meters, below ground. Its going nowhere. I don't think they're going to get 10+ successive strikes with bunker busters on 1 exact location.

To win WW3 the objective is not to kill as much of the enemy as possible, as destruction of at least 50% of surface population should be assumed, but to survive your own nuclear assets and offensive forces (aircraft) so that you can hit back once the nukes stop raining.

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