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What is happening toafghanistan suddenly:many attackson highprofile leaders

Shardul.....the lion

Jul 15, 2011
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Suicide bombers, gunmen attack Afghan provincial capital
Suicide bombers, gunmen attack Afghan provincial capital
A team of insurgents kills at least 21 people, many of them women and children, in Oruzgan. The audacious attack is the latest in a wave of Taliban assaults in southern Afghanistan that underscores the deteriorating security situation there
Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan— A team of insurgent suicide bombers and gunmen struck a provincial capital Thursday, killing as many as 21 people in an audacious attack that underscored deteriorating security conditions across Afghanistan's restive south.

Women and children accounted for about half the dead, Afghan officials said. The toll also included at least three policemen and an Afghan journalist. About three dozen people were reported injured.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the strike in Tarin Kot, the capital of Oruzgan province. Oruzgan borders Kandahar province, where a wave of violence in recent weeks included Wednesday's assassination of the mayor of Kandahar city.

The bombings in Tarin Kot, all apparently aimed at government installations, were followed by fierce gun battles that continued for hours, causing residents to flee in panic. Thursday afternoon marks the end of the Afghan workweek, and the town center was crowded with people when the assailants struck about 1 p.m.

Reflecting the degree of chaos, officials gave differing death tolls even hours after the attack. The Interior Ministry put fatalities at 21, excluding the assailants, while the office of President Hamid Karzai reported 18 civilians and members of the security forces killed.

NATO forces provided air support to Afghan officials responding to the attack, Western military officials said. Last month, an insurgent strike on a landmark hotel in the capital, Kabul, ended only with the aid of NATO troops and helicopters.

Although Western military commanders assert that they have deprived Taliban fighters of many of their bases of operation in the south, the insurgents have continued to stage complex urban attacks. They have also carried out a series of assassinations, mainly directed at government and security officials.

Last week, a former governor of Oruzgan who was a senior aide to Karzai was shot dead at his Kabul home, and the week before that, Karzai's half-brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, was assassinated at his Kandahar compound.

The Taliban claimed that six "martyrdom-seeking" attackers had taken part in the raid in Tarin Kot. A spokesman, Qari Yousaf Ahmadi, said they were equipped with both light and heavy weapons.

The Interior Ministry put the number of attackers at seven, and said five suicide bombers set off their explosives as they tried to overrun installations including the governor's compound and a police base. At the same time, a remote-controlled bomb planted on a motorcycle went off near police headquarters, the ministry said in a statement.

The government condemned what it described as a brutal attack carried out by "enemies of the people," its usual phrase for the Taliban and other insurgents.

The first six months of this year were the war's deadliest for noncombatants, with civilian deaths increasing by 15% over the first half of 2010, the United Nations reported earlier this month. Many of the attacks aimed at Western troops and government installations kill and maim civilian bystanders instead.

Taliban targets another key Afghan figure in latest attack
The Taliban's targeting of high-profile Afghan figures raises questions about the NATO strategy of investing in individuals rather than institutions.

Afghan militia leader Matiullah Khan, who appeared to be one of the targets of the latest attack on the southern city of Tarin Kowt, was unharmed.
BBC reporter among 21 killed in Afghanistan attacks

Taliban bomb and gun attacks on an official's compound and a militia base in the southern Afghan province of Uruzgan have killed 21 people, including a local BBC reporter.
key ally of Afghan Prime Minister murdered
ANOTHER key political ally of Afghan President Hamid Karzai has been murdered, the third killed by insurgent assassins this month.

The mayor of the volatile city of Kandahar, Ghulam Haidar Hamidi, was killed in a suicide bomb attack yesterday.

The mayor - a target of previous assassination attempts - was killed when the bomber detonated his explosives in the courtyard of the city hall, where Mr Hamidi was making an address

Read more: Another key ally of Afghan Prime Minister murdered
Afghan President Karzai’s Adviser Killed Less Than Week After Half Brother
A senior adviser to Hamid Karzai was shot dead at home in Kabul yesterday in a second blow to the Afghan president less than a week after the assassination of his powerful half brother.

Two militants stormed the home of Jan Mohammed Khan, a former governor of Uruzgan province, at about 8 p.m., killing him as well as parliamentary lawmaker Mohammed Hashem Watanwal, the Interior Ministry said in a statement. The gunmen held off security forces for five hours before being shot dead, Hashmatullah Stanekzai, spokesman for Kabul’s police chief, said by phone. One police officer died in the encounter.
Afghan police chief killed in latest wave of militant attacks
In the fifth killing of a senior official in less than a week, the police chief of Afghanistan's Registan district was killed Monday morning by a roadside bomb.

Meanwhile, four International Security Assistance Force service members were killed by an improvised explosive device in separate attacks in eastern and southern Afghanistan.

One other ISAF soldier died of a non-battle related injury.

Monday's roadside bombing left Saleh Mohammad and three other police officers dead in the country's restive Kandahar province, according to provincial spokesman Zelmay Ayoubi.

Their deaths add to a growing casualty list, stemming from sporadic roadside attacks and high-level assassinations.

President Karzai’s Brother Killed in Kandahar

Ahmed Wali Karzai, half-brother of President Hamid Karzai, was shot and killed by a regular visitor to his home in Kandahar, where he was the head of the provincial council. Ahmed Karzai was a controversial figure in Afghan politics, with reports that he was on the CIA payroll and involved in drug trafficking
The current Afghan government has no credibility of the people, because it comprises of warlords hated by the people, & was the reason the Taliban was formed in the first place in 1996. The Taliban has always been in control of Afghanistan, & will continue to be, as seen by the recent events. The Taliban are brutal terrorists, & it is a shame that the current Afghan government is so inept & corrupt, that they don't have any real support. That's a brief summary of what's happening there.
The current Afghan government has no credibility of the people, because it comprises of warlords hated by the people, & was the reason the Taliban was formed in the first place in 1996. The Taliban has always been in control of Afghanistan, & will continue to be, as seen by the recent events.

Bilal bro, The Taliban also dont have credibility, the Taliban were in war with their opponents and not totally in control as the war was in its peaks in those times. We are seeing the same thing in Pakistan, and even higher and bigger attacks in Pakistan than Afghanistan and does that mean the Taliban and other militants have cridebility in Pakistan? You tell me how can a mayor who is totally a soft target can protect himself from a bomber who hide bomb in his turban? A mayor and others have to be in close contact with people to do their jobs.
Bilal bro, The Taliban also dont have credibility, the Taliban were in war with their opponents and not totally in control as the war was in its peaks in those times. We are seeing the same thing in Pakistan, and even higher and bigger attacks in Pakistan than Afghanistan and does that mean the Taliban and other militants have cridebility in Pakistan? You tell me how can a mayor who is totally a soft target can protect himself from a bomber who hide bomb in his turban? A mayor and others have to be in close contact with people to do their jobs.

First of all, read my additions to the post.

Secondly, you are wrong if you think violence is increasing in Pakistan. What was the last time an terrorist attack took place outside of FATA/NWFP in recent times? Violence in Pakistan has decreased significantly, which can't be said about Afghanistan, as attacks have been taking place left, right, & center there at an increasing rate. Terrorists are being killed by the Pakistani Lashkars in Kurram, Mohmand, Orakzai, South Waziristan alongside the Pakistan Army. Just read up the latest news on the operations taking place, 70% of Kurram is cleared, & almost all of Mohmand has been cleared. Most of South Waziristan has been cleared as well. Terrorists are being killed left, right & center in the FATA both by the Pakistan Army/Lashkars, & the drone strikes. The drone strikes in North Waziristan & South Waziristan are in collaboration with the Pakistan Army operations in Kurram, Mohmand. When the terrorists escape from Kurram & Mohmand fighting the Pakistan Army, they get taken out by the US drone strikes fleeing to North Waziristan & South Waziristan. Pakistan is getting back its areas that were under the control of the terrorists, while the converse is happening in Afghanistan.
First of all, read my additions to the post.

Secondly, you are wrong if you think violence is increasing in Pakistan. What was the last time an terrorist attack took place outside of FATA/NWFP in recent times? Violence in Pakistan has decreased significantly, which can't be said about Afghanistan, as attacks have been taking place left, right, & center there at an increasing rate. Terrorists are being killed by the Pakistani Lashkars in Kurram, Mohmand, Orakzai, South Waziristan alongside the Pakistan Army. Just read up the latest news on the operations taking place, 70% of Kurram is cleared, & almost all of Mohmand has been cleared. Most of South Waziristan has been cleared as well. Terrorists are being killed left, right & center in the FATA both by the Pakistan Army/Lashkars, & the drone strikes. The drone strikes in North Waziristan & South Waziristan are in collaboration with the Pakistan Army operations in Kurram, Mohmand. When the terrorists escape from Kurram & Mohmand fighting the Pakistan Army, they get taken out by the US drone strikes fleeing to North Waziristan & South Waziristan. Pakistan is getting back its areas that were under the control of the terrorists, while the converse is happening in Afghanistan.

Well, i am afraid i dont agree with you. These attacks have always have calm and then rise period. This quietness have been seen in Pakistan many many only to be followed by another deadly phase of attacks for many months later on. Pak army said that the backbone of Taliban are broken, we heard that they are cleared many many times, but only to witness they rose from somewhere else. Yes, in Afghanistan we have seen the level of violence rising the last couple of months or so,but before that, it was quiet and nothing like this.

Afghan government is so inept & corrupt, that they don't have any real support. That's a brief summary of what's happening there.

I am afraid that this account is wrong again, yes the gov is corrupt, and when the Taliban were in kabul they were corrupt too, so nothing new.
Well, i am afraid i dont agree with you. These attacks have always have calm and then rise period. This quietness have been seen in Pakistan many many only to be followed by another deadly phase of attacks for many months later on. Pak army said that the backbone of Taliban are broken, we heard that they are cleared many many times, but only to witness they rose from somewhere else. Yes, in Afghanistan we have seen the level of violence rising the last couple of months or so,but before that, it was quiet and nothing like this.

Attacks in Pakistan have been calm since quite a few months (except for the FATA & a few areas close to the Afghan border), the 'period of calm' as you claim Afghanistan has seen is actually underreporting from the international media. I know you are familiar with Farsi, so you would have no trouble understanding this website and the latest developments in Afghanistan:

???? ???? ???

Let me quote you some of the attacks that took place in Afghanistan from May 17-23, almost all of them unreported by the mainstream international media outlets (these are not taken from the Taliban account of events, but I can provide external links from various Western sources to prove each of these happened):

May 23: 4 Nato soldiers killed, 14 injured in Afghanistan blast (Laghman)

May 23: Uniform-Wearing Militants Kill 6 at Afghan Police Station (Khost)

May 23: 3 cops dead, 4 injured in Herat blast (Herat)

May 23: Jordanian peacekeeper killed, 4 injured in bomb blast (Logar)

May 22: Suicide bombers invade government building, kill 6 (Khost)

May 22: Blast Rocks Afghan Kandahar City (Kandahar)

May 22: 7 killed, wounded in Zabul roadside mine blast (Zabul)

May 21: 6 killed in Afghan hospital blast (Kabul)

May 21: German forces kill 4 Afghan protestors (Kunduz)

May 20: 4 Iowa Guard soldiers hurt in bombing in Afghanistan (Nuristan)

May 19: Taliban Kill 35 Road Workers In Ambush (Paktia)

May 19: Blast Rocks Afghan Kandahar City (Kandahar)

May 19: Explosion kills French soldier (Kapisa)

May 19: Roadside bomb kills 3 Afghan officers (Nimruz)

May 19: 5 killed, wounded in Badghis (Badhgis)

May 19: 14 dead in Jalalabad suicide bombing (Nangarhar)

May 18: Binghamton native killed in Afghanistan (Kunar)

May 18: 12 demonstrators killed in Afghan anti-NATO protest (Takhar)

May 17: 8 ISAF troops killed, wounded in northern Afghanistan (Balkh)

May 17: 2 civilians killed in Kandahar mine blast (Kandahar)

May 17: Coalition supply convoy strikes roadside mine in Ghazni (Ghazni)

May 17: Afghan governor says NATO troops kill a child, wound 4 (Kunar)

There are many more attacks that are either unreported, or I couldn't mention because I couldn't find them. The provinces where terrorist attacks have took place in only the past 6 days is shown on this map (with a red cross):


Afghanistan has never seen a period of calm, the scale of all the attacks is widespread & all over the country, whether that is in the Western province of Herat far from Pakistan, whether that is the Southern provinces of Zabul & Helmand, whether it is in the Northern provinces of Takhar & Balkh, whether that is in the Central province of Uruzgan, or in the Eastern states of Khost & Paktia. You cannot honestly think of comparing this situation to Pakistan, where everything is pretty much limited to the FATA & some parts of the NWFP.

If you notice, there is very few protest about drone strikes from tribal people in the FATA, as they are actually hitting terrorists. The terrorists in Pakistan are being eliminated, it shows with the areas Pakistan is capturing back from the terrorists, along with the decreasing number of attacks; whereas, everything opposite to that is happening in Afghanistan.
Well, i am afraid i dont agree with you. These attacks have always have calm and then rise period. This quietness have been seen in Pakistan many many only to be followed by another deadly phase of attacks for many months later on. Pak army said that the backbone of Taliban are broken, we heard that they are cleared many many times, but only to witness they rose from somewhere else. Yes, in Afghanistan we have seen the level of violence rising the last couple of months or so,but before that, it was quiet and nothing like this.

I am afraid that this account is wrong again, yes the gov is corrupt, and when the Taliban were in kabul they were corrupt too, so nothing new.

Also follow this website for an in-depth analysis on the events in Afghanistan, something not covered by the mainstream international media:

Khost Province, Afghanistan, Schema-Root news
Attacks in Pakistan have been calm since quite a few months, the 'period of calm' as you claim Afghanistan has seen is actually underreporting from the international media. I know you are familiar with Farsi, so you would have no trouble understanding this website and the latest developments:

Let me quote you some of the attacks that took place in Afghanistan from May 17-23, all of them unreported by the mainstream international media outlets:

May 23: 4 Nato soldiers killed, 14 injured in Afghanistan blast (Laghman)

May 23: Uniform-Wearing Militants Kill 6 at Afghan Police Station (Khost)

May 23: 3 cops dead, 4 injured in Herat blast (Herat)

May 23: Jordanian peacekeeper killed, 4 injured in bomb blast (Logar)

May 22: Suicide bombers invade government building, kill 6 (Khost)

May 22: Blast Rocks Afghan Kandahar City (Kandahar)

May 22: 7 killed, wounded in Zabul roadside mine blast (Zabul)

May 21: 6 killed in Afghan hospital blast (Kabul)

May 21: German forces kill 4 Afghan protestors (Kunduz)

May 20: 4 Iowa Guard soldiers hurt in bombing in Afghanistan (Nuristan)

May 19: Taliban Kill 35 Road Workers In Ambush (Paktia)

May 19: Blast Rocks Afghan Kandahar City (Kandahar)

May 19: Explosion kills French soldier (Kapisa)

May 19: Roadside bomb kills 3 Afghan officers (Nimruz)

May 19: 5 killed, wounded in Badghis (Badhgis)

May 19: 14 dead in Jalalabad suicide bombing (Nangarhar)

May 18: Binghamton native killed in Afghanistan (Kunar)

May 18: 12 demonstrators killed in Afghan anti-NATO protest (Takhar)

May 17: 8 ISAF troops killed, wounded in northern Afghanistan (Balkh)

May 17: 2 civilians killed in Kandahar mine blast (Kandahar)

May 17: Coalition supply convoy strikes roadside mine in Ghazni (Ghazni)

May 17: Afghan governor says NATO troops kill a child, wound 4 (Kunar)

There are many more attacks that are either unreported, or I couldn't mention because I couldn't find them. The provinces where terrorist attacks have took place in only the past 6 days is shown on this map (with a red cross):


Afghanistan has never seen a period of calm, the scale of all the attacks is widespread & all over the country, whether that is in the Western province of Herat far from Pakistan, whether that is the Southern provinces of Zabul & Helmand, whether it is in the Northern provinces of Takhar & Balkh, whether that is in the Central province of Uruzgan, or in the Eastern states of Khost & Paktia. You cannot honestly think of comparing this situation to Pakistan, where everything is pretty much limited to the FATA & some parts of the NWFP.

If you notice, there is very few protest about drone strikes from tribal people in the FATA, as they are actually hitting terrorists. The terrorists in Pakistan are being eliminated, it shows with the areas Pakistan is capturing back from the terrorists, along with the decreasing number of attacks; whereas, everything opposite to that is happening in Afghanistan.

Buddy, you didnt have to make an effort to post all those, i came back from Afghanistan very recently, I spent over there 2 months, things were pretty much normal there to Afghanistan standard, yes the attacks have increased and as i said before, it has always been like this , quiet and calm. I havent followed the news about pakistan for this time so i dont know much about it, even if there is relative calm in paksitan, there is no gaurantee that it will remain that way and i am sure we have seen many pakistani soldiers and militias have lost their lives due to fights, and you will be naive to say the taliban are gone from pakistan, no they are still there and powerful, take my word for it, if i am not wrong, last year the number of civilian casualties in pakistan was higher than afghanistan. lets stop comparing our evils, the truth is that we are both going on the wrong direction.
Buddy, you didnt have to make an effort to post all those, i came back from Afghanistan very recently, I spent over there 2 months, things were pretty much normal there to Afghanistan standard, yes the attacks have increased and as i said before, it has always been like this , quiet and calm. I havent followed the news about pakistan for this time so i dont know much about it, even if there is relative calm in paksitan, there is no gaurantee that it will remain that way and i am sure we have seen many pakistani soldiers and militias have lost their lives due to fights, and you will be naive to say the taliban are gone from pakistan, no they are still there and powerful, take my word for it, if i am not wrong, last year the number of civilian casualties in pakistan was higher than afghanistan. lets stop comparing our evils, the truth is that we are both going on the wrong direction.

I don't think the statement "last year, the number of casualties in Pakistan was higher than Afghanistan" is correct, considering the fact that violence in Afghanistan has been at an all-time high. Even if it is, Pakistan has 6 times the population of Afghanistan, so it is more accurate to look at the ratio of civilians killed/total population of the country. Or look at the areas in which the attacks have taken place divided by the total area of the country. Anyways, I am glad you had a nice & peaceful time in Afghanistan, but if you had followed the news here on this forum, you would have seen that there are no terrorist attacks that have been reported in Pakistan (besides ethnic violence in Karachi by the political parties) over the past few months. Pakistan has actually managed to push the Taliban back, & taken back areas from them in the FATA. The same cannot be said about Afghanistan, where they just seem to get stronger, & with the number of terrorist attacks rising. I wish Afghans all the success against the terrorists.

Anyways, I am glad you had a nice & peaceful time in Afghanistan,

thanks, it was good. and spending time in your home with family is always great.

but if you had followed the news here on this forum, you would have seen that there are no attacks that have been reported in Pakistan (besides ethnic violence in Karachi by the political parties) over the past few months.

who knows, it could be a calm period--the preparation time for next attacks, but i do hope that things stay calm.

Pakistan has actually managed to push the Taliban back, & taken back areas from them in the FATA. The same cannot be said about Afghanistan

we have seen these types of calims many times before, but the taliban came back or rose from another area. BUT, if paksitan can manage and defeat these people, that success of pakistan will be our success as they are equally our enemy.
The current Afghan government has no credibility of the people, because it comprises of warlords hated by the people, & was the reason the Taliban was formed in the first place in 1996. The Taliban has always been in control of Afghanistan, & will continue to be, as seen by the recent events. The Taliban are brutal terrorists, & it is a shame that the current Afghan government is so inept & corrupt, that they don't have any real support. That's a brief summary of what's happening there.
Replace afghan with Pakistan and your post is still valid.
we have seen these types of calims many times before, but the taliban came back or rose from another area.

In the past, the drone strikes were killing a lot more tribal leaders & civilians, & very few terrorists. This time, the drones in North Waziristan & South Waziristan are hitting terrorists, & straining their networks; with very minimum collateral damage. Interestingly, the full scale operations by the Pakistan Army are taking place in Kurram & Mohmand Agencies, not North Waziristan or South Waziristan. When the terrorists try to flee from Kurram & Mohmand, they get eliminated by the US drone strikes. When the opposite happens, they get eliminated by the Pakistan Army & the tribal Lashkars. For the first time, the terrorist networks in the FATA region are strained, & the effects can be seen very easily. The Waziri group (Mullah Nazir & Hafiz Gul Bahadur) were feeling the strain in South Waziristan from the US drone strikes, so they tried to move to Paktia, & 35 of their terrorists got killed by US strikes there. The Turi tribals have played a significant role in Kurram in assisting the Pakistan Army operations.
^^^ if it is a lasting thing then that is excellent, it will directly affect our security in Afghanistan.
Replace afghan with Pakistan and your post is still valid.

Pakistan government was elected democratically by the people of Pakistan, Afghanistan's was not. The Pakistani government does not comprise of warlords. The Taiban is not in control of Pakistan, as evidenced by the decreasing terrorist violence in Pakistan (ethnic violence in Karachi not included). The Pakistani people have not tried to overthrow the government either.

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