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Islamic extremists set up ‘Sharia zones’ in UK

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Sir Islam will be impelmented in Pakistan and World because its destiny because ALLAH has said it clearly Islam will be implemented in the whole world ALLAH know more than you sir

And Muslims are wondering why islamophobia is rising in the world.
there is no such thing as THEIR COUNTRY..
If i am a British citizen or USA citizen then this country is as much mine as a caucasian's

then first fight for the minorities in pakistan. they should be allowed to run for president/PM and ahmedis should have the right to call themselves muslim. pakistan is theirs as any sunni or shia.
And Muslims are wondering why islamophobia is rising in the world.

So whoever presents the most debased vision of Islam is speaking for Muslims?? You need to rethink this - check Safriz's posts - It seems that Safriz has a point when he suggests that the most radical visions of Islam are preferred over actual experience of Muslims - those who prefer them should do some soul searching - self fulfilling prophesies are not unknown eventualities.
Sir Islam will be impelmented in Pakistan and World because its destiny because ALLAH has said it clearly Islam will be implemented in the whole world ALLAH know more than you sir

This is the main reason why Non-Muslims are talking of Islamic extremists.
So whoever presents the most debased vision of Islam is speaking for Muslims?? You need to rethink this - check Safriz's posts - It seems that Safriz has a point when he suggests that the most radical visions of Islam are preferred over actual experience of Muslims - those who prefer them should do some soul searching - self fulfilling prophesies are not unknown eventualities.

For an organized religion like Islam.....Yes I would believe it. This Anjum Chowdary or the likes of him doesn't came out in the open yesterday. He is active for a number of years now. Why didn't the elders or Islamic scholars speak to him and pull him back from extremist path or issue a fatwa that his way of thought is not in tune with the mainstream Islamic thoughts or debar him entering mosques or using its premises for his activities.

Most of the Muslims are either silent or indifferent to him. The extremists feed on this silence and take it as a tacit approval for their actions.

I have heard many Muslims speaking about suicide bombing. They will say like suicide is against Islam but they have no other choice. This 'but' is the problem.
my friend in england told me:"where ever muslims go in majority,locals brits starts to migrate from there"
i never believed this but now starting to believe this as per the information.

What would you sasy about South Hall having very large Hindu population, why the local brits fleeing that part of london?
And Muslims are wondering why islamophobia is rising in the world.

Islam is gowing with much more faster rate in the world and it will take over the world sooner or later
Why didn't the elders or Islamic scholars speak to him and pull him back from extremist path or issue a fatwa that his way of thought is not in tune with the mainstream Islamic thoughts or debar him entering mosques or using its premises for his activities.

Most of the Muslims are either silent or indifferent to him. The extremists feed on this silence and take it as a tacit approval for their actions.

Save that stuff for Fox nuz -- nobody makes it their business to speak out against every lune who may come along -- See, decent people, they are not the kinds that make a fuss, do street protests, etc., they live their lives consumed with their own concerns, not concerns that Fox or some other fear monger may have - that's just a fact -- most people tend to avoid such lunes -- but if you choose to suggest that Lunes define Muslims, it's your prerogative -- But I would suggest that it's not just faulty to define the mass by the outliers, it also reflects a irrational quality.
As these people are migrants they should respect the culture of their host Country.in this case UK.Shariah law was valid in the middle ages not in the 21st century.
As these people are migrants they should respect the culture of their host Country.in this case UK.Shariah law was valid in the middle ages not in the 21st century.

Shariah was and will remain valid for all times that is why:cheers: people of west are coming to Islam
Save that stuff for Fox nuz -- nobody makes it their business to speak out against every lune who may come along -- See, decent people, they are not the kinds that make a fuss, do street protests, etc., they live their lives consumed with their own concerns, not concerns that Fox or some other fear monger may have - that's just a fact -- most people tend to avoid such lunes -- but if you choose to suggest that Lunes define Muslims, it's your prerogative -- But I would suggest that it's not just faulty to define the mass by the outliers, it also reflects a irrational quality.

Then this should also apply to other religions and Muslims should stop blaming Christians, Jews and Hindus based on the activities of US, Israel or Gujurati Hindus as every Christian, Jew or Hindu doesn't subscribe to the activities of the former.
Shariah was and will remain valid for all times that is why:cheers: people of west are coming to Islam

You don't have any idea but you are humiliating innocent Muslims who are educated and liberal who are living in Non-Muslims countries.
if they dont want to abide by british law send them back to were they come fom they have no resepct for the people whos land they are in
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