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Hindu scripture order prompts row

So students from other religion are forcibly taught Hinduism in a secular India where the supreme court rules Hinduvta is not equal to Hinduism.

You can't make up s*it like that !!! You gotta wonder what those judges were smoking !

Yup, its your incredible India.
these books mean nothing to me, stop trying to say its south asian, its just the will of hindu fanatics who impose their dharma on everyone, no thanks.
one side bjp with Hindu ajenda and other side congress with minority ajenda..there is no secular parties in India.
Mahabharatha along with Ramayana, is like other epic poems, Odyssey and Illiad. It has nothing to do with religion! Bhagvad Gita forms a part of the poem - Mahabharatha. What does that have to do with minorities?

Do the Greeks complain about learning Odyssey or Illiad? Arent you fellows fascinated by the Helen of Troy story? Same is with Bhagvad Gita.

The 'Poem' contains enough mumbo jumbo about God, his/her greatness and how you are expected to lead your life. Teaching this to impressionable kids is not a good idea.
whatever it is, and muslims are not interested to learn some hindu religious stories, will hindus forcefully learn the muslim stories or the kasas ul ambia(stories of prophets) be launched in dehli and other muslim majority areas??

I don't know if they still have this but when I was a young student, we used to have a subject called Morals. The subject essentially contained such parables from various religions which were dumbed down and any slant towards religion were removed. So yes, this is already thought in schools.
The 'Poem' contains enough mumbo jumbo about God, his/her greatness and how you are expected to lead your life. Teaching this to impressionable kids is not a good idea.

Do you even know what you are talking about? Havent you studies stories from Bhagvad Gita or Mahabharatha or Ramayana in school? Havent you read Aesop's fables, stories from the Bible or even Quran in school?

There are many "mombo jumbo" things about various Gods in many such stories we learnt in school, in many poems we learnt in school. Was that harmful?

BTW, the "poem" does not contain things about God or his/her greatness. Its talks about good and bad in life. It talks about Karma. If you dont know this, then you should first learn and then raise objections. And IMHO, there is nothing wrong in teaching stories in school from such books which dwell about the dichotomy of life and making good decisions over bad ones. Impressionable children SHOULD be taught this.

Yeah, the rest of the religious BS should be kept out of curriculum.
Hindu scripture order prompts row in Karnataka state
Opposition parties and minority groups in India's Karnataka state are angry that the Hindu scripture, Bhagvad Gita, must be taught in schools.

The state authorities recently directed schools to teach the Hindu holy book for three hours a week.

Education Minister Visveswara Hegde Kageri said that those who did not want to learn the Gita should leave India.

Opponents of the move say that the state government order violates their constitutional rights.
"The government had only asked the education department to extend its co-operation to the programme as it had been doing for other programmes like planting of saplings organised by various organisations," news agency Press Trust of India quoted Mr Kageri as saying.
BBC News - Hindu scripture order prompts row in Karnataka state

Amazing .. people are fighting over gita, bible and quran in school whereas they should pushing for ensuring Linear Differential Equations and Laplace Transforms in the 10 + 2 curriculum. Rather than introducing Shlokas and biblical history we should concentrate on ensuring we study applied chemistry and applied physics in the classrooms.

Studying shri krishna or Prophet muhhamad will not develop your intellect and your future as learning Engineering Mechanics and Applied Electronics will... Education system is geared towards advancement of students intellect.. please don't induce religious BS in the minds of students.. The effects of shoving religion in young minds will only create religious lunatics, evidence of which is pretty abundant in the neighborhood.
Our politicians seem to care only for their chair, vote banks, one-up-manship etc to give a serious thought to progress of the country. Still our country has grown to this level was not because of them but inspite of them...where would India have been today, if we had strong, honest & focussed leaders??
It's in the Blood of the Abrahamic Religions to Fear that there is a Constant threat to them :lol:
my sisiter is in public school (managed by muslims) they made her sing muslim prayers idk the name of the prayers similarly we should teach students about ramayan and gita in my school we have gita in 9th standarad and ramayan in 8th and it is compulsary to students of all religion to study these books inorder to pass 100 marks exam.
Mr. Kageri is totally right. India as an ancient culture with rich cultural heritages should protect itself against foreign subversions.
What the heck is going on in those schools? For three long hours a day even Math should not be taught to such kids !

And all the Indians here saying Bhagawad Gita is not a religious text... Good God!!! Any of you ever even read the book?

What do you think Krishna is doing explaining Arjuna all about God's manifestations and multi-births and concepts of Brahman?

This is not a phenomenon that appeared recently in 2007, it has been happening for a way long time! I can produce text books where one has to (irrespective of the student's own religion) memorize religious Hindu couplets to pass in language exams. But we never had any text books that forced us to memorize Kalmas or the Gospels, did we?

If you want to save the country oppose this stupid practice, and if you cannot, then at least do not promote it !
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