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China starts its home-made aircraft carrier construction


Sep 19, 2009
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China starts its home-made aircraft carrier construction

2011-07-10 (China Military News cited from sacbee.com and written by Yomiuri Shimbun) -- China has started construction of its first domestically made aircraft carrier, according to diplomatic and U.S. government sources.
China has set a national goal of building a stronger navy and aims to expand its maritime interests.
This year, China will likely begin test-sailing a midsize aircraft carrier - the Varyag - that it bought from Ukraine, the sources said.
When the domestic carrier is completed, the Chinese Navy will have two aircraft carriers in its fleet.
The addition will likely raise concerns in neighboring countries, including Japan, whose ties with China have been strained over the Senkaku Islands, and Vietnam and the Philippines, which have territorial disputes with China in the South China Sea.
It will also shake up stability in the Asia-Pacific region, which has been primarily maintained by the United States' overwhelming military power.
In early June, Chen Bingde, the Chinese military's chief of the General Staff, told Hong Kong media that China was building an aircraft carrier, the first time a top officer of the Chinese military has acknowledged the fact.
But he did not clarify whether the carrier being constructed referred to the Varyag or the other carrier.
According to the diplomatic sources, another officer in the Chinese military said the Varyag cannot be called a domestically made carrier, and clearly stated that the carrier is another under construction in a different location.
A U.S. government official also said that Washington regards the carrier referred to as the one made in China.
Part of the U.S. Defense Department's 2010 annual report, titled "Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China," said China will be able to operate two or more aircraft carriers in the coming 10 years.
Military sources close to developments in the Chinese Navy said the domestically made carrier is being constructed in a shipyard on Changxing Island in Shanghai.
The sources said the new carrier will likely be midsize, similar to the Varyag, and carry Jian-15 jet fighters, which China has just developed. The fighters will likely take off from a ski jump-style flight deck as is done on the Varyag.
Though the new carrier is modeled after the Varyag, the military sources said it has great geopolitical significance, showing that China has acquired the technology to construct an aircraft carrier on its own.
Security around the shipyard on Changxing Island has increased significantly since the start of this year, which military sources attribute to the start of construction of the carrier.
According to military experts, even in the United States it takes at least five years from the start of construction of an aircraft carrier to its deployment. Thus it is likely that China will need seven to eight years until the domestically made carrier can be put to use.
The experts also said China is constructing modern destroyers equipped with air-defense missiles to defend the carriers.

News cited from sacbee.com and written by Yomiuri Shimbun
The first indigenous carrier gonna be smilar to the Kitty Hawk class carrier, standard 65,000 tons and full load over 80,000 tons.

It has 4 steam catapults, not the ski-jump.

And we might be able to see China starts the CVN in its 2nd or 3rd indigenous carrier.
Anyway, we will probably see it in the next year.

The first indigenous carrier gonna be smilar to the Kitty Hawk class carrier, standard 65,000 tons and full load over 80,000 tons.

It has 4 steam catapults, not the ski-jump.

And we might be able to see China starts the CVN in its 2nd or 3rd indigenous carrier.

If this turns out to be true, then this aircraft carrier could carry around 50 J-15s. As it also has catapults, then that would mean that the J-15s could be fully loaded with fuel, bombs and missiles. The firepower of it's airgroup would be awesome.
Knowing Chinese...they will build and roll out the aircraft carrier at the about the time when we will be trying to grapple with Bureaucratic for our IAC-1...we got to learn something from Chinese on how to execute projects...

Congratulations China..you are on the right track...
If this turns out to be true, then this aircraft carrier could carry around 50 J-15s. As it also has catapults, then that would mean that the J-15s could be fully loaded with fuel, bombs and missiles. The firepower of it's airgroup would be awesome.

The first indigenous CV could also be a good training carrier, since Varyag can only train with the ski-jump method, whereas we need to first get familiar with the catapult method as well. Maybe it could become our own version of CV-67.
my bet is the chinese indigenous carrier will still be using ski-jump``
my bet is the chinese indigenous carrier will still be using ski-jump``

The one built in Dalian will be half ski-jump and 2 steam catapults.

The one in Shanghai is completely 4 catapults carrier.
The one built in Dalian will be half ski-jump and 2 steam catapults.

The one in Shanghai is completely 4 catapults carrier.

are there any pics yet``? until i the pics are out, i'll still hold my bet`
My guess is Varyag will begin sea trial later this year, in about August. It will officially join service as a training ship by mid next year. The first few indigenous carriers constructed in China will all be deployed/constructed by 2020. At that time nuclear powered supercarriers may be on the drawing board.

my bet is the chinese indigenous carrier will still be using ski-jump``
peishen or 365赌王 once said “中、常、弹”
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