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74 Andhra lawmakers quit over Telangana issue

Hayderabad is part of Telangana and indeed Andhraties wont support Telangana because they are Non-Telangana people . And as far as MPs and other officials well by last year maximum number of CMs were from Andhra so they will support their own people and not people of Telangana
I'm saying MP of hyderabad...not from either andhra or telangana. Hyderabad MP himself is against separation of state. And there is NO TRS MLAs from hyderabad. Even the seats from which they won were also lost in the previous elections.Heck..forget MLAs even there are no corporators or even ward member from TRS in hyderabad. :rofl:
Hyderabad gripped by strike in fight for statehood

NEW DELHI // A strike aimed at forcing the government to recognise statehood for a southern Indian region shut businesses and disrupted transport yesterday, posing another challenge to the embattled prime minister, Manmohan Singh.

Authorities deployed more than 13,000 police and paramilitary troops in Hyderabad, in Andhra Pradesh, in a bid to prevent a repeat of pro-independence protests in March that turned violent. Sporadic incidents of violence erupted in the state capital and nine other districts of the region as protesters attacked vehicles, shops and factories, with businesses and educational institutions shut and public road transport suspended.

Mr Singh, and his Congress party, have already been hit by a series of corruption scandals this year and the latest controversies will add to a sense of drift in India, further paralysing reforms from land acquisition to tax streamlining.

On Monday, nine Congress members of parliament from the state resigned from the federal parliament over the party's failure to take a stand on the four-decades-old demand to declare the north-western Telangana region a separate state.

Activists want the new state carved out of Andhra Pradesh, one of the country's biggest states. Its capital, Hyderabad, is home to the Indian headquarters of international firms such as Microsoft and Google.

The resignations, which still need to be accepted by the government, could halve the government's majority of 18 weeks before a new parliamentary session starts on August 1. The government's foot-dragging over Telangana - it approved the new state in principle last year, but changed its mind after opposition criticism - adds to a slew of corruption scandals and a failure to curb high inflation that forced Mr Singh to rebut accusations that he was a lame duck.

Hyderabad gripped by strike in fight for statehood - The National
Telangana crisis deepens as more lawmakers resign

Andhra Pradesh’s political crisis deepened with no signs of a solution emerging on Tuesday as more members of Parliament (MPs) and state lawmakers offered resignation letters in the fight for a separate Telangana state, and schools, universities and commercial establishments closed on the first day of a two-day general strike that also took public transport off the region’s roads.

Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) president K. Chandrasekhara Rao, who has been spearheading the Telangana campaign, and his party colleague and former actor Vijayashanthi, who goes by one name, faxed their resignations from the Lok Sabha to the office of speaker Meira Kumar. Eleven TRS members of the legislative assembly (MLAs) submitted their resignation letters to speaker Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka.

In New Delhi, two MPs from Andhra Pradesh’s main opposition Telugu Desam Party (TDP), Nama Nageswara Rao and Ramesh Rathod, met the Lok Sabha speaker and submitted their resignations, PTI reported.

Andhra Pradesh is confronting its latest bout of political turmoil in the campaign for separate Telangana after eight Lok Sabha MPs and and one Rajya Sabha MP from the ruling Congress sent in their resignations on Monday along with 39 party MLAs, mounting pressure on the Centre to introduce a Bill that would pave the way for the state’s bifurcation.

Thirty-four TDP MLAs also resigned on Monday. Chief minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, whose calls for restraint were snubbed by the defiant MLAs, has not made a public statement on the crisis.

“With nearly one-third of MLAs resigning, the state government has lost its moral authority to continue in office,” said TRS legislator and Chandrasekhara Rao’s son K. Taraka Rama Rao. “We want the Central government to take cognizance of the seriousness of the situation here and respond with concrete action.”

Rama Rao led to the speaker’s office a delegation of TRS MLAs, who resigned their membership of the assembly for the second time. The same members had quit in February last year, forcing by-elections in which they were re-elected.

Four MLAs of the Communist Party of India, two of the Bharatiya Janata Party and one of the Congress—textiles minister P Shankar Rao—also resigned, taking the number of MLAs who have resigned to 94. Rama Rao said the resignations showed political parties in Telangana were united in their determination to achieve statehood.

Congress party general secretary Ghulam Nabi Azad, in-charge of Andhra Pradesh political affairs, held discussions with Telangana Congress leaders in New Delhi on Tuesday. Congress MP from Nizamabad, Madhu Yaskhi Goud, who took part in the discussions, said it was premature to expect the meeting to produce results, but added that the Congress leadership was serious about resolving the issue.

Telangana proponents have been campaigning for separation from Andhra Pradesh on the ostensible grounds that the region’s economic development has suffered because of neglect by successive state governments dominated by politicians from the coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions.

The general strike called by the Telangana joint action committee, an umbrella group, shut shops, schools and colleges, cinemas and petrol pumps and took public transport off the streets in Telangana. The strike was peaceful barring an incident of stone-throwing in Osmania University campus, where police used tear-gas shells to disperse Telangana activists.

To deter violence, additional police and paramilitary forces were deployed across the 10 districts of Telangana including capital Hyderabad, where chief minister Kiran Reddy reviewed the situation with top police officials. 

The information technology (IT) industry, centred on Hyderabad, was largely unaffected, industry executives said.

“We haven’t had any issues in recent times because all the political parties have realized the importance of he IT industry,” said Ramaesh Loganathan, centre head of Progress Software.

Telangana crisis deepens as more lawmakers resign - Home - livemint.com
:) The Muslims of Hayderabad also did NOT to be part of India but you by using force included them into India so dont give us the emotional scene here.

2. Yes fears of all sides are ligitimate and must be taken into consideration. Just like all those dozen insurgencies the movement for Separate Telangana State also date backs to early years of Independence

2. When

For the Muslims of Hyderabad who did not want to be a part of India, there is a promised land, heaven on earth created in 1947 which lies west of India. They are more than welcome to go there.

As far as hyderabad is concerned culturally it is Telangana. Hence Andhraites can't claim anything on Hyderabad.

And those who have invested in Hyderabad and live there should consider themselves as Telanganites and support it.
Telangana or no Telangana it's should be done without any law and order situation, if the pro-Telangana factions takes the let's disturb the law and order situation then the GOI shouldn't give in cause it will send wrong signals to other like the Gorkhaland etc
:) The Muslims of Hayderabad also did NOT to be part of India but you by using force included them into India so dont give us the emotional scene here.

2. Yes fears of all sides are ligitimate and must be taken into consideration. Just like all those dozen insurgencies the movement for Separate Telangana State also date backs to early years of Independence

2. When

Just because somebody is Muslim doesn’t mean that he/she wants to be part of Pakistan. Remove your misconception. I am not giving any emotional reasons here. You asked for the reasons and I gave. Please don’t bring you bigotry to an issue that is very internal to India. There are other threads for that. India is a secular state and shall remain so. We don’t need lessons from you
Where should it go then? It seems a very interesting and useful news item. The much expected and anticipated break up of India.

Daydreams again?

Break up?

Professional soothsayer?

There have been many new states in the history of India and more will come.

Heard of Jharkhand and Uttaranchal.

In fact, AP is a creation out of Madras.

And still your dream remains a mirage!

Learn to understand politics, geopolitics and geostrategy and their dynamics before commenting!
Where should it go then? It seems a very interesting and useful news item. The much expected and anticipated break up of India.

Someone wanted to break up India and ended up in breaking itself by two! :rofl: This time you will live in sea because there will be no land left for you.
Daydreams again?

Break up?

Professional soothsayer?

There have been many new states in the history of India and more will come.

Heard of Jharkhand and Uttaranchal.

In fact, AP is a creation out of Madras.

And still your dream remains a mirage!

Learn to understand politics, geopolitics and geostrategy and their dynamics before commenting!

His wet dream over internet is result of too much frustration. Ask him he will even want to break America or France. joker.
Someone wanted to break up India and ended up in breaking itself by two! :rofl: This time you will live in sea because there will be no land left for you.

And they are wanting to break it up further or have a civil war, if one goes by the posts in the Bangladesh part of this forum.
Someone wanted to break up India and ended up in breaking itself by two! :rofl: This time you will live in sea because there will be no land left for you.

Most of India will also disappear under the sea so I am not sure what you are laughing about. Probably would be a good thing if India disappears. It is a pest and a nuisance.
His wet dream over internet is result of too much frustration. Ask him he will even want to break America or France. joker.

No America and France are natural entities while India is entirely artificial.
Telangana paralysed, students clash with cops

As Telangana region of Andhra Pradesh remained shut on the second consecutive day in response to the 48-hour general strike call by the Telangana Joint Action Committee, the Telangana Rashtra Samiti has warned the Congress leaders of the region against any compromise with their central leaders.

Normal life in Hyderabad and other parts of Telangana continued to be badly hit as shops, business establishments, schools and colleges remain closed and more than 3,000 buses of the AP Road Transport Corporation were off the road. Thousands of passengers were stuck in different places waiting for the resumption of the services.

Telangana paralysed, students clash with cops - Rediff.com News

---------- Post added at 09:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 AM ----------

Bandh cripples life in ten Telangana districts

HYDERABAD: Life came to a standstill in all the 10 districts of Telangana region with autos, bus and train services staying off the roads while educational institutions and business establishments remaining shut due to the 48-hour bandh called by the TJAC in support of their demand for a Telangana state. The bandh was by and large peaceful except for stray incidents at Osmania University.

On the first day of the bandh, schools, colleges, shops and other commercial establishments were closed and public transport services were hit. The coal production at Singareni Collieries was hit as workers abstained from duties in Adilabad, Karimnagar, Warangal and Khammam districts. This resulted in a loss of about Rs 25 crore for the company.

Meanwhile, Telangana advocates also boycotted their duties and tried to interrupt the meeting of TDP legislators from coastal Andhra at the Old MLA quarters� but were arrested by the police. The state government employees also did not attend duties and several government offices including the state Secretariat wore a deserted look.

The APSRTC was the worst affected due to the bandh as bus services were suspended across the region. The RTC officials claimed that the corporation had lost about Rs 9 crore.

Examinations scheduled to be conducted by Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University, Osmania University and Jawaharlal Nehru Fine Arts and Architecture University, were cancelled and fresh dates will be announced later. NTR Health University also postponed the BDS examination scheduled to be held on Tuesday to July 20.

The bandh was near total in Hyderabad with the streets wearing a deserted look and shops downing shutters. The railways also suspended MMTS services till noon. Similarly, the city buses in Hyderabad largely remained off the roads and the auto drivers had a field day. Due to closure of petrol pumps, petrol which is priced at Rs 70 per litre was sold for around Rs 130-Rs 150 per litre in blackmarket.

The TRS and other Telangana activists targeted the ministers and MLAs who did not� resign, in particular Union minister S Jaipal Reddy, ministers D Nagender, M Mukesh Goud, P Shankar Rao and MLA Marri Sashidhar Reddy, whose residences in Hyderabad were turned into fortresses with the police deploying forces in large numbers. But unable to bear the heat, textiles minister Shankar Rao faxed his resignation to the deputy speaker by noon. The house of Warangal MP Gundu Sudharani was also targeted by pro-Telangana activists in Warangal.

The violence in OU was triggered by the arrest of rebel TDP Telangana MLAs N Janardhan Reddy and K Harishwar Reddy when they tried to enter the campus around noon. TRS MLA T Harish Rao was also arrested at the Necklace Road on his way to OU campus. Protesting against these arrests, about 100 students gathered near Arts College. Anticipating trouble, the police shut the entrance to the campus on the Vidyanagar side.

Bandh cripples life in ten Telangana districts - southindia - Andhra Pradesh - ibnlive
No America and France are natural entities while India is entirely artificial.

LOL why it is soooooooooo hard for some people to believe that different set of people can live and grow together i.e. India? somebody probably needs a lesson or two in tolerance and respect for the fellow beings ;)
Most of India will also disappear under the sea so I am not sure what you are laughing about. Probably would be a good thing if India disappears. It is a pest and a nuisance.

Well he's laughing about who's gonna go first, 'pest and a nuisance' go and look up the dictionary for the meanings of the said words and then try and use some grey matter or better do some reading, I know I'm asking a lot but hey I am an optimistic fellow ;)
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