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The betrayal of Pakistan's rulers must be opposed

1 ummah

Feb 16, 2011
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On May 27th 2011, America's warmongering secretary of state Clinton warned Pakistan in unequivocal terms that Pakistan had to harden its offensive against militants that threaten US troops in neighbouring Afghanistan "in the days ahead". Earlier, the US emissary of war senator Kerry delivered the following remarks. He said, "The road ahead will not be defined by words. It will be defined by actions." To underscore America's nefarious intentions, both Kerry's arrival and departure were accompanied by vicious drone strikes. America's crusading President went further than his subordinates and stated unambiguously that he would categorically undermine Pakistan's sovereignty and order future raids in the country. Such is the venom and enmity of America towards Pakistan that it beggars belief how Pakistan's military and civil leadership continue to bow before America and her crusade to destroy Islam.

This should not come as any surprise, as the events over the past few weeks have revealed a new level complicity between America and the Pakistani leadership—especially the military leadership— not witnessed before. The litany of treachery is not limited to America's raid in Abbotabad, which was not only in the full knowledge of the army brass but the army provided ground assistance hours before the attack, as mentioned by the residents of Abbotabad.

Musharaf the grand architect of the betrayal gave the American's secret permission to punitive conduct raids inside Pakistan way back in 2001.
Kayani, Musharraf's protégé has faithfully honored this pact to the letter, and will continue to serve his American masters in the future. Kayani's treachery has become even more apparent, after it was unveiled through several reports that he secretly supported more drone strikes. The betrayal of civilian leadership is of similar magnitude and needs no elaboration—even a blind person can see the depth of their treachery.

O Muslims of Pakistan!

So the reason that both the civil and military leaders do not openly profess their loyalty to America is that they are afraid of you and your power. Their hypocrisy and enmity towards you has reached new heights. They see no shame in siding with the American crusader and extending all forms of assistance to the American war machine. Whenever, their deceit becomes public they rush to criticize America with velvet gloves, whilst in private they support her in every whim and take turns to make a mockery of your sons and daughters who have been slaughtered by American drones and operatives. Their behavior is described by Allah سبحانه وتعالى in the following words:

"And when they meet those who believe, they say: "We believe," but when they are alone with their shayatin, they say: "Truly, we are with you; verily, we were only mockers. Allah mocks at them and gives them increase in their wrong-doings to wander blindly. These are they who have purchased error for guidance, so their commerce was profitless. And they were not guided
." [Al-Baqara, 2:14-16]

It is your duty to fully oppose the Pakistani leadership's acceptance of a removal of a handful of US troops from Pakistan soil. Rather you should intensify your efforts and press the Pakistani military which is the real ruler of Pakistan to undertake the following actions:

1- Completely sever diplomatic ties with the governments of America and Britain. Seal their embassies and expel their diplomatic and non-diplomatic staff. If backwater states like Bolivia and Venezuela can drive out US ambassadors for interference in their domestic affairs, then it should be much easier for a nuclear power like Pakistan to do likewise.

2- Withdraw all types of military assistance to the American crusaders. Deny them access to Pakistani military bases, airspace and waterways. Additionally, banish US military and intelligence personnel from Pakistani soil and cease intelligence cooperation with them. Cut all supply lines to NATO and the American war machine. Where appropriate seize their military assets and defend Pakistan's frontiers with your airplanes, tanks and missiles.

3- Leave the door open for the sincere Muslims of FATA and Baluchistan to swell your ranks, as you move to remove the imperialist border that divides the Muslims and thereby unify Afghanistan and Pakistan into a single entity. This will suffocate the crusader armies and make it extremely difficult for them to pursue their war against Islam.

4- Deploy nuclear weapons all over Pakistan and warn the crusaders and their allies of a stern response should they persist in their violation of Pakistan's territorial integrity. This maneuver will not weaken Pakistan. On the contrary it will bolster the country's ability to effectively counter regional and international threats. If a small nuclear country like North Korea's can spurn US advances, then Pakistan, a far stronger nuclear power with the seventh largest army in the world, is in a far better position to accomplish much more.

5- Extend all forms of cooperation to the Kashmiri Muslims. This will keep the Hindu forces pre-occupied and erode India's involvement in Afghanistan. Remember, the superiority of the Pakistani army in Kargil was attained with the assistance of your Kashmiri brothers. The memory of which still haunts the cowardly Hindus.

Last but not least, you must redouble your efforts together with the people of power to re-establish the Khilafah Rashida Only the Khilafah state can vanquish the crusader forces from our lands.

"O you who believe! answer (the call of) Allah and His Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life; and know that Allah intervenes between man and his heart, and that to Him you shall be gathered."
[Anfaal, 8:24]
But who is going to call a spade a spade? Anyone worth mentioning?
Pakistanis are equally responsible for where we are at today , if this nation would have stood up to the injustices in our society yesterday (for eg minority rights or any thing considered civll ) this wont have happened today, Time for us to get our ACT together and be pakistanis first . All we got to do is next elections get out in full force , its us who have the power to VOTE any mistakes will cost us another5 years of misery ! The process has to be repeated again and again over several years & that is the only solution. There is no khalifa or army wala to going to help all of them are self centred people serving institutional or personal agendas!
Leave the door open for the sincere Muslims of FATA and Baluchistan to swell your ranks, as you move to remove the imperialist border that divides the Muslims and thereby unify Afghanistan and Pakistan into a single entity. This will suffocate the crusader armies and make it extremely difficult for them to pursue their war against Islam.

did anyone catch this seriously are you fu ckin insane what is this dumbass obsession pakistanis have with joining afghanistan ??? it's like saying let's merge with somalia ! pakistan right now a basketcase and you wanna join a country thats an even bigger basketcase ? most afghans have no desire to be part of pakistan we can't take care of 185 million pakistanis let alone afghanistan's people too.Pakistanis are the most retarded people on the planet no wonder we are the laughing stock of the world we are the only people in the world so stupid as to think a part solution our problems will be solved by joining a country that not only hates us with a passion but is an even poorer and a bigger failure than we are ! :hitwall:
I bet non-pakistanis are reading this and laughing their assess of at how stupid we are.
5- Extend all forms of cooperation to the Kashmiri Muslims. This will keep the Hindu forces pre-occupied and erode India's involvement in Afghanistan. Remember, the superiority of the Pakistani army in Kargil was attained with the assistance of your Kashmiri brothers. The memory of which still haunts the cowardly Hindus.

Well, it was Pakistan whose sovereignty was violated and GOP/PA did nothing about it, and then you call Hindus cowardly? Funny way of making yourself feel better. Do you feel the same about Hindus in Pakistan too?

May God give you peace and remove the bigot in you.
Well listen to Hizb-ut-Tahrir which is nothing but a khariji group hellbent on distorting Islam and see how far you go.

However, do remember that Kashmiris don't want any of your militant help. Especially when they kill more Kashmiris than Indian troopers. Listen to what even the separatists say and you will realize how sick and tired they are of all the Fasadi tanzeems that have been created for Kashmir and now devour Pakistan.

Not to mention the hypocrisy of the Hizb leaders is such that they themselves are active only in the west while they are banned in almost every Muslim country including Pakistan. With my conspiracy hat on, it looks like Hizb seems very much like a western backed organisation to cause chaos in the muslim world. And the hypocrite ayat mentioned applies to them the most.
did anyone catch this seriously are you fu ckin insane what is this dumbass obsession pakistanis have with joining afghanistan ??? it's like saying let's merge with somalia ! pakistan right now a basketcase and you wanna join a country thats an even bigger basketcase ? most afghans have no desire to be part of pakistan we can't take care of 185 million pakistanis let alone afghanistan's people too.Pakistanis are the most retarded people on the planet no wonder we are the laughing stock of the world we are the only people in the world so stupid as to think a part solution our problems will be solved by joining a country that not only hates us with a passion but is an even poorer and a bigger failure than we are ! :hitwall:
I bet non-pakistanis are reading this and laughing their assess of at how stupid we are.

You have just won the bet.

There must be a simpler way to completely destroy a 60 + year old nation than those listed in post 1 above.

Pak needs to press the re set button & format its hard disc by removing the bad sectors.

Steps suggested in post 1 amount to accelerating on a down slope in a vehicle with no brakes.
Pakistanis are equally responsible for where we are at today , if this nation would have stood up to the injustices in our society yesterday (for eg minority rights or any thing considered civll ) this wont have happened today, Time for us to get our ACT together and be pakistanis first . All we got to do is next elections get out in full force , its us who have the power to VOTE any mistakes will cost us another5 years of misery ! The process has to be repeated again and again over several years & that is the only solution. There is no khalifa or army wala to going to help all of them are self centred people serving institutional or personal agendas!

O WOW!! try for another century bro! u believe u selct ur presidents?! funny! no ruler is dependent upon ur votes in this system but america's will....

who voted fpr zardari?? did u??
did anyone catch this seriously are you fu ckin insane what is this dumbass obsession pakistanis have with joining afghanistan ??? it's like saying let's merge with somalia ! pakistan right now a basketcase and you wanna join a country thats an even bigger basketcase ? most afghans have no desire to be part of pakistan we can't take care of 185 million pakistanis let alone afghanistan's people too.Pakistanis are the most retarded people on the planet no wonder we are the laughing stock of the world we are the only people in the world so stupid as to think a part solution our problems will be solved by joining a country that not only hates us with a passion but is an even poorer and a bigger failure than we are ! :hitwall:
I bet non-pakistanis are reading this and laughing their assess of at how stupid we are.

yes afghans ight not b interested to b part of this american coloni my dear brother!! but INSHALLAH THEY WILL WELCOME KHILAFAH N BECOME PART OF IT....n all muslim lands will become one islamic state soon...here afghan is mentioned only as its neighbour!!
Well listen to Hizb-ut-Tahrir which is nothing but a khariji group hellbent on distorting Islam and see how far you go.

However, do remember that Kashmiris don't want any of your militant help. Especially when they kill more Kashmiris than Indian troopers. Listen to what even the separatists say and you will realize how sick and tired they are of all the Fasadi tanzeems that have been created for Kashmir and now devour Pakistan.

Not to mention the hypocrisy of the Hizb leaders is such that they themselves are active only in the west while they are banned in almost every Muslim country including Pakistan. With my conspiracy hat on, it looks like Hizb seems very much like a western backed organisation to cause chaos in the muslim world. And the hypocrite ayat mentioned applies to them the most.

hahaha thanks for ur concpiracy !! n u know a funny statement u made..hypocrisy of the Hizb leaders is such that they themselves are active only in the west while they are banned in almost every Muslim country including Pakistan...IS IT HIZB'S HYPRCRACY OR MUSLIm'S RULERS WHO BANNED US WITHOUT NE PROVE...JUST PLEASING THEIR AQQA!! N Y H.T IS NOT BAN IN west...a) they dont want dirt on their cloths,
b)most prob there r less chances for west to rise for khilafah so h.t is ban for muslimss... hope u understand who is hypocrate....those who arrest,torture n murder hizbis or hizbis.sincere courageous,sincere muslims????
@1 ummah

Did I excite you with my conspiracy theory?

I used the same logic that Hizb-ut-Tahrir uses all the time. Namely anyone close to the west is a traitor and a hypocrite. So logically HT which is allowed to function in "enemy states" like the UK, US e.t.c. and create chaos in muslim countries must surely be a tool of the "zionists" and "crusaders".

Because if HT was really honestly working for creating a "caliphate" then certainly the west would realise this and do their utmost to prevent them from doing so. After all, arn't they preventing the Taliban to establish an "Islamic state" in Afghanistan?


P.S. I hope you realize that I am not arguing this but helping your realize how hollow HT arguments are and how loony their followers can be.
i gave a very valid rezn y H.T is not ban in west...
i know hizb brother trust me!!
n is it taliban or alqaeda who caused chaos n harm to islam n muslim lands or is it H.T????
H.T follows sunnah and accordingly we have to re establish islamic state b4 Jihad n all other actions which are stat's responsibility...,u can c wat hapns other wise..if they wud have est strong n stable state first west wud not have been able to propagate islamophobia

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