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There is a big difference between giving somebody asylum and letting him set up training camps.

Brother im frm baluchistan and i know whats happenin........ These bastards are gettin $$ frm ur pal indians and shelter frm karzai........ They dont have any place to train and get arms in Pakistan........Everybdy in quetta knows tht.

Karzai in the links you provided clearly stated he was not interested in keeping them, they were allowed since they asked for asylum. He avoided cont
act with Bugti for the sake of good relations with Pakistan, perhaps you should read the whole thing not what benifits the position you hold.

He couldnt protect bugti coz he was a big target and due to his important character in tht episode.

(I wish he wouldnt have been killed).

Do you want me to send you the links of terrorists getting training in NW and then conducting terrorist attacks in Kabul?

Are u so naive tht u think terrorists dont have training camps in afghanistan? Hell taliban is a org tht was born in kandahar and as of right now they have shadow governors all over afghanistan.

We also know how NATO and ANA abandons its posts during an operation on our side to let important talib leaders to escape...I.e=Fazlullah,hakeem ullal etc.

Just over a week ago around 600-1000 talibastards attacked an FC post on Pak-Afgh border ........And guess what? they came frm afghan side!!

Fromt the start till the end! The Afghan gov has asked for proofs of us supporting BLA, which your gov hasnt provided while you can find proofs to our claims even on internet!

Its not a god damn secret when arrested BLA dogs bark abt being sheltered in an indian embassy and gettin training inside afghanistan??? and the truck loads of weapons and med equipment of indian origin seized coming frm afghanistan?

By turning a blind eye towards indian activities and sheltering BLA leadership .... ur not helping us are u?
Amazing, if we go by your logic, then it's perfectly fine for Pakistan to provide refuge to all senior Taliban and Al Qaeda members.

You should not complain about any foreign interference or support then because according to our POV, we had to give them asylum under Nanawate.

Thank God, some of us have been able to shed these medieval practices and customs.

Nanawatai, what a joke?

I have no issues with you keeping the zoo animals with you! as long as they are not active,creating trouble for us and are on a leash.
As far as the custom is concerned i think its an equivalent of the modern political asylum which has been practiced by Pashtuns and Baloch people for thousands of years, i don't see what is so negative that you find about it?Perhaps you should read more about it...
you are giving asylum tp the terrorist and now making excuses that its a pashtun thing, what nonsense buddy???

bramdagh is a terrorist according to pakistan
Do you know anything about Political Asylum? It happens all over the world.It has recently happend in Brazil where an Italian ex-left wing activist has been branded as a terrorist by the Italians and are demanding his return while Brazil has simply denied it since he has political asylum! Political Asylum given to him for a short period of time by Karzai is what you claim to be the evidence for Karzai's supposed support of BLA which is absloutely not the case, perhaps you should raise the issue with switzerland now regarding him and see what answer you get.
Was is it the right thing? From the afghan POV karzai had to give him asylum under Nanawatai, you being a pashtun yourself perhaps understand that.under international law karzai only provided him political asylum for a short period of time which he is enjoying in switzerland now not any support or safe havens.If Karzai had other plans he could have easily accepted what Bugti was asking him, provided him safe haven in Afghanistan and created hell for Pakistan in Balochistan.This cable is a good proof that Karzai is in no mood to stir up terrorism in other countries, he has enough on his plate.

because of the fact that too many people have abused Pakhtun culture of hospitality (even to enemies) i am ''revisiting'' some aspects of it and losing faith in some of them

i dont believe in harboring anybody who poses a risk to my country -- forget village. And I blame terrorists for the reason why i am FORCED to revisit this sub-cultural policy
Fair enough if Pak government asks for 'terrorists to be handed over to them and fair enough if the asylum seeker keeps troubling Pak regions because of which his surrender is compulsory. No country should be giving refuge to terrorists, BUT if the 'alleged terrorist' isn't practising any terror and in fact leaves the entire continent, then doesn't that mean that along with his departure from the region even his capability of interference vanishes? If Pak government, Iranian government, or whatever government gives refuge to Afghan terrorists (IF they do) then as long as those terrorists indeed seek asylum only and create no more trouble in Afghanistan, then there is no need for them to be handed over to the Afghan government.
Listen dude the guy is a terrorist(Black listed by UN)...... If u can give him asylum than what if we give nanawatai (pashtunwali isnt being practised in afghanistan anyways) how will u feel? u are protecting our enemy who is using ur land and indian money to use against our people!

Lets forget Pashtunwali if its creating the confusion here, Pashtunwali is not the formal law of the country but it is what Pashtuns and Balochs practice.
Karzai gave him political asylum, he was given protection NOT support, is it too difficult to understand? What do you think is stopping your foreign office from raising the issue with Switzerland now?
Do you know anything about Political Asylum? It happens all over the world.It has recently happend in Brazil where an Italian ex-left wing activist has been branded as a terrorist by the Italians and are demanding his return while Brazil has simply denied it since he has political asylum! Political Asylum given to him for a short period of time by Karzai is what you claim to be the evidence for Karzai's supposed support of BLA which is absloutely not the case, perhaps you should raise the issue with switzerland now regarding him and see what answer you get.

Political asylum to a politician is different than a terrorist........The example u gave is useless and not viable.......... brahamdog is a UN black listed terrorist accused of a number of murders,kidnapping,anti state activities,hate crimes and watnot!
I have no issues with you keeping the zoo animals with you! as long as they are not active,creating trouble for us and are on a leash.
As far as the custom is concerned i think its an equivalent of the modern political asylum which has been practiced by Pashtuns and Baloch people for thousands of years, i don't see what is so negative that you find about it?Perhaps you should read more about it...

These Zoo animals should be ten feet under, I have no association with them, neither do I want them in this country.

As for these customs, they are a product of a bygone are and they do not belong in the modern era, morality should be a better guide.

I belong to the same ethnicity partially but I do not believe in such customs which have been used for other reasons in todays world.
Was is it the right thing? From the afghan POV karzai had to give him asylum under Nanawatai, you being a pashtun yourself perhaps understand that.under international law karzai only provided him political asylum for a short period of time which he is enjoying in switzerland now not any support or safe havens.If Karzai had other plans he could have easily accepted what Bugti was asking him, provided him safe haven in Afghanistan and created hell for Pakistan in Balochistan.This cable is a good proof that Karzai is in no mood to stir up terrorism in other countries, he has enough on his plate.

So it seems that it’s easy for any outlaw/murderer/ terrorist/robber to get this type of asylum in afghanistan , Osama bin Laden was also given this type of 'political asylum' based on Nanawatai ( or whatever ) , isn’t it ?
Lets forget Pashtunwali if its creating the confusion here, Pashtunwali is not the formal law of the country but it is what Pashtuns and Balochs practice.
Karzai gave him political asylum, he was given protection NOT support, is it too difficult to understand? What do you think is stopping your foreign office from raising the issue with Switzerland now?

You talk of pashtunwali yet in pashtunwali u dnt lie and openly admit of keeping the person whose in ur protection...... U guys urself dont honour pashtunwali............

And yes indians are helpin BLA under the nose of afghan govt which is shelterin them and giving an open hand to the indians.

Abt brahamdog goin to switzerland:
Brahamdagh may not get asylum in Switzerland | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Political asylum to a politician is different than a terrorist........The example u gave is useless and not viable.......... brahamdog is a UN black listed terrorist accused of a number of murders,kidnapping,anti state activities,hate crimes and watnot!

Brazil holds runaway Italian terrorist of 1970s | World news | The Guardian
There are hundreds of other cases where political asylum has been given to people which are branded as terrorists by their enemy. The discussion started because your fellow countrymen explicitly accuse us of supporting the BLA which has been soundly refuted with evidence YOU provided in the form of wikileak cables.
Its all in the past, the guy has already moved to Switzerland so perhaps you should be discussing this now with the swiss gov not us.Afghan gov has no appetite of supporting insurgents in other countries we already have enough to take care of.
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