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Hatf-IX - Tactical Multi-Tube Ballistic Missile

@ fatman

wouldn't a 60 km range be very very small...hell it is almost within artillery range!! & this MLRS system can be easily be neutralized by indian Ballistic missile defence???
Also, is it possible for India to locate this system with fire finding radars ?

@ fatman

wouldn't a 60 km range be very very small...hell it is almost within artillery range!! & this MLRS system can be easily be neutralized by indian Ballistic missile defence???

For God's sake yaar. All your points have been discussed and answered in previous pages. Read the posts of Taimi Khan, Nabil for the answers. This is a BM, a quasi BM not a rocket. Not just a simple MRL. Please stop comparing it with Smerch or A-100 or Pinaka.

Also, is it possible for India to locate this system with fire finding radars ?

No because we dont have WLRs of that range nor do I think Ballistic missile launchers can be detected. Because all WLRs are mentioned only for artillery and Rocket fire. I maybe wrong though.

Actually this WLR system works only for Projectiles falling under gravity it seems;

When locating enemy artillery, the radar tracks the up-going trajectory of shells, calculates their points of origin and impact and, with other information, displays it to the radar operator(s).

No because we dont have WLRs of that range nor do I think Ballistic missile launchers can be detected. Because all WLRs are mentioned only for artillery and Rocket fire. I maybe wrong though.

Since Nasr is tube fired, I think Indian Greenpine will have some business for them.
Also, is it possible for India to locate this system with fire finding radars ?

Did you see that it was guided and changed trajectory extremely rapidly besides being mobile and extremely short reaction time (speed/range)? It is not a artillery shell Markus. What is next? We paint a bulls eye on the launcher?
Foxhound, i understand your frustration. Now stick to topic please.

sorry I did not realise that i was 'frustrated', apologies for thinking that i was taking the topic off the subject. i was giving the rationality behind the new missile tests and the lessons of that test to potential adversaries (definetly India in this cases as per its wrong cold start doctrine but also to other powers, such as NATO or western forces). i usually like to give different views from open source intelligence material available, i like to take information from various sources so that a fairer picture could be built up - hence every media channel will be bias to a certain degree. Alhamdulillah its a great test for Pakistan (especially in its current state) and sends a strong message to any adversary.

I also will take notes on highlighting certain posts, really to emphasis and to enable readers to either jump to the main part that i considered if it is a lengthy article - i will reduce the emphasis and size of the articles.
Did you see that it was guided and changed trajectory extremely rapidly besides being mobile and extremely short reaction time (speed/range)? It is not a artillery shell Markus. What is next? We paint a bulls eye on the launcher?

Yes, I know.

Since Nasr is a completely new system, I wanted to check its limitations and ways for India to put it in check.
Since Nasr is tube fired, I think Indian Greenpine will have some business for them.

I dont understand how ? :blink:

As said these WLR's can only predict the point of Launch by following the trajectory of Shells/Rockets/Mortars.

BTW Swordfish is useful only for Ballistic missiles which re-enterAtmosphere after travelling though space and this missile they say does not do that. !
I dont understand how ? :blink:

As said these WLR's can only predict the point of Launch by following the trajectory of Shells/Rockets/Mortars.

BTW Swordfish is useful only for Ballistic missiles which re-enterAtmosphere after travelling though space and this missile they say does not do that. !

Yeah may be.

I am not sure, I am just checking if any our existing systems can be used against it.
Pakistan’s Nuclear tipped Hatf-IX sends India’s ‘Cold Start’ exercises scrambling for cover

Posted on 20 April 2011.

What a funny article. Does the author know that by nuclear tipping the missile (how-ever Short range it might be or whatever terminology they put on it like Battle field nukes) they invite Indian second strike that will be dis-proportionate ?

Yeah may be.

I am not sure, I am just checking if any our existing systems can be used against it.

I don't think so. Hope our scientists prove me wrong soon.:confused:
Cold Start was non-starter from day 1 and NASR is the last nail in what was left of Cold Sart. Cold Start was nothing but 70 year old Blitzkrieg strategy but in the times of nukes and missiles. It never made any sense. The message is clear from Pakistan that any conventional thrust by India will cross the nuclear threshold. If they want to play Chicken with that they are welcome.

Foxhound and all the other Indians on this forum can post all their wet dreams about Cold Start but thier own Generals know its not worth the paper its written on. Infact the posts by Foxhound above is a clear sign of frustration by Indians. They spend Billions of dollars importing Russians tanks to create their strike Corps and one missile test by Pakistan of battlefield nuke spoils the party. Pathetic!

Lol, its funny that when you try to give different perspectives or mention an article from the 'other side' then it must show that I must be an 'Indian'....lol far far from the truth. I am sorry if I indicated that i was 'frustrated' - i was trying to give some rationality into the new missile tests and how it could affect the doctrine of others. its good to give a comparisons - the regular Indian exercises on Pakistans borders and the wrong cold start doctrine was one way of Pakistan demonstrating that the cold start doctrine is a failure.
I hope that these weapons are never exercised in real as it would indicate that DETERRENCE has failed - resulting in catastrophic destruction in this region and also the potential effects of this globally. Pakistan and India will eventually have a TRIAD of delivery systems - until they will reach the Mutual assured destruction (MAD doctrine) phase. they will then need to reduce the threat to each other by having talks on reducing and minimising the impact of a nuclear conflict, by have things like the START Tready (Strategic Arms reduction treaty - reductions of WMDs etc).
You need to read the posts properly and then see if i was frustrated.....a tip - take information from various sources and that will give you an indication of how credible the information you have. do not fear to quote from many sources, this is how you build a better picture of the situation. I try to bring different info from various sources to see how the 'bigger' picture fits.

My info indicates that this test was a message not only to the Indians but to NATO and US forces in the region - any that harbours ill designs of dismantling Pakistans WMDs would fail and meet a serious response. Think out of the box, - currently the zionists are the greatest threats for peace around the world (especially in muslim countries). I would not be surprised if NATO/US forces fail and the neo-cons then encourage Pakistans neighbours to cause tensions resulting in a nuclear exchange -if the western forces are not able to reign in Pakistan maybe they can get others to do it, but knowing well that it will be destructions for both sides (but western forces will just see it as the 'brown' boys destroying each other, hence no worry because it will be like killing to birds with one stone).
What a funny article. Does the author know that by nuclear tipping the missile (how-ever Short range it might be or whatever terminology they put on it like Battle field nukes) they invite Indian second strike that will be dis-proportionate ?

Ya sure... the article is funny enough..... But less then the idea of attacking(cold start) a nuclear armed nation... did the military strategist ever realized the fact... that such a misadventure... could turn into a full scale nuclear war... and the limited advantage that your country believes to enjoy... might not be actually there...

So stop this nonsense right now... wake up...smell some coffee...... you guys are grossly mistaken.... attacking Pakistan... and expecting it to play by your rules.....purely a sign of delusion......

And as far the dis-proportionate use of nuclear arsenal.... time will tell ... who holds the horses....and for how long..... My take... dust to dust...ashes to ashes.

You guys playing with fire and expecting not get burnt....

Moral of the story..... gone are the days ..... when India thought it can attack Pakistan.... at its will...... in fact there wasn't any such times in our brief history..... we never provided you this luxury.... specially post 1998.... it has been proved several times.... and i need not to re-open this debate.... You guys are well aware of it...... So stop justifying your dreams to attack and paralyze us...... without getting a noticeable response..... we are very clear about over sovereignty visa-vis India...... You need to get clear as well.

lolzz.......the very mention of cold start sends down the shivers in somebody's spine.

Nobody wants to consider the fact that Indian govt has itself stated that no such thing as cold start exists with the Indian miliatry.

Why keep harping abt something when it does not exist at all?
lolzz.......the very mention of cold start sends down the shivers in somebody's spine.

Nobody wants to consider the fact that Indian govt has itself stated that no such thing as cold start exists with the Indian miliatry.

Why keep harping abt something when it does not exist at all?

Sending shivers down somebody's spine???? ...... well not the case at all..... but definitely an aggressive design.... which should be watched out for.... those who think otherwise..... must be living in fools paradise... and we don't want being there.... we as usual would take the safe side.... prepare ourselves for the eventualities..... Thats what the logic says too..... you don't wanna get caught sleeping.....

Doesn't matter if it exists or not... or some one excepts it or not..... but what is important to us ....that now a definite counter exists..... Precaution is better then cure!!


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