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India fifth most powerful nation: National Security Index

I think too many people are significantly underestimating US power. Their power projection is second to none. My lecturer once told us that the US has the military power to invade ANY country on earth (although follow-through is their weakness) and their combined tonnage of navy ships is equal to the next 10 largest navies IN THE WORLD. I know India and China have plans to build ACC but right now the USN operates 11 ACC (more than half of the world's ENTIRE ACC fleet) and let's not forget these are not just any old ACCs they are SUPERCARRIERS - 100,000 tonnes each operating 100+ state of the art planes. Easily triumphing the 40,000/65,000 ACC India and China are planning to sail. They also operate 22 B-2 stealth bombers that can target anywhere in the world and cost $2.2 BILLION EACH! AND the second largest air operator after the USAF is the USN!! I mean I could go on and on.

The US's unparrelled, overwhelming technology ( that is constantly evolving) and quantity superiority over anyone means that they are going to be top dog for the foreseeable future and their tenaciousness means they will not go down without a fight.
India has a large professional workforce, many of whom speaks English, still the lingua franca of the business world. India bills itself as having a tech savvy workforce and therefore attracts a great deal of foreign direct investment from American companies looking to outsource tech support and call center jobs

China is heavily into manufacturing and industry. Chinese goods have flooded the global markets. Chinese factories are everywhere, and unfortunately for China, the nation has been in a position a few times where they have overproduced and factories have gone unused and dormant.

Still, China remains the global hot spot for foreign direct investment, and the nation has several untapped markets within itself, meaning that in the event of a global economic slowdown China will still have markets for her goods. China has had no problems with economic slowdown, however, with an economty that continues its long march upward.

The United States, the empire currently waning, is most scarred of China's growing hegemony and economic progress
I think too many people are significantly underestimating US power. Their power projection is second to none. My lecturer once told us that the US has the military power to invade ANY country on earth (although follow-through is their weakness) and their combined tonnage of navy ships is equal to the next 10 largest navies IN THE WORLD. I know India and China have plans to build ACC but right now the USN operates 11 ACC (more than half of the world's ENTIRE ACC fleet) and let's not forget these are not just any old ACCs they are SUPERCARRIERS - 100,000 tonnes each operating 100+ state of the art planes. Easily triumphing the 40,000/65,000 ACC India and China are planning to sail. They also operate 22 B-2 stealth bombers that can target anywhere in the world and cost $2.2 BILLION EACH! AND the second largest air operator after the USAF is the USN!! I mean I could go on and on.

The US's unparrelled, overwhelming technology ( that is constantly evolving) and quantity superiority over anyone means that they are going to be top dog for the foreseeable future and their tenaciousness means they will not go down without a fight.

US has no doubt far greater projecting power than the rest of nations with their top notch navy and air force, but invading other major nations isn't an easy task either.

Defending yourself at your own backyard is much easier than attacking. Obviously your lecturer was quite ignorant by believing US can flawlessly beat all the nations combined without getting itself badly scratched.
okey here is mine its only my thinking
1 usa (they are miles ahead of every one)
2 russia(the russian bear is still holding on it sill has large no nukes some more investment they can bring back alot of thing back to live)
3 china (largest land army increasing naval power very fine airforce with 5 jen jets coming )
4 france (they have a very modern force the best domestic defence industry )
5 india (large land force combat experience modernization programs going on)
6 uk (a good army with some of the best equipments such as tanks etc good airforce with ef and 5 gen fighters to come )
7 japan (they have good quality army but hey you need mens to use them )
US has no doubt far greater projecting power than the rest of nations with their top notch navy and air force, but invading other major nations isn't an easy task either.

Defending yourself at your own backyard is much easier than attacking. Obviously your lecturer was quite ignorant by believing US can flawlessly beat all the nations combined without getting itself badly scratched.
Actually I did stipulate that maybe it wasn't clear enough ie my follow on point in brackets. Yes it can invade any nation but actually occupying and after work is not their strong point and something they would find challenging. He was actually referring to facts ie US armed forces could overpower any other armed forces in the world.
Actually I did stipulate that maybe it wasn't clear enough ie my follow on point in brackets. Yes it can invade any nation but actually occupying and after work is not their strong point and something they would find challenging. He was actually referring to facts ie US armed forces could overpower any other armed forces in the world.

Are they going to overpower PLA in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? Of course.

Are they going to overpower PLA in its own backyard? Nope, PLA's medium ranged ballistic missiles would immediately take out their Asia-Pacific military bases before they can even fly their aircrafts.
Are they going to overpower PLA in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? Of course.

Are they going to overpower PLA in its own backyard? Nope, PLA's medium ranged ballistic missiles would immediately take out their Asia-Pacific military bases before they can even fly their aircrafts.

Okay let's just agree to disagree. + let's just be honest neither side is stupid enough to get into that situation with one another anyway so this is all very futile.
And i also endorse completely what Hilary Clinton mentioned about India-One leg in the global actor camp and one in the NAM camp,by mentioning that NAM is outdated i dont meant that India should support a unipolar world and should side with the American camp,I mean India should be more assertive when came to international affair's and its own global policies, every time India follows a silence in every issue,it is completely reluctant to make its stand in most issue's, come on is not India the nation which is vying hard for UNSC,is India going to follow the same stance if it make it into the UNSC.

When did Indian views been taken seriously in the international arena.
India still has to develop its intellegencia to articulate its views and express them boldly.They always wait to formulate a opinion based on concensus.
Take Tibet for example, we do not take a stance. We toe the line of least resistance. If we are for Tibetan peoples rights then we should express that.
better not to give much sight into these type of d**k measuring contests. A country is only powerful when it can safeguard itself, its interest, its people, its resources within & across its boundaries. I think only US of A .. in one such. Remaining all countries are just trying to be there. France, UK, Germany, Japan like countries were there earlier, but now they have to side with US or no one will notice them, they can only project in 2nd & 3rd world countries. China, Russia & India are all working hard to be there, and they will there one day.
Actually I did stipulate that maybe it wasn't clear enough ie my follow on point in brackets. Yes it can invade any nation but actually occupying and after work is not their strong point and something they would find challenging. He was actually referring to facts ie US armed forces could overpower any other armed forces in the world.

If we were fighting in the middle of the Pacific or isolated in the middle of the desert, yes.

But we're not. It's not the USAF against the PLAAF. It's the USAF and USN that can GET HERE vs. the entire PLAAF+PLAN+2nd artillery. We won't be standing still. We'll be bombing US bases in Guam, Okinawa and South Korea, sinking stray US ships with ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and subs, dumping USD, sanctioning the US and inflicting hyperinflation, etc. The US cannot militarily defeat China, that is, to force the government to surrender without being nuked.
If we were fighting in the middle of the Pacific or isolated in the middle of the desert, yes.

But we're not. It's not the USAF against the PLAAF. It's the USAF and USN that can GET HERE vs. the entire PLAAF+PLAN+2nd artillery. We won't be standing still. We'll be bombing US bases in Guam, Okinawa and South Korea, sinking stray US ships with ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and subs, dumping USD, sanctioning the US and inflicting hyperinflation, etc. The US cannot militarily defeat China, that is, to force the government to surrender without being nuked.

We already managed to push the USA and 16 of her allies out of North Korea, during the 1950 Korean war.

If we could already do it in 1950, despite how weak we were back then... we can do it again today.

But the USA is not going to conduct a land-invasion against another nuclear power anyway. So there isn't much to worry about.

The USA may have the most powerful army on Earth, but that didn't give them victory in the Vietnam war, or the Korean war. The defender has a huge advantage, especially when fighting in their own backyard.
If we were fighting in the middle of the Pacific or isolated in the middle of the desert, yes.

But we're not. It's not the USAF against the PLAAF. It's the USAF and USN that can GET HERE vs. the entire PLAAF+PLAN+2nd artillery. We won't be standing still. We'll be bombing US bases in Guam, Okinawa and South Korea, sinking stray US ships with ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and subs, dumping USD, sanctioning the US and inflicting hyperinflation, etc. The US cannot militarily defeat China, that is, to force the government to surrender without being nuked.

US can defeat any nation militarily ... occupying is certainly different thing ...

no nation in this world including USA has defense against ... F-22 and B-2 ... these guys will keep on bombing each n every stationary Base.. asset of any country until the nation is totally made to crumble against US might ... US nuke submarines are equally dangerous ... they will keep on bombing each n every single militarily installation under its range with tomahawks ... n its game over ,, no defense against STEALTH ...
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