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Lawyers start long march !


Mar 20, 2006
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Lawyers start long march
By SAJID ZIA AND MUNAWAR ALAM submitted 1 hour 53 minutes ago
LAHORE/KARACHI - Lawyers Monday kicked off their historic four-day Adlya Bahali (restoration of judiciary) long march from Karachi and Quetta to Islamabad to press restoration of November 2 judiciary which was overthrown by Army Chief General Pervez Musharraf through a PCO on November 3, last.

Legal fraternity, on the move for independence of judiciary since March 9 last year, is taking to their 15-month old struggle to a climate by converging from all over the country on June 12 on Parade Square, Islamabad, (near the Parliament House) where its leadership will decide what to do next to materialise their demand for reinstatement of the deposed judges, as well as removal of General Pervez Musharraf as president.

"We are committed to the independence of judiciary and God willing, we will not disappoint the nation," President Supreme Court Bar Association Barrister Aitzaz Ahsan told a press conference in the context what would be their programme in Islamabad on June 12. Without disclosing anything about lawyers' line of action at the Parade Square on June 12, let there remain some secret about it and added, lawyers would not disappoint the nation.

Dozens of cars, buses, led by Sindh High Court Bar President, Justice (r) Rashid A Rizvi, President Karachi Bar Association, Mahmoodul Hassan, Justice (r) Fakharruddin G Ebrahim, Justice (r) Wajihuddin Ahmad and Member SBC, Muzaffar Laghari, hundreds of Karachi lawyers left for Sukkur on Monday morning in the first phase of their march. Besides deposed Chief Justice SHC Justice Sabihuddin Ahmad, a large number of people, civil society representatives, traders and professionals bade farewell to the caravan amid loud slogans for the independence of judiciary and rule of law. At a distance, lawyers of Malir Bar Association also joined the caravan which reached Mazar-e-Quaid and offered fateha. A large number of cars and buses joined the caravan on the way which proceeded to Super Highway through Sohrab Goth amid slogans of the lawyers. A tremendous public enthusiasm was observed on the occasion. A number of lawyers were also carrying banners and placards.

The Karachi lawyers reached Hyderabad where Imdad Ali Awan, President of the Bar, among others received them. A number of lawyers from Hyderabad also joined the caravan which proceeded to Sukkur where it will spend night and move ahead to Multan in the morning on June 10. Deposed judges of the Sindh are also accompanying the caravans.

The Quetta lawyers would join the Karachi lawyers in Sukkur from where they would leave for Multan in the morning on June 10 (today) when the Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhary has to address All Pakistan Lawyers Convention at the Multan Bar Association in the evening. Lawyers, and the people from Rahim Yar Khan, Bahawalpur, Lodhran, and other districts would also reach Multan today where Justice Chaudhry would receive them.

After spending night at Multan, lawyers would then leave for Lahore in the morning on June 11 (Tuesday), where caravan of lawyers, in the districts on the way, would also join them. The lawyers, who are likely to form a big procession, would reach Lahore in the evening on June 11 where Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhary would address a joint meeting of the Supreme Court Bar Association, Lahore High Court Bar Association, Lahore Bar Association and Lahore Tax Bar. The lawyers from outside the city, would have a night stay in Lahore on June 11 and next day on June 12, in the morning, the deluge of lawyers would march to Rawalpindi, which is their first station in the twin-city before marching ahead to the Parade Square.

As Aitzaz said, the lawyers' caravan would turn into a congregation consisting of millions of people by the time it reached the destination. According to him, lawyers from the district bars on the way to the Islamabad via GT Road would make a big show. As to the participation of Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry in the caravan, he said, it would be decided with consensus on June 11 and hoped that the CJP may also join the lawyers.

Aitzaz told the press conference that the marchers would in the first instance, reach Rawalpindi Bar Association and through Murree Road, they would move to the Islamabad Parade Square. At Murree Road, he said, lawyers caravans from Peshawar, Abbotabad, Haripur, Hazara, Mansehra and other districts as well as from Azad Jammu Kashmir would join the main procession. The Bar president said that different committees had been formed to monitor and regulate movement of the caravans converging from various parts of the country in the Federal Capital. He said that lawyers and others were tremendously showing high spirits as such he did not exactly know at what time they would reach Islamabad. The first phase of the lawyers from Karachi and Quetta, he said, has received great public response and the lawyers hoped massive participation of the public in the caravan.

Flanked by President LHCBA, Vice Chairman Punjab Bar Council Anwar Kamal, President Lahore Bar Association Manzoor Qadir, Secretary SCBA Amin Javed Chaudhry, former Vice Chairman AJK Bar Council Shaukat Ali Kiyani, former President SCBA Hamid Khan, and others.

Aitzaz Ahsan said lawyers' march would be totally peaceful as it had been over the last 15 months during which they took out thousands of rallies without causing damage to anything. He said dignity of the lawyers and the judges whose reinstatement was their objective, for an independent institution of judiciary, lay in staging peaceful march.

To a question, he said Justice Chaudhry would arrive here by air at 5:50pm on June 11 along with deposed SHC Chief Justice Justice Sabihuddin Ahmad.

To a question, Aitzaz said the Bar did not ask for any help from the Punjab government, however, provision of security was its responsibility in the interest of avoiding disturbance to the public and a smooth movement of the march. He said the judges separated from the office on November 3 were still the constitutional judges and it was their right that the provincial government accorded them protocol of a sitting judge. He commended the support the PML-N and its leaders, Mian Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif extended to the cause of judges reinstatement and said, this party from day one had pronounced a single stand about judges reinstatement and remained stuck to it without any compromise. He congratulated Shahbaz Sharif on his election as Chief Minister of the Punjab and hoped, as the PML-N was previously supporting the cause of the lawyers' movement, it would continue to do the same in future.

KARACHI: Lawyers resumed their "Long March" on Monday for the restoration of deposed judges sacked by President Pervez Musharraf on November 3 2007. Hundreds of lawyers along with political and civil society workers left the city for Islamabad in the form of a big gathering at mausoleum of Qauid-e-Azam.

The historical Long March, on the call of Pakistan Bar Council, resumed with enthusiasm and sprit of freedom of judiciary to rid the country of military dictatorship.

Lawyers gathered at the Sindh High Court Bar Association (SHCBA), Karachi Bar Association (KBA) and Malir Bar. A general body meeting was also held at the SHCBA where Justice (R) Fakharudin G Ibrahim and deposed Chief Justice Sindh Sabihuddin Ahmed addressed the lawyers.

"Long March is neither against nor in favour of any individual but to establish rule of law and freedom judiciary" Fakharudin G Ibrahim said.

He added the long march is the need of the hour and the lawyers and other people are required to participate in it. He believed that the movement for restoration of deposed judges would end in a success. He said that the rule of law was necessary to strengthen the democracy.

Deposed Chief Justice SHC Justice Sabeehuddin Ahmed said free judiciary is compulsory for a democratic society. He said that democratic society couldn't be established without rule of law and free judiciary.

After the general body meeting Justice (R) Fakharudin G Ibrahim and Justice Sindh Sabihuddin Ahmed saw off the caravan of lawyers from SHCBA.

When the rally came out from SHC building, hundreds of political and civil society workers showered rose petals on lawyers and later the caravan proceeded to the Mazar-e-Qauid.

Meanwhile, a general body meeting also held at Karachi Bar Association (KBA) at Shuhda-e-Punjab Hall where President KBA Mehmoodul Hassan addressed the lawyers.

He said that lawyers have left their homes in the interest of the nation and their struggle has entered its final phase.

Earlier, hundreds of political and civil society workers belonging to Jamat-e-Islami, PML-N, Tehreek-e-Insaaf, APDM, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, Pasban and Labour Party gathered outside the City Court to join the long march.

More rallies from High Court, City Court and Malir Court assembled at the mausoleum of Qauid-e-Azam where hundreds of political and civil society workers were present to welcome the lawyers. On this occasion, all gates of the mausoleum were closed for security reasons while the lawyers offered "fateha" from outside the Mazar.

After the arrival of different groups belonging to different political and civil society organizations, a big meeting took place outside the Mazar where President SHCBA Rashid Rizvi, Former President Supreme Court Bar Association Munir A Malik and Jamat-e-Islami General Secretary Munawar Hassan addressed the participants.

Rashid Rizvi stressed the movement would continue till the restoration of deposed judges and after reaching Islamabad lawyers would observe a sit-in and continue till the fulfillment of their demands.

Munir A Malik said that no one could shake the commitment of lawyers and their struggle would continue till the freedom of judiciary. He warned the establishment saying the President House was hatching conspiracies to sabotage the unity of the lawyers.

Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan General Secretary Munawar Hassan said that PPP could impeach Musharraf but it failed to do so. He urged the PML-N Chief Nawaz Sharif to decide that he was with Asif Ali Zardari or the peoples of Pakistan. He said that people were united on the restoration of judges and impeachment of Musharraf. He alleged that government was not sincere in reinstating the deposed Judges.

The long march started from Mazar-e-Quaid and proceeded to Hyderabad. It passed through various thoroughfares in the city where people welcomed the participants and showered rose petals on them.

Stern security measures were taken in the city. Police officials told that 400 policemen had been deployed along the routes of the march.

A police contingent was also present for the guidance of lawyers' convoy.

The caravan was comprised of more than one dozen coaches and other vehicles. It will reach Islamabad on June 12 (Wednesday).

Our Staff Reporter from Quetta adds: The caravan of lawyers left Quetta on Monday for Sukkur to join the long march for the restoration of deposed judges and independence of judiciary. The workers belonging to different political parties, organisations and Labour Federations also accompanied the caravan.

The caravan set off from the premises of district courts under the leadership of lawyers' leaders Ali Ahmad Kurd advocate, President Balochistan Bar Association Baz Muhammad Kakar and President High Court Association Hadi Shaskeel Ahmad advocate.

Leaders of different political parties including President National Party Dr Abdul Hayee Baloch, Provincial General Secretary Pashtoonkhawa Milli Awami Party Abdul Rahim Ziaratwal, Provincial Ameer Jamaat-i-Islami Maulana Abdul Haq Hashmi and a large number of political workers bade farewell to the caravan of lawyers.

Earlier, talking to newsmen and lawyers, Ali Ahmad Kurd said that the movement of lawyers was entered into a decisive phase and would continue till the acceptance of all genuine demands for independence of judiciary by restoring all deposed judges including Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry.

He said that lawyers had rendered great sacrifices for the independence of judiciary and supremacy of parliament and added that sacrifices of lawyers would bear fruit that would bring about a better change. He made it clear that lawyers movement was not for the restoration of only few judges rather it was for the entire 170 million people of the country whose rights to rule was encroached by a dictator. He said that because of lawyers fifteen months long movement, now no dictator would dare to deprive masses of Pakistan from their just rights to rule. "The lawyers will make complete boycott of courts till June 15 because of long march."

Speaking on the occasion, Dr Abdul Hayee Baloch said that All Parties Democratic Movement (APDM) was fully supporting the movement of lawyers. He said that APDM had boycotted general elections over the issue of judiciary and added that the lawyers movement was enjoying the support of masses of the country as well.

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The foreign funds are flowing and the lawyers are marching.

u took the words right out of my mouth - i was talking to someone over lunch on this topic - how are the lawyers sustaining this crusade which is more than 1-yr long now.
Whats so expensive about buying some party flags or the famous black flag, and then there is the travel costs and the food nothing that the ordinary Pakistani cant pay, it was really the Q league expenditure which was crazy, at every street there was their logo and their cycle and then super imposed musharrafs posted at every land post which were later burned. It came on capital talk where the money is coming from its just donations and the people in Islamabad are willing to give food and shelter for no extra cost. They want musharraf on trail. I think the today's slogan will also include trail... trail.

Please be logical.

The Lawyer movement requires funds and lots of these lawyers are not practising or going to courts and fighting cases, which is their source of Income. No one wonders how they are feeding their families and still doing the Long Marches and Strikes and everything.

A Child can understand what's going on but not our Ignorant people and the Shame is that we are mostly Ignorant!

Please be logical.

The Lawyer movement requires funds and lots of these lawyers are not practising or going to courts and fighting cases, which is their source of Income. No one wonders how they are feeding their families and still doing the Long Marches and Strikes and everything.

A Child can understand what's going on but not our Ignorant people and the Shame is that we are mostly Ignorant!

So PP,

Where do you think the funds are comming from if what u say is true ?

As soon as their master NS cut off the money flowing in lawyers pocket these guys will go dead shut as if nothing had happened..

Please be logical.

The Lawyer movement requires funds and lots of these lawyers are not practising or going to courts and fighting cases, which is their source of Income. No one wonders how they are feeding their families and still doing the Long Marches and Strikes and everything.

A Child can understand what's going on but not our Ignorant people and the Shame is that we are mostly Ignorant!

You mean you might be ignorant, and they do still fight cases but not every time the boycott you mean remains for x amount of time then it is business as usual.

The money, well Asif Ali Zardari ordered the government to pay all Justices, CJ's and CJP that were kicked out, and all back payment were given to the Judicial workers, you might learn a few thing from reading the news or watching news, its a shame we don't seem to educate ourselves before we educate others really.
Who paid the Lawyers during the March 07 protest.

:) there are reports that NS with help of a power did and infact that had killed many birds with one shot. on the one hand the black money was truned into white by spending on the movement of lawyers on on the other hand the power had succeeded in continuing the flow of the marches to create chaos and uncertainity so that it could carry on its agenda.
You mean you might be ignorant, and they do still fight cases but not every time the boycott you mean remains for x amount of time then it is business as usual.

:) Sir how much business these lawyers do in the normal days??

How many of these are practicing lawyers and how many of that are of good repute and get good fees ??? indeed not much.

So do you think the so-called lawyers sitting outside courts and earning something against Rs20 samp papers are able to pay for the about 40,000 lunch boxes during the first march and that too only in Lahore ???
:) there are reports that NS with help of a power did and infact that had killed many birds with one shot. on the one hand the black money was truned into white by spending on the movement of lawyers on on the other hand the power had succeeded in continuing the flow of the marches to create chaos and uncertainity so that it could carry on its agenda.

Living in a democratic country this allegation is laughable. You don't need money to protest its really simple, you basically need a banner a cause and that's a about it. I believe you are misrepresenting the views of the lawyers community, and to say a political party singular in context of your quote PML(N) was behind the scenes, that is not true, all political parties participated in the March protest. The only people who were getting forign funds were the musharraf clan I believe it was 100mill a mounth, very well paid I should say.
:) Sir how much business these lawyers do in the normal days??

How many of these are practicing lawyers and how many of that are of good repute and get good fees ??? indeed not much.

So do you think the so-called lawyers sitting outside courts and earning something against Rs20 samp papers are able to pay for the about 40,000 lunch boxes during the first march and that too only in Lahore ???

A practitioner earn per client most lawyer own their own business therefore they have employees its like an accountant infact quite similar, and I don't think a lawyer earn 100 ruppees per client do you? They are well paid and have reasonable high volumes of clients willing to pay for fighting their cases for checking legal documents for writing in accordance of law of courts or judge, for writing legal documents, this only touches the surface lawyers in this country charge by the hour and that is universal through out the world. Are you implying the lawyers are the poorest community in Pakistan who are you trying to make fool off, have you even seen there houses have seen how many houses the Justices that were illegally thrown out by Musharraf.

The only people who might be vulnerable are the political party workers.
Living in a democratic country this allegation is laughable. You don't need money to protest its really simple, you basically need a banner a cause and that's a about it. I believe you are misrepresenting the views of the lawyers community, and to say a political party singular in context of your quote PML(N) was behind the scenes, that is not true, all political parties participated in the March protest. The only people who were getting forign funds were the musharraf clan I believe it was 100mill a mounth, very well paid I should say.

If Musharraf was gettin forign funds then his objective would be to impose martial law and keep these black coat animals in jail while Gunja and BB stay out of pakistan or maybe in jail by now..
A practitioner earn per client most lawyer own their own business therefore they have employees its like an accountant infact quite similar, and I don't think a lawyer earn 100 ruppees per client do you? They are well paid and have reasonable high volumes of clients willing to pay for fighting their cases for checking legal documents for writing in accordance of law of courts or judge, for writing legal documents, this only touches the surface lawyers in this country charge by the hour and that is universal through out the world. Are you implying the lawyers are the poorest community in Pakistan who are you trying to make fool off, have you even seen there houses have seen how many houses the Justices that were illegally thrown out by Musharraf.

The only people who might be vulnerable are the political party workers.

I am asking you a simple qustion how many law practioners are there in Pakistan ???

Hardly few hunderds and and just a meager number of these are reputed ones whome the clients are willing to pay.

I would say again hunderds of so-called lawyers are even not those who are sitting in the premises of the court and writting stamp papers against Rs20.

and who told you that they are rich people only those are who are affiliated with the political parties and getting black looted money from these democraps.
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