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“Israel is an illegal creation of the United Kingdom!”

Well sir, by that logic, all countries are formed by force. Present day Pakistan was the Indus Valley Civilization and Hindu Kingdoms before the Muslim invaders came. Muslims formed their kingdom in India & Pakistan by force, and so did jews.

This is the fact of life, the one who has power has the right to occupation. There is nothing called an 'illegal' state since there are no LAWS to judge which land historically belongs to whom.

Not really. When most modern countries were formed, they belonged to the people actually living on the land at the time.

In the case of Israel, its future inhabitants were shipped in after the state was proposed in 1917. To give an analogy, it would be like declaring India to be a Sikh state (3% population) and then gradually terrorizing the non-Sikh population out of India over the next few decades.

Problem is Jews are not going to go anywhere we can debate till the cow comes home but what is the point?? at the end of the day only a 2 state solution is viable for peace

What you are saying is that "might is right".

those people who are saying Jews dont belong in Israel dont know much about Jewish history and the significance of the Temple mount in the Jewish religion.

Again, by that logic, China should annex all of India because of all the Buddhist monuments.
Not really. When most modern countries were formed, they belonged to the people actually living on the land at the time.

In the case of Israel, its future inhabitants were shipped in after the state was proposed in 1917. To give an analogy, it would be like declaring India to be a Sikh state (3% population) and then gradually terrorizing the non-Sikh population out of India over the next few decades.

Actually sir, most modern nations were formed because of an IDEA. The idea of what should be the values of the people living in one nation as opposed to the other. That is why we had a nation for muslims and one for non-muslims carved out of British India. Those nations were not only for the people living in the area. That is why we had mass migration during the partition.
Bottom line is Israel exist in its present form and most countries acknowledge the state of Israel
Actually sir, most modern nations were formed because of an IDEA. The idea of what should be the values of the people living in one nation as opposed to the other. That is why we had a nation for muslims and one for non-muslims carved out of British India. Those nations were not only for the people living in the area. That is why we had mass migration during the partition.

Not really. All modern countries were formed to encompass the people physically present on the land at the time. The fact that people moved later was purely because of human intolerance and ethnic cleansing. In the case of Pakistan, the areas which were already majority Muslim became Pakistan -- before any migration took place.

However, in the case of Israel, the state was proposed as a 'Jewish' state at a time when Jews only made up 3% of the population. It was understood from the beginning that massive ethnic cleansing and migration would be needed to make it a truly 'Jewish' state.
Not really. All modern countries were formed to encompass the people physically present on the land at the time. The fact that people moved later was purely because of human intolerance and ethnic cleansing. In the case of Pakistan, the areas which were already majority Muslim became Pakistan -- before any migration took place.

But human intolerance and fear of ethnic cleansing were the exact reasons for formation of Pakistan, weren't they? The fundamental idea of Pakistan was based on the fact that Hindus and Muslims were intolerant of each other and that Muslims would be oppressed under Hindu rule. If we needed to form a nation just to encompass the people physically present on the land, why did we need two separate nations?

However, in the case of Israel, the state was proposed as a 'Jewish' state at a time when Jews only made up 3% of the population. It was understood from the beginning that massive ethnic cleansing and migration would be needed to make it a truly 'Jewish' state.

There are very few cases of modern nations being formed without riots/migration. True, the Jews were only 3% of the population but they were stronger and grabbed the land. As you yourself said, 'might is right'.
We're talking in circles. I think we have both made our points.
Israel? What's that? :lol:

As stated in the constitution of Pakistan, we don't recognize any state called Israel, for us, it's illiegal occupation of Palestinian land by Zionists, sooner or later Palestinians will get back their land Insh'ALLAH.
Israel? What's that? :lol:

As stated in the constitution of Pakistan, we don't recognize any state called Israel, for us, it's illiegal occupation of Palestinian land by Zionists, sooner or later Palestinians will get back their land Insh'ALLAH.

Of course they will, will you be holding your breath until they do?
Been appearing a guest on this forum and seeing so many Israel threads. What good is it going to get not recognizing them? Out of more than 200 countries, only twenty or thirty don't recognize them. They don't recognize these countries either. Is it affecting them? No it is not. They have a developed economy, a constitution, a working society, a powerful military, a strong education and so on. So what good it is simply blocking them out?

No one can make them leave because some say they have nuclear bombs and a policy to use them when their conventional defense fails. So what solution is there? Either accept them or continue to live in denial. My two paise.
Once again, Pakistanis defending the Arab cause, ever wonder why Arabs don't give a sh!t about us Pakistanis?

Saudi Arabia just made more deals with india while we're here making Jews our enemies for the sake of these Arabs! Don't forget the words of Yasir Arafat when he called Indira Gandhi his sister!
Pehaps without Yasir Arafat the whole thing will be more uncomplicated.
In my view Arafat was a self-interest person pretending care for interests of palestinian.
Well, God see Jews grabbed Palestine land and become owner by short time. God see Jews willing to murder innocent people at any costs. God see Jews willing to fill up brick walls. God see Jews their plan of superior weapon technology next ten years. God see Jews called other races a terrorists and inhuman.

God know it is NOT a 'promised land' which exist today, many bloodshed, rape, death, angry, laws, starving, crying, white phosphorus bombs, etc.

I think, jews exactly remember where their land was destroyed 2,000 years ago.
Israel? What's that? :lol:

As stated in the constitution of Pakistan, we don't recognize any state called Israel, for us, it's illiegal occupation of Palestinian land by Zionists, sooner or later Palestinians will get back their land Insh'ALLAH.

No they won't.:woot:
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