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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

This is the standard response from states like Egypt, Saudia, and the 'moderate' Arab states as Israelis call them.

Exclusive: If ceasefire fails, regional war likely - Amir-Abdollahian​

  • ByAl Mayadeen English
  • Source: Al Mayadeen
  • 22 Nov 2023 22:33

Iranian Foreign Minister underlines that the Israeli occupation must do its best to uphold the ceasefire, because its failure could lead to an all-out regional war.

The Axis of Resistance has emphasized over and over again that if the war on Gaza
The Zionist Jewish criminals will not stop to terrorise until the Jewish criminals are crushed like pests cockroaches the won’t desist making the bloodshed of the people in region. May God’s wrath be upon the infidel Jews, the mass murderers of the corrupt station of Zion, in the eternal torments of hell reserved for revenge for all bloodshed.
Hezbollah will keep targeting Zionists, 4 day ceasefire or not.

This has sadly become a wicked comedy show in an otherwise rather horrifying state of affairs. The level of genius on this thread is agonizingly painful. Wow.

With all the murdering these criminal demons are perpetrating on the helpless women and children of Ghaza and to make sure we all concentrate on that and support our Palestinian brother @Falcon29 , there's still some geniuses with nothing to do but peddle the absolute absurdly pathetic fakest & imaginable anti-Arab BS propaganda. You just can't help yourself. Sad immaturity.

They are a carbon copy of the previous Western colonizers who preferentially took good, fertile land. And if they manage to attract a large number of Jewish immigrants then they would expand east and west--even would want the Nile River delta which is a very fertile large land. ANY nation in that region trusting this Colonial Dagger in that region is in denial!!

As evil as their ambitions might be, we are 110 million people most of us are concentrated right on that fertile Nile Delta, bro with a very powerful army pls don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Not a chance a single demon could even sniff a quick, cool breeze off the water on a beautiful summer night. Don't even worry about it for another second. 🙂

This criminal zio cockroach pos got what was coming to him,and very quickly too. :enjoy:
I think the zios are going to find it a hell of a lot harder in many more parts of the world to try and use the threat of "antisemitism" to try and stifle condemnation of their crimes.

There you go! Excellent. Another demon behind bars where it belongs. The only problem is they need special one-way glass and not actual bars because you know demons, they can slip through between those bars just like ghosts. Better have high-strength demonglass with black light & smoke screens to make them visible all time. :D Peace. We outta here.
It seems that the occupation is evading and delaying the start of the truce in order to achieve field gains in Gaza that would enhance the progress of its forces, but, God willing, everything will turn against it.

The truce is supposed to start today, but the occupation is procrastinating, and the matter may extend until tomorrow, and it may try to “break up” everything because the truce was imposed on it.


Israeli officials says no captives released before Friday as part of Qatar-mediated truce agreement​

Ceasefire delayed - Israel did not explain the reason - reports Al Jazeera


Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to continue fighting Hamas after ceasefire ends​

Netanyahu stressed that Israel had no intention of ending the conflict. Still, some analysts said the international community should use the pause to try and secure a more lasting end to the fighting.Mohamad Elmasry, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, joins Al Jazeera to discuss the latest developments.

The Zionist bastards are making it clear that they want to continue fighting and annex Gaza finally.
Indonesians fought for their freedom against the Dutch colonialist racist bastards who totally plundered their country, so they totally understand the plight of the besieged Palestinians and the evil nature of Zionist scum. Indonesian diaspora like Palestinians, Algerians, Iranians, Lebanese and Turks are at the forefront of global support for Palestine. Every rally I have attended I have met Indonesian and Malaysian Muslims who are very passionate about Palestine. Never met an Egyptian, Moroccan, Saudi, Jordanian or Emirati soulless puppet though.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to continue fighting Hamas after ceasefire ends​

Netanyahu stressed that Israel had no intention of ending the conflict. Still, some analysts said the international community should use the pause to try and secure a more lasting end to the fighting.Mohamad Elmasry, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, joins Al Jazeera to discuss the latest developments.

The Zionist bastards are making it clear that they want to continue fighting and annex Gaza finally.
They are strutting on US support and this is just a pause to restock the JDAMS. The bastards intend to destroy Gaza and create a second Nakba with Saudi, Egyptian and Jordanian puppet regimes support. This conflict will turn regional if the Zionist evil child killing bastards continue the holocaust of Palestine. The global anger in rising.
They are strutting on US support and this is just a pause to restock the JDAMS. The bastards intend to destroy Gaza and create a second Nakba with Saudi, Egyptian and Jordanian puppet regimes support. This conflict will turn regional if the Zionist evil child killing bastards continue the holocaust of Palestine. The global anger in rising.

Completely agree. This is a tactical pause from their perspective.

As for this escalating to regional - only possible if Hezbollah goes all in. I have no expectations from the puppet traitor Arab leaders.
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